This is the transcript for Beauty and the Beast.
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
You will meet a king and a queen
A handsome prince saving the scene
We'll meet Goldilocks and the three bears here too (roar)
And there's Puss in Boots who will sing for you
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
We will sing and dance the ballet
The arabesque et fouette
Meet three little pigs and Pinocchio
And you will just love it when you put on a show
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
Welcome in Paramithi
(After the theme song, the episode begins with an introduction from Anastasia the music box ballerina as the magic brings her to life)
Anastasia: Hello everybody. I am Anastasia, and it's so good to see you. Everyday is a special day here, in Paramithi. Let's see what happens, today!
(After a trumpet fanfare sequence, the scene fades to the throne room where King John, Queen Isabella, James and Genevieve are waiting)
Queen Isabella: Hello! And welcome to the Kingdom of Paramithi! I am Queen Isabella.
King John: Hello. I am King John and it is lovely to see you! Now as we are in our royal robes, we must have some royal duties to perform!
Queen Isabella: That's right King John! James! What royal duties do we have today?
James: I shall uh, have a little look. Uh, Genevieve!
Genevieve: J'arrive! (English: I'm coming!)
(Genevieve makes her way to the royal appointment book so that she and James can check what duties need to be performed)
James: Oh! Your majesties are presenting a very special award, to a very special young person!
Genevieve: Oui! Tout a fait spécial! (English: Yes! Absolutely special!)
Queen Isabella: It's a very special award is it? Are we presenting... A royal ring?
Genevieve: No your majesty. Not a royal ring!
King John: It must be very special indeed... I wonder what it could be? (To the viewers) Do you know what we're presenting? Oh you think we're presenting a medal! You do? James?!
(King John looks to his left only to find that James is still on the right side of the room)
King John: Ah there you are. Are we presenting a medal?
James: Yes King John! Your majesties will be presenting a medal! The medal of Paramithi!
King John: The medal of Paramithi! Well that is very special indeed! Let's have a medal presentation!
(Cue "Medal Presentation")
All: Medal Presentation!
King John: Medal Presentation!
It's time to give a medal
Queen Isabella: To someone who's deserving
King John: For something they've done well
Queen Isabella: Yes, very, very well
James: For they may have brushed their teeth well
Genevieve: Or shared or played some game well
James: Or danced an Irish Jig
Genevieve: Gone to market for a pig (oink, oink!)
King John: So if you have done a good thing
Queen Isabella: Then we're here to gladly reward you
King John/Queen Isabella: We will give you a medal
King John: I will give you a medal
James/Genevieve: So if you have done a good thing
Then we're here to gladly reward you
King John/Queen Isabella: No!
We will give you a medal!
We will give you a medal!
(Song ends)
King John: (Still singing) And who is receiv- (Stops abruptly by his wife at the stopping of the music) Oh, there's no music. And who is receiving this medal?
Genevieve: It is Christobel!
Queen Isabella: Oh she's a wonderful young lady! And what did Christobel do to deserve the medal of Paramithi?
James: Well, (Gasp) She swept the floor all this week!
Queen Isabella: She swept up all the litter? Then bring her in, please admit her!
(The medal presentation commences as Genevieve slowly walks the receiver to the centre of the throne room so that the medal is presented)
King John: We award the medal of Paramithi to you Christobel for doing the sweeping at home.
Christobel: Thank you your majesties.
Queen Isabella: Well done miss Christobel!
(The room applauds the receiver of the medal as the scene fades back to Anastasia and her music box)
Anastasia: Wasn't Christobel sweet? She helped her parents by sweeping the house! Now, let's see what the King and Queen are doing in the throne room.
(Back to the throne room)
King John: Ah, now what James?
James: Oh well your royal highness, you have finished your royal duties for today. You are free to do, anything you like!
Queen Isabella: Anything we like?
Genevieve: Oui Madame! You ARE the King and Queen.
James: Perhaps your majesties could partake in a perky promenade past the people playing pool then permanently pausing at the pavilion of paged parcels! (Does a clapping/popping noise)
King John/Queen Isabella: ...What?
James: A walk to the royal library.
Queen Isabella: Oh yes James that's a wonderful suggestion! Then let's change from our royal robes...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes?
Queen Isabella: Go to the royal library...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes?
Queen Isabella: And see what's in the Paramithi storybook.
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes, yes!
Queen Isabella: There are always three clues in the library as to what the story will be. I can't wait to find out what today's story is!
(The King and Queen stand from their thrones and excitedly make their way to the royal library. After a brief sequence of the royal jesters, the scene transitions to the royal library so that everyone can find out the clues to the daily story. On the table where the clues are this time, there is a lion's mask, a castle model and a bouquet of flowers)
King John: There are always three clues, yes!
Queen Isabella: Here is the mask of a beast!
James: Here is a castle.
