Captain Feathersword: Oh. Ahoy there, me hearties! Welcome to Network Wiggles! (Looks at the very door) In three seconds time, The Wiggles will be coming through this very door. One, two, three!
(The Wiggles come through the red door and they wave as they ran.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoa! That was Greg, Murray, Jeff and Anthony and I'm (looks at the red door) Obviously at the wrong place. Hey! Wait for me! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (He chases after them)
(Shot transition to the Song: Wake Up Jeff! a scene where The Wiggles & their friends are gonna wake Jeff up)
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.
What's that sound? I can hear somebody snoring.
What's that sound? It's not Murray or Greg.
Anthony's awake so let's have another guess now.
Oh my goodness! It must be Jeff!
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.
(Guitar solo for an instrumental break while Jeff's snoring)
Greg: (singing) Dorothy the Dinosaur is munching on some roses.
Wags the Dog is digging up bones.
Henry the Octopus is dancing round in circles.
Wake Up Jeff! We need you for the show!
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) Everybody's wiggling.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) We really need you.
Wiggles: (singing) Wake Up Jeff!
Greg: (singing) You're missing all the fun now.
Wake Up Jeff before the day's through.
Jeff: (yawning) Can you keep that noise down? I'm trying to sleep.
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Greg while the News Theme plays in the background then it fades to Greg talking about Dorothy at the Sydney Opera House)
Greg: Hello, and welcome to Network Wiggles News. Our lead story today takes us to the Sydney Opera House, where Dorothy the Dinosaur and her friends, are watching the boats on the harbor make a pretty scene.
(Shot transition to Dorothy holding a microphone to interview about the Sydney Opera House.)
Dorothy: (holding a news microphone.) Thank you, Greg. And hello, everyone. This is Dorothy the dinosaur reporting from the forecourt of the Sydney Opera House. Just look at those boats going by. What other boats might be on the harbor today?
Boy #1: Yeah. I see one. Captain Cook Cruises.
Boy #2: Speedboat.
Boy #1: A rowboat. Boat. Yeah. Rowboat.
Dorothy: I wonder why the boats are different colors.
Boy #1: So. If they were the same colors. People might get.
Girl #1: Yes.
Boy #1: The other person's boat.
Girl #1: Boat.
Boy #1: And they'll get in trouble.
Dorothy: The Sydney Harbor Bridge is very high. I wonder if you can climb it.
Girl #1: You can drive.
Boy #1: You can walk up to the bridge and get your photo taken, then walk back down the way you came up.
Dorothy: I expect the bridge is very old.
Boy #1: Yeah. 100 years old. There were two teams. And they built each side and then they joined up.
Dorothy: If I went on one of those boats out there, I wonder where I'd end up.
Girl #1: Gee. New York
Boy #1: On the other side of the harbor.
Dorothy: There is always a lot going on around the harbor. And the Sydney Opera House is a wonderful place to watch it all happen. But now, back to you, Greg. Goodbye.
(Shot transition to Greg uses the 2 boats while making the sounds of the boats)
Greg: Uh. In news just a hand. Uh. Two boats on my desk, narrowly avoided a nasty collision. Uh. I think we'd better go to the weather with Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: (He's holding his weathersword) Oh, thanks, Greg. Hoo-hoo! Seeing those old boats, bring a tear to the old Captain's eye. Whoo-hoo-hoo! But now for the weather. According to my magic weathersword, the first half of the day is going to be... sweet oranges. And the second half of the day, is going to sour, and be lemons. Oranges and lemons? How can it be oranges and lemons?
(Song: Weather, Weather, Weather. Then oranges and lemons were falling through the sky & landed down to the ground.)
All: (singing) Weather, weather, weather
Weather, weather, weather
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Back to you, Greg.
