

This is the transcript for A Wiggly Mystery.


The Wiggles: Hi, We're The Wiggles!
Greg: I'm Greg!
Murray: I'm Murray!
Jeff: I'm Jeff!
Anthony: and I'm Anthony and Welcome to The Wiggles Show everybody! We love you to dance along with us, sing along and have lots of fun!
The Wiggles: Beauty Mate!

(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Wiggles and The Wiggly Dancers outside singing Wake Up Jeff!)


Wake up, Jeff, everybody's wiggling
Wake up, Jeff, we really need you
Wake up, Jeff, you're missing all the fun now
Wake up, Jeff, before the day's through


What's that sound? I can hear somebody snoring
What's that sound?, it's not Murray or Greg
Anthony's awake, so let's have another guess now
Oh my goodness, it must be Jeff!


Wake up, Jeff, everybody’s wiggling
Wake up, Jeff, we really need you
Wake up, Jeff, you’re missing all the fun now
Wake up, Jeff, before the day's through

(Guitar solo for an instrumental break while Jeff's snoring)


Dorothy the Dinosaur is munching on some roses
Wags the Dog is digging up bones
Henry the Octopus is dancing round in circles
Wake Up, Jeff, we need you for the show!


Wake up, Jeff, everybody’s wiggling
Wake up, Jeff, we really need you
Wake up, Jeff, you’re missing all the fun now
Wake up, Jeff, before the day's through

(Jeff yawns from his sleep)


Can you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep!

(Feathersword transitions to the Sailing Around the World)

Greg(singing) Come on now, come along with me

(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)

Captain Feathersword(singing) We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Murray & Jeff(singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)

Anthony(singing) On the Goodship Feathersword.

Greg(singing) Come on now, come along with me

(backing vocals singing: Ooh ooh)

Captain Feathersword(singing) Oh we're taking a trip on the wavy sea.

(Murray & Jeff(singing) Sailing the ship all around the world)

Captain Feathersword(singing) On the Good Ship Feathersword. Hoo hoo

Oh ho!

(Captain is humming to himself as he greets his crew on board the S.S. Feathersword.)

Captain: Do-dum-di-dum-dum-dum-dum-do, do-do-di-do...

(chuckles) Hoo-hoo! My gallant crew, good morning.

Crew: (sadly) Captain, good morning.

(Slide sound effect)

Captain: Ooh, they don't seem very happy. Maybe my helium voice will cheer them up.

(in a high-pitched voice.) Ahoy there, me hearties!

Crew: (sad, in a high-pitched voice.) Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.

Captain: (in a normal voice.) Oh, dear, they seem so sad. Oh dear, oh dear...

Tell the Captain what's wrong. It can't be that bad...

Elefterios: Captain, (I) don't know how to tell you this, but the crew, and all of us, we think we need a pet on the S.S. Feathersword.

Caterina: Elefterios is right, Captain. We're sad because we need a friend to look after, here on the ship.

Alfonso: Abbiamo bisogno un animale da volere bene, Capitano. We need a pet to love, a pet to love.

Ben: Captain, it's not much to ask, is it? P-p-p-please?

Captain: Phew, alright then, me hearties. You can have a pet on board the S.S. Feathersword.

Crew: (excited) Hooray! Fantástico! Opa! Beauty, mate!

Captain: Woah-ho-ho, but there's just a few conditions, me hearties.

Firstly, it has to be a pet that can entertain itself, while we're sailing the ship.

Secondly, it needs to be a pet that fits into a small space, as there's not much room below.

And thirdly, it needs to be a pet that can get wet. After all, we are on the ocean, me hearties.

If it meets all these conditions, then the pet's welcome on board the S.S. Feathersword.

(The instrumental to 'Wiggle Bay' plays during a montage of the crew thinking of a pet.)

Elefterios: Whoo-hoo! How about a dog? A dog can entertain themselves while we're sailing around the world.

But... dogs don't like getting too wet.

Ben: Whoo-hoo! Oh, same goes for a cat. Aw, but cats really don't like getting wet, either.

Alfonso: Whoo-hoo! I was thinking about, (clicks her tongue.) un cavallo. But, I guess (a) horse would be, too big. Oh, um...

...Abbiamo bisogno di un animale, piccolo, piccolo, Caterina... We need a pet, tiny, tiny pet, Caterina.

Caterina: Okay, a pet that doesn't mind being wet... Well, that would be a fish, wouldn't it? They love water.

A small goldfish can fit into a tiny aquarium in the cabin, and it definitely entertains itself swimming.

Crew: Whoo-hoo!

(Ripple transition; the crew are holding a bowl with a goldfish, staring at it in amazement, as Captain walks in the scene.)

Crew: Ooh. ah. ooh. ah.

Captain: Woah-ho-ho-ho, wow! I know the fish can entertain itself, but, why don't we give it a bit of our own entertainment, me hearties?

Let's sing the goldfish song.

Crew: Whoo-hoo!

