This is the transcript for Care and Comb.
(The episode starts with an opening sequence during the song: Emma's Yellow Bow.)
Emma: (singing) Emma's yellow bow
Bow, bow
It's Emma's yellow bow
Bow, bow
(Opening camera transition to the song: Hello, Nice to See You Today. A scene Emma introducing herself, while holding her dog outside at Hopewood House.)
Emma: (singing) Hello, nice to see you today
My name is Emma
What's your name?
Oh, that's right
Come on, let's play.
(A tinkling yellow circle with bows flying transition to Emma welcomes her bowtiful playroom.)
Emma: Welcome to my bowtiful playroom! It's going to be a bowtiful day today. I'm combing my hair with my bowtiful yellow comb. Do you have a comb at home? Or maybe a hairbrush? Fantastic! Come on, let's comb our hair, ready for the day.
(Song: Wah Hoo Hey, I'm Combing My Hair Today. A scene where Emma is singing a song about combing her hair with her hairbrush.)
Emma: (singing) Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair today
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair my way
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair today
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair
Today, I think I might just run my comb through my hair
I'll comb it here, I'll comb it there,
I'll comb it everywhere
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair today
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair my way
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair today
Wah hoo hey, I'm combing my hair
Comb, comb
I love to comb my hair
I'll comb it here, I'll comb it there,
I'll comb it everywhere
Wah hoo hey!
Oh! Great combing and brushing your hair. (She gasps & she hears a music box tinkling.) Can you hear that sound? Oh, you're right! It's coming from the music boxes. Come on, let's have a look together. OK, let's see what's inside the music boxes today. (She gasps.) Which music box would you like me to open? The yellow music box, the pink music box or the aqua music box? Ah, yellow! Nice choice!
(Song: Emma's Music Box. A scene where Emma opens up her music box so she could see what's inside.)
Emma: (singing) I open up my music box
And what do I see?
A ballet dancer twirling, dancing there for me...
Come on, try it. Twirl around up high on your toes.
(singing) Look at what my music box has given to me.
(She's holding a tiny toy horse.) Can you see this? Neigh! Neigh! (She gasps.) It's a tiny horse! Ohh! Horsies like to live outside and eat lots and lots of grass. Neigh! Neigh! I wonder what else is inside the other music boxes that we can take outside. Pink music box? (She opens a pink music box.) Oh, my favourite! (She picks up a bow-noculars.) The bow-noculars! We will be able to see horses far, far away. They'll be very handy. I wonder what's inside the aqua music box. (She opens an aqua music box.) Aha! (She picks up a bow-camera.) My bow-camera to take some pictures outside. OK, let's pack the bow-camera in the bow-bag and the bow-noculars too. (She packed up some stuff in her bow bag.) I can't wait for our trip outside. Let's go and see if we can have an adventure outside with the horse. Neigh! Neigh!
(A scene fades to Emma is playing a toy horse, while dancing & galloping around the trees during Riding Boots instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, a sliding pink with flying stars transition to Emma sits down on a bench to relax.)
Emma: So much fun galloping through the trees. Well, I'm gonna take a little rest just for a moment. You might like to sit down too. That's it. Make yourself comfortable. Now breathe in. (She inhales in deeply.) And breathe out. (She exhales out deeply.) Relax. (She relaxed & hears birds twitter. She gasps.) Oh, that's right! I packed my bow-noculars so to see things in the garden far away. (She picks up a bow-noculars.) I wonder what I can find today. (She looks through her bow-noculars. She gasps.) I think I found something! (Horse neighs.) Here, have a look! It's a horse eating some hay with its horsey friends! (She gasps.) Let's take a picture of it. Yes! I brought my bow-camera as well. (She picks up a bow-camera.) Ready? 1, 2, 3. Picture! (She took a picture of horses.) Nice! Well, it's time to have some more fun with the horsey. Hmm… Come on, let's take a trip in the bowboat and let's see where our imagination takes us. Come on, horsey. (She picks up a toy hobby horse.)
(A tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to the song: Bowboat. A scene where Emma is going for a ride in her bowboat with a horsey to go on a trip.)
Emma: (singing) I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
I row and float in my daydreams
I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
Come! Join this adventure with me
A horsey to play, imagine the way
I row and float in my daydreams
I'm in my bowboat, my dreaming bowboat
Let's play some more with the horsey today.
(A sliding pink with flying stars transition to the song: I Brush Because I Care. A scene where Emma is brushing horsey's hair in the stable to get ready for an obstacle course.)
Emma: (singing) Horsey, horsey time to brush your hair
Neigh! Neigh!
I brush because I care
One little tangle, one little curl
Brush your mane here and brush it in a twirl
Horsey, horsey time to brush your hair
Neigh! Neigh!
I brush because I care.
Oh, horsey, you look bowtiful! Neigh! We're here in your horse stable. (She gasps.) Are you ready to go riding? Neigh! Come on, out you come. Neigh! Right now, we're about to go on an obstacle course. Now, we're gonna go through all three flags and all the way back. And I've got my riding helmet on and we're ready to go for a ride. Neigh. Oh, what's wrong, horsey? Neigh! Tell me! Neigh. (She gasps.) Oh, you're a little bit scared. That's OK. That's alright. Let me think how we can make the course a little bit easier. Hmm… (She thinks that her bow tinkles. She gasps.) I know! Let's try galloping around one flag at a time! See? Three flags. 1, 2, 3. But we'll ride around one, then we'll ride around two and then we'll ride around three. Neigh! And I'll be with you. Neigh! I've got my riding hat ready to go. Are you ready? Com on, let's go for a gallop together. One flag. Giddy up, horsey! Neigh! (She gallops around flag #1.) Excellent! One flag! OK, now let's try two. Giddy up, horsey! Neigh! (She gallops around flag #2.) Good work! OK, three flags! Neigh! Giddy up, horsey! (She gallops around flag #3.) Whoa! Good work! Come on, let's go for a ride! Neigh!
(Song: Riding Boots (Instrumental). A scene where Emma is galloping around 3 flags with a toy hobby horse. After that, a tinkling pink circle with clouds & stars flying transition to Emma had a great imagination had a great time at horse stable to gallop around 3 flags.)
Emma: Oh, so much fun imagining that we were at a horse stable! Well, it's time to go. Giddy up!
(Emma's flying bows transition to the song: Thank You For Coming. A scene where Emma is dancing, while waving goodbye during at the end of the show during the end credits are rolling.)
Emma: (singing) Thank you for coming to dance and play
Until next time, have a bowtiful day
Have a bowtiful day!
(The endboard is showing at the end.)