

This is the transcript for Captain Jeremiah and the Spanish Gold.


The Kingdom of Paramithi

Is full of adventure and play

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Will welcome you here today

You will meet a king and a queen

A handsome prince saving the scene

We'll meet Goldilocks and the three bears here too (roar)

And there's Puss in Boots who will sing for you

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

You're welcome in Paramithi

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Is full of adventure and play

The Kingdom of Paramithi

Will welcome you here today

We will sing and dance the ballet

The arabesque et fouette

Meet three little pigs and Pinocchio

And you will just love it when you put on a show

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

You're welcome in Paramithi

La, la, la, la, la

La, la, la, la, la

Welcome in Paramithi

(After the theme song, the episode begins with an introduction from Anastasia the music box ballerina as the magic brings her to life)

Anastasia: Hello everyone. I am Anastasia, and it's so good to see you. Everyday is a special day here, in Paramithi. Let's see what's happening, today!

(After a trumpet fanfare sequence, the scene fades to the throne room where King John, Queen Isabella, James and Genevieve are waiting)

Queen Isabella: Hello! And welcome to the Kingdom of Paramithi! It's so very nice to see you! I am Queen Isabella.

King John: Hello. I am King John and it is lovely to see you! Yes, everyday is a...

(But as the King continues to talk, he notices Genevieve practicing some ballet moves)

King John: Special... Day... In... Paramithi! Genevieve?

Genevieve: Uh, oui your majesty!

King John: I cannot help but notice that you were doing some delightful type of artful aesthetic activity.

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: What?

King John: You were performing some type of aerialised action that seems to ameliorate.

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: What?!

King John: You were performing a gratuitous gentle gesture.

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: What?!

King John: You were dancing!

Queen Isabella/James/Genevieve: Oh!

Genevieve: Pardon your majesty, you do know that I love to dance!

King John: Of course, you are a very talented dancer Genevieve.

Genevieve: Merci your majesty! Well, if I have not danced in a long time, my body just starts to dance all by itself!

King John: Oh yes! I've seen that happen. Well that explains why you were dancing... But I would like to know WHAT you were dancing.

Genevieve: Well, I love to do the ballet, and this is a ballet move called the arabesque.

King John: The arabesque? Well it's simply wonderful! Can you do it James?!

(King John looks to his left only to find that James is still on the right side of the room)

King John: Ah there you are.

James: Well your majesty I-I uh, well... I don't know!

King John: What about you Queen Isabella?

Queen Isabella: Oh uh I USED to do the arabesque as a young princess... But it's been many years since then.

King John: Well then my darling, it's time to do the arabesque once more and relive those days as the light limbed princess! Let's all stand up!

(Everyone stands)

Queen Isabella: Are you sure King John? You need to practice for many years to be a good ballet dancer.

King John: Well it is true that you need to practice for many years to be a good ballet dancer. But, I am the King. What could possibly go wrong?

Queen Isabella: Indeed. What could possibly go wrong?

Genevieve: Oui... What could possibly go wrong? Let us begin! Let's all chassé forward and lift your back leg in the air.

(Everyone does as Genevieve says, but King John seems to be having more trouble balancing compared to everyone else and soon enough falls on his face)

Queen Isabella: Oh King John! Are you alright?!

(After indicating that he is, the three all manage to pick him back up as he scraps off the accident)

King John: Never better! Well that's certainly got the heart pumping! Hmm the arabesque... What an experience! James! Please make a note. We must arabesque again... One day.

(Everyone moves back into their original positions)

King John: Now what James?

James: Oh well your royal highness, you have finished your royal duties for today. You are free to do, anything you like!

Queen Isabella: Anything we like?

Genevieve: Oui Madame! You ARE the King and Queen.

Queen Isabella: Then let's change from our royal robes...

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes?

Queen Isabella: Go to the royal library...

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes?

Queen Isabella: And see what's in the Paramithi storybook!

King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes, yes!

Queen Isabella: There are always three clues in the library as to what the story will be. I can't wait to find out what today's story is!

(The King and Queen stand from their thrones and excitedly make their way to the royal library. Genevieve tells James to follow after them by saying "Aller" meaning "Go" in French. But after a misunderstanding of James copying her gestures, the two finally in a hurry follow on. After a brief sequence of the royal jesters, the scene transitions to the royal library so that everyone can find out the clues to the daily story. On the table where the clues are this time, there is a pirate's hat, a pouch and a prince's hat)

King John: There are always three clues, yes! One, two, three!

