This is the transcript for A Mariachi Moment.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence when The Wiggles introducing themselves.)
Emma: Hi! (with others.) We're The Wiggles!
(Anthony strums his guitar, while they're singing.) Welcome to the Wigglehouse
To the Wigglehouse
Welcome to the Wigglehouse today.
Welcome to the Wigglehouse
To the Wigglehouse
It's Ready, Steady, Wiggle all day.
(They're wiggling their fingers.)
(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!
Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!
and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!
(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)
(Shot transition to Anthony dressed as a Mariachi.)
Anthony: Ola! Hi, everybody. Today is dress up day in the Wigglehouse. And I've dressed up as my favourite type of musician. Mariachi musician. I've got my sombrero on, my Mexican hat. I've got my mono on, my lovely tie, and I've got my chaqueto, mariachi style and my pantalones, my pants! And they're all beautifully ornamented. I wonder if the other Wiggles can guess what I'm dressed up as today?
Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Will The Wiggles guess what Anthony is dressed as today? Or is it mucho difficult? Muy bien Anthony!
(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to song: Mumbles the Monster. A scene where Lachy sings about his friendly monster on Halloween named Mumbles.)
All: (singing) Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do
Lachy: (singing) There's a very different kind of monster,
He's got a lot of things to say,
When he speaks it comes out his way
Simon: (as Mumbles the Monster mumbling.)
Lachy: (singing) This monster's name is Mumbles the Monster,
We never hear just what he says
Even though he tries in vain he goes
Simon: (as Mumbles the Monster mumbling.) today
All: (singing) Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do
Lachy: (singing) They signed him up for basic elocution
Elocution was the solution
But on graduation day he went
Simon: (as Mumbles the Monster mumbling.)
Lachy: (singing) They signed him up to be a news reporter
The TV station was his great supporter
But when the cameras rolled that day he went
Simon: (as Mumbles the Monster mumbling.) "It's Mumbles the Monster here, skies are clear, and it's a beautiful night for Halloween!"
All: (singing) Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do
(After that he throws his cap, while jumping into the air. Until, a picture of four things & colours transition to Professor Simon & Captain Feathersword talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "C".)
Simon: Today's letter of the alphabet is the letter "C", or "keh" or "sss".
Captain Feathersword: (He meows & yowls like a cat.)
Simon: That's right, Captain. Cat!
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo! Cute, cuddly cat! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Simon: Oh, Captain.
(Simon's door closes. Then, Anthony's door opens transition to Anthony reciting a poem about Wags the Dog.)
Anthony: Have you met our friend Wags the Dog?
Wags: Ruff!
Anthony: He scratches all day and barks all night long.
Wags: Ruff, ruff, ruff!
Anthony: He's big and brown and furry too. Wags the Dog, we all love you.
Wags: Ruff!
Anthony: (He gives Wags a big hug.) Huggy, huggy.
(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "In the Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Dressing Up. A scene where Simon, Lachy & Emma are guessing Anthony dressed up as today.)
Anthony: Hey, guys, you ready for this?
(singing) I've got on my sombrero
My chaqueto, my mono
Simon, Emma & Lachy: (singing) Oooooh, he's dressing up in style.
Anthony: Well, guys, thank you very much I am dressed in style, but... ..can you guess what I'm dressed up as today? Emma, you're first.
Emma: (She gets up off the couch.) Well, Anthony, you are wearing the most beautiful hat I've ever seen. I think you must be dressed up as a hat maker or a milliner.
Anthony: Good guess, Emma, but I'm not dressed up as a hat maker or a milliner. Lachy, your guess.
Lachy: (He gets up off the couch.) Well, Anthony, you are wearing a very artistic suit so I'm guessing you're dressing up as a flamboyant artist.
Anthony: Well, I've been called that many times, flamboyant artist, but, Lachy, I'm not dressed up as a flamboyant artist today. Simon, your guess.
Simon: (He gets up off the couch.) Well, Anthony, I can see you're wearing beautiful silver jewelry on your pants and your jacket, or chaqueto as they say, so I'm guessing you're dressed up as a silversmith.