Greg: Oh, thank you, Captain. And now it's time for the sports report, where we take a look at a great game of oranges and lemons. (Until, the phone rings. While, he is gonna call the phone without oranges and lemons. Then he speaks on the phone) Huh? Oh. No oranges and lemons. OK. Thank you. (He puts the phone down) In news just ahead, we'll be taking a look at a great game of tunnel ball.
(Shot transition to The Wiggly Friends are playing tunnel ball)
Henry: Now, it's time for some tunnel ball.
Dorothy: Here we go. Faster.
Henry: That's it.
Dorothy: Go, Henry.
Henry: Straight through the legs.
Dorothy: Faster, Henry.
Henry: Oh.
Dorothy: Quick. Run. Watch out for my tail.
Henry: Here it goes. (He laughs)
Wags: Ruff. Ruff.
Henry: And again.
Dorothy: That's it.
Henry: Here you go.
Dorothy: There you go, Captain.
Henry: Down. And through the legs.
Wags: Ruff.
Henry: Whoa.
Dorothy: Good run, Wags.
Henry: Your turn, Wags.
Wags: Ruff.
Dorothy: Whoosh.
Henry: Oh, yeah. Uh-oh.
Dorothy: Oh no.
Henry: It's gone off course.
Dorothy: Captain.
Wags: Oh.
Henry: Where did that go?
Wags: Aroo.
Henry: Oh.
Captain Feathersword: Oh.
Dorothy: Here we go.
Captain Feathersword: Yay!
Henry: (He laughs)
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Wags: Ruff.
Dorothy: Yay!
Wags: Ruff. Ruff.
Dorothy: Good work, everyone.
Henry: Yeah.
Wags: Ruff. Ruff.
Henry: That was lots of fun.
Wags: Ruff.
Henry: Lots of fun.
(Shot transition to Greg gives the ball back)
Greg: Tunnel ball, hey? Well, that ends Network Wiggles News for today. I'm Greg Wiggle. And remember, when you're wiggling, the whole world wiggles too.
(Then the lights turn off. Then Captain Feathersword uses some oranges and lemons. Shot transition to a boy who is action pointing. Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Anthony, while the song clip of Anthony's Workshop plays in the background. Then, it fades to Anthony and the kids are sinking and floating)
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Anthony's Workshop. Today, it's science time. We're carrying out some scientific experiments, to see if materials, float or sink, float or sink. And, uh. Well, to help us with the experiments, Zach, Riley, and Rebecca, are going to put the articles in the water, and see if they float to the top, or sink to the bottom. Zach, which article would you like to take first? What material?
Zach: The ping pong.
Anthony: The ping pong ball? And do you think that'll sink, or do you think that'll float?
Riley: Float.
Anthony: He thinks it'll float. Let's see the ping pong ball. (Then he puts the golf ball in) Zach, you. Well done. Wonderful. Now, let's see if, Riley, you can get. What would you like to pick out?
Riley: Apple.
Anthony: What do you reckon the apple will do?
Riley: Hmm. Float.
Anthony: You think it'll float? It's big. You sure? Let's try it. Let's see. It might. You might be right. (Then he puts the apple in) Riley, is it floating? It's floating. Well done. OK, Rebecca, what would you like to put in the water? (Then she gets the golf ball) Golf ball? Do you think that will float, or do you think it will sink?
Riley: Yes.
Rebecca: It'll float.
Anthony: OK, let's see. Golf ball goes in. (He puts the golf ball in) Ooh! That one sunk.
Zach: Oh. It does sink.
Anthony: It's. That's very confusing because the ping pong ball floated, the golf ball probably a little heavier.
Riley: Yes.
Anthony: Let's see another one, OK? I'll see. I've got. (Then he gets the potato) I'll pick out a potato. If I put the potato.
Riley: Hmm.
Anthony: I think this will float, probably float.
(Then he puts the potato in)
Rebecca: I think.
(They were all laughing about it)Anthony: Well, how about a feather? (Then he gets the feather) What do you think? Feather?
Riley: Float.
