大家來Wiggle!, known as Get Ready to Wiggle in English[2], is the first Taiwanese Wiggles video special. It was released on April 24, 2003.
歡迎來到 The Wiggles 明亮、歡樂的世界!
The Wiggles是一個充滿朝氣與快樂的音樂團體,朗朗上口的音樂、有趣的歌詞、新鮮創意的律動舞蹈、幽默風趣的短劇,The Wiggles已經成功地赢得全世界各地小朋友以及父母的歡心!現在,台灣華特迪士尼將Wiggles風潮引進台灣。想要提供給您的小寶貝國際級的優質律動娛樂嗎?快來我們一起wiggle吧!
English Translation[]
Welcome to the bright, happy world of The Wiggles!
The Wiggles is a vibrant and joyful musical group. With catchy music, fun lyrics, innovative dance routines, and humorous skits, The Wiggles have successfully won the hearts of children and parents all over the world! Now, Walt Disney Taiwan is bringing the Wiggles to Taiwan. Want to provide your little ones with world-class quality rhythmic entertainment? Come and wiggle with us!
Song and Segment List[]
Note: Segments marked in bold.
- Wiggles以及好朋友們 人物介紹
- Wiggles 來了
- Get Ready To Wiggle
- 香甜玉米
- Arthur的講故事大賽
- 熊來了
- 火車快飛
- 帶Wags去尋寶
- 船長的鴨子舞
- 跳跳Monkey舞
- Anni是魔術師
- 小熊晚安
- Wake up, Danny
- Danny又睡著了
- D.O.R.O.T.H.Y.我最愛的小恐龍
- 章魚Henry
- Carlos的頭髮
- Wiggle groove節奏
- Romp Bomp A Stomp
- Wiggly Party 扭扭舞
- Carlos Chang - Carlos Wiggle
- Arthur Chen - Arthur Wiggle
- Anni Hsu - Anni Wiggle
- Danny Shao - Danny Wiggle
Segment #1: Character introductions
Each of the Wiggles and their friends introduce themselves and briefly talk about their hobbies.
- Anni wears red, and she wants to tell everyone a secret. In addition to singing and dancing, she also likes doing magic tricks. She demonstrates a trick where she's able to make a coin disappear in her hand, and asks everyone if they want to join in and wiggle.
- Arthur tells everyone that he wears blue, and says that some of his favorite things to do are singing, dancing and playing guitar. However, he especially loves to eat. He asks everyone what their favorite food is, stating that his favorite foods are cheese and fruit salad. He then invites everyone to wiggle together.
- Carlos is the yellow Wiggle. He loves singing, dancing and playing the drums because it makes him really happy. He also says that when the weather is nice, he likes to drive the Big Red Car and ride around with the other Wiggles.
- Danny is asleep, but the other Wiggles wake him up by shouting "Wake up, Danny!" offscreen. Danny then says hello to everyone, and says that you can tell by the color of his shirt that he's the purple Wiggle. He loves to dance and play the guitar, but he often falls asleep without realizing. He falls asleep mid-sentence, and the other Wiggles wake him up again. After he wakes up, Danny asks everyone if they're ready to wiggle with him.
- Captain Feathersword, or "飛毛船長" as he is introduced, says "Ahoy there" to everyone and says that he is a friendly pirate. He says that he loves tickling the Wiggles with his feathersword. He lets everyone in on a secret - he has six magic buttons on his pirate vest. He then shows everyone exactly what happens when you push one of the buttons. After pushing a button, he starts to quack like a duck before running off screen.
- 章魚Henry (Henry the Octopus) introduces himself and asks everyone if they can guess how many legs he has. He has 8 legs in total, which means he also wears 8 shoes. Henry likes to keep his shoes clean by polishing them every morning. He then invites everyone to start spinning around.
