A blooper from "Hygiene"
Wiggly Bloopers is a blooper compilation from Wiggly TV. it's also the first ever blooper compilation, It shows bloopers from TV Series 2 and "It's a Wiggly Wiggly World!".
- The instrumental tracks of Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack) & Christmas Polka are heard.
- Mrs Bingles Theme and Magic Club Music from The Wiggles Movie are heard.
- This is the only Bloopers to feature proper sound effects.
- It's also the only Bloopers to have The Wiggles wearing their 1997-2001 long-sleeved BONDS shirts and plain black trousers.
(The screen goes down and the bloopers begin)
(Scene from Hygiene)
The Wiggles: Phew!
Anthony: Hey! Now I'll be...
(Then Anthony starts laughing)
(Scene from Your Body and Animals)
Greg: Don't worry, I'm not going to feed it to him.
Anthony: Er stop!
(The cake fails to go down the hat)
Greg: Oops!
Director: Cut!
(Take 2)
Greg: I'm just trying to coax it now.
Anthony: Not with my cake!
Greg: Don't worry I'm not gonna eat it...
Anthony: Greg!
(The cake was struggling to get down then Greg and Anthony started laughing)
(Scene from Storytelling)
Jeff: I wonder if there's anything blu blu blu. Blu.
(Then he starts laughing for a bit)
(Scene from Animals)
Murray: Do you ever wonder what it would be like to move like a snake? Ha ha! What?
(Murray started to move like a snake until he felt like he had carpet burn)
Murray: I'm getting carpet burns down here.
Somebody: Sorry!
(Scene from Multicultural)
(The Wiggles were all wearing the blue skivvy and doing the exact same as Anthony until he messes up a little bit)
Anthony: Damn it!
(Then Murray starts laughing)
Anthony: I'm lost. I went to the wrong page.
(Scene from Food and Multicultural)
Anthony: Ooh, okay um, may I borrow your hat and your cape first please?
Greg: Of course.
(Greg passes him the hat first)
Anthony: Thank you.
Greg: No, thank you.
Anthony: (He giggles)
(Then, Greg passes Anthony his cape)
Anthony: Thank you.
Greg: No, thank you. Erm, you don't want to use my magic wand?
Anthony: Oh, er no and. Having a little bit of trouble with the old cape.
(He passes the cape and hat back to Greg ready for Take 2)
Greg: Oh okay.
(Scene from Dressing Up)
Anthony: It makes me feel very happy that you did that. What did she do?
Crew member: (Unknown speech)
Anthony: Oh.
(Introduction to Haru Ga Kita from It's a Wiggly, Wiggly World!)
Anthony: Hello everyone. We're here with our friend Atsuko. Er Atsuko.
(Anthony messes it up because he's trying to pronounce Atsuko's name right)
Atsuko: Okay.
Anthony: Ats-ah-ko.
(The cameraman holds up 2 fingers showing next it's Take 2)
Atsuko: Ats-ko.
Anthony: Ats-er-ko.
Atsuko: Ats-ko.
Anthony: Ats-ko.
Atsuko: Ats-ko.
Anthony: Ats-ko.
Atsuko: Ats-ko, Ats-ko.
Anthony: 2.
Atsuko: 2?
(Take 2)
Anthony: Hello everyone, we're here with our friend, Ats-ko! Ha ha ha!
(Then Atsuko starts laughing)
(The camerman holds up 3 fingers showing next is Take 3 and Greg and Murray do the same)
Anthony: Okay, I got it.
(Take 3)
Anthony: Hello everybody, we're here with our friend, Atsuko. Now Atsuko you're from, where are you from? Sorry, I didn't realise. (I think)
Atsuko: From Ja... Oh sorry, sorry. That's fine.
(The cameraman holds up 4 fingers showing next is Take 4 and Greg and Murray do the same)
Atsuko: 4.
(Take 4)
Anthony: Hello everybody, we're here with our friend, Atusko. Now Atsuko, where are you from?
Atsuko: From Japan.
Anthony: Oh Japan, whereabouts in Japan?
Atsuko: Oh (then start laughing). Nara City.
Anthony: We'll do it again. Okay this is 5.
Atsuko: (Not sure what she's saying)
Anthony: Here we go.
(Take 5)
Anthony: Well everybody, we're here with our friend Atsuko. Now Atsuko where are you from?
Atsuko: From Japan.
Anthony: Japan, whereabouts in Japan.
Atsuko: Nara City.
Anthony: Nara City it's a beautiful city, the oldest city in Japan. Now Atsuko you've brought some beautiful dress here, whats er, whats er.
(Then Anthony started laughing then bangs his forehead 4 times because of how many times he'e messed it up)
Anthony: Let's go for 6! This is the way we do things here.
(Next scene which was the introduction of Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport but there was no Rolf Harris most likely because he was filming in a different studio but Anthony was pretending that Rolf was talking to him physically)
Anthony: Big news, everybody! We've just been joined by our friend, Rolf Harris. Let's all say G'day Rolf. G'day Rolf! Rolf, I can see you holding something very interesting there, what is it?
(Anthony was reacting as if Rolf was speaking to him)
(Take 2, possibly)
Anthony: Er Rolf, have you ever thought about using that in a song?
(Anthony reacts in the same way again and then he starts laughing)
Anthony: Where do we go from there?
(Then everyone else starts laughing then)
(Next scene which is the introduction of In the Big Red Car We Like to Ride)
Greg: When I'm driving the Big Red Car, I make sure I keep my... No (unknown next word)
Anthony: When we go driving in the Big Red Car, well I sit in the blue seat, And you know what I...
