This is the transcript for Captain's Birthday Party.
(The episode starts with a song: Everybody Wiggle Along. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves.)
Emma: Hi, I'm Emma.
Lachy: I'm Lachy.
Simon: I'm Simon.
Anthony: I'm Anthony.
Emma: And we're... (with others.) The Wiggles!
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo
Lachy: (singing) Are you ready?
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're ready.
Lachy: (singing) Are you steady?
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) We're steady.
Anthony: Everybody, clap your hands!
Lachy: (singing) Let's Wiggle.
Emma, Anthony & Simon: (singing) Let's Wiggle.
(with Lachy singing.) Everybody ready
Everybody steady
Let all Wiggly-woo
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle
Ready, Steady, Wiggle, Wiggle, woo
(Opening camera transition to the song: Name Game. A scene where Lachy, Bok & Jeff are teaching how to play the name game.)
Lachy: Hello, everybody. My name is Lachy. And we have two friends with us here today who have beautiful names. What's your name?
Jeff: My name's Jeff.
Lachy: Hello, Jeff. Jeff's a lovely name, isn't it? And what about you, my lovely puppet friend? What's your name? Mm-hm. (Bok nods his head to say his name.) Of course, my little puppet friend's name is Bok. Bok's a great name too, isn't it? Now, can you remember my name? Lachy, that's right. Can you remember his name?
Jeff: That's right, Jeff.
Lachy: Jeff, that's right. And do you remember our lovely puppet friend's name? Can you say it out loud? (Bok nods his head to say his name.) Bok. That's right. Hmm? Mm-hm. Oh, Bok, that's a very sweet idea. Would you like to tell Bok what your name is? Ready, tell Bok what your name is. Oh. Mm-hm. That is a beautiful name. Bok loves your name. Well, Bok and Jeff, would you like to play a name game together?
Jeff: That would be great.
Lachy: 1, 2, 3, 4.
(with Jeff singing, while clapping to the rhythm.) Hey, hey! What's your name?
You've got a name so you can play the game
Lachy: (singing) Jeff, Jeff, rub your tummy
And have a laugh when you think life's funny
Jeff: (He laughs.)
(with Lachy singing, while clapping to the rhythm.) Hey, hey! What's your name?
You've got a name so you can play the game
Jeff: (singing) Lachy, Lachy, rub your tummy
And have a laugh when you think life's funny
Lachy: (He laughs.)
(with Jeff singing, while clapping to the rhythm.) Hey, hey! What's your name?
You've got a name so you can play the game
Bok, Bok, rub your tummy
Jeff: (singing) And have a laugh when you think life's funny.
(Bok rubs his tummy & laughs.)
Lachy: And you've played the name game.
(Bok wave to the screen. Ready, Steady, Wiggle! logo appears on the screen. Until, it translates to Captain Feathersword is so excited about his birthday.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo. Ahoy there, me hearties. Whoo-hoo-hoo. Oh, I'm so excited. Today is my birthday.
(He is singing, while he's very happy today.) Today is my birthday.
Today is my birthday.
Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. And I'm gonna have a great big party with all of my friends. Oh, but I need to let my friends know about the party. How to do that? Let's see. Ooh, an invitation. I can make an invitation. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. Now let's see, how do you start? Oh. Dear. Oh, that lets my friends know that I care about them. Ho-ho. (He takes a heart out of his pirate jacket.) I can use this red love heart. (He puts a red love heart onto an invitation.) Dear. Hoo-hoo-hoo! Now, The Wiggles need to know the invitation if from them, so... (He's holding a four coloured pieces of cardboard.) ..I can use these coloured pieces of cardboard. Whoo-hoo-hoo. '(He puts four coloured pieces of cardboard onto an invitation.) Red for Simon, yellow for Emma... ..purple for Lachy... ..and blue for Anthony. They need to know it's a birthday party as well, so... oh, ho. (He's holding a yellow balloon.) I can use this birthday balloon. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. (He puts the yellow balloon onto an invitation.) Now, the party starts at four o'clock. (He's holding a drawing of 4 o'clock.) This clock has a big hand pointing to the 12 and a small hand pointing to the four. 4 o'clock. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. (He puts a drawing of 4 o'clock onto an invitation.) Oh, but how are they going to know it's my birthday party, Captain Feathersword? (He's holding a feather.) I can use this feather. (He puts a feather onto an invitation & he reads it.) Dear Wiggles, please come to my birthday party at 4 o'clock, from Captain Feathersword. Oh-ho-ho. (He looks at his watch.) Oh. It's almost 4 o'clock. I'd better go get ready for the party and put on my party outfit. Whoo-hoo. (He leaves the dockyard & go get a party uniform.)