- 小恐龍Dorothy (Dorothy the Dinosaur) says hello to everyone. She loves roses, and has many of them in her garden. She proclaims that she is five years old, and invites everyone to count to 5 in English.
- Captain returns to introduce his best friend, 狗狗Wags (Wags the Dog). Captain tells everyone that they might not be able to understand what Wags is saying, but that he can translate. Wags loves making friends and playing with new people, and he also loves to eat and dig in the garden. He also enjoys going on treasure hunts. Captain says that everyone is more than welcome to ask Wags for help if they need it.
Anni, Arthur and Carlos say "hi" and introduce themselves to everyone. However, Danny has fallen asleep. Carlos takes note of this and tries to wake him up. However, asking Danny to "起床嘍" (wake up) in Mandarin does not work. Arthur tells Carlos that he needs to use English to wake Danny up. Before they start singing, everyone needs to use the English phrase "Wake up, Danny!" to successfully wake him up. They proceed to count to "three" in English and shout the aforementioned phrase, which manages to wake Danny up. Danny says that it's time to start singing "Here Come The Wiggles".
Song #1: Here Come the Wiggles (Wiggles來了)
The Taiwanese Wiggles introduce themselves, but Danny has fallen asleep. Carlos once again tries to wake him up in Mandarin, but fails. Anni reminds him that he needs to use English to wake Danny up, to which Carlos replies that he forgot. He asks everyone to help them, by counting to 3 and saying "Wake up, Danny". They do so and Danny wakes up, not realizing he fell asleep. Arthur points out that everybody is here, and even Danny is awake. He then asks everyone "Are you ready?", to which they reply yes. He tells everyone to "Get ready to wiggle".
Song #2: Get Ready To Wiggle
Danny greets everyone, and notices Arthur coming in from the left. He says "hi" to Arthur and asks him if he's had breakfast yet. Arthur replies yes, and that he is very energetic because he had a full breakfast. Carlos comes in, and Arthur asks him what he had for breakfast. Carlos replies that he had bread and milk, and he feels very full. Anni arrives and Carlos asks her about her breakfast. She replies that she had rice cereal with meat floss and scrambled eggs. She tries to ask Danny if he's had breakfast yet, but he has fallen asleep. Anni states that she wants to sing, and Arthur suggests waking Danny up with English. They say "One, two, three, Wake up, Danny!", which manages to wake him up. Danny wants to eat breakfast, specifically rice balls and soy milk. Danny then notices a smell - he proclaims that there's nothing there, but it smells like sweet corn. Anni suggests singing the "Sweet Corn" song.
Song #2: Sweet Corn (香甜玉米)
Segment #4: Danny Fell Asleep Again (Danny又睡著了)
The Taiwanese Wiggles play "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to determine who is the seeker in their game of "Hide-and-Seek." Danny loses to all three of the Wiggles and has to count. As he then proceeds to count to ten, Anni, Arthur and Carlos rush to their hiding places. Carlos hides behind the Big Red Car, Anni behind a bush and Arthur behind the mailbox. Luckily for them, Danny instantly becomes tired and falls asleep while trying to count to the number 10. Meanwhile, their friend Dorothy the Dinosaur comes to visit. Dorothy runs over to the Big Red Car and asks Carlos what he's doing. He tells her that they're playing hide-and-seek, signaling her to be quiet as to not give away their hiding spots. Dorothy goes over to the mailbox and asks Arthur if he's playing as well, to which he replies yes. She then goes over to the bush, and says hello to Anni. She tells Dorothy that Danny is the seeker and to not tell him where they are hiding. When Dorothy walks over to Danny, she notices that he is asleep and tells everyone to stop hiding. Carlos invites everyone to say "1, 2, 3, Wake up, Danny!" in English to wake him up. After they do so, Danny wakes up, not realizing that he was asleep. They decide to play again, Dorothy offers to be the seeker. The Wiggles rush back to their same spots. Danny seems to have trouble finding a hiding spot. He then becomes tired again, causing him to fall asleep in a purple lawn chair. Dorothy notes that since she already knows where the Wiggles were hiding, it will be rather easy to find them again. She finds all three of the Wiggles without any trouble. However, they all hear someone snoring and they walk over to see where it's coming from. They see Danny asleep and wake him up again. Danny wakes up and shrugs.
