

This is the transcript for Behind the Scenes of Cold Spaghetti Western.


Jeff: (voiceover) Let's have a look at how we've made the Wiggles video, Cold Spaghetti Western. Before we start the film, we have to learn the dances. Our choreography Leanne shows us how to dance and move to the music. She's teaching us the song, We're The Cowboys. We dance in front of mirrors so that we can see if we're dancing the right steps. Hey, it's the Wiggly Dancers. And Paul Paddick.

Paul Paddick: I'm about to do an excellent song, listen to the drummer on the drummer. I'm the coolest drummer you'll ever see. Yeah!

Greg: (singing) Listen to the drummer playing on his

(with The Other Wiggles singing rocking and a rolling drums.)

Jeff: (voiceover) It's time for a new dance. The Master Pasta Maker from Italy. This song gets faster and faster and faster and faster. And it's about pasta and pasta and pasta.

The Wiggles: (singing) He's the master pasta maker of Italy

(in high pitched.) The pasta master makes a master pasta you see

(in normal pitched.) He's the master pasta maker of Italy

The Wiggles: (singing) -faster pasta for me.

Alfonso: (singing, offscreen) Mangiamo si!

Jeff: (voiceover) Here's Nick, the director.

Nicholas Buffalo: Howdy partners, my name is Nick, I'm directing this western, the Wiggly western. We're out here on location, it's fantastic. We've actually had all of this built especially.

Jeff: (voiceover) He can live in direct geese.

Nicholas Buffalo: We're producing a 5. Does that be great? If we have, actually, if you just line up and order a 5, we'll get just over there. If we start with you off over there, that'd be great. Just over there, here's the door. That's it, excellent. And you've got the words down for the next song? Beautiful.

Jeff: (voiceover) Hmm, there seems to be a problem finding someone to play Alfonso the master pasta maker.

Nicholas Buffalo: The guy, the character of Alfonso is a chef. There's no sign of him. Okay, look, I'll try to get onto it and see if I can get... Hang on a sec. Hey, Alfonso. We're going to move a problem here.

Alfonso Rinaldi: Si.

Nicholas Buffalo: We need an Italian chef. The guy called Alfonso, who's playing Alfonso can't make it here. So, he needs a guy called Alfonso. So, do you know anyone? You're a chef.

Alfonso Rinaldi: (He speaks Italian.)

Nicholas Buffalo: Yeah, tell them not to worry about setting up. We've got one. The real one.

Jeff: (voiceover) It's time for a wig and some makeup.

Paul Paddick: With the wig, the wig, Foodman wig, possibly Foodman glasses. Other than that, they just make me look more intelligent.

Jeff: (voiceover) Here's Larissa.

Larissa Wright: And this is my very special makeup mirror. This is the bright lights. My lipstick. My eyeshadow brush. and the makeup artist is lovely just lay in many brushes and such.

Jeff: (voiceover) And here's Maria.

Maria Petrozzi: Hello, I'm Maria. I'm doing the costumes and here's all the costumes we're using for the video. And we got no space.

Jeff: (voiceover) Hey, Anthony's having a rest.

Anthony: Sure tiring on the old west. how did they sleep with their hats on? Hang on.

Leanne Ashley: They always come on their face.

Anthony: Oh no you can't just come, well maybe go like that.

Jeff: (voiceover) The camera is ready to start shooting and Nick is ready as well.

Nicholas Buffalo: This is the inside of me this is where we've done the rehearsing we've got little bits of wardrobe tweaks and here we go we're gonna shoot it this is it someone should push the record button.

Jeff: (voiceover) And now all the Wiggles are ready to go. Leanne will be there as well to show us what to do.

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)

Greg: (singing) We love to sing all day

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy hats)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

Jeff: (voiceover) Anthony's trying some hat tricks.

Greg: We're dancers.

Anthony: This is how we should do it. We're the cowboys.

Jeff: (voiceover) Lights camera action time.

Greg: OW!

Jeff: (voiceover) Here are some people who helped us make the video.

Chris Batson: Today I'm on the props man I've got a truck full of props in here. I bring all the things like Wags' bone, sandwiches, apples, all the fruit and veggies, got tools and things, always have to make up little rigs and do little things to make the Wiggles happy and so the all their props run smoothly just to show you... Wags' bone.

Alex Keller: hi my name is Alex I'm doing sound play... Excuse me. Um, at the moment I'm just moving all the audio equipment I was here here over in the house over there to a cafe and over there.

Anthony: I love my job. This is good outfit. Might be the 80s.

Nicolas Buffalo: It's gonna be a guy with a little heart attack and it's gonna be a guy with a camera. He's gonna just be getting like just behind the scenes stuff up

Jeff: (voiceover) And now it's time to film the master pasta maker. The Wiggly Dancers are dressed as chefs. The cameras are all in place ready for action, but Alfonso needs to have his makeup put on first time for final adjustments. Alfonso is ready to go and we're just about ready for first take. And another take. It's a chorus line. Who's this?

Foodman: I'm Foodman.