Genevieve: And here is a wedding bouquet.
James: I wonder what this story could be... I think it is Beauty and the Beast! There is a beast who lives in a castle and is eventually transformed by love and married to love to a lovely young woman!
King John: Let's open the book and see...
(The book turns to the first page revealing the story is indeed Beauty and the Beast)
King John: Yes It is the story of Beauty and the Beast!
Genevieve: Oh Oui! A story by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont!
Queen Isabella: Yes I love this story! It's about a girl who breaks a spell by falling in love. Come on, let's all sit down and we can find out what happened to the Beauty and the Beast.
(The court sits down and gets ready to hear the story)
Queen Isabella: Is everyone comfortable? Right! Then let's begin. (Begins to read. As the story is read, James and Genevieve begin to act out the events) Once upon a time, there was a merchant.
King John: Ooh darling! I could play this part!
Queen Isabella: Oh! Of course my love!
(As King John begins to join in on the acting, the story continues)
Queen Isabella: The merchant had a daughter named Beauty. The merchant went into town one day and promised to bring something special back for his daughter. On his way home a terrible storm blew up and forced him to take shelter in a nearby castle. Though there appeared to be no one in the castle, a hot meal and comfortable bed were ready for him. He slept overnight and as he was leaving saw a rose on a table, which he took for his daughter. As soon as he took the rose a beast appeared!
James: (Roars)
Queen Isabella: The beast was FURIOUS and demanded that the merchant bring his daughter to the castle to live with him. And so Beauty became a captive of the beast. The beast was actually... A handsome prince, who had been turned to a beast by a wicked witch. The spell could only be broken if a woman fell in love with him. But this seemed impossible. The beast took good care of Beauty and her compassion calmed his anger. She saw that there was something special underneath his fearsome exterior and eventually fell in love with the beast. The beast was transformed back into a handsome prince, and Beauty and the beast lived happily ever after!
(The story ends and everyone happily goes back to their places)
King John: Oh that story was such fun! Of course, it would be even better if we performed Beauty and the Beast in the Paramithi theatre. With music (Imitates an instrument), dancing and songs la-la-la-la-la! And even more cast! And we could invite an audience to watch it. Yes James you and Genevieve can organise it with the wonderful people of Paramithi! You can stop being a butler and a maid for a while and be producers! Do you think you can do it James and Genevieve?
Queen Isabella: Yes can you both do it?
(At this request, James and Genevieve transform themselves into Hollywood style producers with Brooklyn accents and American slang)
James: Aw yeah! I'm rockin' in the free world!
Genevieve: Oh sure! Baby don't bug me with that north boardwalk! (Suddenly switches back) I mean uh, I shall do my best your royal highness!
King John: (Chuckles) Well, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! There may be some bugs somewhere buzzing hmm, yes. But for now, it's on with the show!
Queen Isabella: Yes!
(As the court leaves the royal library to get ready for the production, the scene once again transitions back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Isn't it exciting? There's going to be a show about Beauty and the Beast! James and Genevieve will put together a cast, with beautiful costumes and beautiful songs. I can't wait!
(The scene transitions to backstage as James and Genevieve get ready)
James: Won't Beauty and the Beast be a beautiful show?
Genevieve: Oui James! But to make it "Beautiful", we have a lot of work to do! Now, if you call the cast, I will check on the costumes and props!
Both: Let's put on our show!
(Genevieve walks inside the costume room to visit Mario the costume maker. Cue "Let's Get The Costumes)
Genevieve: Let's get the costumes to make this a fine show
We'll need the best of what Mario makes
With ribbons and lace and perhaps some fine feathers
Made with affection and notice to detail
They're the things that really, really matter
Yes, the things that really, really matter
Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter
Matter, matter, matter, matter, matter
They're the things that really, really matter
Yes, the things that really, really matter
(Song ends)
Genevieve: So, what have you prepared for Beauty and the Beast Mario?
Mario: Well, I have a wonderful costume for our not so handsome beast! (Takes out a Beast's mask from the accessory shelf) Which vanished to reveal... Well you'll just have to wait and see what happens then!
Genevieve: That is a "BEAST" of an outfit Mario!
Mario: (Roars like a beast and laughs) AND... HERE is the beautiful bodice for Beauty which goes with this...
(But as Mario is about to find what he's looking for, he seems to have lost it somewhere)
Mario: Now where did I put that skirt? It was just here!
(Suddenly while Mario is distracted, the skirt magically appears out of thin air and is now being worn by Mario just like a magic spell. Genevieve notices right away)
Genevieve: (Gasp) Mario! Uhh... You should try looking straight down.
Mario: Oh! There it is! (Laughs)
Genevieve: Oh Mario. You seem to have uh... addressed the question of costumes! But for now, the cast will be here soon so let's prepare.
Mario: At once!
