This page is an image gallery for Cassandra Halloran. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article. |
Wags and Cassie
Cassandra in her debut "Big Red Car"
Dorothy and Cassie
Cassie in the pink blouse
Cassie and her aunt Leanne
Greg, Cassie and her aunt Leanne
Cassie in "Big Red Car" end credits
Cassie in "Wake Up Jeff!"
Cassie and her sister, Jessica
Cassie wearing a Dorothy hat
Cassie and Sarah
Cassie in "Wake Up Jeff!" end credits
Cassie in "Toot Toot!"
Cassie in duck costume
Cassie and her sister Jessie as Wiggly Coloured Dancers
Cassie in "It's a Wiggly Wiggly World!"
Cassie at the 2000 Summer Olympics