This is the transcript for 15 Years of Wiggly Fun!.
(It starts with the number 15 candle on their birthday cake then it zooms out to The Wiggly Group are wearing their party hats & balloons.)
Greg: Hi. (with the others.) We're The Wiggles.
Anthony: I'm Anthony.
Murray: I'm Murray.
Greg: I'm Greg.
Jeff: I'm Jeff.
Greg: And we want to thank you for buying the newspaper, everybody, and for helping us celebrate 15 Wiggly years together. We hope you enjoy watching this exclusive DVD as much as we enjoyed making it for you. Everybody, it's time to celebrate in Wiggly fashion. Hip, hip! (with others.) Hooray!
(They all cheered, as streamers explode, then floating balloons transition to Dorothy introducing herself.)
Dorothy: Hi, everyone. I'm Dorothy The Dinosaur. (The title card comes on to the screen.) This year's a Wiggly birthday and you're all invited to join the celebration. (A flashback clip for a Song: Henry's Dance from Here Comes The Big Red Car.) My friends, The Wiggles, have been making music for over 15 years. (She is gonna show their memories way back for a long time ago.) Anthony, Murray and Greg studied early childhood education at Sydney's Macquarie University. They would got together with their friends to busk. "Busking" means singing in the streets. The Wiggles didn't yet have their childhood shirts at this stage, but they were already making great music. They ask their friend Jeff to join them, recording their first album, The Wiggles, in 1991 with the ABC. The Wiggles first live shows were at preschools, expos, parks, shopping centres and theatres and anywhere outdoors. Ooh, that's a photo of me when I was young, with my lovely white gloves. Here's a photo of The Wiggles first live TV performance, helping to promote Red Nose Day in August of 1991. The Wiggles first full length video release was called Wiggle Time! (Shot transition to The Wiggles are waving their hands way up high from the song "Whenever I Hear This Music" and the Wiggle Time logo is showing in front, with the "The Wiggles Video" by-line while it plays the beginning part of Get Ready To Wiggle instrumental track for during the background music.) and included one of my favourite songs, Rock-A-Bye Your Bear. So everybody clap and everybody sing with the original video of Rock-A-Bye Your Bear.
(A scene translates to they were having a teddy bear's picnic.)
Murray: We're having a teddy bears picnic. Everybody's brought their favourite bear along. Perhaps you could have a teddy bears picnic at home.
Greg: I know a song about teddy bears. Can you sing and do the actions with us?
(They were all standing up for the Song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear while Greg is gonna do the actions & sing the song.)
Greg: (singing while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Everybody clap
Everybody sing la la la la la
Bow to your partner
Then you turn around
Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
(A scene fades in to a bear is on the stroller chair.)
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
Shh, shh, shh
Bears now asleep
(Shot transition to Dorothy talks about their memories.)
Dorothy: "Wiggle Time!" was a great success, and so The Wiggles set off on the road all around Australia. Children loved hearing The Wiggles music. The Wiggles were very busy, performing three to four shows a day for ten months of the year. Wow, they were busy Wiggles! They even made the newspapers as the world spread. The Wiggles released more albums and videos through the ABC and received their first award from APRA for the Best Children's Composition of the Year for "Hot Potato". It was the first of many awards to come, winning the APRA Award in 94, 95 and 96 as more and more albums and videos were to follow.
(A scene translates to the video starts with a slow motion clip of D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur) during Get Ready To Wiggle playing in the background at the beginning part then a title card appears on the screen.)
Anthony: Everybody, loosen up! Let's Get Ready To Wiggle!
Dorothy: Here's the original "Hot Potato" film clip, with Anthony's dad playing John the cook.
(The screen translates turns to blue & pink background then it turns back to The Wiggles & John The Cook.)
Greg: Hello, everybody. We're The Wiggles. I'm Greg.
Murray: I'm Murray.
Anthony: I'm Anthony.
Jeff: And I'm Jeff, and this is our friend, John the Cook.
John: (waving to the camera.) Hi, everybody.
Murray: What have you got there, John?
John: I've got some cold spaghetti.
Anthony: Cold Spaghetti? Oh, look at it. It's all Wiggly.... spaghetti.
John: And mashed banana.
Greg: Yes, there's some bananas here to be mashed up, all ooey-gooey squishy-squashy.
John: And these are hot potatoes.
