Anthony announcing the Camelot at the Wiggly Musical
"And I'm playing Sir Lancelot."
"And I'm playing Sir Prance-lot."
"And Lachy's playing Sleep a lot."
Simon suggests to wake Lachy up.
The Wiggly Telephone rings.
"Will Anthony answer the phone?"
"Will Emma answer the phone?"
"Will Simon answer the phone?"
Captain Feathersword in Clovelly
Captain and Simon in Clovelly
Anthony playing Maton guitar
The Professional Wiggles, Henry and Wags
Anthony, Lachy, Henry and Wags
"Would you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep."
The Awake Wiggles call on Wiggly Telephone while singing.
"That's a good solution."
Anthony says the rock band "The Mini Mites" are coming to help.
Emma, Simon and Anthony looking down
The Wiggles and The Mini Mites
The Awake Wiggles sing "Do the Propeller!"
while The Mini Mites play music.
"Will the Mini Mites get a record contract?"
"Stay tuned to find the wiggly answers!"
Lachy introducing "The Shimmie Shake!"
Emma feeling worried about Lachy sleeping
Anthony talking about Gregory Griggs
"Well, Anthony, desperate time calls for desperate measures."
"Here comes Gregory Griggs."
"Gentlemen, where am I? Camelot, Lancelot, Prancelot? Off to the theater."
"Let's leave him to sleepalot."
The Wiggles and Gregory Griggs
"Follow on from Gregory Griggs!"
Emma, Anthony, Simon leaving while following Gregory Griggs
Emma introducing "Hot Potato"
Anthony and Jeff the Cook
Jeff and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggles, Jeff and Captain
The Other Wiggles and Jeff
The Male Wiggles and Jeff
The Replacement Wiggles and Jeff