The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggly Dancers, Wags and the Wagettes
Sam, Michael, and John Paul
Franko, Larissa, Ryan and Lucy
Seamus, Carla, Manuella and Pepe
Murray playing his red Maton electric guitar
Franko, Larissa, and Ryan
Sam, Michael, John Paul and Seamus
Jeff playing his red Starry Keyboard
Carla, Genevieve and Manuella
Larissa, Ryan, Lucy and Skally
"What sound does a dog make? You're right, it goes bow wow wow."
The Wiggles, Wags, and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Jeff, Larissa, Anthony and Brett
Greg, Brett, Anthony and Murray
Greg, Brett, Lucy and Murray