This is the transcript for A Wiggly Wedding.
(The episode starts with a song: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle. A scene where The Wiggles and their friends are on a ferris wheel showing their names.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you
(The title is shown. Until, shot transition to a scene where Emma & Dorothy are getting ready for a pretend wedding.)
Emma: Oh, it's a very exciting day here in Wigglehouse. We are getting ready to have a fun pretend dress-up wedding. And Dorothy is our Wiggly bride. Aren't you, Dorothy?
Dorothy: That's right, Emma. And in our pretend Wiggly dress-up wedding, I'm marrying Wags the Dog.
Emma: Oh! (She chuckles.) Well, that's the last of the flower baskets for your dancing bridesmaids, Dorothy. And, of course, I am so honoured to be one of your ballet bridesmaids as well.
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Emma, this will be so much fun!
Emma: Oh, indeed, Dorothy. We have bagpipes and dancing and a wedding photographer. Oh, and, of course, food to eat at the celebration, just like a real wedding.
Dorothy: Emma, would you help me with the bridal veil?
Emma: Oh. But first things first, Dorothy. A little green blush to get the face looking the best. (She's holding a green blush to put Dorothy on her cheeks.) And a little bit here.
Dorothy: Thank you, Emma. I feel so pretty. Now, the veil.
Emma: Yes, now the veil, Dorothy. (She puts a veil up over Dorothy's head.) Ahhh! There you go.
Dorothy: Thank you, Emma. It is a beautiful veil. I wonder how Wags the Dog is going with his dress-ups.
Emma: Ah, yes, the boys have lots to do. It's very exciting. Almost wedding time.
(Shot cuts to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Captain Feathersword is gonna take Wags a picture with Simon & Lachy in the Wiggly Kitchen.)
Simon: That's it, old mate. That's it, Wagsy. Be still. These bowties, they can be really tricky.
Wags: Ruff!
Simon: Well done, my furry friend. Your bowtie looks absolutely dashing.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! OK, Simon, a quick picture of you and Wags fixing the bowtie. (He uses a flash to take a picture of Simon fixing a bowtie for Wags.) Chika-boom! Chika-boom!
Lachy: Well, Wagsy, let me help you with your waistcoat. (He fixes Wags' waistcoat.) Ahh. You are a very handsome groom.
Wags: Woof, woof!
Lachy: Oh, and last but not least, Wagsy, I have... (He's holding a wedding bangle.) ..the wedding bangle. And I'll give that to you at the pretend ceremony.
Wags: Ruff!
Simon: Rightio, then. I think we are ready. Henry the Octopus is our pretend celebrant and he's meeting us there. Dorothy and the bridesmaids are on their way. So, let's lead, gentlemen. Anthony and the pipes and drums are piping the bride in.
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! One last photo, gents. (He uses a flash to take a picture of Simon, Lachy & Wags.) Chika-boom! (They're all going to the Wiggle Park for a wedding ceremony.)
(Shot transition to the Wiggle Park. It translates to the song: Wiggly Wedding (Bagpipes Instrumental). A scene where Lion Rampant Pipes and Drums are playing the music, while Anthony plays the bagpipes with leading the bridesmaids. Then, Wags dressed as a groom who is crying that he gets so emotional, when Lachy gives a handkerchief to Wags, while Wags wiping his eyes. Next, Emma holds a veil to Dorothy dressed as a bride when Wags claps for Dorothy & waves back to them. Finally, Emma gives roses from Dorothy when Henry announced that Wags is getting marrying to Dorothy at the pretend wedding ceremony.)
Henry: Ohhh! Citizens of Wiggle Town, we are gathered here today in this wonderful dress-up pretend wedding ceremony to pretend marry Wags the Dog and Dorothy the Dinosaur! Wags, if you can give Dorothy the bangle. (Wags tells Simon & Lachy to find the bangle. But, luckily, Lachy holds a bangle & give it to Wags & shakes his hands. Wags picks up a wedding bangle.) Wags, do you pretend marry Dorothy the Dinosaur today?
Wags: Woof!
Henry: Dorothy, do you pretend marry Wags the Dog?
Dorothy: I do. (She giggles.)
Henry: You are now pretend married, dinosaur and dog. Wags, you may give Dorothy a hug. (Wags give Dorothy a hug.)