Murray: Hot potatoes! Wow! (He picks up a hot potato then it gets too hot then tossed over to the others.) Ooh! Ooh! Hot! Hot!
Jeff: Ouch!
Anthony: Ooh, ooh, it is hot!
Greg: Ooh! Ow, you're right! It's very hot. We'll put that back there (He put his potato down.) So let's sing a song all about hot potatoes, cold spaghetti and mashed banana. But make sure you watch out for Captain Feathersword, because he loves eating everybody's food.
(Banana transition to the song: Hot Potato.)
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti
John The Cook: (in high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
John The Cook: (in high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana)
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana, banana, banana
John The Cook: (in high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
John The Cook: (in high voice.) Ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy, ooh, jiggy, jiggy, jiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
(A scene that Captain Feathersword was so shocked that there are no potatoes left in this bowl then shot transition to Dorothy talk about The Wiggles what have they've done making their projects.)
Dorothy: The first Big Red Car was very simple but still a lot of fun. The Wiggles became Australia's most successful children's entertainers. They continued to perform live all around Australia.
(Shot transition to the Song: The Monkey Dance. A scene where they filmed on December 7, 1998 at Sydney Entertainment Centre A.K.A. Toot Toot Show! from Australia.)
Greg: Alright, everyone. Here's three of our favourite animals. Let's move like them. Here we go!
The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the monkey
(Jeff: Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
The Wiggles: (singing) Do the monkey
(Jeff: Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
The Wiggles: (singing) Monkey, monkey
(Jeff: Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
The Wiggles: (singing) Yeah, that's alright
Greg: Here comes an elephant, everybody!
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking their own TV Shows & a movie that they've made.)
Dorothy: They made their own television series, which was shown in many different countries around the world.
(Shot transition to clips from The Wiggles (TV Series 1) including Anthony's Friend & Foodman.)
Greg: (singing) We're ready to wiggle!
Wiggle your fingers high in the sky!
We're ready to wiggle!
Wiggle your ears and wiggle your eyes!
Anthony: (He is holding a pot & spoon banging.) Keep skipping, Morty.
(Jeff, Greg and Murray alarmed by the noise, jump out of their rooms, facing Anthony.)
Anthony: Come on, guys. Join in. Morty doesn't mind. Do you, Morty?
Joey The Crab: Ah, Henry, why are you shouting?
Greg: (offscreen.) Henry laughed and kept driving to see what other friends he could see.
Captain Feathersword: What do they say? "Fall off your bike, get right back on." Hoo-hoo-hoo! Ooh! (He is trying to ride his unicycle but he failed) Right back on! (He is trying to ride his unicycle again but he failed while Wags laughs.)
Anthony: (He turns around while giving the drum roll then he dressed up as a superhero called "Foodman".) I'm Foodman!
Greg, Jeff & Murray: (to the camera.) Foodman?
(Shot transition to the Song: In The Wiggles' World.)
(An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)
Greg: (singing) We know a world a magic world
Come with us and see
Anything can happen in this special world
It can happen to you or me
It's where The Wiggles live
Why don't you come along?
And meet their friends as well.
There's music and dancing, magic and games
And lots of great stories to tell
In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here So let's give a cheer Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(After the CGI Wigglehouse is shown then the sparkle translates to the Live Action Wiggles are walking down the path waving hello then it translates to Emma Ryan painting a picture then the paintbrush splats to The Wiggles Logo appears on the screen then shot transition to Dorothy talks about her own movie while the 20th Century Fox logo is shown.)
Dorothy: (offscreen.) And even made their own movie.
(Shot transition to the Song: Quack Quack from The Wiggles Movie.)
Greg: (singing) Doo, dooby-doo, dooby-doo
Doo, doo, doo, dooby-doo
Doo, dooby-doo, dooby-doo
Doo, doo, doo, dooby-doo
(It fades to the part where The Wiggles get out from the Big Red Car and they see a sign that reads "Brrrrrr Street".)
Anthony: Oh! "Brrrrrr Street"! I wonder why they call it "Brrrrrr Street"
The Professional Wiggles: Brrrrrr! Don't know!
(The Wiggles enter "Brrrrrr Street". where it's snow storming!)
The Wiggles: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! (being blown by the wind and falling down at the back of the Big Red Car.) Aaaagh! Oh!
Anthony: (rubbing his arms.) So that's why they call it "Brrrrrr Street"!
Greg: (rubbing his arms.) I don't think this is the way. I think we'd better head back to the Wiggle House. At least we know how to we get there.
