This is the transcript for Androcles and the Lion.
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
You will meet a king and a queen
A handsome prince saving the scene
We'll meet Goldilocks and the three bears here too (roar)
And there's Puss in Boots who will sing for you
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
We will sing and dance the ballet
The arabesque et fouette
Meet three little pigs and Pinocchio
And you will just love it when you put on a show
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
Welcome in Paramithi
(After the theme song, the episode begins with an introduction from Anastasia the music box ballerina as the magic brings her to life)
Anastasia: Hello everybody. I am Anastasia, and it's so good to see you. Everyday is a special day here, in Paramithi. Let's see what's happening, today!
(After a trumpet fanfare sequence, the scene fades to the throne room where King John, Queen Isabella, James and Genevieve are waiting)
Queen Isabella: Hello! And welcome to the Kingdom of Paramithi! It's so very nice to see you! I am Queen Isabella.
King John: Hello. I am King John and it is lovely to see you! Now as we are in our royal robes, we must have some royal duties to perform!
Queen Isabella: That's right King John! James! What royal duties do we have today?
James: Let me (Starts doing a dance) have a look! Genevieve?
Genevieve: J'arrive! (English: I'm coming!)
(Genevieve makes her way to the royal appointment book so that she and James can check what duties need to be performed)
James: Oh! Your majesties are presenting a very special award, to a very special young person!
Genevieve: Oui! Tout a fait spécial! (English: Yes! Absolutely special!)
Queen Isabella: Are we presenting... A yummy cake?
Genevieve: No your majesty. Not a yummy cake!
King John: It must be very special indeed... I wonder what it could be? (To the viewers) Do you know what we're presenting? Oh you think we're presenting a medal! You do? James?!
(King John looks to his left only to find that James is still on the right side of the room)
King John: Ah there you are. Are we presenting a medal?
James: Yes King John! Your majesties will be presenting a medal! The medal of Para-mi-mi-thi-thi-thi!
King John: The medal of Para-mi-mi-thi-thi-thi! Well that is very special indeed! Let's have a medal presentation!
(Cue "Medal Presentation")
All: Medal Presentation!
King John: Medal Presentation!
It's time to give a medal
Queen Isabella: To someone who's deserving
King John: For something they've done well
Queen Isabella: Yes, very, very well
James: For they may have brushed their teeth well
Genevieve: Or shared or played some game well
James: Or danced an Irish Jig
Genevieve: Gone to market for a pig (oink, oink!)
(Song ends)
King John: (Still singing) And who is receiv- (Stops abruptly by his wife at the stopping of the music) Oh, there's no music. And who is receiving this medal?
Genevieve: (Gasp) It is Christobel!
Queen Isabella: Oh she's a wonderful young lady! And what did Christobel do to deserve the medal of Paramithi?
James: (Gasp) Christobel washes her hands with soap and water after going to the toilet and before she eats!
Queen Isabella: She washes her hands with soap and water! Please bring her in, just like you oughta'!
(The medal presentation commences as Genevieve slowly walks the receiver to the centre of the throne room so that the medal is presented)
King John: We award the medal of Paramithi to you Christobel for washing your hands with soap and water.
Christobel: Thank you your majesties.
Queen Isabella: Well done miss Christobel!
(The room applauds the receiver of the medal as the scene fades back to Anastasia and her music box)
Anastasia: Wasn't Christobel lovely? She washes her hands everyday! Now, let's see what the King and Queen are doing in the throne room.
(Back to the throne room)
King John: Ah, now what James?
James: Oh well your royal highness, you have finished your royal duties for today. You are free to do, anything you like!
Queen Isabella: Anything we like?
Genevieve: Oui Madame! You ARE the King and Queen.
James: Perhaps your majesties could avail all to an amiable amble to the literary hub?
King John/Queen Isabella/Genevieve: ...What?
James: A walk to the royal library.
Queen Isabella: Oh yes James that's a wonderful suggestion! Then let's change from our royal robes...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes?
Queen Isabella: Go to the royal library...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes?
Queen Isabella: And see what's in the Paramithi storybook.
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes, yes!
Queen Isabella: There are always three clues in the library as to what the story will be. I can't wait to find out what today's story is!