All: Hooray! (They're applauding for Wags & Dorothy got married together.)
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to the song: The Chase (Instrumental). A scene where The Wiggles are playing with the hula-hoop when Simon is playing with a hula-hoop. Then, gives to Lachy who is playing with a hula-hoop. Next, Emma who is playing with a hula-hoop. Finally, Anthony who is playing with a hula-hoop. After that, shot transition to the Music Room. Until, it translates to Lachy introducing Jamaaladeen Tacuma with his bass guitar.)
Lachy: Hi, everybody. We're here with our friend Jamaaladeen. Let's all say, "Hi, Jamaaladeen!" Hi, Jamaaladeen!
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: Hi, everybody!
Lachy: Well, everybody, Jamaaladeen is holding a very interesting-looking instrument. Jamaaladeen, what is this instrument called?
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: This instrument is called the bass guitar and it has four strings.
Lachy: The bass guitar with four strings.
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: Yeah.
Lachy: Now, Jamaaladeen, what does the bass guitar do in the music?
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: Well, the bass guitar is the foundation for the band. It keeps the music going strong and it provides a really low, low sound.
Lachy: Low sound.
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: Low.
Lachy: Well, everybody, I like wearing purple. Purple's my favourite colour, but look at Jamaaladeen's fantastic outfit. Beautifully colourful. Jamaaladeen, do you have a favoruite colour?
Jamaaladeen Tacuma: I like all the colours, like The Wiggles. But I would say my favourite colour is orange.
Lachy: Orange. OK. Well, we're gonna play some bass guitar with Jamaaladeen. Can you pick up your bass guitar? Let's play with Jamaaladeen. (Jamaaladeen plays a bass guitar to get reeady.)
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to the song: Play the Bass Guitar. A scene where Lachy sings a song about Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays on a bass guitar.)
Lachy: (singing) Play the Bass Guitar,
Play the Bass Guitar.
Play the Bass Guitar
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar during the song.)
Lachy: (singing) You can play it sweet
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar in sweet notes.)
Lachy: (singing) You can play it sour
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar in sour notes.)
Lachy: (singing) Play the Bass Guitar,
Play the Bass Guitar.
Play the Bass Guitar
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar during the song.)
Lachy: (singing) You can play it sweet
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar in sweet notes.)
Lachy: (singing) You can play it sour
(Jamaaladeen Tacuma plays his bass guitar in sour notes.)
Lachy: (singing) Play the Bass Guitar,
Jamaaladeen you're a star.
Play the Bass Guitar,
Jamaaladeen you're a star.
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to Captain Feathersword holding pom-poms dancing to Dressing Up instrumental track plays in the background. Until, shot transition to the Wiggly Arena. Then, it translates to The Wiggles are getting ready to drive the Big Red Car for a Wiggly concert.)
Emma: Well, Wiggles, it's time to sing "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga" as we drive to the Wiggly show.
Anthony: Wow. What a great song choice, Emma. You know, we first recorded that song back in 1995. It's a beauty, mate.
Simon: It's a great song, Anthony. Rhythm and rhyme, all wrapped up in a catchy melody.
Lachy: And it's in the key of A. I love the guitar part in the third verse.
Anthony: Met too, Lach.
Simon: Me three.
Emma: Gents, not time at all for music talk now. We have a show to do. So, if you'll kindly buckle your seatbelts. Of course, make sure that there are no kinks in your belts. (She buckles her seatbelt.)
Anthony: (He buckles his seatbelt.) Emma, seatbelt is fastened.
Simon: (He buckles his seatbelt.) Emma, seatbelt is fastened.
Lachy: (He buckles his seatbelt.) Emma, seatbelt is fastened.
Emma: Great. My seatbelt is fastened too. Let's sing "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga" and drive to the Wiggly show.
Anthony: Right, Wiggles. Ready?
(with Lachy, Emma & Simon singing as she tries to start the Big Red Car.) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car...
(Until, the Big Red Car's engine sputters because it's broken down.)
Anthony: Huh?
Lachy: Huh?
Simon: Huh?
Emma: Oh, no!
Anthony, Lachy & Simon: Oh, what?
Emma: Oh, no.
Anthony, Lachy & Simon: Oh, what?