Song: Goldfish

Manzillas: Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

♪ Goldfish

Greg: We're kind of young, we're not old fish

Our favorite thing is to

Manzillas: Splash, splish

Greg: We're just

Gold, goldfish

Manzillas: Goldfish

Greg: We think ourselves brave and bold fish

That's why we like to

Manzillas: Splash, splish

Greg: Oh, we're

Gold, gold fish

Manzillas: Flip, flap, flop, flop, flap, flip

Greg: We just love to swim all day long

Manzillas: Goldfish

Greg: We're not hot, warm or cold fish

But we really like to

Manzillas: Splash, splish

Greg: Yes, we're

Gold, gold fish

Manzillas: Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr


Greg: We're not platnium, we're goldfish

Oh we really love to

Manzillas: Splash, splish

Greg: 'Cause we're

Gold, goldfish

Manzillas: Flip, flap, flop, flop, flap, flip

Greg: We just love to swim all day long

Manzillas: Goldfish

Greg: We're not hot, warm or cold fish

But we really like to

Manzillas: Splash, splish

Greg: Yes, we're

Gold, gold fish

Manzillas: Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr

Brr brr brr brr brr brr ♪♪

(Feathersword transitions to Murray introducing the segment)

Murray: She's green! She's got yellow spots! She has a white floppy hat! She loves to eat roses! But most of all, she loves to dance! Let's all dance with Dorothy the Dinosaur!

(The Roses Transitions to Dorothy's Dance Class

(More Coming Soon)

(The Roses Transitions to a Cartoon Pink Background)

Now there's ten steps that I must climb
And get up to my home
Every day as I climb
I count them as I go

I count one, two, three, four, five and six
Seven, eight, nine and ten
He counts one, two, three, four, five and six
Seven, eight, nine and ten

And when I get up to the top
I climb back down again

I count ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four
Three, two and one
He counts ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,
four, three, two and one

Counting as I climb the stairs
Is so much fun.

(The Rainbow Guitar Transitions to Wags introducing a segment)

Wags: Woof! Woof! Wigglehouse!

(The Wiggles Logo transitions to the Wigglehouse segment)

In the Wiggles' world, in the Wiggles' world
You're all welcome here
so let's give a cheer
Welcome to the Wiggles World!

Jeff: Guys, pasta's almost ready to eat now.

Anthony: Mmm, that's great, Jeff. I love your pasta.

Jeff: That's because I only use natural ingredients.

Murray, Greg and Anthony: Mmm, yummy, yummy!

Murray: Aww, it's getting a bit cold in here. I'd better close the kitchen door.

Anthony: Well, that's good thinking, Murray.

(Doorbell rings)

Murray: That sounds like the doorbell. There must be someone at the front door now.

Greg: It's funny that the doorbell's ringing because we weren't really expecting anyone. We'd better go and find out who it is.

(The Wiggles leave the kitchen; Captain Feathersword shushes us through the kitchen window, waves and gives a thumbs up; he sneaks in the back door, eats all four bowls of pasta one by one, cleans his chin, leaves the back door open as he sneaks back out, shushes us, gives a thumbs up and waves goodbye; The Wiggles re-enter the kitchen)

Greg: Now, that is really strange. There was nobody at the front door.

Murray: I was sure I heard the doorbell ring.

Greg: Me too.

Jeff: Me three.

Anthony: Me four.

Greg: Well, anyway, guess we'd better get back to eating our pasta.

Jeff: Hey! Our pasta's gone! Huh?

Greg: Huh?

Murray: Huh?

Anthony: Huh?


Jeff: It's a good thing I made extra pasta.

Anthony: Aww, it really is, Jeff. Thanks for making extra pasta. Your pasta is beautiful.

Jeff: That's because I use natural ingredients.

Murray, Greg and Anthony: Mmm, yummy, yummy!

Anthony: Murray, remember the door you closed?

Murray: Mm-hmm.

Anthony: Well, have a look. It's open.

Murray: I'd better close it again.

(Doorbell rings)

Murray: There's the doorbell again. There must be someone at the front door.

Greg: Wow. We're still not expecting anybody here at Wiggle House, but yet again, the doorbell has rung. We'd better go and see who it is.

Anthony: Good thinking, Greg.

Greg: Thanks, Anthony.

(Wiggles leave the kitchen; Captain Feathersword shushes us through the kitchen window, sneaks in the back door, eats all four bowls of pasta one by one, cleans his chin, leaves the back door open as he sneaks back out, shushes us, gives a thumbs up and waves goodbye; The Wiggles re-enter the kitchen)

Greg: Hey. You know, it's funny. There's still nobody at the front door.

Murray: (Gasps) That's not all, Greg! The pasta's gone! And the back door's open again!

Anthony: This is puzzling.

Greg: Very puzzling.

Jeff: Very, very puzzling.


Murray: There's something going on here, and we need to find out what it is. Jeff, is there anymore of that pasta left?

Jeff: There's still enough for everyone.

Murray: Great. This calls for some serious detective work. Let's recreate the scene. Jeff, you dish up the pasta.

Jeff: Yeah.

