This is the transcript for Cinderella.
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
You will meet a king and a queen
A handsome prince saving the scene
We'll meet Goldilocks and the three bears here too (roar)
And there's Puss in Boots who will sing for you
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Is full of adventure and play
The Kingdom of Paramithi
Will welcome you here today
We will sing and dance the ballet
The arabesque et fouette
Meet three little pigs and Pinocchio
And you will just love it when you put on a show
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
You're welcome in Paramithi
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
Welcome in Paramithi
(After the theme song, the episode begins with an introduction from Anastasia the music box ballerina as the magic brings her to life)
Anastasia: Hello everybody. I am Anastasia, and it is so good to see you. Everyday is a special day here, in Paramithi. Let's see what's happening, today!
(After a trumpet fanfare sequence, the scene fades to the throne room where King John, Queen Isabella, James and Genevieve are waiting)
Queen Isabella: Hello! And welcome to the Kingdom of Paramithi! I am Queen Isabella.
King John: Hello. I am King John and it is lovely to see you! Now as we are in our royal robes, we must have some royal duties to perform!
Queen Isabella: That's right King John! James! What royal duties do we have today?
James: I shall uh, have a little look. Uh, Genevieve!
Genevieve: J'arrive! (English: I'm coming!)
(Genevieve makes her way to the royal appointment book so that she and James can check what duties need to be performed)
James: Oh! Your majesties are presenting a very special award, to a very special young person!
Genevieve: Oui! Tout a fait spécial! (English: Yes! Absolutely special!)
Queen Isabella: It's a very special award is it? Are we presenting... A delicious cake?
Genevieve: No your majesty. Not a delicious cake!
King John: It must be very special indeed... I wonder what it could be? (To the viewers) Do you know what we're presenting? Oh you think we're presenting a medal! You do? James?!
(King John looks to his left only to find that James is still on the right side of the room)
King John: Ah there you are. Are we presenting a medal?
James: Yes King John! Your majesties will be presenting a medal! The medal of Para-(Does a clapping/popping noise)-Mithi!
King John: The medal of Para-(Also does a clapping/popping noise)-Mithi! Well that is very special indeed! Let's have a medal presentation!
(Cue "Medal Presentation")
All: Medal Presentation!
King John: Medal Presentation!
It's time to give a medal
Queen Isabella: To someone who's deserving
King John: For something they've done well
Queen Isabella: Yes, very, very well
James: For they may have brushed their teeth well
Genevieve: Or shared or played some game well
James: Or danced an Irish Jig
Genevieve: Gone to market for a pig (oink, oink!)
(Song ends)
King John: (Still singing) And who is receiv- (Stops abruptly by his wife at the stopping of the music) Ah, no music. Well- and who is receiving this medal?
Genevieve: It is Marcfranco!
Queen Isabella: Oh he's a lovely boy! And what did Marcfranco do to deserve the medal of Paramithi?
James: Oh! well, he needs to wear glasses so that he can see. And he has worn his glasses every day!
Queen Isabella: He wears his glasses every day! Well bring him in right away!
(The medal presentation commences as Genevieve slowly walks the receiver to the centre of the throne room so that the medal is presented)
King John: We award the medal of Paramithi to you Marcfranco for wearing your glasses every day.
Marcfranco: Thank you.
Queen Isabella: Well done Marcfranco!
(The room applauds the receiver of the medal as the scene fades out and transitions back to Anastasia and her music box)
Anastasia: Wasn't Marcfranco wonderful? He wears his glasses every day, because they help him see properly. Now, let's see what the King and Queen are doing in the throne room.
(Back to the throne room)
Queen Isabella: Are there anymore royal duties James?
James: Oh well your royal highness, you have finished your royal duties for today. You are free to do, anything you like!
Queen Isabella: Anything we like?
Genevieve: Oui Madame! You ARE the King and Queen.
James: May I suggest, a stately sojourn to the stylishly superb structure of the sacred scriptorium?
King John/Queen Isabella: ...What?
James: Uh, take a stroll to the royal library?
Queen Isabella: Oh yes James that's a wonderful suggestion! Then let's change from our royal robes...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes?
Queen Isabella: Go to the royal library...
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes?
Queen Isabella: And see what's in the Paramithi storybook.
King John/James/Genevieve: Yes, yes, yes!
Queen Isabella: There are always three clues in the library as to what the story will be. I can't wait to find out what today's story is!
(The King and Queen stand from their thrones and excitedly make their way to the royal library. After a brief sequence of the royal jesters, the scene transitions to the royal library so that everyone can find out the clues to the daily story. On the table where the clues are, there is a broom, a wand and a pair of heels)
King John: There are always three clues, yes!
Queen Isabella: A broom...
James: A fairy's wand...
Genevieve: And shoes for a special occasion!
