Captain Feathersword's title
Emma putting on Dorothy's make-up
Emma putting on Dorothy's veil
Captain, Wags, Simon, and Lachy
Anthony playing the bagpipes
Captain, Henry, Wags, Lachy and Simon
Lachy giving Wags a handkerchief
Jamaaladeen talking about his bass guitar
Jamaaladeen playing his bass guitar
Jamaaladeen's bass guitar
Lachy, Jamaaladeen, and Anthony
The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Emma buckling up her blue seat belt
Anthony buckling up his yellow seat belt
Simon buckling up his purple seat belt
Simon giving the thumbs up
Lachy buckling up his red seat belt
Emma noticing the Big Red Car won't start.
"The Big Red Car won't start!"
Anthony asks of what to do.
Lachy says he and Simon will take the Wiggly Plane, and Emma takes the Bow Mobile.
The Wiggles getting out of the Big Red Car
The Wiggles, the Big Red Car, the Bow Mobile, and the Wiggly Plane
Simon and Lachy noticing the Wiggly Plane is broken
Emma noticing the Bow Mobile is broken
Anthony on his mobile phone
Anthony and Oliver the Mechanic
The Wiggles and Oliver the Mechanic
Oliver whispering something into Anthony's ear
A Rock & Roll Preschool sign
Lachy, Simon, and Captain
Captain, Anthony, and Simon
Anthony, Lachy, and Simon