(Genevieve leaves the room so Mario can prepare. The scene then abruptly cuts to a short sequence of the Paramithi dance troupe before fading back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Hasn't Mario done superbly with the costumes! Now, James needs to call the cast to perform in the show. I wonder who he will pick? Let's see!
(The scene transitions again to backstage where James is deciding the cast)
James: I need a cast and I need them fast! ...Bobby the Policeman is an OUTSTANDING performer!
(As James rings up Bobby, the scene cuts to the Paramithi Police Station where Bobby receives the call)
Bobby: It's the Paramithi theatre phone! There must be a show to do!
(Bobby answers)
Bobby: 'Allo 'allo 'allo? Oh I-I mean, hello Paramithi Police Station Constable Bobby speaking?
James: Hello Bobby! It's James!
Bobby: Oh hello James!
James: I'm inviting you to perform for the King and Queen at the Paramithi theatre.
Bobby: A show? Well of course I'd LOVE to sing in a show!
James: I'll see you soon!
Bobby: I'll be right there!
James: Goodbye!
(The phone call ends)
Bobby: I'm in a show! And it'd be a crime to miss it!
(Bobby blows his whistle and makes his way to the theatre. Cue "We Need A Cast")
James: We need a cast
To put on a great show
I'll call them now
And tell them "Don't be slow!"
Genevieve: There's Bernadette
And Sarah sings for you
And Bobby's there
So is Carlos too
James: We need a cast
Genevieve: On a besoin d'une troupe
James: We need a cast
Genevieve: We need a cast
James/Genevieve: We need a cast, we need a cast
We need a cast, we need a cast
Our friends will steal the show
With their lovely singing
And their lively dancing
Yes, we'll put on a show
Right here in Paramithi
Bernadette/Sarah/Bobby/Carlos: Yes, we will steal the show
With our lovely singing
And our lively dancing
Yes, we'll put on a show
Right here in Paramithi
(After the song ends, the scene fades to the props room where Johnny the special effects and props inventor is getting his props ready as Genevieve walks in)
Genevieve: Bonjour Johnny!
Johnny: Hey, Genevieve! I've got some very special things ready for the show today. Beauty and the Beast! This piece of metal makes the sound of thunder for our storm.
(Johnny demonstrates by gently waving the metal around)
Genevieve: Ooh Johnny, that sounds awesome!
Johnny: Thank you Genevieve! Ok well, if you like that, you'll love this. I will use this fan to blow the leaves at the same time.
(Johnny turns on the fan and combines the effect with the sound of the metal again to create a windy storm)
Johnny: Together, they make quite an impressive storm.
Genevieve: Very impressive Johnny!
Johnny: Thank you Genevieve! And... These are my "Pièce de résistance".
Genevieve: (Gasps) Pièce de résistance?! Oh Johnny! Je suis si heureuse que tu parles un peu de français! Je suis excitée voir ce que tu vas me montrer! ...Est -ce que ce sont des balles à jongler? (English: I'm so glad you speak some French! I'm so excited to see what you're going to show me! Are these juggling balls?)
Johnny: Umm... Yeah the... Balla de jongles.
(Because Johnny could not understand what Genevieve said, he accidentally says to her that his effects devices are indeed juggling balls, which prompts Genevieve to pick them up and start juggling them)
Genevieve: (Gasps) Merveilleux! (English: Marvellous!) I will juggle these balls!
Johnny: Oh oh no no Genevieve oh please put the devices back on the table!
Genevieve: (Puts the devices back as Johnny said, much to his relief) But... I thought they were juggling balls.
Johnny: Oh no no no no. THESE are my smoke devices. I'll show you. I drop one...
(Johnny demonstrates by doing just what he said, which causes a cloud of smoke to form)
Johnny: And smoke starts to rise! I'll use them for the beast's transformation AND at the end of the show when the spell is broken! And... Well, you'll just have to wait and see!
Genevieve: Smoke bombs are VERY exciting!
Johnny: Yes, and they're very delicate... Uh Genevieve, there's way too much smoke. Where'd that fan go?
(Johnny manages to fix the problem by turning the fan on again, causing the smoke to scatter and clear the air)
Genevieve: Merci Johnny! It all looks wonderful! ...Those props will go off with a BANG! Au revoir!
(Genevieve leaves the room and meets back with James as showtime is about to begin)
Genevieve: Then there's only one thing left to say... Chookas everybody!
Sarah/Carlos/Bernadette/Bobby: Chookas!
James: Open the curtain Johnny! It's on with the show!
(As James and Genevieve get into positions, Johnny opens the curtains for the performance to begin. An audience that includes the King and Queen are watching excitedly. The narrator for the tale this time is Bernadette)
Bernadette: Welcome to...
Bernadette: The Paramithi Theatre!
Bernadette: Are you ready for a fabulous fairytale?