(The King and Queen stand from their thrones and excitedly make their way to the royal library as the scene transitions to the Paramithi soldiers. Cue "The Marching Soldiers Song")
Soldiers: Here we come, here we come
It's a marching song
Here we come, here we come
As we sing our song
Our legs go up
Our legs go down
As we're marching round and round
Here we come, here we come
See us march along
Here we come, here we come
As we sing our song
Our arms go up
Our arms go down
As we're marching round and round
Here we come, here we come
It's a marching song
Here we come, here we come
And it's so much fun
Our legs go up
Our legs go down
As we're marching round and round
Here we come, here we come
See us march along
Here we come, here we come
And it's so much fun
Our legs go up
Our legs go down
As we're marching round and round
(The song ends and the scene transitions to the royal library so that everyone can find out the clues to the daily story. On the table where the clues are this time, there is a lion figurine, a branch and a picture of the Rome Colosseum)
King John: There are always three clues, yes! One, two, three!
Queen Isabella: Oh. Here is a figure of a lion.
James: Here is a picture of a fighting arena!
Genevieve: And here is a sawed branch.
James: Hmm... I wonder what this story could be... I think it is Androcles and the Lion. Yes! Androcles pulls a thorn from a lion's paw and is later saved by that same lion in a fighting arena!
King John: Let's open the book and see...
(The book turns to the first page revealing the story is indeed Androcles and the Lion)
King John: Yes It is the story of Androcles and the Lion!
Queen Isabella: Yes I know this story! Androcles was a slave who ran away and met a lion. Come on, let's all sit down and we can find out what happened to Androcles and the Lion.
(The court sits down and gets ready to hear the story)
Queen Isabella: Is everyone comfortable? Right! Then let's begin. (Begins to read. As the story is read, James and Genevieve begin to act out the events) Once upon a time, there was a slave who was treated so badly by his master, that he ran away and hid in a cave. Where he met, a lion!
Genevieve: (Roars like a lion)
Queen Isabella: The lion would normally attack Androcles, but it had a thorn in it's paw. Androcles removed it for the lion who was very thankful. In return, the lion looked after Androcles until the day he wanted to return to the city again. On his return to the city, Androcles was re-captured by the slave master and sent to the colosseum to fight the lions, which normally meant certain death. However, when Androcles was sent into the arena, he saw that the lion was the one that was his friend! Instead of eating Androcles, the lion sat beside him protecting him. The governor thought-
(The Queen looks over to King John who decides to join in and fill the role of the governor. The story continues)
Queen Isabella: The governor thought this was amazing, and granted both Androcles and the lion their freedom! They remained free and friends for the rest of their lives!
(The story ends and everyone happily goes back to their places)
King John: Oh that story and was such fun!
Queen Isabella: Of course, it would be even better if we performed Androcles and the Lion in the Paramithi theatre. With music (Drums the book), dancing, songs a-ha-ha-ha! And even more cast! And we could invite an audience to watch it. Yes James you and Genevieve can organise it with the wonderful people of Paramithi! You can stop being a butler and a maid for a while and be producers! Do you think you can do it James and Genevieve?
King John: Yes can you both do it?
(At this request, James and Genevieve transform themselves into Hollywood style producers with Brooklyn accents and American slang)
James: Aw it would be nothin' man! I'll have this baby up in no time!
Genevieve: It will be a piece of cake daddy-o! (Suddenly switches back) I mean uh, I shall do my best your royal highness!
Queen Isabella: (Chuckles) Well, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! But for now, let's get on with the show!
King John: Yes! (The King and Queen begin to leave, but not before...) It's a piece of cake, daddy-o!
(The two laugh off the joke and leave the royal library as the scene fades back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Isn't it exciting? There's going to be a show about Androcles and the Lion! James and Genevieve will put together a cast, with beautiful costumes and beautiful songs. I can't wait!
(Cue "Now We Can Put On A Show")
James: Never mind our royal duties
We have other work to do, please
I will tell the cast to get here fast
And they'll perform the show
There'll be costumes so delightful
And some that will be frightful (ooh!)
Genevieve: Hear the singer's lovely chorus
Voices like the angels sing
They will sing with deep emotion
They will sing for Queen and King
James: For our good Queen Isabella
Genevieve: Find a cast that's simply stellar
James: And for King John we must find them
Genevieve: They'll be here in Paramithi
Both: Let the search for singers begin
Costume makers start to sew
Paint the set and build some props
And then we can put on our show!
(Genevieve walks inside the costume room to visit Mario the costume maker. Cue "Let's Get The Costumes)
Genevieve: Let's get the costumes to make this a fine show
We'll need the best of what Mario makes
With ribbons and lace and perhaps some fine feathers
Made with affection and notice to detail
They're the things that really, really matter
Yes, the things that really, really matter
Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter
Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter
They're the things that really, really matter
Yes, the things that really, really matter
(Song ends)
Genevieve: So, what have you prepared for Androcles and the Lion Mario?
Mario: Well Genevieve, the slave's costume took very little time as you can well imagine.
