
"Baby Keep Smiling" is a Lou Bega song covered by The Wiggles on the Taking Off! album.


Everybody: Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

(in Spanish) Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Emma: It's hot outside so for me it is

A brand new day that I shall kiss

And if you feel the same way too

Then do the things that I'm gonna do

All I need is a mobile phone

To tell everybody: we are not at home

And if you have to work all day

Then listen to what I got to say

Everybody: Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

(Whistling during instrumental break)

Emma: I put on my glasses

To see how green the grass is.

So let's breath in the air

And feel the wind through your hair

All we need is a mobile phone

To tell everybody: we are not at home

And if you have to work all day

Then listen to what I got to say

Everybody: Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Men: Keep on smiling

The sun is shining (x3)

Keep on smiling

Everybody: Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Niña, sonrie, es eso lo que vale

Baby, keep smiling

You know the sun is shining (x2)

Baby, keep smiling

Song Credits[]

(Kleis/Lubega/Pletschacher/Von Webenau)
Unicade Publishing EK/Unicade Music Inc & Syndicate Songs ED./Universal Music Publishing MGB Australia Pty Ltd.
All rights reserved. International copyright secured. Reprinted with permission.