Queen Isabella: Ooh here is a pirate hat!

James: And a bag of coins.

Genevieve: And here is a prince's hat.

James: I wonder what the story could be... I think that it is one of the tales of Captain Jeremiah. Captain Jeremiah and the Spanish Gold! There is a Spanish prince in that story and Captain Jeremiah wants to rob him of his gold!

King John: Let's open the book and see...

(The book turns to the first page revealing the story is indeed Captain Jeremiah and the Spanish Gold)

King John: Yes It is the story of Captain Jeremiah and the Spanish Gold!

Queen Isabella: Oh yes I love this story! It's by Jean-Paul James (*?) all about the smiling pirate Captain Jeremiah. Come on, let's all sit down and we can find out what happened to Captain Jeremiah.

(The court sits down and gets ready to hear the story)

Queen Isabella: Is everyone comfortable? Right! Then let's begin. (Begins to read. As the story is read, James and Genevieve begin to act out the events) Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Captain Jeremiah.

James: Argh!

King John: Sorry to interrupt... But why don't pirates go to the moon?

Queen Isabella: Ooh I don't know why don't pirates go to the moon?

King John: Because it's too, "Farrrgghh!" It's too Farrrgghh!"

(The two laugh at the joke)

Genevieve: Your majesties! What is a pirate's favourite food?

Queen Isabella: I don't know what is a pirate's favourite food?

Genevieve: Arrgghhh-tichokes!

(Once again the room erupts in laughter)

Queen Isabella: Alright, let's get back to the story of Captain Jeremi-arrrgghh!

(The room erupts in laughter once more and soon enough, the story continues)

Queen Isabella: Captain Jeremiah wanted to be a fearsome pirate. But he smiled too much. He was also a kind-hearted pirate, so he often gave money to those who were needy.

King John: Oh darling, he sounds like a nice type of chap indeed!

Queen Isabella: Well that's the point my love. A pirate's not meant to be nice. It's bad for their business of robbing people!

King John: Oh yes quite so, quite so!

Queen Isabella: Meanwhile, a Spanish ship was transporting a prince and princess with gold to build a hospital. The captain LEAPT aboard the ship...

James: Ahoy!

Queen Isabella: But the princess did not speak a word of English and so did not understand the Captain's demands.

Genevieve: Hola a todos! (English: Hello there!)

Queen Isabella: He wanted to rob the princess of the gold, but, didn't have the heart and in fact donated six gold coins to help build the Spanish hospital.

Genevieve: Gracias! (English: Thank you!)

(The story ends and everyone happily goes back to their places)

King John: Oh yes I love that story and it was such fun! Bravo James and Genevieve! Of course, it would be even better if we performed the tale of Captain Jeremiah in the Paramithi theatre. With music (Imitates an instrument), dancing and songs a-ha! And even more cast! And we could invite an audience to watch it. Yes James you and Genevieve can organise it with the wonderful people of Paramithi! You can stop being a butler and a maid for a while and be producers! Do you think you can do it James and Genevieve?

Queen Isabella: Yes can you both do it?

(At this request, James and Genevieve transform themselves into Hollywood style producers with Brooklyn accents and American slang)

James: Aw sure not a problem! It's a cool breeze!

Genevieve: Oh yeah bub! This show is gonna hit the moon in June! (Suddenly switches back) I mean uh, I shall do my best your royal highness!

King John: (Chuckles) This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Oh yes, may I expect we may have some cool air or-or-or be- be seeing the moon uh sometime soon? But for now it's on with the show.

Queen Isabella: Yes! (The King and Queen begin to leave, but not before...) It's cool!

(The two laugh off the joke and leave the royal library. Meanwhile James and Genevieve also have a laugh and prepare themselves for the production)

Genevieve: James! We have a lot of work to do!

James: Oh! Well then, let's go!

(As the two leave, the scene once again transitions back to Anastasia's music box)

Anastasia: Isn't it exciting? There's going to be a show about the pirate Captain Jeremiah! James and Genevieve will put together a cast, with beautiful costumes and beautiful songs. I can't wait!