Jeff: (voiceover) Ah, it's Foodman. even Foodman needs makeup. The next day is a beautiful morning to start filming. and Alfonso is making bird sounds.

Alfonso Rinaldi: (He's making bird sounds.)

Nicholas Buffalo: Day two it's looking pretty good so far the sounds out I want to put the moths on everything but it's going well we have we have located with recast Alfonso the guy playing Alfonso there was a guy called Jack Smith playing Alfonso who was supposed to play an Italian chef didn't turn up yesterday and quite by coincidence we've got a guy here who's Italian his name is...

Alfonso Rinaldi: Ciao!

Nicholas Buffalo: And he's a chef so it can sing and cook, he knew the lines I don't know how he just said I know the lines and he's it he's our man

Jeff: (voiceover) Hey here's Fernando he's come all the way from Mexico and is pleased to be here. It wouldn't be a Western without horses and we've got donkeys.

Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. It's time for a quick Wiggly interview. I'm about to ask the horse how it's been enjoying the shoot the film shoot. Ahoy there, horse, what's your job on the Wiggly film shoot? Oh, do you like being a horse? Oh. Oh well, I hope you enjoy yourself. This is Captain Feathersword. See you later, me hearties.

Murray: And I'm just gonna get when we go just maybe and we get the pump and just jump out and then he's just saying...

Anthony: Murray, hang on a second.

Nicholas Buffalo: Yeah that's fine that works for me.

Greg: We are about to film a song called El Patito, song about a little ducky and we are in our mariachi outfits as you can see inspired by Fernando's traditional mariachi outfit

Fernando Moguel Sr.: Look after a bit, I mean, before by them. Look, I have been bought by the means.

Jeff: (voiceover) Lights camera action. Fernandito, Claire and Julio are dancing in front of the Wiggles. Hey, here comes a duck.

Jennifer Carmody: Hi, I'm Jen. I work for the Wiggles but not many people know that I actually play and teach the guitar I keep it pretty simple. I just show you how one of my lessons would normally work. (She plays Ode to Joy on guitar.) So, Fernando, did you get that?

Fernando Moguel Sr.: I think so

Jennifer Carmody: Would you like to give it a try?

Fernando Moguel Sr.: Okay.

Jennifer Carmody: Just simple, yeah, take it slowly think of the melody in your head

Fernando Moguel Sr.: (He plays Ode to Joy on guitar.) Oh! I learned! I know!

Jennifer Carmody: Fernando, a couple more lessons I think you get for a living.

Jeff: (voiceover) The Wiggles have their own donkeys in wiggly colours so let's go for a ride. the camera crew is ready to roll but other donkeys

Anthony: Well, we started out Fernando on me but Sarah I think you know Sarah, Sarah's very stubborn if you didn't want to go. She speaks Mexican

Fernando Moguel Sr.: Yeah, yeah.

Anthony: Spanish.

Fernando Moguel Sr.: (He speaks Spanish.)

Anthony: She's a Spanish...

Fernando Moguel Sr.: (He speaks Spanish.)

Jeff: (voiceover) And we try one more time to go on the Wiggly trail but Sarah the donkey wanted to stop for a while.

Greg: A very interesting experience for my first horse ride. Donkey ride. Donkeys. I'll get to the horse one day

Jeff: (voiceover) We had lots of fun riding on our wiggly donkeys.

Fernando Moguel Sr.: Hey amigos come esta, my name is Fernando Moguel you see I like mariachi I like Mexican music well in fact I can tell you something I am here because I'm singing a good song from Mexico with my friends theWiggles, mis amigos com es teras and you know I made them I made the wiggles in two years I think two years ago we have a good experience singing La Cucaracha, Mexican song and we we had a lot of fun we record the video in Atlanta is I remember good and we did the recording time your voices you know, (He laughs.)

Clare Field: Hi, I'm Claire Field and I'm 13 years old. I do lots of dancing I do ballet jazz and Irish dancing and it's a lot of fun and I did my, I was in my first Wiggles video and I was just two years old and now I'm here today doing Wiggly western it's a lot of fun.

Fernando Moguel Jr.: Hi I'm Fernando Moguel and I'm 13 years old my parents are from Mexico my dad well he's from Mexico he's lived there for 28 years and he came to USA and we now live in Houston Texas and well we're here in Australia because we're here with our friends the Wiggles because and this is our first time in Australia which is really nice it's a really nice place and I'm glad we met I'm glad we're friends with the Wiggles because they're really nice people they're they're well they're really our friends they're great

Julio Moguel: Hi my name is Julio Moguel I'm 10 years old and well I'm an actor and I do voiceovers I do commercials sometimes I audition and sometimes I get it sometimes I don't and I play piano how I play the violin but not yet I play a little guitar

Fernando & Fernandito: (singing) De la sierra, morena

Cielito lindo vienen bajando

Un par de ojitos negros

Cielito lindo de contrabando

De la sierra, morena

Cielito lindo vienen bajando

Un par de ojitos negros

Cielito lindo de contrabando

Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores

Porque cantando se alegran

Cielito lindo los corazones

Ay, ay, ay, ay, canta y no llores

Porque cantando se alegran

Cielito lindo los corazones

Captain Feathersword: Ho ho! Ahoy there, me hearties. Hoo hoo! I'm Captain Feathersword and I'm about to display exactly how good my skills on the drums are. You'll be amazed.