Jeff: (warming his hands.) I'm getting worried we won't find Dorothy in time for tonight's surprise party.
Anthony: Me too.
Murray: (rubbing his arms.) Me three.
(Shot transition to the song: Ooh It's Captain Feathersword then shot transition to Dorothy talking about more TV Shows.)
Dorothy: Children love The Wiggles TV Shows, and so, to date, The Wiggles have made five television series.
(Shot transition to the song: Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! a scene for during the opening sequence for TV Series 3.)
(children singing) Go, go, go, go, go, go
The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!
Greg: (singing) Welcome to our TV Show
The Wiggles: (singing) Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!
Dorothy: Everybody, let's go
(It translates to the Song: Here Come The Wiggles. A scene for during the opening sequence for The Wiggles Show! TV Series 1 A.K.A. TV Series 4.)
The Wiggles: (singing) It's the Wiggles, it's the Wiggles
Greg: (singing) Dancing with their friends
Dorothy: (giggles) Heee heee heee.
The Wiggles: (singing) It's the Wiggles, it's the Wiggles
Greg: (singing) The fun will never end
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there.
Greg: (singing) We'd like you to clap and sing and dance along too
Now that everybody's here,
The Wiggles: (singing) That'll be so easy, that'll be so easy
That'll be so easy to do.
(The title card is shown then it translates to Dorothy talking about different countries around the world.)
Dorothy: Children all over Australia knew and loved The Wiggles. And so The Wiggles started to include places overseas as part of their live concert schedule. In one year, The Wiggles tired Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, the USA, Canada and the UK. It really was becoming a Wiggly, Wiggly world. As part of sharing The Wiggles music with the rest of the world, The Wiggles have made Wiggles shows in different languages. There's the Latin American Wiggles music.
(Shot transition to the Song: Ensalada De Fruta in Latin American.)
Latin Wiggles: (singing) Ensalada de fruta fresca
Francisco: (singing) !Que sabrosa, que sabrosa, que sabrosa es!
Fernando Jr. (singing) Una esalada de fruta yo hare
Es divertido y es sano ademas
Tama la fruta que quieros comer
Comer le fruta es un placer
(The Other Latin Wiggles: (singing) Primer paso)
Fernando Jr. (singing) Pelo los bananas
(The Other Latin Wiggles: (singing) Segundo paso)
Fernando Jr. (singing) Pon algunas uvas
(The Other Latin Wiggles: (singing) En el tercero)
Fernando Jr. (singing) Corta las manzanas
Corta melones y ponios en el plato
Latin Wiggles: (singing) Fruta fresca
Dorothy: The Wiggles in Mandarin.
(Shot transition to the Song: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?) in Mandarin.)
Danny: (singing) 你能用手指指點一下嗎
Vivi: Everybody's twisting, Danny.
Danny: (singing) 你能用手指指點一下嗎
Arthur: We're all doing the twist.
Taiwanese Wiggles: (singing) 我們要往上走
Samuel: What's next, Danny? What's next?
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Dreamworld a Wiggles World park.)
Dorothy: And they plan to have Wiggles songs in many more different languages. The Wiggles even have their own theme park within a theme park. It's a Wiggles World!
(Shot transition to Dreamworld at Wiggles World Parks commercial.)
Greg: (singing) In The Wiggles' world.
In The Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
So let's give a cheer
Welcome to The Wiggles' world.
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about their Wiggles videos that they did starting with Wiggle Bay.)
Dorothy: The Wiggles have told many wonderful stories over the years. We've been to "Wiggle Bay".
(Shot transition to some clips from Wiggle Bay. First it translates to the story begins where The Wiggly Group are rowing our boat as we start the Song: Wiggle Bay.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoa ho, ho, land ahoy me hearties!
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're on our way to Wiggle Bay)
(Dorothy: (giggles) He hee hee!)
Greg: (singing) Just a few waves
Wags: Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!
and we'll be on our way.
(Then a scene translates to Anthony found something.)
Anthony: (He is found something shiny looking down there in the ocean.) Hey, look! What's that?
(Finally the Song translates to Swim Like A Fish. A scene where someone who put The Wiggles vinyl record & turns on the record player while The Wiggly Dancers & The Wiggles are dancing about a fish.)