(A clock transition to The Wiggles stopped at Captain's Dockyard that someone send an invitation.)
Simon: Ah, such a beautiful day for a walk.
Emma: Ah, it sure is. And here we are at Captain's Dock.
Lachy: All this walking is making me sleepy. (He's sleeping after a long walk made him tired.)
Anthony: Hey. (He looks at a special invitation.) Look what I see before me.
Simon: Yeah, right. It looks like some sort of invitation.
Emma: Oh, yes. Let's have a closer look.
Simon: OK, let's look. Ah, there's a red love heart. (He gasps.) That must mean "dear".
Emma: Aha. And look, the four Wiggly colours. Red for Simon, yellow for Emma, purple for Lachy and blue for Anthony. That must mean the invitation if for us, The Wiggles.
Anthony: And look, there's a balloon. That must mean it's a birthday party.
Simon: Yeah, that's right, Anthony. And there's a clock. The clock's showing the time. The big hand's on the 12, and the little hand's on the four. So, that means the party starts at 4 o'clock.
Anthony: And there's a feather. So it must be from Captain Feathersword. Well, this is amazing. It's nearly 4 o'clock now, so we should get out party clothes on.
Simon: Oh, yeah, yeah, we should, but first we'd better wake Lachy up.
Emma: Oh, yes. Lachy's fallen asleep. Come on, let's say "Wake up, Lachy" after the count of three. Ready? (with Simon & Anthony.) 1, 2, 3. Wake up, Lachy!
Lachy: (He blubbers, while waking up.) Oh, seizu. Thanks for waking me up.
Anthony: Let's get ready for the party.
Simon: Come on, let's go.
Anthony: Whoo! Party. (They're all leave the dock & go get their party clothes.)
(Feathers transition to Captain Feathersword arrived back from his dock. But, nobody is here at the moment.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo. Oh, it's 4 o'clock, time for my birthday pa... (He looked around that nobody's coming, because he is very upset.) Oh... Oh, there's nobody here. (He's so sad that he forgot his birthday party.) Oh, they've all forgotten my birthday party. (He's crying, until he heard something.)
Simon: (offscreen) Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho! Ahoy there, me hearties.
(Song: Have A Happy Birthday Captain. A scene where The Wiggles & The Wiggly Mascots are wishing a special birthday song for Captain Feathersword, while they arrived at the Captain's Dock.)
Anthony: 1, 2, 3, 4.
(with Lachy, Simon & Emma singing.) Have a happy birthday Captain
Have a happy birthday Captain
Have a happy birthday Captain
We didn't forget, we didn't forget, it's your birthday today
Lachy: (singing) I made some birthday cupcakes
I put them in the oven for to bake
I made some birthday cupcakes
(with Anthony, Simon & Emma singing.) We didn't forget, we didn't forget, it's your birthday today
Simon: (singing) I made this birthday bouquet
I made it for you, Captain for today
I made this birthday bouquet
(with Anthony, Lachy & Emma singing.) We didn't forget, we didn't forget, it's your birthday today
Emma: (singing) I wrapped this present with a bow
Because it's your birthday we all know
I wrapped this present with a bow
(with Anthony, Lachy & Simon singing.) We didn't forget, we didn't forget, it's your birthday today
We didn't forget, we didn't forget, it's your birthday today.
Anthony: Happy birthday, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho. Oh, me hearties, this is the best birthday I've ever had. Gurrrgh!
Simon: Well, Captain, let's have a birthday party dance. Whoo! (He throws a bouquet to the Captain & catches it.)
(Balloons transition to the song: Do the Wiggle Groove. A scene where The Wiggly Group & Officer Beaples are doing a special dance at Captain Feathersword's birthday.)
Lachy: (singing) Well, you can run, you can jump and skip too
But here's a dance that is oh-so new.
All: (singing) Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Lachy: (singing) Clap your hands and spin around.
Pat your head and touch the ground.
All: (singing) And do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Lachy: (singing) Clap your hands and stamp your feet.
And groove along to the wiggly beat.
All: (singing) And do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Simon: (singing) Side to side you sway with your hands.
Lift your knees in time with the bends.
Emma: (singing) Pendulum with your legs side to side.
You're doing it the Wiggle way.
Lachy: (singing) Clap your hands and spin around.
Pat your head and touch the ground.
All: (singing) And do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
Do, do the move. They call the Wiggle Groove.
(Opening camera transition to the end credits are rolling, while Everybody Wiggle Along instrumental track plays in the background.)