Tony Henry: (He plays his drums.) Hi, I'm Tony Henry on the stunt drummer for Captain Feathersword. They want me. They want me, because you've been doing this for a couple years.

Jeff: (voiceover) One of the biggest scenes we had to film was the town fair. Leanne is always ready to teach us the dance moves. Greg needed some extra help. We also had to learn our lines.

Jeff: -great fun just like a party.

Anthony: Yeah a fie- Si, a fiesta, a Wiggly Fiesta.

Nicholas Buffalo: Does it worth everyone saying a Wiggly Fiesta?

Murray: Yeah.

Anthony: Si, a Fiesta.

The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: A Wiggly Fiesta!

Nicholas Buffalo: And then everyone runs into the fair.

Jeff: (voiceover) Lunch time is always fun with Alfonso around. It seems like we have some new directors.

Jake: Action!

Lewis: Action!

Jeff: (voiceover) Everybody has fun at the town fair.

Greg: (singing) -party time?

(with The Other Wiggles singing: Aye aye aye aye aye aye)

Jeff: (voiceover) Anthony even gets to play his trumpet.

Anthony: It's no for Moran. I will not stop playing. (He plays trumpet.)

Jeff: (voiceover) Let the fiesta begin. Time to get everybody into place. Even Henry and Dorothy came along to their fiesta. Hmm, time for some last rehearsals.

Anthony: Could I just quickly say about the judges?

Nicholas Buffalo: Yeah.

Anthony: You know when they hold up their stone face

Nicholas Buffalo: Yeah.

Anthony: Get as a kids thing. Can we go?

Nicholas Buffalo: Should be.

Clare Field: Yeah.

Nicholas Buffalo: Like it's a good score seven pretty good eight pretty good.

Anthony: Yeah and then for the last one. Everyone's happy in Wiggle World so you like.

Greg: I think the judges were pretty generous give me a seven for this one.

Alfonso Rinaldi: For me men have been lucky 10 men for this. 10, 10 men. 10. Spaghetti in Bianco, spaghetti in Bianco (He speaks Italian.)

Greg: What did he just say I have no idea this is the judgment scene where we have cooked our dishes all chefs from all around the world have cooked the best dishes they can make and the judges have to decide whose dish is the best now because I haven't read a script yet I don't know who wins I hope our friend Alfonso wins this one because he's cooked in a good spaghetti good pasta, man.

Alfonso Rinaldi: (He speaks Italian.)

Jeff: Howdy!

Jeff: (voiceover) Here comes our choreographer.

Leanne Ashley: Hi, I'm Leanne Ashley. I'm the Wiggles choreographer and I started dancing when I was six years old. I did jazz tap ballet Irish dancing and working on these shoots been very interesting, we've been doing dances outside and inside as well, in the dirt and the sand and in the rain and in the sun but we've had a really great time and I hope you enjoy it.

Maya: Hi, I'm Maya. I'm a camera assistant I help the camera operators change their tapes and change their batteries when they run out I wind up all the cables and running cables out so the director can see what the camera operators are seeing and shooting

Hayley Feldman: Hi I'm Hayley. I'm the camera assistant and I make sure the cameras have everything they need and I do this slate so that we know what's in my arm.

All: Hot and dry, Murray, hot and dry!

Jeff: (voiceover) It was great fun making the Cold Spaghetti Western video. Why don't we have a look at a sneak preview?

Greg: This is gonna be great fun, guys but first things first everyone, we've got to find Alfonso. Spread out!

(Fade transition to black then, fade transition to the song: We're The Cowboys.)

Greg: (singing) We're the cowboys

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)

Greg: (singing) We love to sing all day

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy hats)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

(A scene where The Wiggles are continued singing outside.)

Greg: (singing) We're the cowboys

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)

Greg: (singing) And we ride our horses this way

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy boots)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

Greg: (singing) Sometimes on the trail, we like to sing

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Yippie tai yi yi yay)

Greg: (singing) We straighten our hats, we polish our boots

'Cause we love doing things the cowboy way

Greg: (singing) We're the cowboys

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)

Greg: (singing) We eat fresh fruit when we can

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy shirts)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

(Instrumental break while The Wiggly Dancers wearing their cowboy outfit & doing their boot scoot dancing.)

(The Wiggly Dancers (singing) Cowboys oooohhh aaaahhh)

(Cowboys oooohhh aaaahhh)

Greg: (singing) Sometimes on the trail, we like to sing

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) Yippie tai yi yi yay)

Greg: (singing) We straighten our hats, we polish our boots

'Cause we love doing things the cowboy way

Greg: (singing) We're the cowboys

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We're the cowboys)

Greg: (singing) We brush our teeth everyday

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy hats)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy boots)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

(The Other Wiggles: (singing) We wear cowboy shirts)

Anthony: (singing) We like to boot scoot all day

(Fade transition to the end credits are rolling.)