Anthony: Float. Let's see. (Then he puts the feather in) The feather floats. What about... belt buckle?
Zach: Uh.
Riley: Sink.
Anthony: Sink. (Then he puts the belt buckle in. He laughs) We're having great fun at Anthony's Workshop. Science is fun. Science! And we'll keep floating and sinking. OK, what do you think?
(He gets the marble)
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Um. See you next time. Marble?
Riley: Sink.
Zach: Sink.
(with Murray and Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony
(Then he puts the marble in. He laughs)
Anthony: Sink. How about. Uh.
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: This one?
Riley: Sink.
Anthony: Sink. Come on everybody.
(with Murray and Jeff singing) It's a working bee
Anthony: (He laughs)
Riley: Hey.
(Shot transition to cartoon picture of The Wiggles in it when Joseph Field & Dominic Fieldare making their announcement to solve the problem about the wombat was tired)
Joseph Field: And now, a Wiggly Community Service Announcement.
Chloe Harrison: Bored? Got nothing to do? Nothing of great interest around? Then yawn.
(Wombat yawns.)
Chloe Harrison: This is been a Wiggle tip, brought to you by Network Wiggles.
(Shot transition to Murray and Greg)
Murray: Greg, I'm a bit hungry.
Greg: I am too, Murray. What can we do?
Murray: Let's Have A Barbie On The Beach.
Greg: Great thinking.
Murray: At Wiggle Bay.
Greg: Yeah.
(Shot transition to the song: Let's Have A Barbie On The Beach)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach)
(Captain Feathersword: Ooh I love barbies on the beach.)
Greg: (singing) Come along, bring a friend and some food
Place the plates all in a row
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Knives and forks are ready to go now)
(Captain Feathersword: Ho ho, those barbies on the beach.)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Wait for all the food to cook
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Add some spice from the recipe book now)
(Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho, I love these barbies.)
Greg: (singing) Come along, bring a friend and some food
(Dorothy: I love rosy sausages.)
(Yummy for my tummy.)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Tell your friends there's a barbie on the beach)
(Captain Feathersword: I love barbies.)
Greg: (singing) Come along, bring a friend and some food
Place the plates all in a row
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Knives and forks are ready to go now)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
(Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Oh, barbies on the beach, yeah.)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach)
Greg: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Bar dar dar dar dar Barbie on the beach
(Shot transition to a picture of cartoon Captain Feathersword, while the song clip of Captain's Magic Buttons. Then, it fades to Jeff & Captain Feathersword about pressing their buttons about their sea creatures.)
Wiggles: (singing) Captain's magic buttons.
He's got half a dozen.
Let's him sing in different ways.
Captain Feathersword: Whoo ho! Here we go!
Wiggles: (singing) Magic buttons.
Jeff: Hey, everyone. It's our old friend, Captain Feathersword. et's all say, "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. Whoo!
Jeff: Hey, Captain. Uh. What were you doing just then?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Jeff. I was using my magic buttons, to help me be a sea creature. I was a jellyfish.
(Then he makes a jellyfish sound)
Jeff: Wow. Now, a sea creature.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Jeff: Maybe we could use his magic buttons to turn him into a different sea creature. Uh.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Jeff: Do we have any ideas on how we. Oh.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh.
Jeff: Yes, we could turn him into a crab.
Captain Feathersword: Oh. A crab? Oh, yeah. Sure. Sure.
Jeff: Here we go.
(Then Jeff pushes the crab button)
Captain Feathersword: OK. (He makes a crab sound)
Jeff: He's. Uh. A crab. Well, Captain. There's more ideas. There's more ideas.
Captain Feathersword: Oh.
Jeff: Um. They want you to turn into. A seal.
Captain Feathersword: A seal? Oh, OK.
(Then Jeff pushes the seal button. Then he pretends to be a seal)
Jeff: That's enough for you. (Then he pushes the seal button to stop) Um. Oh, there's lots of great ideas.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Jeff: But. Uh. Oh. I like that one. I like the... dolphin.