Greg: (singing) Come on, everybody
Let's dance
Swim Like a Fish
Come on, everybody
Let's dance
Swim Like a Fish
I use my fins to flip and flop around
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah)
Greg: (singing) I use my tail to splish and splash
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Wah wah wah wah wah wah)
(Wah wah wah)
Swimming like a fish
Swim like a fish
Swimming like a fish
Swim like a fish
Swimming like a fish
Swim like a fish
Swimming like a fish
Swim like a fish
(Wah wah wah)
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Cold Spaghetti Western.)
Dorothy: The Wiggles have saddled up and hit the Western trail.
(Shot transition to some clips from Cold Spaghetti Western. First it translates to the Song called We're The Cowboys. A scene where The Wiggles are continued singing outside.)
Greg: (singing) We're the cowboys
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)
Greg: (singing) And we ride our horses this way
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy boots)
Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day
(Then a Song translates to Cielito Lindo. A scene where the audience are gonna sit down and watch The Wiggles dressed as mariachi clothes while The Wiggly Mascots are dancing to the song.)
Fernando & Fernandito: (singing) Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores
Anthony: That's it!
Porque cantando se alegran
Cielito lindo los corazones
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party.)
Dorothy: We got all our friends together and had a "Wiggly Party".
(Shot transition to some clips from Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party. First it translates to the song called Wiggly Party.)
Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Oh! Wiggly Party,
The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!
Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming
The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!
Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming
The Wiggles: (singing) Wiggly Party!
Captain Feathersword: (in high voice.) Everybody's coming
Captain Feathersword: (in normal voice.) Stamp, stamp, stamp, clap, clap, clap. Wiggle your hips just like that.
(Then a Song translates to Marie's Wedding. A scene where bride & groom are coming out while The Wiggles & kids are throwing confetti and then Dorothy The Dinosaur dressed as a bride while Wags hold their arms together & they could get married.)
The Wiggles: (singing) Step we gaily, on we go
Heel for heel and toe for toe
Arm in arm and off we go
All for Marie's wedding
Greg: (singing) Over hillways up and down
Myrtle green and bracken brown
Past the shielin through the town
All for sake of Marie
The Wiggles: (singing) Step we gaily, on we go
Heel for heel and toe for toe
Arm in arm and off we go
All for Marie's wedding
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Wiggly Safari.)
Dorothy: The Wiggles met lots of Australian animals on a "Wiggly Safari".
(Shot transition to some clips from Wiggly Safari. First it translates to Anthony & Steve Irwin are talking about dingos.)
Anthony: And Steve, do they bark much?
Steve Irwin: No, mate. They don't bark at all.
Anthony: What do they do?
Steve Irwin: They.... (howling with Anthony.)
(Then a Song translates to Dingo Tango.)
Greg: (singing) Little dingo,
Anthony: (singing) little dingo,
Captain Feathersword: (singing) little dingo,
Murray & Jeff: (singing) little dingo
Greg: (singing) Walking in the morning light
Little dingo,
Anthony: (singing) little dingo,
Captain Feathersword: (singing) little dingo,
Murray & Jeff: (singing) little dingo
Greg: (singing) With your furry paws of white
Little dingo,
Anthony: (singing) little dingo,
Captain Feathersword: (singing) little dingo,
Murray & Jeff: (singing) little dingo
Greg: (singing) Walking in the desert sun
Little dingo,
Anthony: (singing) little dingo,
Captain Feathersword: (singing) little dingo,
Murray & Jeff: (singing) little dingo
Greg: (singing) Your day has just begun
(Finally the Song translates to We're The Crocodile Band.)
Greg: (singing) We're the crocodile band
((The Other Wiggles singing) Snap, snap)
Greg: (singing) Playing for all the crocodiles in the land
((The Other Wiggles singing) Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo)
Greg: (singing) We're the crocodile band
((The Other Wiggles singing) Ba-a-a-and)
Anthony: "Those crocodiles love this music."
Greg: (singing) We wear really snappy clothes
((The Other Wiggles singing) Snap, snap)
Greg: (singing) We always look so sharp
When we play our drums, guitars and harps
Murray: "The crocs are rocking."
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about their own CGI video called Space Dancing!.)
Dorothy: With the help of Wiggly animation, The Wiggles went "Space Dancing".
(Shot transition to some clips from Space Dancing!. First it translates to the Song called What's This Button For?.)
Captain Feathersword: Hey, What's this button for? (Captain Feathersword presses some of different button.)
The Wiggles: Don't
The Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Hey Greg! What's this button for?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Oh ho, what about this one?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Wow!)
Greg: (singing) Why don't you try reading a book?
(Captain Feathersword: I'd love to, Greg, but I have no time to look!)
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) The Captain's enraptured, he's getting distracted)
(Captain Feathersword: I can't help myself! Oh, I just gotta know!)
The Wiggles: (singing) What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Yeah, what's this button for?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo hey, what about this button?)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Hey, this big red button looks fun)
What's this button for?
(Captain Feathersword: Whoo hoo hoo!)
(Then a scene translates to The Wiggles are saying goodbye to the gloomies.)
All: Zee ya, Gloomies.
(As they get into the spaceship after saying goodbye to the gloomies and then the spaceship blast off and leave Gloomy World until they have to go back home.)
(Song: Going Home for during the first 5 seconds then Shot transition to Dorothy talking about New York City in Central Park.)
Dorothy: The Wiggles travelled to New York City to take a walk in Central Park.
(Shot transition to a Song clip called Central Park New York from Top of the Tots.)
All: (singing) Central Park New York
Through the park we'll walk
(Anthony: This is beautiful)
All: (singing) To the squirrels we'll talk
(Anthony: G'day squirrels)
All: (singing) New York, the park, we'll walk
New York, the park, we'll talk
(Anthony: Tell us about it Greg)
Greg: (singing) Lots of ways to see the sights
We'll take a
All: (singing) horse and carriage ride
Greg: (singing) Oh it will take a long, long time
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Santa Claus in their video called Santa's Rockin'!.)
Dorothy: The Wiggles had a lot of fun meeting that great big man in red, Santa Claus!
(Shot transition to some clips from Santa's Rockin'!. First it translates to the Song called Great Big Man In Red.)
All: (singing) All over the world, you see the great big man in red
Greg: (singing) With his red hat on his head
(Then a Song translates to Rockin' Santa!. A scene where Santa is on a sleigh while The Wiggly Group are having a dance while John Fogerty singing this song.)
Greg: (singing) Rockin' Santa
(Santa: Ho ho!)
The Other Wiggles: (singing) He knows how to dance with his ho ho ho!
Greg: (singing) He can dance fast and he can dance slow
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Let's rock and roll to the groovy North Pole
(Santa: Oh, let's rock and roll!)
Greg: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about our trip that we went to Sailing Around the World.)
Dorothy: We hopped on board the S.S. Feathersword and sailed all around the world.
(Shot transition to a Song clip called Sailing Around The World for during the opening sequence of Sailing Around the World.)
Greg: (singing) Come on now, come along with me
(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) We're taking a trip on the wavy sea
(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)
Anthony: (singing) On the Goodship Feathersword.
Greg: (singing) Come on now, come along with me
(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Oh we're taking a trip on the wavy sea.
(Murray & Jeff: (singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) On the Good Ship Feathersword. Hoo hoo
Oh ho!
(Then video title card is shown again then shot transition to Dorothy talking about they're driving in the Big Red Car.)
Dorothy: Greg, Murray, Jeff and Anthony love to ride in the Big Red Car.
(Shot transition to a Song clip called Big Red Car from Here Comes The Big Red Car.)
Greg: (singing) Jump in the car
And buckle up
And we can drive the whole day long
Jump in the car
Put on my seat belt
And we can ride the whole day long
Ride into town
Walk down the street
Get back in the car
And buckle up into my seat
Yes, that's the way we do it
Riding in our Big Red Car
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Big Red Car
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about their awards had been achieve.)
Dorothy: Over the 15 years of making music, The Wiggles have won many gold, platinum and double platinum awards, with over 17 million DVD's in homes across the world. The Wiggles were presented with the ARIA Awards outstanding achievement award for their success overseas. Last year, The Wiggles were awarded the overall Australian export of the year award as well as the entertainment industry export award. But the most special awards were those for their work with children. In 2001, the Governor-General of Australia, Sir William Deane, presented The Wiggles with the Starlight Children's Foundation lifetime achievement award for their dedication and service to the children of Australia. And in 2004, The Wiggles were awarded by Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco for their hard work and commitment to entertaining and educating the children of Louisiana and the world. Accordingly, the Governor declared August 2nd Wiggles Appreciation Day. The Council of the City of New York honoured The Wiggles outstanding commitment and contribution to education of children worldwide. In April of this year, the Australian Catholic University awarded The Wiggles the award of Doctor of the University, honoris causa, to The Wiggles for their outstanding contribution to early childhood education.
