Classic Collection: It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! + Space Dancing! - 2 Classic Titles
DVD Cover

Release Date

3 February 2011


New Zealand


ABC DVD with Roadshow Entertainment

See also

It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! + Space Dancing! is a DVD from the Classic Collection series. It combines the contents of the original It's a Wiggly Wiggly World! and Space Dancing! DVDs from 2005 and 2003, respectively, on 1 disc.


It's a Wiggly Wiggly World![]

Join the fab-four of fun, The Wiggles, and their special friends in a wiggly world of music. Sail with Tim Finn and Captain Feathersword on the high seas of fun, dance with Dorothy and Slim Dusty, jump like a kangaroo with Rolf Harris, move to the sounds of the Torres Strait with Christine Anu, take a Morningtown Ride with Jimmy Little, hear Dorothy sing for the first time ever with Kamahl then enjoy a taste of Japan with Atsuko Arai. So come along with us. It's a world of music, dancing and fun for everyone. It's a Wiggly Wiggly World!

Special Features: • Electronic Storybook Murray and his Marvellous Guitar • 2 Bonus Episodes of Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! • Wiggly Wiggly World Friends • Jukebox Song Selection • Sing Along with The Wiggles

Space Dancing! (An Animated Adventure)[]

Join Greg, Murray, Jeff and Anthony on a full length animated adventure into space! The Wiggles climb into a spaceship which has landed next to Wiggle House. Captain Feathersword pushes the start button and suddenly the spaceship blasts off into outer space! Visit the planet Rock Star to join King Mondo and do the Eagle Rock! Meet the people of Teeny Weeny land and cheer up the Gloomies by dancing! There's lots of music, dancing and a whole galaxy of fun!

Songs Include:The Zeezap SongWhat's This Button For?Eagle Rock - featuring Ross WilsonDance The Gloomies AwayGoing Home



Menus & Previews[]
