
Aiken Drum is a song from the Nursery Rhymes 2 video and album.


There was a man who lived in the moon, who lived in the moon, who lived in the moon,
There was a man who lived in the moon,
And his name was Aiken Drum.

And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle,
And he played upon a ladle,
and his name was Aiken Drum.

And his hat was made of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese,
And his hat was made of good cream cheese,
And his name was Aiken Drum.


And his coat was made of good roast beef, of good roast beef, of good roast beef,
And his coat was made of good roast beef,
And his name was Aiken Drum.


And his buttons made of penny loaves, of penny loaves, of penny loaves,
And his buttons made of penny loaves,
And his name was Aiken Drum.


And his waistcoat was made of crust pies, of crust pies, of crust pies,
And his waistcoat was made of crust pies,
And his name was Aiken Drum.


And his breeches made of haggis bags, of haggis bags, of haggis bags,
And his breeches made of haggis bags,
And his name was Aiken Drum.


Song Credits[]

Trad. Arr. Oliver Brian, Anthony Field, Lachlan Gillespie, Alex Keller, Simon Pryce, Emma Watkins (Wiggly Tunes Pty Ltd)


  • The song was uploaded to The Wiggles' YouTube channel on August 19th, 2018.

