


Anthony Wiggle and Murray Wiggle


Best friends


Granthony, Grurray, Meff, Janthony

Anthurray (Anth/ony and M/urray) is the relationship between Anthony and Murray Wiggle.


  • They are both Other Wiggles.
  • They are both Awake Wiggles.
  • They are both Original Wiggles.
  • Anthony usually plays the same stringed instruments that Murray used to play.
  • They have both been lead guitarists for the band.
  • Murray is taller and 3 years older than Anthony.
  • Both are married and have kids. Murray has two kids (Georgia 30 and Hamish 27) and Anthony has three kids (Lucia 20, Maria 19 and Antonio 17)
  • They both have the same Maton acoustic guitars that they play.
  • They both have Red, White, and Blue guitar straps they used in concerts.
  • In Nutrition, they both appeared in Anthony's dream.
  • They both voiced Dorothy.
  • They both had surgery.
  • They both can juggle.
  • Murray and Anthony were both born in the 1960's, and are the only two Wiggles born in the 60's. Jeff was born in 1953 and Greg was born in 1972.
  • Anthony sits in front of Murray in the Big Red Car (as a right hand drive vehicle).
  • Both their names end with a "y".
  • While Murray used the Red Starry guitar for the majority of the late 1990s, it belonged to Anthony in real life.