Captain Feathersword's title
Lachy, Anthony, Captain, and Simon
Captain getting in the Big Red Car
Simon getting in the Big Red Car
Anthony playing the blue Maton electric guitar
Anthony getting in the Big Red Car
Lachy getting in the Big Red Car
"There are no more seats left to choose!"
Lachy, Anthony, Captain, and Simon
Oliver, Anthony, Emma, and Captain
Stephanie, Lachy, and Dominic
Dominic, Simon, and Caterina
Captain playing the black Fender bass guitar
Stephanie, Lachy, Dominic, Simon, and Caterina
Emma getting in her Bow Mobile
Emma driving the Bow Mobile
"I Want a Leather Jacket"
Little Emma and Little Lachy
Little Simon and Little Anthony
Anthony playing the Maton acoustic guitar
Emma in the purple armchair
Simon, Anthony, and Lachy
Simon playing the double bass
Anthony playing the electric sitar
Emma doing the cha-cha-cha
Simon doing disco dancing
Anthony doing the monkey dance