Anthony: Simon, I love the work silversmiths do, they do such wonderful work, but no, I'm not dressed up as a silversmith. Guys, listen to the clues again.
(singing) I've got on my sombrero
My chaqueto, my mono
Simon, Emma & Lachy: (singing) Oooooh, he's dressed up as a... (They think for the answer.) ..mariachi!
Anthony: Claro que si!
(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to the song: Shortnin' Bread. A scene where Dorothy is making her shortnin' bread for these 3 children babies.)
Lachy: (singing) Three little children lyin' in bed
Two were sick and the other full of dread
Simon: (singing) Sent for the doctor, the doctor said
"Give those children some shrotnin' bread"
Emma: (singing) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
(with The Professional Wiggles singing.) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Lachy: (singing) Put on the skillet, put on the lid
Mama's gonna make a little shortnin' bread
Simon: (singing) That ain't all she's gonna do
Mama's gonna make a little coffee, too
Emma: (singing) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
(with The Professional Wiggles singing.) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Lachy: (singing) When those children sick in bed
Heard that talk about shortnin' bread
Simon: (singing) Popped up well to dance and sing
Skipped around and cut the pigeon wing
Emma: (singing) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
(with The Professional Wiggles singing.) Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin', shrotnin'
Mama's little baby loves shrotnin' bread.
(Emma's door closes. Then, Lachy's door opens transition to the song: Little Sir Echo. A scene where Lachy says "hello", until he repeats back to him.)
Lachy: (singing) Little Sir Echo, how do you do?
Hello! (hello!), hello! (hello!)
(singing) Little Sir Echo, how very blue
Hello! (hello!), hello! (hello!)
(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to Simon singing some musical scales from high to low, while going to The Wiggles show.)
Simon: (singing) Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show
Going to The Wiggles show!
(A curtain closes & opens transition to the song: Follow The Leader. . A scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are gonna play follow the leader, while they're filming Australia Day in Sydney, Hyde Park in January 2014.)
Simon: (singing) Follow the leader
Simon: (singing) Do as I do
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, do it
Simon: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you...
Anthony: Everybody, clap your hands, come on.
Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, clap now
Wiggles: (singing) Do as you do
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Wiggles: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you...
Anthony: Alright. Everybody, try this, hands in the air, come on, you can do it.
Simon: (singing) Try that, shaky-shaky!
Anthony: Let's try the roly-poly-roly, remember that one?
Simon: Let's pat your head!
Emma & Lachy: (singing) Follow the leader
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, follow
Emma & Lachy: (singing) Do as I do
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Emma & Lachy: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you...
Anthony: Gee, come on! Everybody, clap your hands!
Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, follow
Wiggles: (singing) Do as you do
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Wiggles: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you...
Anthony: What do we do?
Emma: Try this! Arms in the air!
Anthony: What's next, Emma?
Emma: Try that! Shaky, shaky!
Anthony: Do it with her, come on!
Emma: Try the roll fists!
Anthony: Yep!
Emma: Try that!
Anthony: Everybody, do it!
Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, follow
Wiggles: (singing) Do as I do
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Wiggles: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader it's over to you
Anthony: Come on, everybody, clap your hands.
Wiggles: (singing) Follow the leader
Anthony: (singing) Everybody, follow
Wiggles: (singing) Do as you do
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Wiggles: (singing) When I've had my turn at being leader, it's over to you
Anthony: Let's dance!
Wiggles: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Anthony: You're doing it, we love it!
Wiggles: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Anthony: (singing) You gotta do what we do
Wiggles: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
Anthony: Pufferbillies!
Wiggles: (singing) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
(with Emma, Simon & Lachy singing.) la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la.
(A picture of four things & colours transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)
Dorothy: What did we do today? We sang songs and danced together. Did you guess from the clues that Anthony was dressed as a mariachi singer? Of course you did! You're so smart. We heard about the cute, cuddly cats in "Simon's Alphabet". And it was purrfect. (She giggles.) We'll see you next time for more fun on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Bye!
(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)