

This is a transcript for A Picnic with Friends.


(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: Emma's Yellow Bow.)

Emma: (singing) Emma's yellow bow

Bow, bow

It's Emma's yellow bow

Bow, bow


(Opening camera transition to the song: Hello, Nice to See You Today. A scene Emma introducing herself, while dancing outside at Hopewood House.)

Emma: (singing) Hello, nice to see you today

My name is Emma

What's your name?

Oh, that's right

Come on, let's play.

(A tinkling yellow circle with bows flying transition to Emma welcomes her bowtiful playroom.)

Emma: Welcome to my bowtiful playroom! (She gasps.) It's certainly going to be a bowtiful day. Today feels like a music day. Can you try this? Can you swing your arms like so? That's it. A conductor waves its arms to keep the orchestra playing in time. Yes, that's it. Swing your arms up and out to the side. Try it. (She waves her arms like a conductor.) Lovely. Come on, let's imagine we are conductors together. Here we go.

(Song: I Wave My Arms And Swing My Baton. A scene where Emma is waving her arms to conduct the orchestra.)

Emma: (singing) I wave my arms and swing my baton

I wave my arms and swing my baton

When the orchestra it plays,

They follow me all the way

I conduct the band and the orchestra.

Oh, how bowtiful! Lovely swinging you arms, conducting the orchestra! That's it. Imagine! Can you see the people playing the violins?! (The violins play.) And playing the drums?! (The drums playing. She gasps.) And the trumpets too?! (The trumpets play.) Come on, let's conduct!

(singing) I wave my arms and swing my baton

I wave my arms and swing my baton

When the orchestra it plays,

They follow me all the way

I conduct the band and the orchestra.

(She claps.) Oh, lovely conducting! (She gasps & she hears a music box tinkling.) Can you hear that sound? Oh, yes, that certainly is bowtiful music! That's the sound of the music boxes. Come on, let's have a look what's inside. Oh, have a look here, three bowtiful music boxes. 1, 2 and 3. A yellow music box, a pink music box and an aqua music box. Which music box would you like me to open today? Aqua?! (She gasps.) Great choice.

(Song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma opens up her music box so she could see what's inside.)

Emma: (singing) I open up my music box

And what do I see?

A ballet dancer twirling, dancing there for me...

Come on, try it. Twirl around up high on your toes.

(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.

(She's holding a little ball.) Oh, wow! Have a look! It's a bowtiful bouncing ball. We can have some fun rolling and catching the ball outside!

(A scene fades to Emma holding a ball to play, while dancing & catching a ball during Roly Poly Roll instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, a sliding pink with flying stars transition to Emma sits down on a bench to relax.)

Emma: (She sighs.) So much fun kicking and playing with the ball! Well, I'm going to take a moment for a little rest right here on this garden seat. You might like to sit down too. Make yourself feel comfortable. That's it. Breathe in. (She inhales in deeply.) And breathe out. (She exhales out deeply. She sighs & hears birds twitter.) Ooh! Did you hear that sound? (A bird whistles.) I wonder what that is? I packed my bow-noculars so I'll be able to see what that is. (She picks up a bow-noculars.) Ready? (She looks through her bow-noculars.) I think I found something. (A bird whistles.) Aha! Well, I packed the bow-camera too. (She picks up a bow-camera.) Let's take a picture. Ready? 1, 2, 3! (She took a picture of two red birds.) Nice one! Well, it's time to have some more fun with the ball. Come on, let's take a trip in the bowboat and see where our imaginations takes us.

(A tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to the song: Bowboat. A scene where Emma is going for a ride in her bowboat with a ball to go on a trip.)

Emma: (singing) I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat

I row and float in my daydreams

I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat

Come! Join this adventure with me

A ball to play, imagine the way

I row and float in my daydreams

I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat

Let's play some more with the ball today.

(A sliding pink with flying stars transition to Emma at the picnic with Bilby & Elephant.)

Emma: (She gaps.) Oh, we're here at a picnic with all of our friends! We can play some games with the ball later. But for now let's sing! (She is gonna grab a bow-guitar).

(Song: A Picnic with Friends. A scene where Emma is playing on a bow-guitar, while singing a song about having friends at a picnic.)

Emma: (singing) I'm having a picnic with my friends

Oh, it's a bowtiful day!

I brought my ball for fun and games

Yes, it's a bowtiful day!

We've got a picnic rug and some yummy food

We're sipping some tea now, we're in the picnic mood.

I'm having a picnic with my friends

Oh, it's a bowtiful day!

Oh! A lovely song on the bow-guitar. But now it's time to serve some tea! Bilby, Elephant, would you like some tea? (Bilby & Elephant warbles.) Well, tea for three. Are you ready? Let's count the cups. (She pours some tea into their teacups.) 1. 2. 3. Teacup for Bilby. (Bilby warbles.) Oh, you're welcome. Cup for you, Elephant. (Elephant warbles.) You're welcome. And a cup for me. Let's sip some tea. (She picks up a teacup & sipping some tea.) Ahh! Bowtiful tea. (She pits a teacup down.) Tea for you, Bilby. (Bilby is sipping some tea.) And tea for you, Elephant. (Elephant is sipping some tea.) Mmm-mmm! (Bilby mumurs.) What was that, Bilby? (Bilby warbles.) You'd like to play a ball game? (She gasps.) What a great idea! (Bilby warbles.) You'd like to play a ball game in partners?

Bilby: Mm-mm.

Emma: Well, I'd love to be your partner, Bilby. But first let's clear the picnic rug so we have space to play. OK, teacups over here. (She puts her teacups over to that side.) Teacups here. Teacups. OK, now we have room to play with the ball. (She holds a ball.) Bilby, I will roll the ball to you and you can roll the ball back to me. Ready? (She rolls a ball to Bilby.)

Bilby: Whee! Whee! Whee!

Emma: Ohh. Bilby! We forgot about Elephant! (Bilby gasps.) Hmm... Let me think. (She thinks that her bow tinkles.) I know. We don't have to play the ball game in partners, we can play the ball game to include everyone! Let's take turns rolling the ball to each other. Are you ready? Here you go, Bilby. (She rolls a ball to Bilby.) Nice. Back to me. (Bilby rolls a ball back to her.)

Bilby: Whee!

Emma: Good. Elephant, are you ready? (She rolls a ball to Elephant.)

Elephant: Ahh!

Emma: And back to me. (Elephant warbles as rolling a ball to her.) What was that, Elephant? (Elephant warbles.) Oh, you're having fun? That's great! Come on, let's try it again. Bilby! (She rolls a ball to Bilby.)

Bilby: Whee!

Emma: (Bilby rolls a ball back to her.) And back! Elephant. (She rolls a ball to Elephant.)

Elephant: Ahh!

Emma: (Elephant rolls a ball back to her.) Would you like a turn? Ready? (She rolls a ball to a viewer & rolls back to her, while her thumbs up.)

(A tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to Emma had a great imagination had a great time at a picnic with Bilby & Elephant.)

Emma: Oh! So much fun using our imagination. Come on, it's time to go.

(Emma's flying bows transition to the song: Thank You For Coming. A scene where Emma is dancing, while waving goodbye during at the end of the show during the end credits are rolling.)

Emma: (singing) Thank you for coming to dance and play

Until next time, have a bowtiful day

Have a bowtiful day!

(The endboard is showing at the end.)