Murray: And I'll close the door, just like I did before.

(Doorbell rings)

Murray: There's the doorbell. Guys, this time, you go to the front door. I'll wait here and find out what's going on.

Greg: Come on, better hop to it.

(Greg, Anthony and Jeff leave the kitchen; Murray stands behind Anthony's chair, shushes us, waves and crouches down; Captain Feathersword opens the back door, enters the kitchen, shushes us and starts to eat a bowl of pasta; Murray jumps to his feet)

Murray: Ah-ha! The mystery is solved! Captain Feathersword is the culprit.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no! (He puts down the pasta and runs to the back door; Greg, Anthony and Jeff enter, stopping him; Murray stands next to him)

All: Whoa!

Captain Feathersword: Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I'm so sorry, me hearties. I couldn't help myself. That's the best pasta I've ever had, ar-r-r-r-r!

Jeff: With all natural ingredients!

All: Mmm, yummy, yummy!

(The Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Cartoon Wiggles waving hello)

Well here we are!
Well here we are!
Get ready for the show!
Well here we are!
Well here we are!
Some Friends that you all know!

We'd like you to clap and sing,
And dance along too!
Well let’s get ready to have some fun,
‘Cause our friends will dance with you!

Here comes Henry,
Here comes Henry,
Dancing with a twirl!
Here comes Henry,
Here comes Henry,
From his underwater world!

“Hello, everybody!
It’s lovely to be here!”
Now here comes another friend,
So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes Dorothy,
Here comes Dorothy,
Munching on a rose!
Here comes Dorothy,
Here comes Dorothy,
Dancing everywhere she goes!

“Hello, everybody!
It’s lovely to be here!”
Now here comes another friend,
So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes the Captain,
Here comes the Captain,
Tickling everyone!
Here comes the Captain,
Here comes the Captain,
The fun has just begun!

“Ahoy there me hearties! Hoo hoo!
It’s lovely to be here! Whoa ho!”
Now here comes another friend,
So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes Wagsy,
Here comes Wagsy,
Running around the park!
Here comes Wagsy,
Here comes Wagsy,
Listen to him bark!

"Ruff, ruff-ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff,
Ruff, ruff-ruff, aroooo!"
Now let's all get ready to dance,
‘Cause everybody’s here!

It’s The Wiggles,
It’s the Wiggles,
Dancing with their friends!
It’s the Wiggles,
It’s the Wiggles,
The fun will never end!

We’d like you to clap and sing,
And dance along too!
Now that everybody’s here,
That’ll be so easy,
That’ll be so easy,
That’ll be so easy to do!

(The Rainbow Guitar Transitions to Anthony introducing a Wiggly Concert song)

Anthony: Everybody, would you like to come to the Wiggly Concert with us? Fantastic! Now at the concert, you can sit down, relax, enjoy the show and you might like to dance with us! If you like to dance and sing, here's what to do. Well, what we need you to do is to clap three times. Are you ready? (clapping) 1! 2! 3! Perfect! Now put out your arms like opera singers, and we sing, "La La La La LAAA!" Oh, you did that very well! The next thing to do is bow to your partner. Bow to the person next to you. And then you turn around! Yippee! You're doing it great! Hands in the air. Rock-a-Bye Your Bear. The Bear's now asleep. Shh! Shh! Shh! The Bear's now asleep. Shh! Shh! Shh! Everybody! We're all ready! Let's go to the Wiggly Show and sing Rock-a-Bye Your Bear!

(The Wiggly Concert Curtain Transitions to the Wiggles on stage singing Rock-A-Bye Your Bear)

(Song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear.)

Greg: Arms up, everyone. Let's all sway from side to side. And we'll song "Rock-A-Bye Your Bear". Great idea, Anthony.

Anthony: Thank you, Greg.

Greg(singing, while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing...

Anthony: Really loud!

la la la la la

Greg(singing) Bow to your partner...

Murray: Bow to the person next to you.

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh...

Jeff(He's yawning 'cause he feels sleepy.)

Greg: Arms up again, everyone! Let's all sway from side to side. Hey, Jeff, are you still awake over there?

Jeff(He just woke up.) I'm still awake, Greg!

Greg(singing, while the backing vocals are doing their actions.) Everybody clap

Everybody sing...

Anthony: Really loud!

la la la la la

Greg(singing) Bow to your partner...

Murray: G'day, mate!

Jeff: G'day!

Then you turn around


Hands in the air, rock a bye your bear

Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh...

Jeff(He's yawning 'cause he is almost feel sleepy.)

Greg(singing) Bears now asleep

Shh, shh, shh

Bears now asleep...

(The Wiggly Concert Curtain Transitions to The Wiggles and their friends saying goodbye)

Murray: Well everyone, we had a great time today at the wiggles show, we hope you had fun too! We'd like to say goodbye, but there's somebody missing!

Anthony: Hey! Wait For Me!

The Wiggles and Friends: Oh Anthony! Goodbye!

(The Wiggles and their friends are waving goodbye until they fade away)