Emma: Oh, no!
Anthony, Lachy & Simon: Oh, what?
Emma: The Big Red Car won't start!
Anthony: (with Lachy & Simon.) Oh, no! (himself.) Emma, what are we gonna do? The children are waiting for the Wiggly concert. We can't disappoint them. Not on my watch.
Emma: (She sighs as she tried to start. But, the Big Red Car still won't go.) No use. It just won't start.
Simon: I know! Emma, if you drive the Bowmobile, I'll fly the Wiggly Plane, take two trips and we'll all be there.
Lachy: Oh, brilliant plan, Simo. Let's go. (with Anthony, Emma & Simon got off the Big Red Car. As with Simon to fly the Wiggly Plane, but it won't start. As for Emma's Bowmobile, but it won't start.)
'Anthony: (He dials on the phone & calls Oliver Brain.) Right, guys, I have Oliver, the mechanic, on the line. He's coming over with his... ..six-string banjo. Here he comes now. (Oliver Brain arrives.) Oliver, so good to see you, mate. Here's the problem.
(Song: "We Don't Know How". A scene where Anthony sings a song about 3 vehicles doesn't work.)
Anthony: (singing) The Big Red Car
Emma's Bowmobile
And the Wiggly Plane
Yes, we have a Wiggly Plane
Aren't working now
We tried to fix them
But we don't know how
We don't know how.
(Oliver Brain whispered into his ear.) Ohh! I knew it! You're a musician. Not a mechanic. I see wings. Fairy wings. You're a fairy musician.
Emma': Well, it is wonderful, but I don't think Oliver being a fairy musician helps us to get to the Wiggly show without transport.
Simon: Or maybe it does. (with Lachy gets off the Wiggly Plane & Emma gets off the Bowmobile.) You see, Oliver has wings and a six-string banjo.
Anthony: Too right he does, Simo. But how does that help us?
Simon: Well, if Oliver starts to play some music, we can join in, and maybe a whole lot of fairies will join us for a dance.
Lachy: Oh, great, Simo. But how does that help us to get to the Wiggly show?
Simon: That is a good question, Lach, and one I am very happy to answer. You see, if Oliver plays fairy dancing music, well, other fairies will come and dance!
Lachy, Emma & Anthony: Right!
Simon: And those fairies have wings, right?
Lachy, Emma & Anthony: Right!
Simon: OK. Simple. The fairies have a dance, then we hitch a ride, fly with the fairies to the concert.
Emma: Fabulous idea, Simon! (She gives a thumbs up.)
(4 colored rectangles with music notes sliding horizontally transition to the song: Fairies Dancing, Flowers in Their Hair. A scene where The Wiggles could have a dance with the fairies, while going to the Wiggly concert.)
Simon: (singing) Look here and there, dancing everywhere
There are some fairies dancing with flowers in their hair
Lachy: (singing) Look here and there, dancing everywhere
There are some fairies dancing with flowers in their hair
(Anthony plays on bagpipes & Oliver Brain plays on a banjo.)
Emma: (singing) Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
(with Lachy & Simon singing.) Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
Fairies dancing everywhere
With flowers in their hair.
(Anthony plays on bagpipes & Oliver Brain plays on a banjo as they speed up.)
Emma, Simon & Lachy: (singing) Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
Fairies dancing everywhere
With flowers in their hair.
Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
Fairies dancing
With flowers in their hair
Fairies dancing everywhere
With flowers in their hair.
(Shot transition to the Rock & Roll Preschool sign. Then, it translates to the song: Here Comes a Bear. A scene where they filmed on November 4th 2016 to perform The Wiggles' Yarrabah School Concert.)
Emma: This next song is about four animals. It's about a bear with paws up in the air. That's it.
Simon: It's about a kangaroo. Can you jump up and down like a kangaroo?
Anthony: There we go.
Lachy: It's about a snake. (He hisses.) Sssssssssssss!
Simon: Wow, good moves, Lachy.
Anthony: Lachy, up here the snakes are a lot faster, mate. Can you try it a little bit...?
Lachy: (He hisses really fast.) Sssssssssssss! Sssssssssssss! (Emma & Simon laughing.)
Anthony: And it's about a wombat who likes to crawl very slowly. (He crawls slowly.) Come on. Paws up, everybody.