(Cue "Now We Can Put On A Show")

James: Never mind our royal duties

We have other work to do, please

I will tell the cast to get here fast

And they'll perform the show

There'll be costumes so delightful

And some that will be frightful (ooh!)

Genevieve: Hear the singer's lovely chorus

Voices like the angels sing

They will sing with deep emotion

They will sing for Queen and King

James: For our good Queen Isabella

Genevieve: Find a cast that's simply stellar

James: And for King John we must find them

Genevieve: They'll be here in Paramithi

Both: Let the search for singers begin

Costume makers start to sew

Paint the set and build some props

And then we can put on our show!

(The song ends as Genevieve walks inside the costume room to visit Mario the costume maker)

Genevieve: So, what have you prepared for Captain Jeremiah Mario?

Mario: Well Genevieve, I have a mantilla and comb for our Spanish princess! Here's the comb...

Genevieve: (Gasps and tries it on)

Mario: And here is the mantilla.

(Mario has Genevieve try on the mantilla as well to her delight)

Genevieve: They will look beautiful! (Pretends to do the Flamenco stomps, making Mario giggle)

Mario: And here is the cape and hat for our DASHING Spanish prince! I think that he should wear a moustache. Moustaches really do transform the look of someone don't you think Genevieve?

(Genevieve tries on the fake moustache for fun)

Genevieve: Oui Mario! A moustache does make a difference! I don't think it's the look for me though.

Mario: Indeed Genevieve! A maid with a moustache is not the look I'm after! Oh, heaven forbid! (Laughs) And here is the hat and costume for our naughty pirate Jeremiah. Here's the vest AND... Here is the hat! Oh, it's a rather nautical as all pirates are naughty pirates aren't they? (Giggles)

Genevieve: Oui Mario! That they arrgghhh! That they arrgghhh!

Mario: (Laughs) And here is the costume for the pirate crew member... Oh. Now where is it?

(But as soon as Mario forgot where he put it, he manages to find it on the rack hidden with the other costumes)

Mario: Oh! There it is! (Chuckles) If I couldn't find it, it would've been an "Arrr"-ful mistake!

(The pair laugh at the plethora of jokes)

Genevieve: Oh, you are so funny Mario! The costumes are wonderful! But for now, the cast will be here soon so let's prepare.

Mario: At once!

(Genevieve leaves the room so Mario can prepare. After a brief sequence from the Paramithi soldiers, the scene fades once again back to Anastasia's music box)

Anastasia: Hasn't Mario made beautiful costumes! Now, James needs to call the cast to perform in the show. I wonder who he will pick? Let's see!

(The scene transitions again to backstage)

Genevieve: So, what roles will the cast perform today James?

James: Well... Here's Carlos who will play the role of the Spanish prince!

(Carlos the artist suavely spins his way into the main room)

Carlos: Hola a todos! Ahora hablaré español en este espectáculo. (English: I will be speaking Spanish in this show.) I will be speaking in Spanish for this part. That's even more fun than... Painting art!

James: Gracias Carlos! (Chuckles) Bernadette, will be the crew mate Kate!

(Bernadette the florist walks into the room, but not before smelling one of her roses)

Bernadette: Yes James! I'll be wearing my pirate earrings! Do you know how much they cost me?

James: No Bernadette. How much did your earrings cost you?

Bernadette: A "Buccaneer!"

(Everyone laughs at the pun)

James: Ooh! Captain Jeremiah will be played by Bobby.

(Bobby the policeman makes his way into the main room in a hurry)

Bobby: Ahoy there me hearties! I'm Jeremiah the pirate! I-I try to be bad, but instead... I'm affectionate.

James: Oh... That you "arrgghhh" Bobby! That you "arrgghhh!"

(Once again everyone laughs at the pun)

James: And finally, Sarah will be our Spanish princess.

(Sarah the singing teacher gracefully dances her way into the main room and starts to dance the Flamenco which prompts everyone else to join in with her)

Sarah: I will do my best to be a Spanish princess! Con una sonrisa bonita! (English: With a beautiful smile!)

James: Oh muy bien Sarah, muy bien! (English: Well done Sarah, well done!) Well everybody, let's prepare for the show. Lights! Costumes! Makeup! Let's go let's go let's go!

