Captain Feathersword's title
Michael, Anthony, Lachy, and Simon
Lachy playing the Korg keyboard
Captain playing the tambourine
Anthony playing the 6-string banjo
Lachy and Anthony eating vegetable soup
Lachy, Captain, Simon, and Emma
Anthony and the Singing Barbers
Paul, Anthony, and Lachlan
Paul, Lachlan, and Jackie
"Joannie Works with One Hammer"
Anthony, Lachy, and Emma watching Carnival of the Animals
Anthony playing the blue Maton acoustic guitar
"This is How We Dance Ballet"
Captain, Wags, and Dorothy
"If You're Happy and You Know It"
Little Lachy and Little Anthony
Little Simon playing the Red Starry Keyboard
Little Anthony playing the blue Maton electric guitar
Little Anthony and Little Emma
"Wags the Dog He Likes to Tango"