(Take 2)
Anthony: I love driving in the Big Red Car, and I especially...
(Take 3)
Anthony: I love going driving in the Big Red Car with all the other guys, but....
(Take 4)
Anthony: It's fun....
(Take 5)
Anthony: When I'm driving in the Big Red Car with the other guys... (leaves) Is everyone safe...?
(Final take)
Anthony: When I'm driving in the Big Red Car with all the other Wiggles, well, it's lots of fun. I love to sit in the blue seat and you know what, I love to eat crackers. (He eats a cracker and leaves.)
Murray: Can you guess what's... I didn't (unknown next word)
(The Big Red Car crashes by itself.)
(Scene from Counting and Numbers, Dressing Up and Friends)
Greg: (He's shuffling their cups.) Hurry, hurry, hurry. Step right up and find the white chocolate.
Anthony: (He arrives asking Greg.) Did you just say "white chocolate"?
Greg: I did, I did, I did. Find it and you can keep it.
Anthony: Mmm, It's an (He flubs the line then leaves.)
(Take 2)
Anthony: Mmm, I love white chocolate, and I guess it's under that cup.
Greg: (He picks up a cup.) Ha! Sorry, but that's a dark chocolate
Anthony: Can I act... Is this recording? Are we recording?
Greg: Yep.
Anthony: Oh, I didn't know you were. Uh, sorry.
Greg: Usually what happens
Anthony: I know. I didn't know. Seriously, am I gonna take a bite or not?
Greg: We're actually doing quite well up until then.
Man: Thanks Anthony.
(Take 3)
Greg: (He's shuffling their cups.) Hurry, hurry, hurry. Step right up and find the white chocolate.
Anthony: (He arrives asking Greg.) Did you...
(Take 4)
Greg: Hurry, hurry, hurry. Step right up and find the white chocolate. (Anthony doesn't show up) Yes, I did say 'white chocolate'.
(The crew laugh)
(Take 5)
Anthony: Mmm, so the white chocolates under one of these three containers-cups
Greg: Yes, indeedy do, one and only one.
Anthony: (He starts laughing.)
Greg: Containers-cups?
Man: Those three container cups.
Anthony: Go, let's go, we're gonna get it.
(Take 6)
Anthony: And now, where is it under at the moment that I can see it later.
Greg: Oh, well, it's under one of these cups.
Anthony: Well, I suppose... Wait, how are we gonna do that?
(Take 7)
Greg: Ha! Sorry, but it's a dark chocolate.
Anthony: (He's eating a dark chocolate.) Mmm!
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: Yeah, I know. (He's laughing.) I dropped it!
(The camera pans to the back of the table to show a crewman under the table, who waves at the camera and gets out a box of something while Anthony picks up the chocolate and puts it back on the table and Greg puts it under the cup again.)
(Take 8)
Anthony: I like dark chocolate too.
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: Mmm.
Greg: Now...
(Take 9)
Anthony: Mmm, well, I think the white chocolate under this one.
Greg: Ha! Sorry, but that was...
Anthony: Delicious. Mmm!
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: Mmm, sorry, Greg, but I love that whi-dark chocolate too. Mmm! (He laughs and then slams his fist on the table and walks away)
Greg: Well, it's under one of these cups... (He and the crew and laugh)
Anthony: God!
(Take 10)
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: (with a mouthful of chocolates) Mmm. That's easy. There's only one cup left. It's under there. (He hums while leaving, until sharing his sandwich with Greg.) Greg, you said... (He starts laughing, because his voice was muffled from the mouthful of chocolates. Everyone else laughs while Anthony speaks incoherently)
Greg: You need a spit bowl over there.
Anthony: (still speaking incoherently) How will I do that?
Greg: Take one of these and go (Makes spitting sounds).
(Final take)
Greg: (He's shuffling their cups.) Hurry, hurry, hurry. Step right up and find the white chocolate.
Anthony: (He arrives asking Greg.) Did you just say "white chocolate"?
Greg: I did, I did, I did. Find it and you can keep it.
Anthony: Mmm, I love white chocolate.
Greg: Then guess which one of these three cups it's under, and you can have it.
Anthony: Ah! It's a guessing game, is it?
Greg: Yes, indeed, yes, indeed. It's a game that requires great guessing skill.
Anthony: And it's under one of these three cups?
Greg: (He picks up a cup then he puts it down.) Yes — one, and only one. (He's shuffling their cups.)
Anthony: Mmm, I love white chocolate, and I guess it's under that cup.
Greg: (He picks up a cup.) Ha! Sorry, but that's a dark...
Anthony: (He's eating a dark chocolate.) Mmm!
Greg: ..chocolate.
Anthony: I love dark chocolate too.
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate! (He picks up a cup then he puts it down.) Now you see it...now you don't. (He's shuffling their cups.) Which one of these two cups covers the white chocolate?
Anthony: That's easy, Greg. Only two cups left. It's under that cup!
Greg: (He picks up a cup.) Ha! Sorry, but that was...
Anthony: (He's eating a milk chocolate.) Delicious!
Greg: You're supposed to find the white chocolate!
Anthony: Well, it's really easy now. There's only one cup left — it must be under that cup. (He picks up a cup then he eats a white chocolate.) Thank you for those three chocolates. They're beautiful! (He leaves, until sharing his sandwich with Greg.) You shared your chocolates with me. I'll share my sandwich with you.
(Closing circle transition to black.)