Christmas 2020 Medley is a medley that was performed in Wiggly Christmas Show.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus.
Let's clap hands for Santa Claus.
Go Santa go, you've got such a long way to go
Go Santa go, go, go, go, go
Call the reindeer
Go get ready
Go, go and ho, ho, ho
And away you go, go Santa go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Go Santa go, all the way from the North Pole
Go Santa go, go, go, go, go
Go through the jungles
Go through the desert
Go, go through the winter snow
Go Santa go, go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Let's have a dance with Henry
'Cause it's almost Christmas day
Let's have a dance with Henry
Dancing the octopus way
Join your hands up on your head
Just like a Christmas tree
Then we sway in the breeze
Sway so gently and we say breebop, breebop
and spin around
Let's have a dance with Henry
'Cause it's almost Christmas day
Let's have a dance with Henry
Dancing the octopus way
Dancing the octopus way
Dancing the octopus way
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas Car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas car
We'll gonna ride the whole day long
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas Car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas car
We'll gonna ride the whole day long
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas Car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Christmas car
We'll gonna ride the whole day long