James: I wonder what the story could be... I think it is Cinderella! She was a girl called Ella who used to sweep the cinders with a broom, her Fairy Godmother appeared to help her and she wore very special shoes when she was married to the prince.
King John: Let's open the book and see...
(The book turns to the first page revealing the story is indeed Cinderella)
King John: Yes it is the story of Cinderella!
Queen Isabella: Oh yes I know this story! It was popularised in France hundreds of years ago.
Genevieve: (Gasp) Une histoire de la France! (English: A story from France!)
Queen Isabella: Come on let's all sit down and we can find out what happened to Cinderella.
(The court sits down and gets ready to hear the story)
Queen Isabella: Is everyone comfortable? Right! Then let's begin. (Begins to read. As the story is read, James and Genevieve begin to act out the events) Once upon a time a beautiful young woman named Ella was sad because her mother died. And her father married a cruel stepmother who made Ella work very hard all day. Ella swept the cinders from the fire and that's why they called her Cinderella. Cinderella had two lazy stepsisters who let her do all the work.
King John: Oh my darling, I feel I could play the part of a lazy stepsister quite convincingly!
Queen Isabella: Well, of course!
(As King John begins to join in on the acting, the story continues)
Queen Isabella: The king staged a ball and invited all the maidens of the village. Cinderella lazy stepsisters tore up the dress that Cinderella was going to wear to the ball. Her Fairy Godmother then appeared and made her a beautiful dress! Cinderella met the Prince at the ball and when he saw her, he knew Cinderella was his one true love. And they lived happily ever after!
(The story ends and everyone happily goes back to their places)
King John: Oh I LOVE that story and it was such fun! Of course, it would be even better if we performed Cinderella in the Paramithi theatre. With music (Imitates an instrument), dancing and songs a-ha! And even more cast! And we could invite an audience to watch it. Oh yes James you and Genevieve can organise it with the wonderful people of Paramithi! You can stop being a butler and a maid for a while and be producers! Do you think you can do it James and Genevieve?
Queen Isabella: Yes can you both do it?
(At this request, James and Genevieve transform themselves into Hollywood style producers with Brooklyn accents and American slang)
James: I love your work! Ey, let's do lunch sometime!
Genevieve: I got it covered! I'm in the zone man! (Suddenly switches back) I mean uh, I shall do my best your royal highness!
King John: (Chuckles) Well, this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun! Oh yes, I expect we may eat something at sometime of the day some tea or perhaps lunch or.. Oh, but for now it's on with the show!
Queen Isabella: Yes!
(As the court leaves the royal library to get ready for the production, the scene once again transitions back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Isn't it exciting? There's going to be a show about, Cinderella! James and Genevieve will put together a cast, with beautiful costumes and beautiful songs. I can't wait!
(Cue "Now We Can Put On A Show")
James: Never mind our royal duties
We have other work to do, please
I will tell the cast to get here fast
And they'll perform the show
There'll be costumes so delightful
And some that will be frightful (ooh!)
Genevieve: Hear the singer's lovely chorus
Voices like the angels sing
They will sing with deep emotion
They will sing for Queen and King
James: For our good Queen Isabella
Genevieve: Find a cast that's simply stellar
James: And for King John we must find them
Genevieve: They'll be here in Paramithi
Both: Let the search for singers begin
Costume makers start to sew
Paint the set and build some props
And then we can put on our show!
(The song ends. Genevieve walks inside the costume room to visit Mario the costume maker)
Genevieve: So, what have you prepared for Cinderella Mario?
Mario: Well, I have some VERY special costumes for our Cinderella! Here is her costume for when she is a poorly treated girl.
Genevieve: Poor Ella!
Mario: And here's the beautiful gown that she wears to the ball!
Genevieve: C'est très, très belle! (English: It's so, so beautiful!) (Begins to sing the Paramithi theme song as she twirls the dress around before handing it back to Mario)
Mario: Over here are the hats for the stepsisters.
Genevieve: Très bien! (English: Very nice!)
Mario: And... The wicked stepmother! (Pulls out a witch's hat)
Genevieve: (Gasp) Merveilleux Mario... (English: Marvellous Mario...)
Mario: And of course, there's the handsome Prince's costume as well! This golden cape AND this beautifully be-jeweled shiny golden crown!
Genevieve: (Gasp) Your royal highness! (Curtseys)
Mario: But wait, there's more! A wedding veil for our happy ending!
(As Genevieve puts on the veil, she becomes emotional)
Mario: Oh Genevieve, are you crying?
Genevieve: Oui Mario. You know, I always cry at weddings!
Mario: Oh of course Genevieve. Tears of joy!
Genevieve: The costumes are wonderful and the shoes, magic! But for now, the cast will be here soon so let's prepare.
Mario: At once!