Murray: We're only partly joking when we say that we're still teaching, only now our classroom has 2,000 children rather than 20. I congratulate all the graduates tonight and thank you again for this wonderful honour. It's something that we really treasure, and we'll look back on this with great wonder, I think, in the future. Thank you very much.
(They were applause after Murray's speech of University awards then shot transition to Dorothy talking about special appearances for the news on TV.)
Dorothy: Having met each other as friends and students at a university, this award is a wonderful acknowledgment of the educational appeal of The Wiggles music, which emphasises the importance of seeing thing from the perspective of a child.
(It translates to the page turn to Today news for Sydney Entertainment Centre Plaque Ceremony on TV.)
Sharyn: He's been trying so hard to become a full time member of The Wiggles. Stevie Jacobs, have you managed to secure a job?
Stevie Jacobs: I think I might be driving the tour bus, Sharyn. That's about all they're going to let me do. The Wiggles are perfect as they are, so I don't think they're gonna have any intruders. We're live with The Wiggles at the Sydney Entertainment Centre in Sydney. Now, the Entertainment Centre a few years ago opened the entertainers walk, where they dedicate stars to performers who've done outstanding business here, people like Elton John, Neil Diamond, John Farnham, Cliff Richard, just to name a few. And we have Michael Jacobsen, who's from the Entertainment Centre.... Good morning to you.
Michael Jacobsen: Nice to meet you.
Stevie Jacobs: With a very special presentation to The Wiggles. Take it away.
Michael Jacobsen: Wiggles, the Sydney Entertainment Centre is very proud to have played host to you and your 250,000 guests over the years. You're icons of the Australian entertainment industry. Captain, can we have a fanfare for the presentation?
Captain Feathersword: Cantingly, okay, um.... (He's humming to the fanfare presentation for the award but Stevie laughs while Michael pulling a string they were all cheering for received the award ceremony.)
Stevie Jacobs: Big round of applause for The Wiggles, over 17 million video and CD sales, 5 million albums and they've sold a quarter of a million tickets here at the Entertainment Centre alone.
(It translates to the page turn to Sunrise news to perform a Wiggles song: The Monkey Dance.)
David Koch: Who wants another Wiggles song? Who knows the monkey dance? Here's The Wiggles!
Greg: Alright, everyone, we'd love you to stand up and dance along with us. It's time to do the monkey dance.
The Wiggles: (singing) We're gonna do the monkey
(Oo-oo ah-ah! Oo-oo ah-ah!)
Anthony: Everybody's doing it!
The Wiggles: (singing) Do the tiger,
Tiger, tiger,
Yeah, That's alright.
(It translates to the page turn to Sunrise news to The Wiggles talking about babies have been born few days ago.)
Melissa Doyle: Can't go before we say a really big congratulations to Anthony and your beautiful wife, expecting number two....
David Koch: What?
Anthony: She's just right there.
Melissa Doyle: At the window?
Anthony: Oh, where is she? At the window!
Melissa Doyle: And baby Lucia, number one? Yay!
Anthony: Hello! And also, Mel, Captain Feathersword, Paul Paddick, had a baby two days ago.
Melissa Doyle: Fantastic!
Anthony: In Brisbane. Congratulations.
Melissa Doyle: Babies everywhere.
David Koch: And we really do thank The Wiggles. They are a great bunch of blokes. And they always come in and visit us, which is terrific. So give them another cheer, boys and girls.
(They were all cheering since they did perform Wiggles at Sunrise news then shot transition to Dorothy talking about Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV around November broadcast on NBC.)
Dorothy: (offscreen.) The Wiggles are the only entertainers from Australia to have perform three times in the famous Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City.
Kids: (They were cheering since The Wiggles come arrives on the float.) Wiggles! Wiggles! Wiggles! Wiggles!
Policeman: (talking over walkie talkie singing.) Hot potato, hot potato
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Spaghetti)
Greg: (singing) Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti
Paul The Cook: (in high voice.) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
Paul The Cook: (in high voice.) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy,
Jeff: Fantastic. But it's very cold. My legs were freezing up. (laughs)
Anthony: It's minus 5. (laughs)
Greg: (singing) Mashed banana, mashed banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Banana)
Greg: (singing) Banana, banana, banana
Paul The Cook: (in high voice.) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that, gimmie that food
Paul The Cook: (in high voice.) Wow wiggy wiggy wiggy, wow wiggy wiggy wiggy
Captain Feathersword: (in low voice.) Gimmie that, gimmie that
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato)
Greg: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Potato)
Greg: (singing) Potato
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Potato)
Greg: (singing) Potato, potato, potato
(They were cheering since that float looks great then shot transition to Dorothy talking about their famous special guests appears on the stage.)