Audience: Yes!
Bernadette: Today's story is called Beauty and the Beast! So let's begin! Once upon a time, there was a merchant and his daughter.
(The merchant played by Carlos and his daughter Beauty played by Sarah enter the scene together linked)
"Merchant": Dearest daughter, I am off to the market in the city. Is there anything I can get you while I'm there?
"Beauty": Father, I want for nothing. Pick for me but a rose with your own hand and I'll shall be the happiest girl alive!
"Merchant": As you wish Beauty. I shouldn't be long.
(Cue "Off I Go Into The City")
Carlos: Off I go into the city
As I go I'll sing this ditty
I must buy a thing or two
It's what we merchants have to do
Then back home before it's too late
I'll not make young Beauty wait
This girl who asked me not for clothes
Just a single lovely rose
(The song ends as the audience applauds the performance. Bernadette returns to the stage to continue narrating)
Bernadette: The merchant made his way into the city and very quickly conducted his business so that he could return home to his daughter
(The merchant heads back home with all of his goods, until he encounters a terrible storm which interrupts his plans)
"Merchant": This storm is too great! I must seek shelter! I'll head for that castle over yonder.
(Through the heavy wind the merchant successfully arrives at the castle and knocks on the door)
"Merchant": Hello?! I hate to intrude, but the storm is so fierce that I fear I cannot continue to my home this evening.
(But when no one answers, the merchant decides to slowly head inside anyway)
"Merchant": Ah... Inside safe from the storm. Oh! A bed! And food! (Takes a satisfying bite of the apple he grabbed) If anyone's there, I hope you don't mind me eating but I really am rather starving. Thank you!
(After eating his meal, the merchant yawns and decides to rest on the bed next to the table. As he sleeps, Bernadette continues narrating)
Bernadette: The merchant was so tired that he slept the whole night through. He didn't even notice when his mysterious host entered the room in the morning and placed a breakfast tray beside the bed.
(The beast played by Bobby continues providing comfort for the lost merchant. But as the merchant suddenly wakes up in the morning, he notices that the same beast vanished, causing much confusion)
"Merchant": Hello?! Is someone there?
(It's not too long before he discovers the breakfast tray, which he happily takes a croissant from and eats with delight. At the same time, he catches something else that he was determined to look for since he left home...)
"Merchant": A rose! Just what I need for Beauty!
(But just as the merchant picks up the rose from it's vase, he does not know he has made a grave mistake. The beast comes rushing back in furious and roars at such disobedience, frightening the merchant)
"Beast": How DARE YOU! I let you into my house, I cook for you, I even let you sleep in my own bed! And you repay my kindness by stealing from me?! (Roars again, causing the audience to gasp)
"Merchant": Oh please! Kind sir! Don't hurt me! I would not have taken from you had I not promised my daughter Beauty, a rose when I returned from my trip!
(Cue "Off I Go Into The City" reprise)
Bobby: You good sir I'll spare from slaughter
If you bring to me your daughter
I will keep her safe from strife if she stays and shares my life
Carlos: I will go and tell her now
And she'll come to you I vow
Before this day it has an end
Beauty come to you I'll send
(The song ends as the audience once again applauds the performance. Once more Bernadette continues to narrate)
Bernadette: So Beauty started her time in the castle with the beast. As time passed she became less scared of the beast. They would share time together every day to get to know each other. And Beauty found him to be a charming, well-mannered gentleman with whom she could love and share walks in the beautiful rose gardens.
"Beast": Ah Beauty, we have come to know each other well these past months. And I was wondering, if you would do me the honour of marrying me!
(Cue "Off I Go Into The City" second reprise)
Sarah: Tis true at first I found you scary
Your appearance may be wary
But knowing you your heart is true
And my heart can feel it too
So this answer I will give you
It's with you I'd like to live too
I will gladly be your wife
And share with you my life
(As Beauty says yes to the proposal and the beast finally finds true love, the spell is broken and with a cloud of smoke and magic sparkles, the beast transforms back into a handsome prince)
"Prince": Ah Beauty, you have at last broken the spell, not long ago an evil sorceress placed upon me! I was forced to suffer in silence and could not tell my secret. For only the true love of a maiden who was willing to accept me as the beast I was, could change me back to my real self!
Bernadette: And so Beauty and the beast were soon married And lived happily ever after. Please thank the cast of the Paramithi theatre!
(The four performers take a bow for the encore as the audience continues to applaud the performance)
King John: Oh what a wonderful show!
Queen Isabella: Thank you for coming. We'll see you next time in...
King John/Queen Isabella: The Kingdom Of Paramithi!
(The episode ends as the scene fades to the closing song "It's Goodbye". Cue closing credits)
Like a bird in the forest who's flying away
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
We have sung and we've danced to the music today
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revoir'
And James gives a smile just as bright as a star
And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye