
This is the transcript for Bill the Billycart.


The Wiggles: Hi, We're The Wiggles!

Greg: I'm Greg!

Murray: I'm Murray!

Jeff: I'm Jeff!

Anthony: and I'm Anthony!

Greg: and Welcome to The Wiggles Show today, we hope you have lots of fun singing and dancing and you never know who you might meet!

(Professor Singalottasonga comes in front of The Wiggles)

Professor Singalottasonga: (singing) I'm Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere!

Anthony: oh it's...

The Wiggles: Professor Singalottasonga!

(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to Greg introducing a song)

Greg: There's lots of great dances that you can do! One of my favourites is this one! I was wondering could you try it too? Can you put one elbow next to the other? Elbow to Elbow? Oh Yeah, that's very good! Alright! Can you touch your head? Your shoulders? Your knees? And your Toes? Fantastic! Let's try it together everybody! Elbow to Elbow!

(Rainbow Guitar transitions to The Wiggles in the Big Red Car singing Elbow To Elbow)

Do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do

Elbow to elbow

(Head, Shoulders, Knees And Toes)

Point to your ankles

(Move your head 'round it goes)

Elbow to elbow

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes)

Point to your ankles

(Move your head 'round it goes)

Do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do

Do do

Elbow to elbow

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes)

Point to your ankles

(Move your head 'round it goes)

Elbow to elbow

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes)

Point to your elbow

Do do

Ankle to ankle

(Head, shoulders, knees and toes)

Point to your elbows

(Move your head 'round it goes)

Do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do

Do do Do do

(The Wiggles Logo transitions to The Captain pushing Anthony in his billycart)

Anthony: Wee! Ha-Ha! Everybody! It's time to go back when we were young! Let's travel back in time to see what The Little Wiggles are up to!

(Feathersword Transitions to The Little Wiggles segment)

The Wiggles: Yeah! Yeah! And a Wiggly Yeah!

Greg: Let's go back to when the Wiggles were young! Anthony was eating and having fun! Jeff was sleeping!

The Wiggles: Murray played guitar!

Low Voice: Greg was dreaming of the Big Red Car!

The Wiggles: Yeah! Yeah! And a Wiggly Yeah!

High Voice: YEAH!

(Rainbow Guitar Transitions to Murray introducing a segment)

Murray: Hey everyone! Let's all dance with Dorothy the Dinosaur! Yea-ah!

(The Roses Transitions to Dorothy's Dance Class)

(The Roses Transitions to The Cartoon Wiggles on the moon singing Walking On The Moon)

Come on, everyone, let's go walking on the moon.

Walking on the moon

(Walking on the moon)

Bouncing oh so high

(Walking on the moon)

Floating for so long

(Floating for so long)

Leaping steps so wide


Jumping in the air

(Walking on the moon)

Won't come down till noon

Because we're walking

(Walking, walking)

Walking on the moon

(We love walking on the moon

(Wow, the Earth looks blue from here)

Bouncing here and there

(Doo-bee doo-wup-doo)

Push up from the ground

(Doo-bee doo-wup-doo)

Stretch your legs so long

(Stretch up your legs)

Ten steps in one bound

(In one bound)

Big blue earth so far

(Doo-bee doo-wup-doo)

Like a blue balloon

But now we're walking

(Walking, walking)

We're walking on the moon

Yes, we love walking on the moon

(Houston, we have no problems)

(G'day Australia!)

Walking on the moon

(Walking on the moon)

Bouncing oh so high

(Walking on the moon)

Floating for so long

Leaping steps so wide

Jumping in the air

(Walking on the moon)

Won't come down till noon

Because we're walking

(Walking, walking)

Walking on the moon

(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to The Cartoon Wiggles waving hello)

Well here we are!

Well here we are!

Get ready for the show!

Well here we are!

Well here we are!

Some friends that you all know!

We'd like you to clap and sing,

And dance along too!

Well let’s get ready to have some fun,

‘Cause our friends will dance with you!

Here comes Henry,

Here comes Henry,

Dancing with a twirl!

Here comes Henry,

Here comes Henry,

From his underwater world!

“Hello, everybody!

It’s lovely to be here!”

Now here comes another friend,

So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes Dorothy,

Here comes Dorothy,

Munching on a rose!

Here comes Dorothy,

Here comes Dorothy,

Dancing everywhere she goes!

“Hello, everybody!

It’s lovely to be here!”

Now here comes another friend,

So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes the Captain,

Here comes the Captain,

Tickling everyone!

Here comes the Captain,

Here comes the Captain,

The fun has just begun!

“Ahoy there me hearties! Hoo hoo!

It’s lovely to be here! Whoa ho!”

Now here comes another friend,

So let's all give a cheer!

Here comes Wagsy,

Here comes Wagsy,

Running around the park!

Here comes Wagsy,

Here comes Wagsy,

Listen to him bark!

"Ruff, ruff-ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff,

Ruff, ruff-ruff, aroooo!"

Now let's all get ready to dance,

‘Cause everybody’s here!

It’s The Wiggles,

It’s the Wiggles,

Dancing with their friends!

It’s the Wiggles,

It’s the Wiggles,

The fun will never end!

We’d like you to clap and sing

And dance along too!

Now that everybody’s here,

That’ll be so easy,

That’ll be so easy,

That’ll be so easy to do!

(The Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword introducing a Wiggly Concert song)

(The Wiggles are pretending to drive the Big Red Car)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-Hoo! Ahoy There Me Hearties! The Wiggles are in their Big Red Car! Well, actually, they're in their imaginary Big Red Car. If you wanna see the real one, why don't you all come along to the Wiggly Concert! Ho-Ho-Hoo!

The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to The Wiggles on stage singing Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car)

(Audience cheers since the Overture is finished. Until then, The Wiggly Orchestra are gonna play a song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. While, The Wiggly Dancers come out with their parking 4 colored flags. While, The Wiggles are driving the Big Red Car, as they're waving hello to everyone arrives on stage.)

Manzillas(singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

(with the Wiggles singing.) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Greg(singing) Well, Murray's in the back seat...

Murray: Hello, everyone!

Greg(singing) He's playing his guitar...

Murray: Uh-huh!

Greg(singing) Yeah, Murray's in the back seat

(with the other Wiggles singing.) Of the Big Red Car...

Anthony: Let's sing together now.

Wiggles(singing) Oh, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long...

Murray: What's Jeff up to?

Greg(singing) Jeff is fast asleep...

Murray: Oh, Jeff!

Greg(singing) He's having a little rest...

Murray: Uh-oh!

Greg(singing) We better wake him up

so let's all

(with the other Wiggles singing.) Call out "Wake up Jeff!"

Jeff(He wakes up.) Hello!

Wiggles(singing) Oh, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long...

Murray: Here comes Anthony.

Greg(singing) Well, Anthony is eating.

He's got so much food. Uh-huh...

Anthony: I love it!

Greg(singing) He's eating apples and oranges

(with the other Wiggles singing.) And fruit salad too!

Wiggles(singing) Oh, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

The Other Wiggles & Manzillas(singing) Greg is doing the driving


Greg(singing) "Scooby doo ah"

Murray: Scooby doo ah!

The Other Wiggles & Manzillas(singing) Greg is doing the driving

Of the Big Red Car!

Anthony: Hey-hey!

(Anthony, Jeff & Murray are getting out of the car. Except, Greg is gonna park the car while The Wiggly Dancers leaving.)

Wiggles(singing) Oh, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

Wiggles(singing) Oh, Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car

We'll travel near and we'll travel far

Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car

We're gonna ride the whole day long.

(Audience cheering & clapping since the song is over.)

(The Wiggly Concert Curtain transitions to the Captain walking to the right)

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-Hoo! Ahoy There Me Hearties! I got a challenge for you! Can you all stamp your feet like this? (stamping) Stamp Stamp Stamp! That's great! And can you clap your hands like this? (clapping) Clap Clap Clap! Wha-Ho! Excellent! And can you Wiggle your hips just like that? Ooh, that's fantastic Me Hearties! Well, it's time for a Wiggly Party! ​​​ (Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Wiggles dancing outside to Wiggly Party)

Ahhh Wiggly Party

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Stamp, stamp, stamp, Clap, clap, clap

Wiggle your hips just like that

Pin the tail on the donkey,

now we're playing hide and seek

And in the kitchen we're making all the Fruit Salad you can eat

At the Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Stamp, stamp, stamp, Clap, Clap, Clap

Wiggle your hips just like that

Put on Your Party Hats,

and your dress up costumes too Pass the Parcel and then,

there's a present for me and you

At the Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Wiggly Party (everybody's grooving),

Stamp, stamp, stamp, Clap, Clap, Clap

Wiggle your hips just like that

Stamp, stamp, stamp, Clap, Clap, Clap

Wiggle your hips just like that

Wiggly Party

Stamp, stamp, stamp, Clap, Clap, Clap

Wiggly Party

Wiggle your hips just like that

(repeat and fade)

(The Rainbow Guitar Transitions to The Cartoon Wiggles and Cartoon Captain on the Captain's deck singing Sailing Around The World)

(Ahoy there, me hearties. I'm Captain Feathersword! I love to go sailing around the world! Why don't we all go sailing together, me hearties? Whoa ho ho!)

Sailing all around the world

See what we can see

(Whoo hoo hoo!)

(Splish splash, splash splish)

Sailing oh so free

Feathersword is the Captain

Oh, how I love to pirate dance, whoa ho

(Dancing the Bing Bang Bong)

In his pirate pants

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

Whoa hoo hoo hoo

On the Good Ship Feathersword

Oh Yeah

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

On the Goodship Feathersword.

Whoa ho

We'll visit Jamaica

Oh ho at night, we'll gaze at the stars Hoo hoo they're beautiful

(Eat some sea scallops)

Down in Tasmania

The harbor of Sydney

(It's so nice to see, oh yes indeed)

(Have some fish and chips)

Down at Circular Quay

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

On the Goodship Feathersword

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

On the Goodship Feathersword

Ho ho I love sailing around the world, me hearties

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

We're taking a trip on the wavy sea

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

On the Goodship Feathersword.

Come on now, come along with me

(Ooh ooh)

Oh we're taking a trip on the wavy sea.

(Sailing the ship all around the world)

On the Good Ship Feathersword.

On the Good Ship Feathersword.

On the Good Ship Feathersword. Hoo hoo

Oh ho, this is the best ship I've ever had!

(Feathersword Transitions to the Wiggles and their friends saying goodbye)

Anthony: Everybody! We hope you had fun today at The Wiggles Show! We'd like to say goodbye but there's somebody missing!

Dorothy the Dinosaur: It's Me!

The Wiggles and Friends: Oh Dorothy! Goodbye!

(The Wiggles and their friends wave goodbye until they fade away)