(Genevieve hands back the veil as she leaves the room singing the Wedding March. After a brief sequence of the Paramithi trumpeters, the scene once again fades back to Anastasia's music box)
Anastasia: Won't the costumes look fantastic? Now, James needs to call the cast to perform in the show. I wonder who he will pick? Let's see!
(The scene transitions again to backstage)
Genevieve: So, what roles will the cast perform today James?
James: Well, here's Sarah, who will play the role of Cinderella.
(Sarah the singing teacher gracefully dances her way into the main room)
Sarah: (Singing) I've always wanted to be, Ella, Ella, Cinderella!
James: (Singing) Ella, Ella! (Chuckles) It's like a fairytale come true isn't it? Bernadette, she will play the part of the Wicked Stepmother.
(Bernadette the florist walks into the room, but not before smelling one of her roses)
Bernadette: Yes James! The Wicked Stepmother... She was very nasty to Cinderella wasn't she? I'm sorry Sarah...
Sarah: (Singing) That's okay. We're only pretending!
James: That's right Sarah! It's all a part of the show! Now Carlos will play the part of the handsome Prince.
(Carlos the artist suavely spins his way into the main room)
Carlos: Playing a handsome Prince. Again? I hope my performance as a Prince... Will be valiant.
James: Bobby will play your father, the King.
(Bobby the policeman makes his way into the main room in a hurry and salutes to everyone)
Bobby: Thank you James! My performance will be my "Crowning glory"!
(Everyone laughs at the pun as casting duties continue)
James: Now... Bernadette will narrate the show and also perform as the Fairy Godmother.
Bernadette: Dare I say, I think my performance will be "Magical"!
James: Yes! It will be magical Bernadette! Now, to play uh Anastasia one of the naughty stepsisters, we will need... Hmm, Bobby to jump in!
Bobby: That will be fine! But, I think that we'll need another stepsister... What about Genevieve?
Genevieve: (Gasp) Well, I've never acted on the stage... But as you desperately need someone, I will be there!
James: Superb! Well everybody, let's prepare for the show. Lights! Costumes! Makeup! Let's go let's go let's go!
(The four performers of Paramithi exit the room)
Genevieve: And I better check on the props for Cinderella! I wonder what Johnny has for us today?
(The scene fades to a new scene in the props room where Johnny the special effects and props inventor is busy painting a backdrop as Genevieve opens the door)
Genevieve: 'Ello Johnny!
Johnny: Hey, Genevieve! I'm just finishing the cartoon of the one of the theatre backdrops.
Genevieve: C'est très bon! (English: Very good!)
(Johnny puts his painting tools down ready to show the props and effects)
Johnny: Ok. I've got some very special things ready for Cinderella! A ripped shirt will make the sound of Cinderella's naughty sisters ripping her dress.
(Johnny rips a shirt he found leaving Genevieve shocked. He soon realises it is one of his that he ripped)
Johnny: Oops-a-doops... Except I will get some OTHER material to rip other than my shirt... Ok! We'll need some smoke to help the Fairy Godmother appear. And this will happen, when I press this special Borce-Box smoke machine with the bright green button.
(Johnny turns the smoke machine on, but it starts to make Johnny cough from the high-exposure)
Genevieve: I cannot wait to see the smoke machine in action! Oh!
Johnny: Don't worry! T-there is plenty more smoke for the show! Oops-a-doops!
Genevieve: These props were uh... Ripper! Au revoir! (English: Goodbye!)
(Genevieve opens the door to find the stage all set and everything ready)
Genevieve: Everything seems to be ready!
(Genevieve meets back with James as showtime is about to begin)
Genevieve: Then there's only one thing left to say... Chookas everybody!
Sarah/Carlos/Bernadette/Bobby: Chookas!
James: Open the curtains Johnny! It's on with the show!
(As James and Genevieve get into positions, Johnny opens the curtains for the performance to begin. An audience that includes the King and Queen are watching excitedly)
Bernadette: Welcome to...
Bernadette: The Paramithi Theatre!
Bernadette: Are you ready for a fabulous fairytale?
Audience: Yes!
Bernadette: Today's story is called, Cinderella! I'm wearing my Wicked Stepmother's hat. Now let's begin! Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Ella.
(Cinderella played by Sarah, gracefully dances her way to the centre of the stage in her rags)
"Cinderella": My father was widowed and remarried, a very unhappy woman! Even if she wanted to smile... She just couldn't!
(With this "Stepmother"/Bernadette makes her way to the stage as well)
"Stepmother": I had two daughters of my own. I didn't need another one crowding my new home! Then when her father died, I got her cleaning the fireplace of cinders. She looked as dirty as a fella! The dainty little girl who was Ella, I renamed "Cinderella"!
