This is the transcript for Bow Mobile To The Rescue!.
(The episode starts with a song: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle. A scene where The Wiggles and their friends are on a ferris wheel showing their names.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you
(The title is shown. Until, shot transition to a scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword were getting ready for a Wiggly concert.)
Simon: (He looks at his watch & gasps.) Come on, Wiggles. Must make haste. I have to sing "Simon Says" today at the Wiggly concert and I don't want to be late!
Anthony: Too right, Simon. Mustn't dilly-dally. The children are waiting for the concert and I can't wait to hear you sing "Simon Says". I guess it's my favourite song game.
Lachy: Well, Wiggles, Captain Feathersword, let's get in the Big Red Car in an orderly fashion. No rushing. Everybody will get a seat.
Emma: Are you sure everyone will get a seat, Lachy?
Lachy: Well, it is the Big Red Car, Emma. So, let's see if all five of us can fit in there. (with Simon, Emma, Anthony & Captain Feathersword are choosing to sit one time.) Captain Feathersword, you are our guest. You go in first. Choose your favourite seat.
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo! Thanks, me hearty, In I go.
(Song: The Driver's Seat for Me (Captain). A scene where Captain Feathersword chose a seat.)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) It's the driver's seat for me
The driver's seat for me
Hi-ho, the derry-o
The driver's seat for me.
(He sits in the driver's seat.)
Lachy: Right. Next, Simon. You wonderful opera-singing Red Wiggle. Choose your seat.
(Song: The Red Seat (Simon). A scene where Simon chose a seat.)
Simon: (singing) I'll choose my seat
As I comb my hair
My fvaourite colour
Is that one there
It's the same colour
As my bed
Yes, you guessed it
Is the colour re-e-ed
My seat.
(He sits in the red seat.)
Lachy: Right. Brilliant, Simon. Now, Anthony, what seat will you choose, mate?
(A multi-coloured electric guitar transition to the song: The Blue Seat (Anthony). A scene where Anthony chose a seat.)
Anthony: (singing) Let's take a look
At the seat I choose
Let's take a look
At the seat I choose
It has to be that one
I love the blues.
(He sits in the blue seat.)
Lachy: Wow! Well, Emma, what seat would you like to choose?
Emma: Well, Lachy, if you look at the last seat available, it's a purple one, and that's your favourite colour. You take that seat.
Lachy: Oh, well, Emma, that is very thoughtful. (He sits in the purple seat.)
Emma: Oh, no!
Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: Oh, what?
Emma: Oh, no, no!
Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: Oh, what, what?
Emma: Oh, no-o-o!
Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: Oh, wha-a-at?
Emma: There are no more seats left to choose.
Anthony: Huh?
Lachy: Huh?
Simon: Huh?
Captain Feathersword: Huh?
Emma: Captain, Wiggles, watch this. There are four seats. Count them with me as I point to them. (with Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword counting.) 1, 2, 3, 4. (herself.) Do you agree with me, Captain?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, indeed, I do! Four seats in the Big Red Car.
Emma: Now I'll count the people who need a ride in the Big Red Car. (She's counting with her fingers.) The Captain is one, Simon is two, Anthony is three, Lachy is four, and Emma, that's me, is five.
Simon: (He wears a professor's outfit on.) So, there are five people and only four seats. Five take away four... Hmm. That means one person won't have a seat.
Emma: That's correct, Simon! We can't all fit into the Big Red Car.
Anthony: What do we do, Wiggles, Captain Feathersword? What do we do?
Lachy: Well, we need to think of something pretty soon. Simon's voice is warmed up for "Simon Says".
Captain Feathersword: Oh... I know! Let's take a minute to enjoy some Wiggly music on the Big Red Car's radio. And while we're enjoying the music, we can think of a way of getting five people into a show in a car that only has four seats. Here comes the music. (He turns the music on.)
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to the song: The Shimmie Shake! A scene where Lachy, Simon & the dancers are dancing to their shimmie shake.)
Lachy: (singing) Shimmie Shake.
Let's all do the Shimmie Shake.
Shake it on way down low.
All: (singing) Shake it on high.
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie.
Lachy: (singing) Hear the drumbeat, hear the guitar.
When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake
All: (singing) Doo, Doo,
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Twistin' break
Let's all take a twistin break.
Really take a twistin break.
All: (singing) We're twisting wide.
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie.
Lachy: (singing) Hear the drumbeat, hear the guitar.
When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake!
All: (singing) Doo, Doo,
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Shimmie shake!
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword needs to find a way that we could find a different car to drive.)
Emma: Guys, I've thought of a solution! Well, there are four seats in the Big Red Car. Correct?
Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: Correct!
Emma: Let's count them. Ready? (with Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword counting.) 1, 2, 3, 4. (herself.) And there are five people. Correct?
Simon, Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: Correct.
Emma: So, five people are trying to get into the four seats can't work. If only we had another seat in the Big Red Car.
Simon: Or... another car.
Anthony: (with Lachy & Captain Feathersword.) Another car! (himself.) Emma, there is another car. You haven't got a seat today in the Big Red Car, but you have a "bowtiful" seat waiting for you in the Bowmobile.
Emma: You're right, oh, wise senior Wiggle. The Bowmobile is perfect. I'll see you at the concert, Wiggles, and Captain Feathersword, bye!
Simon: (with Anthony, Lachy & Captain Feathersword.) Bye. Bye, Emma! (himself.) Right, Captain, let's get to the Wiggle Town concert. We have a show to do!
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho! Right you are, lads! But before we start the engine, seatbelts on. (He's putting a seatbelt on.)
Anthony: Seatbelts on. (He's putting a seatbelt on.)
Simon: Seatbelts on. (He's putting a seatbelt on.)
Lachy: Seatbelts on. (He's putting a seatbelt on.)
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo!
(As the Big Red Car drove away to the Wiggly concert. Until, sliding transitions to Emma is getting ready to drive the bowmobile.)
Emma: (She closes the bowmobile door.) Right! Seatbelt on. (She's putting a seatbelt on.) And my driving googles, before I turn on the engine. (She puts on her driving googles.) Now I'm ready to drive to the Wiggle Town concert.
(As the Bowmobile drove away to the Wiggly concert. Until, Emma's bow transition to Emma is driving the bowmobile to go to the Wiggle Town concert. While Simon, Lachy, Anthony & Captain Feathersword are driving the Big Red Car. Until, they went through the gate & magically disappeared. An opening circle transition to the song: Simon Says. A scene where they filmed in January to perform The Wiggles Australia Day Concert 2016.)
Simon: Well, we're gonna play a game together now, everyone. It's a game called Simon Says.
Captain Feathersword: Simon Says? What's this?
Simon: Does anyone know how to play Simon Says?
(Audience shouting "YES!")
Captain Feathersword: Simon does.
Simon: You beauty. Let's play it together. Here we go. Now, join in, everyone. Just listen and watch carefully.
All: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your knees
All: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your hips
Put your hands on your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Captain Feathersword: Tricky.
All: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your cheeks
All: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your chin
Put your hands on your nose
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Captain Feathersword: He did it again!
All: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your shoulders
All: (singing) Simon says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your ears
Put your hands above your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Captain Feathersword: Ohh! Simon! Hee-hee-hee!
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Whoops!
He didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon: (singing) Whoops!
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon says give yourselves a big clap. Well played, everyone.
(Audience clapping since we've done playing Simon Says. Then, shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Lachy feels a bit cold outside & he could wear a leather jacket when he was a little Wiggle.)
Lachy: Brrrrr! Whoa! It's wintertime here at the Wigglehouse and, gee, I'm a little bit cold. You know what would help? A leather jacket. I've always wanted a leather jacket. I've always wanted a pink leather jacket, ever since I was a little Wiggle. And did you know that we sang about it when we were little Wiggles?
(singing) I want a leather jacket, pink leather jacket
I want to get a jacket, yeah, a pink leather jacket, yeah
I want a leather jacket
(Shot transition to the song: Little Wiggles Theme. A scene where Lachy sings offscreen, while going back in time to see what they're younger.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen) Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Lachy Irish danced, Anthony played guitar and the bagpipes, too
(Bagpipes playing Scotland the Brave. Until, the title show up. Then, it translates to the song: I Want A Leather Jacket. A scene where The Little Wiggles are wearing their leather jackets dancing to the rock 'n' roll music.)
Little Lachy: (singing) Well, I can't wait any longer for what I want
(with The Awake Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Lachy: (singing) I'll look really cool with my leather jacket on
(with The Awake Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Lachy: (singing) I'll really have style, just wait and see
(with The Awake Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Lachy: (singing) And everybody will be looking at me
(with The Awake Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Lachy: (singing) I want to get a jacket, yeah, a real leather jacket, yeah
(with The Awake Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Emma: (singing) I'm gonna wear the jacket with a skirt and bow
(with The Professional Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Simon: (singing) It'll look really cool when I'm dancing at the show
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Anthony: (singing) I'll really have style just wait and see
(with The New Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Simon: (singing) And everybody will be looking at me
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
I want to get a jacket, yeah, a real leather jacket, yeah
I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
(Instrumental break to Little Anthony plays the blue Maton electric guitar.)
Little Wiggles: (singing) I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
I want a leather jacket, want a leather jacket
Little Lachy: (singing) I want to get a jacket, yeah, a real leather jacket, yeah
I want a leather jacket
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to Emma is making a satin ribbon bow, while Anthony pays on acoustic guitar.)
Emma: Oh. That's lovely music Anthony's playing. It's quite relaxing, indeed. It's putting me in a mood for some craft, and I feel like making a bow. I love bows! I love bows so much. They are so beautiful. Well, in fact, they're "bowtiful". Today, I's making a bow out of satin ribbon. You can join me if you like. This ribbon here is black, so the bow ribbon will look nice against my yellow tutu. Well, I have my satin ribbon ready and my scissors, so I'll just estimate how much I'll need for the bow. Hmm. That should be enough. I'll just snip it. And I'll have my material ready to make my bow. (She cuts a ribbon with scissors.) Ah! Right. Now we have the length needed and it's time to shape the bow. First things first. Bring the tail ends together and make sure the length is even. That's it. Now, two loops from the centre. And tie one side around the loop, and pull it though the middle. Now pull both loops through and both tails, so that they're the same length on both sides. Ah! That's what they like to call symmetrical. There we go. A bow made out of satin ribbon. I think that's going to be "bowtiful".
Simon: Emma, that bow is...
(singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Lachy: (singing) Emma is a friend of mine
Simon: (singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Lachy: (singing) Emma is my friend.
(Shot transition to the Wiggle Park. It translates to the song: Emma (with the Bow in Her Hair). A scene where Emma decides to wear her bow. But, she doesn't know how to that she has a crazy hair.)
Emma: So what bow should I wear today?
Simon: (singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Male Wiggles: (singing) One day we went walking on a windy day
Emma's hair went crazy so she needed hairspray
To save the environment, she went the other way
And that's why she wears a bow to this day
Simon: (singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Male Wiggles: (singing) Hair! Yeah, see the bow in her hair!
When she walks through the door, everybody stares
She's the groovy girl with the bow in her hair
Yellow is the color she loves to wear
Emma is the girl with the bow in her hair
Simon: (singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Professional Wiggles: (singing) Hair! Yeah, see the bow in her hair!
Emma is the girl with the bow in her hair
Yellow is the color she loves to wear
She's the groovy girl with the bow in her hair
When she walks through the door, everybody stares
Simon: (singing) Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Bowtiful, Bowtiful
Professional Wiggles: (singing) Hair! Yeah, see the bow in her hair!
Emma: Have a bowtiful day!
(Shot transition to the Wiggle Park. Then, the camera translates to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to The Wiggles are gonna show some different dance moves.)
Emma: My favourite dance at the moment is the cha-cha dance. It's like this. 1, 2, 3. Cha-cha-cha. 2, 3. Cha-cha-cha. Go on. Try it. 1, 2, 3. Cha-cha-cha. 2, 3. Cha-cha-cha. Well done. Dance, dance. 2, 3. Cha-cha-cha. 2, 3.
Lachy: Well, my favourite dance at the moment is ballet, and I've been working very hard on my plié. And here it is. (He's doing some demi plié.) Ha! Would you like to try it too? You would? Well, great. Keep your back up nice and straight and try not to bend forward. And... straight down. And straight up. Well done. Let's try it together. Ready? (He's doing some demi plié.) Dance, dance!
Simon: Oh! I love dancing. Expressing the music through dance. And you know what? My fave dance at the moment is disco dancing. And here is my best move. Point down to your feet, then up to the sky. Down to your feet, then up to the sky. Down to your feet and up to the sky. Go on, try it. Dance, dance! (He's doing some disco dancing.)
Anthony: Well, my favourite dance is a dance called the monkey dance. All you do is swing your arms like a monkey, make some monkey noises like, "Ooh, aah! Ooh-ooh, aah! Ooh-ooh, aah-aah! Ooh-ooh, aah-aah!" (He laughs.) Come on, try it. "Ooh, aah! Ooh-ooh, aah!" Dance, dance!
Emma: Hey, we need a bigger space to dance in. Come on, you say the dance and we'll… (with others.) Dance, dance!
(4 colored rectangles with music notes sliding horizontally transition to the song: Dance, Dance (Instrumental). A scene where Was dances in Uluru.)
Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance!
(Shot cuts to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot transition to the song: Galloping Ballet. A scene where Emma is galloping like a horse at her dance studio, when the piano ballet plays.)
Emma: Neigh!
(singing) Gallop and gallop and, gallop along
Riding a horse along to this song
Gallop and gallop and gallop away
Riding a horse, it's a galloping day
Oh, prance and prance and point your feet
Pas de burré to the beat
Pick your feet up, put your feet down
Prancing along on the ground
Gallop and gallop and gallop along
Riding a horse along to this song
Gallop and gallop and gallop away
Riding a horse, it's a galloping day
Oh, trotting and trotting and developpé
Run into a jeté
Jump in the air, it's fun to do
Point your feet, one and two
Neigh! Whoa, horsey, whoa! Neigh!
Gallop and gallop and gallop along
Riding a horse along to this song
Gallop and gallop and gallop away
Riding a horse, it's a galloping day
(Piano plays from ballet to lullaby.)
Now it's time for Horsey to rest
Twirl into an arabesque
Take a curtsy, take a bow
Galloping day is over for now
(Piano plays waltz outro. While, Emma gives a big finished to the song about riding a horse. Until, Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the end credits are rolling.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you