(Mario grabs the costume from the clothes rack and places it on the costume mannequin)
Mario: Just a few old things thrown together, and made to look even more worn! (Wraps the costume with a belt) Voilà! This is a good thing too as the lion's costume took quite some time indeed!
Genevieve: Really? It must be quite special!
Mario: Well, I thought as it's such an integral part of the story, he must look PERFECT! (Pulls out a lion mask from the accessory shelf) Here is the lion's head...
(Mario has Genevieve try on the mask for herself to her delight)
Mario: And of course, the mane part of the costume! (Laughs) Mane? Part of the costume?! (Laughs again with Genevieve)
Genevieve: Oh Mario... FUR a minute, I didn't think you were going to make it!
Mario: Oh yes!
(The two laugh off the jokes while Genevieve makes a lion's purring noise)
Mario: And lastly, the slave master will wear this wonderful vest!
Genevieve: (Gasps) Well done Mario! It seems you have everything under control, as always! But now, you must help dress our cast. The show is about to commence!
Mario: At once!
(After handing back the costume, Genevieve leaves the room so Mario can prepare.)
Mario: ...Growl! (Laughs)
(The scene fades once again back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Hasn't Mario made beautiful costumes! Now, James needs to call the cast to perform in the show. I wonder who he will pick? Let's see!
(The scene transitions again to backstage where James is deciding the cast)
James: I need a cast and I need them fast! ...Ahh Carlos the artist he's a TREMENDOUS performer!
(As James rings up Carlos, the scene cuts to Carlos's Art Studio where Carlos as he's painting a giant landscape receives the call)
Carlos: Oh. That's the green Paramithi theatre phone. Perhaps... They want me to be in the show.
(Carlos answers the telephone)
Carlos: Hello?
James: Hello Carlos? It's James!
Carlos: Hello James. How can I help you?
James: I'm inviting you to perform for the King and Queen at the Paramithi theatre.
Carlos: Well certainly James! It would be a honour to perform at the Paramithi theatre! Especially for the King and Queen.
James: I'll see you soon!
Carlos: Thank you for thinking of me James. Goodbye!
James: Goodbye!
(The phone call ends as Carlos puts away his paint palette and paintbrush and heads for the Paramithi theatre. After a brief view of the palace, the scene transitions again back to the backstage room where a montage plays of all the performers arriving. It seems everything and everyone's ready to go, until...)
James: Hang on... We'll need another cast member to play the uh, slave master. I-I don't have anyone left! I wonder what CAN I do...?
(As everyone dissolves into fear and despair, King John luckily overhears the problem and saves the show just in time as trumpet fanfare overplays)
King John: Did somebody say that you need another cast member?!
Everyone: (Gasp) Your majesty!
King John: Arise fair citizens of Paramithi. I'm here to help. I overheard that you were short a cast member and thought I could help!
(Everyone erupts in excitement at the thought of the King being part of the show)
Genevieve: But... Your majesty, the part is playing a... slave master.
King John: Oh that's fine! I'll do my best to play him fairly, even if the character is not so.
James: Well! That's settled! Thank you your majesty. Now everybody, let's prepare for the show. Lights! Costumes! Makeup! Let's go let's go, oh... let's go.
(King John exits the room and as James calls out to the cast "Let's Go!" one last time, they all follow suite)
Genevieve: The King! (Gasp) Chookas everybody!
Sarah/Carlos/Bernadette/Bobby: Chookas!
James: Open the curtain Johnny! It's on with the show!
(As James and Genevieve get into positions, Johnny opens the curtains for the performance to begin. An audience that includes the Queen is watching excitedly. The narrator for the tale this time is Carlos)
Carlos: Welcome to...
Carlos: The Paramithi Theatre!
Carlos: Are you ready for a fabulous fairytale?
Audience: Yes!
Carlos: Today's story is called Androcles and the Lion! So let's begin. Once upon a time, there was a slave who had a most terrible slave master. The slave master will be played by his majesty the King!
(The Slave Master played King John walks to the front of the stage out of character as everyone applauds his surprise appearance)
King John: Thank you good people of Paramithi! Yes it's me King John with my costume and my furry facial features. I shall do my best to be a-a mean and terrible slave master! Feel free to boo! Yes please, please continue.
(The King leaves the stage so the show can continue)
Carlos: The mean and terrible slave master treated Androcles badly.
(King John, now in character as the slave master reappears at the front of the stage alongside Androcles played by Bernadette)
"Slave Master": (Laughs) And when you have finished scrubbing the floor, I want you to go outside and muck out the stables! I want them SPOTLESS.
"Androcles": But master, it is well past midday, and I've not yet had anything to eat!
