

This is the transcript for Aladdin and His Magic Lamp.


The Kingdom of Paramithi

Is full of adventure and play

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Will welcome you here today

You will meet a king and a queen

A handsome prince saving the scene

We'll meet Goldilocks and the three bears here too (roar)

And there's Puss in Boots who will sing for you

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

You're welcome in Paramithi

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Is full of adventure and play

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Will welcome you here today

We will sing and dance the ballet

The arabesque et fouette

Meet three little pigs and Pinocchio

And you will just love it when you put on a show

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

You're welcome in Paramithi

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

Welcome in Paramithi

(After the theme song, the episode begins with an introduction from Anastasia the music box ballerina as the magic brings her to life)

Anastasia: Hello everybody. I am Anastasia, and it is so good to see you. Everyday is a special day here, in Paramithi. Let's see what's happening, today!

(After a brief sequence of the Paramithi soldiers, the scene fades to the throne room where King John, Queen Isabella, James and Genevieve are waiting)

Queen Isabella: Oh hello! And welcome to the Kingdom of Paramithi! It's so very nice to see you! I am Queen Isabella.

King John: Hello. I am King John and it is lovely to see you!

Queen Isabella: Darling, I'm so happy, I feel like singing!

(Queen Isabella rises from her throne and begins to sing a portion of the Paramithi theme song)

Queen Isabella: The Kingdom of Paramithi

Is full of adventure and play

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Will welcome you here today!

(The court erupts in applause as the Queen sits back down)

King John: That was MAGNIFICENT! You've always been a wonderful singer, ever since I first met you when you were a young princess at court. And like you, I too feel a certain... Exultant equanimity.

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: What?

King John: I feel a certain, coruscate of contentment.

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: What?!

King John: I feel happy!

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: Oh!

King John: And as I feel so happy, I would like to sing as well! I think I will sing about being... Paramithi's king yes!

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: Hoorah!

(Cue "I'm Paramithi's King")

King John: On a day like this I want to fly

At least it wouldn't hurt to try

But I wouldn't quite know where to start

As flying is, well, quite an art

But I'm not sure it's the thing to do

As kings are really well to do

But I'll be true to the song I sing

As I am a Paramithi King

For I'm Paramithi's king

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: He is, he's Paramithi's King

King John: And it is, it is a glorious thing

I'm Paramithi's King

For I'm Paramithi's king

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: He is, he's Paramithi's King

King John: And it is, it is a glorious thing

I'm Paramithi's King

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: Hoorah! Hoorah for our lovely king

Hoorah for our lovely King!

King John: When I sally forth to meet my day

I conduct myself in a royal way

I love my Paramithi's rule

And the kingly things that I get to do

But I don't just sit on my royal throne

And I will pretend to rule alone

Yet I manage some how to get through

With my Queen, my butler and my maid too

For I'm Paramithi's king

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: He is, he's Paramithi's King

King John: And it is, it is a glorious thing

I'm Paramithi's King

For I'm Paramithi's king

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: He is, he's Paramithi's King

King John: And it is, it is a glorious thing

I'm Paramithi's King

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: Hoorah! Hoorah for our lovely king

Hoorah for our lovely King!

(The song ends as everyone applauds the song. The King laughs in delight)

King John: That was splendid! Singing makes me feel so good!

(With singing completed, everyone heads back to their positions to go on with the daily routine)

Queen Isabella: Are there anymore royal duties James?

James: Oh well your royal highness, you have finished your royal duties for today. You are free to do, anything you like!

Queen Isabella: Anything we like?

Genevieve: Oui Madame! You ARE the King and Queen.

Queen Isabella: Then let's change from our royal robes...

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes?

Queen Isabella: Go to the royal library...

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes?

Queen Isabella: And see what's in the Paramithi storybook.

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes, yes!

Queen Isabella: There are always three clues in the library as to what the story will be. I can't wait to find out what today's story is!

(The King and Queen stand from their thrones and excitedly make their way to the royal library. Genevieve tells James to follow after them by saying "Aller" meaning "Go" in French. But after a misunderstanding of James copying her gestures, the two finally in a hurry follow on. After a brief view of the palace the scene transitions to the royal library so that everyone can find out the clues to the daily story. On the table where the clues are this time, there is a lamp, a turban and a ring)

King John: There are always three clues, yes!

Queen Isabella: Here is a lamp so smooth and golden. It's from a time magical and olden.

James: And here is a turban to wear on your head. It's from the Middle East or so it is said.

Genevieve: And here is a jewelled ring. That would match a beautiful dress! It belongs to a woman, a beautiful princesse.

James: I wonder what the story could be... I think that it is Aladdin and His Magic Lamp! There's a man called Aladdin who finds a magic lamp, and has a magic ring and the story is set in the Middle East!

King John: Let's open the book and see...

(The book turns to the first page revealing the story is indeed Aladdin and His Magic Lamp)

King John: It is the story of Aladdin and His Magic Lamp!

Queen Isabella: Oh yes I know this story! It's a story from Arabia over six-hundred years ago. Come on let's all sit down and we can find out what happens to Aladdin and His Magic Lamp.

(The court sits down and gets ready to hear the story)

Queen Isabella: Is everyone comfortable? Right! Then let's begin. (Begins to read. As the story is read, James and Genevieve begin to act out the events) Once upon a time there was a young man named Aladdin. Aladdin is asked by an evil sorcerer to recover a lamp from a cave. The sorcerer wanted to trap Aladdin in the cave and take the lamp, but Aladdin had been given a magic ring. He rubs the ring and a Genie appears and magically transports Aladdin out of the cave back to his home. When Aladdin rubbed the magic lamp, the Genie of the lamp appeared.

King John: My darling, could I briefly play the Genie of the lamp? I have a brief knowledge of the tale and I would enjoy it!

Queen Isabella: Of course my love. You will make the sweetest Genie!

King John: A sweet Genie?

Queen Isabella: Sweet? Oh I mean you will be a POWERFUL and AWE-INSPIRING Genie!

King John: Yes yes quite so!

(As King John begins to join in on the acting, the story continues)

Queen Isabella: The Genie of the lamp at his master's request, provided riches for Aladdin.

King John: Oh uh bala-kazam, uhh baba-kazich, here's a spell and now your rich!

Queen Isabella: As Aladdin was now rich he could court the hand of Princess Badroulbadour. And so eventually, Aladdin and Princess Badroulbadour were married lived happily ever after! Aladdin lived in a castle even more beautiful than ANY in the world!

King John: More beautiful than any castle in the world...?

Queen Isabella: Well, apart from the Kingdom of Paramithi!

King John: Oh. Of course!

(The story ends and everyone happily goes back to their places)

King John: Oh yes I love that story and it was wonderful! Dare I say it was... "Magical"? (Chuckles) Bravo James and Genevieve! Of course, it would be even better if we performed Aladdin and His Magic Lamp in the Paramithi theatre. With music (Imitates an instrument), dancing and songs a-ha! And even more cast! And we could invite an audience to watch it. Oh yes James you and Genevieve can organise it with the wonderful people of Paramithi! You can stop being a butler and a maid for a while and be producers! Do you think you can do it James and Genevieve?

Queen Isabella: Yes can you both do it?

(At this request, James and Genevieve transform themselves into Hollywood style producers with Brooklyn accents and American slang)

James: Aw sure! I'm on the job! I'm on the job!

Genevieve: Oh yeah pops! Baba-kazam, Baba-kazit, this show is gonna be a HIT! (Suddenly switches back) I mean uh, I shall do my best your royal highness!

King John: (Chuckles) Well, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Oh yes, I expect we may be uh HIT by something or uh... But for now it's on with the show!

Queen Isabella: Yes! (The King and Queen begin to leave, but not before...) Make sure you do a great job!

(The two laugh off the joke and leave the royal library. Meanwhile James and Genevieve also have a laugh and prepare themselves for the production. The scene fades out to a brief sequence of the Paramithi trumpeters and then back to Anastasia's music box)

Anastasia: Isn't it exciting? There's going to be a show about, Aladdin and His Magic Lamp! James and Genevieve will put together a cast, with beautiful costumes and beautiful songs. I can't wait!

(The scene transitions to backstage as James and Genevieve get ready)

James: Oh! Won't Aladdin and His Magic Lamp be a magical show!

Genevieve: Oui James! But to make it "Magical", we have a lot of work to do! Now, if you call the cast, I will check on the costumes and props!

Both: Let's put on our show!

(Genevieve walks inside the costume room to visit Mario the costume maker. Cue "Let's Get The Costumes)

Genevieve: Let's get the costumes to make this a fine show

We'll need the best of what Mario makes

With ribbons and lace and perhaps some fine feathers

Made with affection and notice to detail

They're the things that really, really matter

Yes, the things that really, really matter

Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter

Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter

They're the things that really, really matter

Yes, the things that really, really matter

Mario: Yes Genevieve, I will dress all the cast

With costumes that look like they're made for a gala

With ribbons and lace and perhaps some fine feathers

Made with affection and notice to detail

They're the things that really, really matter

Yes, the things that really, really matter

Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter

Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter

They're the things that really, really matter

Things that really, really matter

Both: Costumes that look like they're made for a gala

With ribbons and lace and fine feathers

Costumes that look like they're made for a gala

With ribbons and lace perhaps some fine feathers

(Song ends)

Genevieve: So, what have you prepared for Aladdin and His Magic Lamp Mario?

Mario: Genevieve, I have some VERY special costumes for Aladdin! A Turban, for Aladdin's head. And, a golden vest.

Genevieve: It will look WONDERFUL!

Mario: And here is the vest and Turban for the Genie of the lamp! (Makes an explosion noise and gets out the costumes) The Genie will need some makeup as well of course. You get the picture, no?

Genevieve: ...No! I mean uh, oui Mario.

(Mario soon gets out the costume for the Princess, which is a light blue silk veil)

Mario: And here is the costume for Princess Badroulbadour!

(Mario has Genevieve try on the veil for herself to her delight. She raises the veil up for fun and says...)

Genevieve: Peek-A-Boo! I can see you!

Mario: And here is the costume for the Genie of the RING!

(However, Mario seems to have trouble finding the costume for the Genie Of The Ring as if it mysteriously vanished)

Mario: Oh! But where did it go? It was right here!

(Suddenly, the costume appears out of thin air and sparkles and has Mario wear it. It seems that it appeared from magic)

Genevieve: I think your wearing the Genie Of The Ring costume!

Mario: Oh! So I am! Genie-whizz what a mistake! (Laughs)

Genevieve: You are so funny Mario! The costumes are wonderful. But for now, the cast will be here soon so let's prepare.

(Genevieve hands back the veil to Mario)

Mario: At once!

(Genevieve leaves the room so Mario can prepare and the scene fades once again back to Anastasia's music box)

Anastasia: Hasn't Mario done a wonderful job on the costumes! Now, James needs to call the cast to perform in the show. I wonder who he will pick? Let's see!

(The scene transitions again to backstage where James is deciding the cast)

James: I need a cast and I need them fast! ...Bernadette the Florist is a WONDERFUL performer!

(As James rings up Bernadette, the scene cuts to Bernadette's Florist Shop where Bernadette receives the call. She answers the telephone)

Bernadette: Hello?

James: Hello Bernadette? It's James!

Bernadette: Oh hello James! So lovely to hear from you!

James: I'm inviting you to perform for the King and Queen at the Paramithi theatre.

Bernadette: Of course! It would be an HONOUR to perform for the King and Queen! Thank you for thinking of me James. Goodbye!

James: Goodbye!

(The phone call ends as Bernadette speaks to her flower arrangements before heading off)

Bernadette: Don't go changing my little lovelies. Mummy will be back soon!

(After blowing a kiss to the flowers, she leaves for the Palace. Cue "We Need A Cast")

James: We need a cast

To put on a great show

I'll call them now

And tell them "Don't be slow!"

Genevieve: There's Bernadette

And Sarah sings for you

And Bobby's there

So is Carlos too

James: We need a cast

Genevieve: On a besoin d'une troupe

James: We need a cast

Genevieve: We need a cast

James/Genevieve: We need a cast, we need a cast

We need a cast, we need a cast

Our friends will steal the show

With their lovely singing

And their lively dancing

Yes, we'll put on a show

Right here in Paramithi

Bernadette/Sarah/Bobby/Carlos: Yes, we will steal the show

With our lovely singing

And our lively dancing

Yes, we'll put on a show

Right here in Paramithi

(After a brief sequence of the Royal Jesters, the scene fades to the props room where Johnny the special effects and props inventor is carefully setting up all of the props needed for the show as Genevieve walks in)

Genevieve: Bonjour Johnny!

Johnny: Hey Bonjour Genevieve! Ok. I'll show you some of the very special things ready for Aladdin And His Magic Lamp!

(The word "Lamp" echoes through the room)

Genevieve: I can't wait! I know it will be... Enchanting.

Johnny: And here... Is his magic lamp. From an Arabian camp.

Genevieve: Ooh...

Johnny: Well, what about THIS? Smoke will appear from this smoke machine whenever a magic trick takes place!

(The smoke from the machine continues to rise in the room and starts to create a misty fog)

Johnny: Genevieve? Are you there?

Genevieve: I'm here Johnny!

(Fortunately Johnny manages to clear away all of the smoke so he can see Genevieve)

Johnny: Oops-a-doops!

Genevieve: Merci Johnny! That effect is uh... Smokin'!

Johnny: Ok. I'll also play the marquetry every time the Genie appears.

(Johnny picks up a set of wind chimes and brushes them to make a magical sparkly sound)

Genevieve: Très bien! (English: Very nice!)

Johnny: Ok. And... Here is the jewelled ring that Aladdin uses to escape the cave. Do you like that Genevieve?

Genevieve: (Gasps as she sees the ring for herself) Oui Johnny! I love bangles and bracelets and baubles, necklaces, earrings, chains and and... I mean uh, yes. I do like the ring Johnny. The props for Aladdin are truly magical! Au revoir!

(Genevieve leaves the room and meets back with James as showtime is about to begin)

Genevieve: Then there's only one thing left to say... Chookas everybody!

Sarah/Carlos/Bernadette/Bobby: Chookas!

James: Open the curtain Johnny! It's on with the show!

(As James and Genevieve get into positions, Johnny opens the curtains for the performance to begin. An audience that includes the King and Queen are watching excitedly. The narrator for the tale this time is Bernadette)

Bernadette: Welcome to...


Bernadette: The Paramithi Theatre!


Bernadette: I'm dressed as a Genie today! Now, are you ready for a fabulous fairytale?

Audience: Yes!

Bernadette: Then let's begin! Today's story is called Aladdin And His Magic Lamp. Once upon a time, there was a young man named Aladdin.

(Aladdin played by Carlos spins to the front of the stage)

"Aladdin": My name is Aladdin. And I'm a "Lad-in" a cave!

(The audience laughs at the pun)

"Aladdin": I've been sent here by an evil sorcerer. I think I know what I'm looking for. He sent me to look for a lamp that's magic. I hope that my cave adventure does NOT turn tragic! (Spots the lamp sitting on a podium and gasps) Here it is! The magic lamp! ...But I'm stuck here in this cave so damp. And yet, the sorcerer gave me... This magic ring! A magic ring that's just the thing!

(Cue "Here's A Magic Ring")

Carlos: Here's a magic ring

Back to home I'll bring

It will take me not forsake me with one wipe I'll stop my gripe

Take me back home

Here's a magic ring

Here's a magic ring

(The song ends)

"Aladdin": Let me rub the magic ring!

(Aladdin rubs the ring and in return a cloud of smoke appears revealing the Genie of The Ring also played by Bernadette)

"Genie of The Ring": Hello Aladdin. I'm the Genie of the Ring. I'll grant you a wish because... That's my thing!

"Aladdin": Genie of the Ring, it's so good to see you! I'm stuck in this cave, feeling oh so blue... If I could make a wish all of my own it's please dear Genie, transport me home!

"Genie of The Ring": Granted. With just one rub, soon you'll be home soaking in your own tub.

(Using her magic, the Genie of the Ring grants Aladdin's wish to go home. A cloud of smoke covers the scene as the audience watches in awe. Aladdin soon finds himself back at his house)

"Aladdin": Hooray! I'm back home! ...Yet, I'm all alone. But I've got the lamp! A magic lamp! Woohoo! Let me give it a rub.

(Aladdin rubs the lamp and once again a cloud of smoke appears. However, backstage Johnny becomes so distracted with combing his hair that he nearly forgets to do the sound effect. Just in time he does and the Genie of The Lamp pops out played by Bobby)

"Genie of The Lamp": Hello Aladdin! I'm the Genie of The Lamp!

"Aladdin": Wow! Your the second Genie I've ever seen! So Genie of the Lamp, what does that mean?

"Genie of The Lamp": Well I appear with a boom-boom and a tish! And whenever I am summoned, I grant you a wish.

"Aladdin": (To the audience) This could be my chance to break free of poverty! No longer poor Aladdin will I be! Yes, it's my chance! For riches, for power and for romance!

(Cue "Here's A Magic Lamp")

Carlos: Here's a magic lamp

With a genie too

He will grant me all that I wish all I'd hope for, gold and riches

Perhaps a wife too!

Carlos/Bobby: Here's a magic lamp

Here's a magic lamp

Here's a magic lamp, like a rubber stamp

Carlos: Rub it now and I'll be happy yes, I'll be a happy chappy

I've been in distress, such an awful mess

Oh, I've been in distress

But now I'll change things

And to hope I cling

Yes, for love I'll swim an ocean

But I'm poor and it's a notion

That will have to wait

Carlos/Bobby: Here's a magic lamp

Here's a magic lamp

Carlos: With a genie it's my chance

To start a magic dance

With a rub-a-dub I go, the magic genie show

He'll grant my wish you know

He'll grant my wish you know

Carlos/Bobby: Here's a genie's magic lamp

Here's a genie's magic lamp

Here's a genie's magic lamp a genie's magic lamp!

Here's a magic lamp (Here's a magic lamp)

Here's a magic lamp

Carlos: For if what he says is true

A princess I can marry to

Here's a genie's magic lamp for me

Here's a genie's magic lamp!

(The song ends as the audience applauds the performance)

"Aladdin": So Genie, I would like to make a wish. Hmm... For riches a plenty and a castle sublime. For a kitchen never empty and clothes that are fine. And a princess to marry till the end of time!

"Genie of The Lamp": Your wish is my command!

(The Genie of The Lamp grants Aladdin's wish. Everything he wanted has magically appeared before him including the Princess Badroulbadour played by Sarah)

"Princess Badroulbadour": I am Princess Badroulbadour. And you are?

"Aladdin": Aladdin.

"Princess Badroulbadour": I think I'm in love!

"Aladdin": And I love you madame!

Bernadette: And so Aladdin and his princess lived happily ever after. In a castle sublime and an overflowing lader! Please thank the cast of the Paramithi theatre!

(The four performers take a bow for the encore as the audience continues to applaud the performance)

Queen Isabella: Bravo!

Bernadette: Thank you everyone for coming, and we hope we will see you next time at... The Paramithi Theatre!

(The audience continues to cheer and applaud the show as the curtains come down)

King John: Oh what a wonderful show!

Queen Isabella: Thank you for coming. We'll see you next time in...

King John/Queen Isabella: The Kingdom Of Paramithi!

(The episode ends as the scene fades to the closing song "It's Goodbye". Cue closing credits)

Like a bird in the forest who's flying away

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

We have sung and we've danced to the music today

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revoir'

And James gives a smile just as bright as a star

And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
