

This is the transcript for Cows, Ducks & Penguins.


(The episode starts with a song: In The Wiggles' World.)

(An opening scene from the TV Series 2 is shown.)

Greg: (singing) We know a world, a magic world

Come with us and see

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) Anything can happen in this special world

It can happen to you or me

Greg: (singing) It's where The Wiggles live

Why don't you come along

And meet their friends as well.

There's music and dancing, magic and games

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) And lots of great stories to tell

In The Wiggles' world, in The Wiggles' world

You're all welcome here

Greg: (singing) So let's give a cheer

Welcome to The Wiggles' world.

(with the Other Wiggles singing.) In The Wiggles' world. In The Wiggles' world

Greg: (singing) You're all welcome here, so let's give a cheer, welcome to The Wiggles' world.

(A sparkle glitter transition to the part where Captain Feathersword was speaking to fast while singing, when he's doing a wonderful dance for Henry.)

Anthony: Captain?

Murray: Captain?

Greg: Captain?

Jeff: Captain?

Anthony: What are you up to?

Captain Feathersword: Ooh, I'm doing a dance that Henry the Octopus showed me.

Murray: Maybe we could try it, too?

Captain Feathersword: Ooh, yes! (They were all doing that dance to do it for Henry.)

Jeff: Not having much luck.

Captain Feathersword: Ooh, well, maybe you should ask Henry to show you himself. He's just over there.

Wiggles: (They're giving their thumbs up before they leave to Henry.) Great idea, Captain.

Captain Feathersword: Ho-ho-ho-ho! Ooh! Zee ya!

(A scene fades to the song: Henry's Dance.)

Henry: Come and have a dance with me, Henry the Octopus.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, above your head,

And you sway, from side to side

Start to bob, up and down,

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Greg: (singing) Well, tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, above your head,

And you sway, from side to side

Start to bob, up and down,

Now let's spin, around and round.

Greg: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me

Thank you all for dancing, with me

Thank you all for dancing, with ME!

(A penguin transition to A CGI scene of the penguins building a snowman, while the wind is blowing. The penguins leave for a few seconds. A bunch of little penguins come in completely covering the snowman, while destroying it in the process. Greg appears. A train transition to Anthony talking about the pizza with the food groups.)

Anthony: Oh, I know that it is very, very late... ..and that I should be in bed.

Hot Pots The Oven: Oh, yes, you should, Anthony. It's late. Go to bed!

Anthony: But I'm hungry, Hot Pots!

Hot Pots The Oven: Well, if you're hungry, you're hungry. Can I cook something for you?

Anthony: Thank you, Hot Pots! Would you cook this pizza? It's almost ready.

Hot Pots The Oven: No problem! I'll just do some warm-up exercises. One, two. One, two...

Anthony: I'm making a very special pizza, called "The Food Group Pizza." I put something from each food group on it. There's ham...

Hot Pots The Oven: From the meat food group.

Anthony: There's peppers, tomatoes, pineapples and grapes.

Hot Pots The Oven: The fruit and vegetable food group. Well done!

Anthony: Ooh, mustn't forget the bananas. (He laughs, while he gets the bananas.) Mmm, yum-yum!

Hot Pots The Oven: Bananas on a pizza?! Oh, well, what next, Anthony?

Anthony: Anchovies!

Hot Pots The Oven: Anchovies! Good! Anchovies are fish, and fish is part of a very important food group. Fish is protein, and protein builds strong muscles and bones.

Anthony: Mmm, doesn't it look yummy?

Hot Pots The Oven: You forgot a food group. The dairy food group! You know, milk, eggs, butter, cheese.

Anthony: Cheese! Ooh, I mustn't forget the cheese! (He gets the cheese.) Mmm. (He puts the cheese on the pizza.) There!

Hot Pots The Oven: Oh, well done, Anthony.

Anthony: Well, there you have it, my Food Group Pizza! (He gets the pizza and puts it in the oven.) Say "Aah!" Hot Pots!

Hot Pots The Oven: Righto, Anthony. Aah! (He puts it in the oven.) How would you like your pizza? Warm and munchy, or hot and crunchy?

Anthony: Well, actually, I'd like it now, please, Hot Pots. As long as it's cooked. I'm really hungry!

Hot Pots The Oven: Righto. Well, I'll cook it my special quickie, zippy way.

Anthony: Ooh. Um, Hot Pots, how long will that take?

Hot Pots The Oven: Oh, as long as it takes you Wiggles to sing a song.

Anthony: Oh, thank you, Hot Pots.

(He spins around while he gets a snap. Hamburger transition to the song: Food Food Food (Oh How I Love My Food).)

Greg: (singing) Banana, potato, some fruit from the fridge

Tomato, sultana, a bowl of porridge

Rockmelon, pineapple, rhubarb in a dish

A lemon we squeeze on a fish.

Spaghetti, I'm ready for a big piece of cheese.

Some fruit cake with custard. May I have more, please?

An apple, a paw-paw, and red strawberries

Roast chicken, fish fingers, and cream and jelly.

Food, food, food, all I need is some food.

(Foodman flies over the group.)

Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.

Baked beans on toast with corn for crunch.

Eggs, that are scrambled with bacon for lunch.

Yogurt with muesli to chew and to much.

And carrot, and peas and a broccoli bunch.

Food, food, food, all I need is some food.

Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.