(Cue "My Name's Ella"/"What's A Girl Supposed To Do")
Bernadette/Sarah: Here's the thing we both agree
It's the story that you will see
Fairytale oh not too long
There is dancing and lot's of song
Sarah: It's my story for you all
Plus my father and my mother
Bernadette: Ella's mother died
And so I married new
Got stuck with you
Sarah: She's nasty!
Bernadette: No I'm lovely!
Sarah: I work hard!
Bernadette: And I don't care!
Sarah: I'm lonely!
Bernadette: And I don't care!
Sarah: Your daughters
Bernadette: Are my angels!
Sarah: My name's Ella
Bernadette: No, Cinders!
Sarah: Cinders?
Bernadette: Cinderella, Cinderella
Sarah: Cinderella?!
Bernadette: Cinderella!
Bernadette/Sarah: Scrubbed all the floors
Work day and night
Plates all washed up
Brooms all swept up
What's a girl supposed to do?
(Songs ends. The audience erupts in laughter. Bernadette comes back on stage as a narrator)
Bernadette: The king decided to stage a grand ball to find the fairest maiden of all for his son, The Prince! Cinderella's stepsisters didn't want Cinderella to attend, ripped her dress to shreds!
(The stepsisters played by Bobby and Genevieve rip the dress Cinderella was to wear, maniacally cackling all the while. A devastated Cinderella catches them too late as the two give back the dress now torn, leaving the stage continuing to cackle)
"Cinderella": They ripped my dress up! I'll never meet the Prince so dear... I wish a Fairy Godmother would appear!
(And with those words, the Fairy Godmother also played by Bernadette makes her way to the stage)
"Fairy Godmother": Hello!
"Cinderella": (Gasp) She's here!
(Cue "My Name's Ella"/"What's A Girl Supposed To Do" reprise)
Bernadette: Here I am to save the day
Those naughty girls have gone away
I'll secure a horse and coach
That will get you to the big ball
Sarah: And i'll need a pretty gown
Some special shoes the best that's found
Bernadette: The spell will break at midnight
Don't leave at late
Don't be too late
Sarah: Sew a new dress
Bernadette: And some new shoes
Sarah: And a coachman
Bernadette: And some horses
Sarah: I'll meet the Prince
Bernadette: And he'll love you Cinderella
Sarah: Cinderella!
So it's off to the grand ball
Bernadette: You'll be dressed as beautiful
Sarah: As I can be
Bernadette: As you can be
Sarah: I can look so lovely
Bernadette/Sarah: What a tale of romance
Sarah: What a tale of romance
Bernadette: What a tale of romance
Sarah: What a tale of romance
Bernadette: What a tale of romance
Bernadette/Sarah: What a tale, what a tale of romance
(As the song ends, the Fairy Godmother begins her spell while Cinderella twirls off stage for her transformation)
"Fairy Godmother": And so I waved my magic wand and Cinderella was transformed into the most beautiful maiden in all of the kingdom!
(Cinderella return again, this time in her ball gown)
"Fairy Godmother": Then came the night of the grand ball!
(The ball begins and the Prince played by Carlos walks onto the stage proudly and sets his eyes on Cinderella. Cue "Cinderella's Song")
Carlos: I thought I'd never meet such a woman
Sweetness and beauty all merged in one
I look in your eyes and see my future
But just for now it's here in my arms
We'll dance together, over and over
And when this song's done, we'll dance again
I'm light on my feet when I dance with you
I'm on a cloud that's near to heaven
Sarah: I thought I'd never meet such a good man
Your handsome and gentle and lots of fun
I look in your eyes and see my reflection
I see we're together for the rest of our lives
We'll dance together, over and over
And when this song's done, we'll dance again
I'm light on my feet when I dance with you
I'm on a cloud that's near to heaven
(The song ends and as expected, Cinderella had to leave before the clock struck midnight. She runs off the stage leaving the Prince confused and desperate to find her)
"Prince": I searched the kingdom for my princess that would fit the slipper, only to find that she was the girl who cleaned the fireplace. I didn't love my Cinderella because of her beautiful clothes. But because of the beauty I saw inside of her. She became my bride!
(The audience cheers and applauds as Cinderella steps onto the stage again in a bride gown and veil. The King also played by Bobby and Bernadette the narrator joins them for the closing scene)
Bernadette: And they lived happily ever after! Please thank the cast of the Paramithi theatre!
(All five cast members at last all appear together on stage for the encore and curtain call as the audience continues to applaud the performance)
King John: Bravo!
Bernadette: Thank you everyone for coming, and we hope we will see you next time at... The Paramithi Theatre!
(The episode ends as the scene fades to the closing song "It's Goodbye". Cue closing credits)
Like a bird in the forest who's flying away
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
We have sung and we've danced to the music today
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
Genevieve waves farewell with a sweet 'au revoir'
And James gives a smile just as bright as a star
And your King and your Queen waving goodbye to you
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye
It's goodbye, it's goodbye, it's goodbye