Captain Feathersword: Dolphin.
(Then Jeff pushes the dolphin button. Then he makes a dolphin sound)Jeff: Mmm. (Then he pushes the dolphin button to stop) Uh. Um. Uh. Captain. Um.
Captain Feathersword: Yeah.
Jeff: What does this button do?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, no, no! Don't push that! (Then Jeff pushes the shark button) It's my shark button.
Jeff: Shark?
(He makes a shark sound)
Captain Feathersword: Run. Oh.
Jeff: Shark.
Captain Feathersword: Ah. (Then they run away) Don't go. Hey. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
(Shot transition to Murray & Jeff having fun about rolling down or running up the sandhills.)
Murray: Hey, Jeff.
Jeff: Yeah?
Murray: It was fun running up the sandhills at Wiggle Bay.
Jeff: Yeah, and it was sure fun rolling down the sandhills at Wiggle Bay.
Murray: Oh, yeah. (He gives a thumb up with Jeff.)
(Shot transition to the song: Rolling Down The Sandhills. A scene where Greg is gonna sit on the lounge chair. While, Anthony, Murray & Jeff are rolling down the sandhills.)
Wiggles: (singing) Rolling down the sandhills, rolling down the sandhills
Ooh, aah, whee!
Rolling down the sandhills, rolling down the sandhills
Ooh, aah, whee!
Murray & Jeff: (They're singing in a high note.) Love to go rolling
Anthony: (He's singing in a low note.) Come along and roll with me.
Wiggles: (singing) Rolling down the sandhills, rolling down the sandhills
Ooh, aah, whee!
Rolling down the sandhills, rolling down the sandhills
Ooh, aah, whee!
Murray & Jeff: (They're singing in a high note.) Love to go rolling
Anthony: (He's singing in a low note.) Come along and roll with me.
Greg: Hey, guys, now that you've rolled down the sand hills, why don't you run back up them?
(Song: Running Up The Sandhills. A scene where Anthony, Murray & Jeff are running back up the sandhills.)
Wiggles: (singing) Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills
Puff, puff, puff, puff
Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills
Puff, puff, puff, puff
Murray & Jeff: (They're singing in high note.) Love to go running,
Anthony: (He's singing in a low note.) come along and run with me.
Wiggles: (singing) Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills
Puff, puff, puff, puff
Running up the sandhills, running up the sandhills
Puff, puff, puff, puff
Murray & Jeff: (They're singing in high note.) Love to go running,
Anthony: (He's singing in a low note.) come along and run with me.
(Shot transition to Captain Feathersword is in the cup with water as he swims around. But then, shot transition to a cartoon picture of Murray, while the Music With Murray. Then, it translates to Murray, Les & the kids are gonna teach how to use some sticks on the didgeridoo with the oscilloscope.)
Anthony, Jeff & Greg: (singing) Mu-mu-music with Murray
Greg: (singing) Yes, everyone
Murray: Hi, everyone. Welcome to music with Murray. We've got our oscilloscope here, of course, so you can see the sound waves, the waves that the sound makes. And we've got a really special guest today. We've got Les here. He's got a whole load of traditional Australian instruments. Didgeridoo, tapping sticks, a whole lot of things. And, um. Les is going to show us how to use the clapping sticks.
Les: We just hold one in this hand nice and firm and the other a little bit loose. And then you hit them together like this.
(They were tapping some sticks)
Murray: Hey. You can do that too. (Then the sticks were clapping) Now Les is going to play the didgeridoo for us. And, uh. We'll play our clip, clapsticks along with Les. Willing to try that? And he's going to keep time with a boomerang on the side there. Here we go. (Then Les is playing the didgeridoo while they were tapping sticks) We're having a great time. Making music with Murray. We'll see you next time. Bye-bye.