Song #10: D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur) (D.O.R.O.T.H.Y.我最愛的小恐龍)
Segment #5: Carlos' Hair (Carlos的頭髮)
In Wigglehouse, Carlos, Anni, Danny are having lunch. Then, Carlos comes out of his bedroom with a full head of curly hair. The other three Wiggles immediately notice Carlos' long hair. Carlos seems confused at first, then touches his hair. The other Wiggles tell him that he's hair is long. Then he goes to the mirror and sees that his hair is long. Carlos then runs back and forth in panic. Arthur gets a chair and sits Carlos down. Anni, Danny, and Arthur get some supplies and get to work on Carlos' hair. The first hairstyle they try is similar to the other one, but longer. The other Wiggles don't approve it. Then they immediately begin to work on his hair again. The next hairstyle they try is a blonde hairstyle, then Anni and Arthur giggle at it, then they try again. Then they finally succeed in fixing Carlos' hair. Carlos looks out the window and decides to play some cricket. The other Wiggles get back to eating their lunch. Carlos gets out of his bedroom going outside to play cricket. But unfortunately, Carlos takes off his helmet and his hair has grown back again. The Wiggles drop their food in surprise. Arthur then says they have to give Carlos another haircut.
- With the exception of the character introductions in the beginning, the video's contents appear to have been sourced from various episodes of the Taiwanese Wiggles' TV series.
- During the shortened Wigglehouse intro to "Arthur的講故事大賽", part of the ending shot to "兩邊看" can be seen toward the outer edges of the screen; this error occurred in the first episode of the series.
- Despite the majority of them being concealed by fading to black between songs/segments, the original transitions can be seen in the beginning of "跳跳Monkey舞", "小熊晚安", and "Wake up, Danny", with the latter including the original sound effect.
- The ending to "造飛機" can be faintly heard at the beginning of "跳跳Monkey舞".
- Although the video does not contain a credits sequence, select crew members are listed on the back of the booklet included with the DVD.
- Names mentioned include:
- John Berrick[3]
- Angela Cheung (producer)
- Anthony Crowley[4] (musical director)
- Yvette Lee[5] (choreographer)
- Names mentioned include:
- In the lyrics section of the DVD and VCD booklets, only The Wiggles (M. Cook, J. Fatt, A. Field, G. Page) are credited for writing the music. John Field, Dominic Lindsay and Craig Abercrombie do not receive credits for their respective songs.
- The music video for "Wiggles組曲" is included as a bonus feature near the end of the disc.
- It is also included on the accompanying CD disc, and it would later be featured on the "歡樂Party!" video and album.
- The DVD was included in a "New Years' Red Envelope" gift set released in 2004[6][7], along with the "歡樂Party!" DVD and a backpack.
- On the bonus karaoke song of "Get Ready to Wiggle": the word "to" is completely left out in the title
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20040808105441/http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/dvd/dvdfile.php?item=D020002659
- ↑ https://wiggles.fandom.com/wiki/File:Ready,Steady,Wiggle!TourProgrammePage41%2642.jpg
- ↑ http://hullabaloo.com.au/htm/Main%20htm/Previous%20Producer/john_berrick.htm
- ↑ https://www.theage.com.au/entertainment/art-and-design/facing-up-to-home-truths-20030627-gdvy0k.html
- ↑ https://yvettelee.com/biography/
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20040912011122/http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/dvd/dvdfile.php?item=D020007167
- ↑ https://web.archive.org/web/20041120075843/http://www.forward.com.tw/ec_ViewProduct.asp?productid=279&sizeid=12