Dorothy: (offscreen.) They have made many friends in the USA.
Sam Cannizzaro: Hey, how are you? My son loves you guys. My daughter loves you guys.
Policeman: He loves you guys!
(Shot transition to Shaquille O'Neal holding while playing his red Maton electric guitar to the song: Hot Potato performing Sailing Around the World Live!.)
Anthony: Let's sing "Hot Potato" with Murray! Let's do "Hot Potato" with Murray. Do "Hot Potato"!
The Wiggles & Shaquille O'Neal: (singing) Hot potato, hot potato
Hot potato, hot potato
Potato, potato, potato
Anthony: Here comes cold spaghetti!
Shaquille O'Neal: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Shaquille O'Neal: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(The Wiggles: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti)
Shaquille O'Neal: (singing) Cold spaghetti, cold spaghetti
(Shot transition to Joey Fatone since he could becoming a Wiggle.)
Anthony: We've got a belt for him. Joey? You're now a Wiggle, man. (He is giving Joey a Wiggles' belt.)
Joey Fatone: (laughs) Yay!
Greg: An official Wiggle! Yeah!
Joey Fatone: Trust me, I've always wanted to be a Wiggle, so now I get to wiggle.
(Shot transition to Robert De Niro is coming to the show.)
Woman: Robert's here! It's coming! To the show, to the 3 o' clock show.
Anthony: Wow!
Woman: Robert De Niro. He is actually....
Anthony: Are you talking to me? Talking to me?
(Shot transition to Jerry Seinfeld talking to The Wiggles talking about they did on a float.)
Jerry Seinfeld: Right. Oh, the parade?
The Wiggles: Yeah, the parade.
Jerry Seinfeld: Hope it's not too cold.
Anthony: We're on a float. (They were laughing over a float.)
Jerry Seinfeld: It's good to meet a Wiggle. (laughs)
(Shot transition to Dorothy talking about Wiggles perform live in concert around across in different countries including USA for doing an epilogue special while Wags The Dog instrumental track is playing in the background for during clips from the opening & closing sequence to Wiggledancing! Live In The U.S.A..)
Dorothy: The Wiggles love to perform live in concert, and around 1 million people a year purchase tickets to see them. The Wiggles have performed everywhere, from Bathurst to Birmingham to Boston, and sold out 12 shows in a row at New York's Madison Square Garden Theater. Wherever The Wiggles perform, they have fun.
(Then it shows some clips from Wiggledancing! Live In The U.S.A. for during a DVD bonus feature on it the original version then shot transition to clips for the upcoming video title called Racing to the Rainbow sneak peek "Coming Soon!" then the extended version for during the bonus feature of Wiggledancing! Live In Concert DVD it says "Out Now in 2006!" First it translates to The Wiggly Mascots are in the hot air balloon then it translates to Jeff waking up Anthony, Murray & Greg.)
Jeff: WAKE UP, WIGGLES!!!!!!
Murray: (blubbering while they were waking up.) Thanks for waking us up, everyone.
(Then it translates to Anthony could play wiggly fingers football game.)
Raymond Ventrone: What's the play called?
Anthony: Uh.... Um.... Wiggly fingers!
The New England Patriots: Wiggly fingers! Huh?
(Then it translates to a silent clip of Huddle, Huddle, Huddle Along (The Football Song) when Wags The Dog instrumental track is still playing in the background and finally it translates to some clips for the new release video title on August 15th called Wiggledancing! Live In The U.S.A. on the original version but now the extended version it translates to Greg Wiggle clips & it says, "Thank you Greg for 15 Years of Wiggly Fun!" for during the clip of Gregs Video Message and finally it translates to some clips for the new release title on March 7th called Wiggledancing! Live In Concert then the end credits are rolling then in last 20 seconds in this documentary Dorothy talks about having a great 15 years fun at the end.)
Dorothy: (offscreen.) Over 15 fantastic years, The Wiggles have entertained a generation of children around the world. They love making music and making children happy. It's a Wiggly party, and everyone's invited.