(They were clapping their sticks. Shot transition to the song: Taba Naba)
Greg: (singing) Taba naba naba norem
Tugi penai siri
Dinghy e naba we
Miko keimi
Sere re naba we
Taba naba norem
Taba naba naba norem
Tugi penai siri
Dinghy e naba we
Miko keimi
Sere re naba we
Taba naba norem
Taba naba naba norem
Tugi penai siri
Dinghy e naba we
Miko keimi
Sere re naba we
Taba naba norem
Taba naba naba norem
Tugi penai siri
Dinghy e naba we
Miko keimi
Sere re naba we
Taba naba norem
Taba naba naba norem
Tugi penai siri
Dinghy e naba we
Miko keimi
Sere re naba we
Taba naba norem
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Jeff sleeping in his bed, while the song clip of Where's Jeff? plays in the background. Then, it translates to Murray & Greg are gonna play a game in this quiz show when Jeff falls asleep on a rowing boat.)
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
Murray: (singing) Has he gone for a ride?
Greg: (offscreen) And here's your host, Murray Wiggle.
Murray: G'day. And welcome to Where's Jeff? The quiz show where we look for Jeff. Please welcome our first contestant. He's our only contestant. It's Greg Wiggle.
Greg: Hey, Murray. Hi, everyone.
Murray: Greg, I believe you love singing.
Greg: I love singing, especially with the Wiggles.
Murray: Well, Greg, we'd all love to hear you sing. But right, now it's time to play Where's Jeff? (He laughs) The Where's Jeff quizmatron is being lowered over Greg's head, so he can't see or hear where Jeff is. Greg, let's play where's Jeff?
Greg: All right, Murray. Now, Anthony usually starts with is he inside or outside? So I'll try that. Inside or outside?
Murray: Sure. He's outside.
Greg: OK. Is he just outside Network Wiggles, or is he a bit farther away?
Murray: Well, Greg, I'd say he's a bit further away, Yes.
Greg: Hmm. Would he be somewhere, where I'd like to go for a holiday?
Murray: Oh, I suppose so. Yes. I haven't thought of that. Yes.
Greg: Well, you see, I'd like to go for a holiday on a boat. Is Jeff on a boat?
Murray: You're getting warm, Greg.
Greg: Is he on a boat with big beds?
Murray: Uh. No. You're getting colder, Greg.
Greg: Is he on a rowing boat?
Murray: You're quite correct. He is on a rowing boat.
Greg: Yes.
Murray: (He laughs) We'd better wake him up, everyone. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3. (with Greg) Wake up Jeff!
Jeff: (He blubbers his head while waking up on a boat) Where am I? (He gasps) I'd better row back to Network Wiggles.
(He rows the boat in a fast motion)Murray: Keep rowing, Jeff. Right now, it's time to say goodbye. Thanks for playing Where's Jeff? Bye-bye.
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
(Shot transition to the Song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
(The Wiggles singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat.
Greg: (singing) Playing his guitar.
Greg: (singing) Murray's in the back seat
(The Other Wiggles singing) Of the Big Red Car.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Jeff is fast asleep.
Greg: (singing) He's having a little rest
Greg: (singing) We better wake him up
so let's all
(The Other Wiggles singing) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Greg: (singing) Anthony is eating.
He's got so much food.
Greg: (singing) He's eating apples and oranges
(The Other Wiggles singing) And fruit salad too!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Greg: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Greg is doing the driving
Of the Big Red Car!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
(Shot transition to Anthony, Jeff & Greg are waving goodbye to the screen. Except, Murray waving to the audience. Then, it transitions to Dorothy & the Wiggles are waving goodbye to each other during the Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! instrumental track is playing in the background)
Dorothy: That's all we've got for you today.
Anthony: Hope you've had fun. Bye-bye!
The Wiggles: Bye-bye!
Dorothy: 'Bye!
(Closing camera transition to the endboard of a yellow background)