This is the transcript for Caterina's Shopping List.
Lachy: Get ready
Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do
Lachy: To wiggle
We’ve been ready for so long
Get ready
Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do
Lachy: To wiggle.
When you wiggle, you can’t go wrong
Get ready
Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do
Lachy: To wiggle
Wiggle will make you big and strong
Get ready
Wiggles: Shooby-dooby-do
Lachy: To wiggle
Come on and wiggle to this song
Wiggle to this song
Anthony: Let’s all sing!
Wiggles: Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da
Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da
Bah-da bah-bah bah-da bah-da
Anthony: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle!
Simon: There's a fruit that I love to eat
I eat lots of them every week
Ooh, other people love other things
But I really love oranges
I like apples and I like pears
Watermelon I love to share
Ooh, other people love other things
But I really love oranges.
Wiggles: What about pineapple?
Simon: I love oranges
Wiggles: Some guava too
Simon: I love oranges
Wiggles: Have you tried passionfruit?
Simon: It's not what I need
I really love oranges
I love to peel it, I love its smell
I eat my oranges very well
Ooh, other people love other things
But I really love oranges
It tastes so orangey with its zing
In the morning it makes me sing
Ooh, other people love other things
But I really love oranges
Wiggles: What about mandarins?
Simon: I love oranges
Wiggles: Have you tried kiwifruit?
Simon: I love oranges
Wiggles: What about some grapes?
Simon: It's not what I need
I really love oranges
I really love oranges.
Every day, one of the Wiggles heads off on a shopping expedition, and today it’s Caterina’s turn.
Now, Caterina’s got her beautiful red motorcycle.
She’s going to ride her motorcycle to the shops.
But Caterina, before you go, we need to give you our shopping lists.
Caterina: Oh, yes. Thank you, Simon. I am ready.
I have my notebook and pen and I’m ready to take your order.
Simon, please. What would you like?
Simon: Put this under Simon from the supermarket
Seven salami sausages with secret Sicilian sauce.
Caterina: Oh, wonderful.
Ah, Captain Feathersword, what would you like?
Captain Feathersword: Put this under the Captain from the corner store
Chips, crouton, cake, casserole
Calabrian cannelloni and crab claws
Caterina: Fabulous. John, what would you like?
John: Put this under John from Jake’s Jumbo Discount Store
Jelly beans and juice, jogging pants and a jump suit.
Caterina: Excellent. Evie, what would you like?
Evie: Put this under Evie from Erin’s Emporium
Eleven extra large eggs, edamame, and an eclair.
Caterina: Oh, wonderful. Thank you, Wiggles.
I have your order right here.
I will put it in my pocket.
And I’m ready to go to Wiggle Town to get your orders.
On my bike.
Goggles on. Safety first.
And as I like to say, ciao, ciao to you.
Simon: Huh?
Captain Feathersword: Huh?
Evie: Huh?
John: Huh?
Caterina: Huh?
Oh, that’s a bit strange.
My bike didn’t go.
Let me try it again with a bit of gusto.
As I like to say, ciao, ciao to you.
Simon: Huh?
Evie: Huh?
Captain Feathersword: Huh?
John: Huh?
Caterina: Huh.
That’s really odd.
I really need to go get this order for all the Wiggles.
Let me try it one more time.
As I like to say, ciao, ciao to you.
John: Huh?
Captain Feathersword: Huh?
Evie: Huh?
Simon: Huh?
Caterina: My bike doesn’t seem to be going, and I really need to go to Wiggle Town to get the orders for the Wiggles today.
What do I do? What do I do?
Simon: I know what to do.
We need to call Mike the mechanic.
He’s a mechanic who fixes bikes.
He’ll know exactly what to do.
I’ll give him a call right now.
He’s on speed dial.
Hello, Mike?
Captain Feathersword: Mike the mechanic
Evie: Motorbike specialist
John: We heard you’re the best
Simon: It’s Caterina’s bike’s not working
Captain Feathersword: And she needs to go shopping
Evie: We need your help
All: We need your help
Simon: Thank you, Mike the mech… Sorry. What?
You’re having car trouble?
You won’t be too long.
(CHUCKLES) OK, mike. We’ll see you soon.
Thank you. Bye.
VOICEOVER: Will Mike the bike mechanic make it in time?
Is Caterina’s motorbike made of wood?
Is that the reason it wouldn’t start?
Caterina (VOICEOVER): The letter J
Caterina: J, juh
J, juh
J, juh
J is for jump
J, juh
J, juh
J, juh
J is for jump
J, juh
J, juh
J, juh
J is for jump
J, juh
J, juh
J, juh
J is for jump.
Jump, jump.
Anthony: Counting with potatoes.
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven, more.
There’s one potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven potato, more
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven potato, more
We want more.
One potato, two potato, three potato, four
Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more
One, two, three, four
Five, six, seven potato, more.
Yum, yum.
Simon: Oh! That must be Mike the mechanic.
Well, that took a while.
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Hello, everybody.
I am Mike the mechanic, and I’m here to help.
Caterina: Ooh! Well, Mike, so glad you finally got here.
Uh, we’re having a little bit of trouble.
See, I need to go to Wiggle Town to get the shopping order for The Wiggles today, and my bike is not working.
Mike, can you help?
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): I can help, but Merren can really help you.
Merren will help you move.
Caterina: Ooh, thanks, Mike and Merren, but slight problem.
My bike’s electric, so it doesn’t need petrol.
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Oh, it doesn’t need petrol.
That’s good, because Merren is not petrol.
Merren is a music-making pump that makes motorbikes move to music.
Caterina: Oh, wow!
Ooh, could you show us?
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Caterina, please, on your motorbike, ready to move.
Caterina: Ooh. OK.
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Because when Merren makes music, her motorbike will move.
Are you ready?
Caterina: Ready, Mike and Merren.
Caterina: Oh! It’s working!
Thanks, Merren! Thanks, Mike!
Simon: Well, thank you, Mike the mechanic and Merin, the music-making pump…
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Uh, that’s Merren.
Simon: Oh.
…Merren, the music-making pump, for making Caterina’s motorcycle move.
Anthony (as Mike the Mechanic): Well, thank you Simon, for thanking me and thanking Merren.
Our work here is done.
It’s time to make some more music and move.
Simon: Say goodbye, pizza pie
Lachy and Tsehay: See you mate, chocolate cake
John and Caterina: Goodbye to you, tiramisu
Lucia: Off you dart, banana tart
Simon: Say goodbye, pizza pie.