Simon: You sure the wombats don't crawl really quickly here as well, Anthony?
Anthony: Are they fast up here as well? Slow? Fast? (The audience shouts "Fast".)
Simon: I think they're fast. I think they're really fast up here. (Anthony crawls very fast.)
Captain Feathersword: That's it. (with others laughing.)
Emma: Come on, everyone. Paws up in the air. Stomping all around.
(singing) Here comes a bear
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) We're stomping, stomping)
Emma: (singing) A very friendly bear
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) stomping, stomping)
Emma: (singing) Paws up in the air
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) stomping, stomping)
Emma: (singing) Stomping everywhere
Simon: A kangaroo!
(singing) Kangaroo jumps
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) boing boing)
Simon: (singing) Jumps so high
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) boing boing)
Simon: (singing) Almost touches the sky
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) boing boing)
Simon: (singing) The kangaroo jumps so high
Lachy: (singing) Here comes a snake.
(singing) Here comes a snake
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Sssssssss)
Lachy: (singing) Slithering along
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Sssssssss)
Lachy: (singing) His body's very long
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Sssssssss)
Lachy: (singing) Slippery snake slithers along
Anthony: Here comes a wombat!
(singing) Wombat crawls
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) crawling crawling)
Anthony: (singing) Crawls along the ground (He laughs.)
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) crawling crawling)
Anthony: (singing) Doesn't make much sound (He laughs.)
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) crawling crawling)
Anthony: (singing) The wombat crawls around
Simon: Here comes a bear!
(singing) Here comes a bear
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) We're stomping, stomping)
Simon: (singing) A very friendly bear
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) stomping, stomping)
Simon: (singing) Paws up in the air
((The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) stomping, stomping)
Simon: (singing) Stomping everywhere.
Anthony: Big growl, everybody!
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: Growl!
Anthony: Give yourself a big clap.
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to Lachy is wearing a science lab coat & safety goggles, while holding pom-poms dancing to Dressing Up instrumental track plays in the background. Until, shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Then, it translates to The Wiggles decided to pick on of their favourite colour.)
Lachy: Anthony, can you guess what my favourite colour is?
Anthony: Well, Lachy, you wear the colour purple as well as black, so I'm guessing it's either one of those colours. Mmm. They're both very nice. OK. I'm gonna take a guess that purple is your favourite colour.
Lachy: Indeed it is purple.
Anthony: Can anyone guess what my favourite colour is?
Simon: Let me have a little think. Ooh, since your guitar is blue and your long-sleeved T-shirt is blue, I'm guessing your favourite colour is blue!
Anthony: Indeed it is blue.
Simon: Well, can anyone guess my favoruite colour?
Emma: Well, your long-sleeved T-shirt is red, your opera cape is red, and you love fire engines. So, Simon, I'm guessing your favourite colour is red.
Simon: Indeed it is red.
Emma: Well, instead of guessing what my favourite colour is, come with me and see. (She leaves the Wigglehouse.)
Anthony: (He takes off his glasses.) Contact lenses in. (with Simon & Lachy leaves the Wigglehouse.)
(Shot cuts to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot transition to the song: Emma's Yellow Bow. A scene where Emma who has a yellow bow & she loves to dance.)
Simon: (singing) Well, you heard about the yellow bow (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) It's Emma's favourite, don't you know? (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) And people, they do stop and stare (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) There's something special in her hair (bow, bow)
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) She wears the bow throughout the year (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) We're so glad we got her here (bow, bow)
Lachy: (singing) People travel near and far (bow, bow)
Simon: (singing) She wears the bow, and she's a star (bow, bow)
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
Anthony: Here she comes to dance. The girl with the yellow bow. 'Round and 'round she goes. Where she stops, no one knows. We love her, it's Emma. Give her a big clap, everybody.
(with the other Wiggles singing.) It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow)
It's Emma's yellow bow (bow, bow.)
(Emma's bows transition back to The Wiggles guessed that Emma's favourite colour is yellow.)
Anthony: (He put his glasses back on.) Ahhh. Emma, Emma, Emma. No doubt about it, your favourite colour is yellow. And after wearing it myself, it's my second-favourite colour.
Simon & Lachy: Indeed it is. (They chuckle.)
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the end credits are rolling.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you