"Slave Master": (Laughs) And you'll get nothing for the WHOLE DAY, if I hear so much as one word from you! Now scrub that floor until I can see my face in it!
(The audience is appalled at the Slave Master and boos while he walks away)
"Androcles": I'll show YOU how well I can clean out the stables! I will let all out the animals to create a diversion and while everyone is busy trying to round them up, I'll be running off in the other direction.
(Androcles makes her escape as Carlos comes back to narrate again)
Carlos: The slave ran away for three days and took shelter in a cave. Where she came across a lion.
(The sound of a lion's roar paves the entrance for the lion played by Bobby. Androcles is deeply frightened by the sight until she finds the thorn in the lion's paw. Cue "The Lion's Lament")
Bobby: I have this painful thing ow
Bernadette: What is this thing oh?
Bobby: If it's not gone soon it will make me swoon
The pain is shocking and strong, ow!
I once was a merry man now I'm glum
I liked to dance and have to hum
I can't skip or hop or leap or jump
I just cry and cry all the day
Owie! Owie!
Misery me luck-a-day-dee
I can't skip or hop or leap or jump
I just cry and cry all the day
Bernadette: Let's have a look at this thing oh
Bobby: It's such a painful thing ow
Bernadette: The pain that it brings does it really sting
As you seem to yelp quite long, ow!
You say you were a merry man strong and proud
Who loved to roar and laugh out loud
But now no more a merry man who loved to hum
You cannot dance and seem so glum
You can't skip or hop or leap or jump
You just cry and cry all the day
Easy, easy
Let me look see what it might be
You must skip and hop and leap and jump
Not just cry and cry all the day
(Androcles manages to pull the thorn of the lion's paw as the audience cheers)
Bobby: I have no painful thing, oh
Bernadette: Then sing out in song, oh
Bobby: This thorn it brought a tear to my eye
It had been there for far too long
But now that the thorn has gone away
I can run in the hills where I love to play
I can let out a ROAR! So strong and proud
I now have a reason to laugh out loud
I am a merry man whose not glum
I need to dance and want to hum
I can skip and hop and leap and jump
And roar at the sky all the day
Hey-di, hey-di
Take a look see I can run free
I can skip and hop and leap and jump
And roar at the sky all the day!
(The song ends as the audience applauds the performance. Carlos once again returns to the stage to continue narrating)
Carlos: The lion was so grateful to Androcles for pulling the thorn from his paw, that he looked after her by feeding and protecting her. Eventually, Androcles returned to the city and was captured again by the mean slave master!
(The slave master finally recaptures Androcles and reappears causing the audience to boo again)
"Slave Master": Ha-ha slave! You thought you could come back to this city and not be found by me?! I have been searching everywhere and now that I have found you, I'll make an example of YOU!
(The audience continues to boo the slave master's nasty actions including James and Genevieve from backstage. The King nearly breaks character and chuckles at this before returning to his role)
"Androcles": You have treated me so badly throughout my entire life that there is very little you could do to make things worse!
"Slave Master": (Laughs) How wrong you are slave! In a week's time there'll be a day of games held in the arena. I will make sure that one of the games involves YOU trying to stay alive in the arena when it is filled with BEASTS! WILD BEASTS! Most notably a LION. (Roars and turns to the audience) Who also has furry facial features!
(The audience laughs at the joke, but still boos at the slave master as he leaves the stage leaving Androcles horrified)
"Androcles": I would rather take my chances in the arena than work one more day for you!
(As Androcles runs off the stage, the day of the games arrives with the opening sound of a trumpet fanfare)
Carlos: Androcles entered the arena to find that the lion was her friend from the cave. Instead of fighting Androcles, he laid beside her as if to protect her. The crowd cheered!
Sarah: Hooray!
(The audience also cheers and applauds with Sarah at such a beautiful and happy scene)
Sarah: See how the lion stands before her! She is not scared of such a furious beast! Such loyalty and dedication. They BOTH should be spared! Spare them! Spare them!
Carlos: The governor agreed with the crowd and decreed that both the lion and the slave shall have their lives and their freedom.
Sarah: Hooray!
(The audience cheers and applauds)
Carlos: And the lion and the slave went free and stayed the best of friends for the rest of their lives. And, they lived happily ever after! Please thank the cast of the Paramithi theatre!
(The five performers take a bow for the encore as the audience continues to applaud the performance)
Queen Isabella: Bravo!
(The episode ends as the scene fades to the closing song "It's Goodbye". Cue closing credits)
Like a bird in the forest who's flying away
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
We have sung and we've danced to the music today
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revoir'
And James gives a smile just as bright as a star
And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye