The video and print advertising for the Big Red Car video and album. (also known as Dance Party).
Album promo[]

ABC promo[]

Australian Promo[]

New Zealand Promo[]

US Promo[]

VHS Appearances[]
- A To Z With Barney (2001 VHS)
- Bob the Builder: To the Rescue! (2001 VHS)
- Kipper: Pools, Parks and Picnics (2001 VHS)
- The Wiggles: Wiggly Play Time (2001 VHS)
2001 Version[]
2003 Version[]

Miscellaneous Galleries[]
VHS promotion in Wake Up Jeff! AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggledance! 1997 VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas 1997 VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggle Time! 1998 AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Yummy Yummy 1998 AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggledance! 1998 VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Toot Toot! 1998 AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in The Dorothy the Dinosaur and Friends Video VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Toot Toot! 1999 AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggly TV AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Hoop-Dee-Doo it's a Wiggly Party AUS VHS inlay
The VHS being used for a concept of a HiT Entertainment display at Toys "R" Us.
VHS promotion in Wiggly Safari AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggle Bay AUS VHS inlay
VHS promotion in Wiggle Bay US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in Space Dancing! US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in A Wiggly Mystery book
VHS promotion in Dorothy's Garden 2004 book
VHS promotion in Top of the Tots US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in Follow The Big Red Car and Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga Sticker Activity books
VHS promotion in The Wiggles in Concert! Coloring Fun Book
VHS promotion in Cold Spaghetti Western US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in Fun in the Sun book
VHS promotion in Whoo Hoo! Wiggly Gremlins! US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in The Wiggles In Concert! Coloring Book
VHS promotion in Santa's Rockin'! US VHS & DVD insert
VHS promotion in Winter Fun: A Sticker Stories Book & LIVE Hot Potatoes! book
VHS promotion in LIVE Hot Potatoes! US VHS & DVD insert
CD promotion in LIVE Hot Potatoes! AUS DVD insert
CD promotion in Wiggledancing! Live In Concert Programme
CD promotion in Racing to the Rainbow Show! Programme US version
A YouTube thumbnail promotion in Wiggle Pop! Big Show Programme
A YouTube thumbnail promotion in Party Time Big Show Programme