(The four performers of Paramithi exit the room as the scene transitions to the soldiers quarters near the palace courtyard where the Paramithi soldiers are all lined up for the Major General. Cue "I'm The Major General Of Paramithi)

Major General: I am a Major General in the guard of Paramithi

I'm in charge of lots of soldiers, who must march around like this with me

I know the King and Queen and I have seen the royal oracle

I don't allow for mischief, on this point I'm categorical

I'm very well acquainted too with James, their faithful butler

I had a royal ship but just last week I had to scuttle her

I talk with Genevieve, the maid, she really has a lot of news

Lot of news

She loves to bake on Sunday, just last week she made me toffee chews

(She loves to bake on Sundays just last week she made him toffee chews

(She loves to bake on Sundays just last week she made him toffee chews

(She loves to bake on Sundays just last week she made him toffee, toffee chews)

Though my Paramithi knowledge covers most of the last century

If I don't stop marching it's quite likely that I'll wrench a knee

In short I have a royal guard who has to march like this with me

I am the Major General of this place called Paramithi!

(In short he has a royal guard who has to march like this you see

He is the Major General of this place called Paramithi)

(The song ends as the scene fades to the props room where Johnny the special effects and props inventor has just used some of "Harry's Hair-tonic")

Johnny: Harry's Hair-tonic... The secret, to my debonair hair.

(As Johnny combs the tonic into his hair, Genevieve walks in)

Genevieve: 'Ello Johnny!

Johnny: Hey, Genevieve! I'll show you some of the very special things we have ready for Captain Jeremiah!

Genevieve: I heard that they will be... ARGH-fully good!

Johnny: That's true Genevieve! They will be, ARGH-fully good! Of course, we need to have a pretend sword for our gallant pirate captain.

(Johnny picks up the fake cutlass and shows it off by swinging it around like a sword fighter, shocking Genevieve)

Johnny: And here it is.

Genevieve: Johnny... It looks very real.

Johnny: Well yes it does Genevieve, but it's not real. It's a prop. (Puts the prop down) But I do need to make a proper sound for the sword swishing through the air... Here, is my cane stick to make that sound. Stand back for safety please Genevieve.

(Genevieve stands back)

Johnny: It takes great skill to master such a... Device.

(Johnny demonstrates using the cane. However, he gets too into the spirit that he loses his focus and falls over. Luckily he picks himself back up)

Johnny: Oopsie-Doops...

Genevieve: Are you okay Johnny?

Johnny: Of course Genevieve, of course! ...How's my hair?

Genevieve: Your hair is fine Johnny. Just fine!

Johnny: ...Wonderful. Of course now we need to have a uh... Treasure for the pirate to find. So when they DO find that treasure, I will use the marquetry.

(Johnny picks up the set of wind chimes and brushes them to make a magical sparkly sound)

Johnny: It makes a beautiful sound.

Genevieve: Ah... Oui Johnny. It is the sound of treasure! Those props are... Um... ARGH-fully good! (Chuckles) Merci! Au revoir Johnny!

(Genevieve opens the door to find the stage all set and everything ready)

Genevieve: Everything seems to be ready!

(Genevieve meets back with James as showtime is about to begin)

Genevieve: Then there's only one thing left to say... Chookas everybody!

Sarah/Carlos/Bernadette/Bobby: Chookas!

James: Open the curtain Johnny! It's on with the show!

(As James and Genevieve get into positions, Johnny opens the curtains for the performance to begin. An audience that includes the King and Queen are watching excitedly. The narrator for the tale this time is Sarah who does a Spanish flamenco dance as she walks on stage)

Sarah: Welcome to... The Paramithi Theatre!


Sarah: I'm dressed as the Spanish princess today. Are you ready for a fabulous fairytale?

Audience: Yes!

Sarah: Then let's begin. Today's story is called, Captain Jeremiah and the Spanish Gold! Once upon a time, there was a pirate named Captain Jeremiah.

(Captain Jeremiah played by Bobby swings to the centre of the stage on a rope, prompting the audience's applause)

"Captain Jeremiah": Ahoy there me hearties! Arrgghhh!

Sarah: Captain Jeremiah and his shipmate Kate!

(Kate played by Bernadette marches on the centre of the stage next to her captain)

"Kate": Ahoy there me hearties!

"Captain Jeremiah": I sail across the seven seas and try to be a RUTHLESS pirate! But I find it quite difficult to be bad, as I can't help but smile!

(The audience laughs at the captain's grin)

"Captain Jeremiah": Let me tell you about myself.

(Cue "I Am Captain Jeremiah")

Bobby: I am the Captain Jeremiah

Bernadette: I'm the Captain's only crew

Bobby: And it's understood

I'm not meant to be good

I try to be so mean

Bernadette: You're very, very nice

Yes, you are nice as spice

Yet you try to be so mean

Bobby: I can parry with my sword

I can jig while on board

And steal some treasure

I can break a maiden's heart

She will weep when we part

And I'm never, never nice at all!

Bernadette: What never?

Bobby: No, never!

Bernadette: What, never?

Bobby: Hardly ever!

Bernadette: He's hardly ever nice at all!

I'll give three cheers and one cheer more

For the not so nasty Jeremiah

I'll give three cheers and one cheer more

For the not so nasty Jeremiah

(The song ends as the audience applauds the performance)

"Captain Jeremiah": And THAT'S my problem. But today, is a new day! Kate (Gasp) I tell you there is gold on a Spanish ship!

"Kate": Aye aye captain! Gold!

"Captain Jeremiah": And I will be as RUTHLESS as I need to be to STEAL it from the clutches of the Spanish prince and princess!

"Kate": Aye aye, RUTHLESS!

"Captain Jeremiah": And I will be callous and CRUEL!

"Kate": Callous and CRUEL!

"Captain Jeremiah": OH... Oh Who am I fooling?! I love to smile!

(Captain Jeremiah grins again prompting further laughter from the audience)

"Captain Jeremiah": But no one takes a smiling pirate seriously! Ah, but here is my opportunity to change! Let us board the Spanish ship Kate, and steal the gold! ATTACK!

(The two pirates charge their way onto the Spanish ship which holds the Spanish prince and princess played by Carlos and Sarah)

"Captain Jeremiah": AVAST there me hearties! Hand over your gold or you will not grow old!

(The audience laughs at the joke)

"Captain Jeremiah": How is that Kate?

"Kate": Terrifying Captain Jeremiah! Terrifying!

"Spanish Prince": Yo soy el príncipe Patricio y ella es la princesa Josefina. Estamos llevando oro a España para pagar por un edificio de un hospital de niños. (English: I am Prince Patricio and she is Princess Josephine. We are taking this gold to Spain to pay for a children's hospital building.)

"Captain Jeremiah": ...Do you know what he just said Kate?

"Kate": Yes. I do understand Spanish.

"Captain Jeremiah": Really?

"Kate": Yes! I'm reading "How to understand and speak Spanish."...But I'm only halfway through the book.

(Once again the audience erupts in laughter over the joke)

"Kate": He says that his name is Prince Patricio. And the lady is Princess Josephine. AND, that they are transporting gold to Spain to pay for the building of a new hospital for children.

"Captain Jeremiah": ...The gold is to pay for a new hospital for sick children? ...Oh a dash it! If I am a RUTHLESS pirate, I MUST take the gold!

Audience: Boo!

"Captain Jeremiah": Oh but that would not be the right thing to do! Oh those poor sick children NEED to get better. I CANNOT do it! I will be a RUTHLESS pirate another day! Today, I must be Captain Jeremiah the caring pirate!

(The audience cheers at the wonderful and redeeming decision)

"Captain Jeremiah": Here is some gold to help the young children.

"Spanish Princess": Oh muchas gracias por su adobilidad! Usted es un caballero! (English: Thank you so much for your kindness! You are such a gentleman!) (Breaks out of character...)

Sarah: And so the prince and princess, build their hospital!

(The audience cheers at the happy ending)

Sarah: Captain Jeremiah and his shipmate Kate, sailed the oceans once again! Please thank the cast of the Paramithi theatre!

(The four performers take a bow for the encore as the audience continues to applaud the performance)

King John: Oh what a wonderful show!

Queen Isabella: Thank you for coming. We'll see you next time in...

King John/Queen Isabella: The Kingdom Of Paramithi!

(The episode ends as the scene fades to the closing song "It's Goodbye". Cue closing credits)

Like a bird in the forest who's flying away

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

We have sung and we've danced to the music today

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revoir'

And James gives a smile just as bright as a star

And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye

It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