A big pie, hamburger, a vegetable quiche

With parsley on top and an orange to squeeze.

Rice cake and biscuits, a soft mandarin.

Sponges and muffins with a cherry thrown in.

Food, food, food, all I need is some food.

Wiggles: Fruit Salad!

Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.

Wiggles: Hot Potato!

Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, all I need is some food.

Wiggles: Cold Spaghetti!

Greg: (singing) Food, food, food, oh how I love my food.

Wiggles: Mashed banana!

(An alarm clock transition to Anthony holding the pizza on the table)

Anthony: Mmm! That smells great! (He smells pizza.) Thanks, Hot Pots!

Hot Pots The Oven: My pleasure, Anthony.

Anthony: (He exclaims.) Greg! Murray!

Greg: G'day... Uh, goodnight, Anthony.

Murray: The smell of the pizza woke us.

Greg: (He sniffs.) Mmm.

Murray: Are you going to eat all of that pizza, Anthony?

Anthony: Well, um... yes. (They both sigh.) But I'll share it with you.

Greg: Thanks, Anthony.

Anthony: It's always better to share with your friends.

(Jeff arrives with the milk.)

Jeff: Hi, everyone!

Anthony, Greg, Murray and Hot Pots The Oven: Hi, Jeff.

Anthony: Care for a slice of pizza?

Jeff: No, thank you. I only want a glass of milk.

Hot Pots The Oven: It's very important to drink whenever you're thirsty.

(He drinks milk, while he gets a sigh.)

Jeff: Ah!

Hot Pots The Oven: Milk is very good for your bones.

Jeff: I think I'll have another glass.

Anthony: Well, that's me. I think I'll go to bed now.

Greg: Me too.

Murray: See you later!

Anthony: Bye-bye.

(The Wiggles leave for bed while he gets the milk to drink up.)

Jeff: How does milk make my bones strong, Hot Pots?

Hot Pots The Oven: Milk has calcium. Bones love the stuff.

Jeff: I think I can hear my bones getting stronger.

Hot Pots The Oven: Could be, Jeff. Could be.

Jeff: I love cows.

Hot Pots The Oven: Oh?

Jeff: Because we get milk from cows, and I love milk!

Hot Pots The Oven: We get milk from goats, too.

Jeff: Ooh, I love goats' milk, but I love cows' milk. That's why I love cows!

Hot Pots The Oven: Better get to sleep, Jeff. Sleep is good for bones, too.

Jeff: Mmm, sleep. Good idea. Goodnight, Hot Pots.

Hot Pots The Oven: See ya, Jeff. Pleasant dreams. Oh, Jeff.

Jeff: Yes, Hot Pots?

Hot Pots The Oven: Would you mind flicking on the TV? I'd like to watch another Wiggles song. Helps me sleep.

Jeff: Sure!

(He's putting away the milk in the fridge. He closes it, then he turns off the light. Then, a TV transition to the song: I Love It When It Rains. A scene where Greg is singing, while the others are playing their instruments.)

Greg: (singing) I love it when it rains

And I lie in bed at night

I listen to it patter

On the roof soft and light

But then a storm may come

And the thunder starts to crash

The rain beats on the window

And I see the lightning flash

(Instrumental break to & the girls are holding their teddy bears & dancing the ballet.)

Greg: (singing) I hold on teddy tight

And sink down in my bed

I close my eyes so tight

And pull the covers over my head

I feel so snug and warm

I know that everything's alright

I love when it rains

As I lie in bed at night

(Instrumental break to the ending part. Until, dream transition to Jeff is sleeping while he's dreaming about being a cow.)

Jeff: Moo!

Murray: (He's opening behind a door.) It sounds like Jeff's got a cow in his room.

Jeff: Moo!

Anthony: What's a cow doing in Jeff's room?

(Greg opens the door while he heard a knock.)

Greg: Jeff, hello.

Jeff: Moo!

Anthony: I didn't know he liked milk that much.

Jeff: Moo!

Greg: Jeff, I think the cow needs to go walkies!

(He opens the door while Jeff comes out of the room.)

Jeff: Moo! (He sings while he's sleepwalking.) I eat grass and I moo all day. I'm a cow. Moo! (He leaves the room.)

Murray: I think he thinks he's a cow!

Anthony: That's some strange dream he's having.

Greg: Yeah, we'd better wake him.

Murray: I don't think you're supposed to wake someone who's sleepwalking.

Anthony: That's right, Murray. It might scare Jeff, Greg.

Murray: He might fall over.

Greg: Well, then, we'd better follow him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

(Then, they leave. Then, a ball transition to a CGI scene of the duck sliding down the slide and entering a lake, getting out and entering a nest. The duck quacks multiple times with bulging eyes getting bigger and bigger until it lays a very, very large spotted egg, making the duck fall off screen. Then, the large egg shakes multiple times, with the top part coming off and coming back on till it hatches and Anthony comes out. Then, an egg transition to Captain Feathersword is knowing the pirate crew how to get some milk.)

Captain Feathersword: Oh, gibberin' jib-jabs! I be a very sleepy and very grumpy pirate this morning.

Rudolf: Sorry, Captain. I forgot to buy the milk last night. I know how much you likes your milk.

Captain Feathersword: That I do, me hearty, that I do. But there's nothing to do about it now but look for some more. (He yawns, while he's tired.) Me and me pirates didn't get much sleep last night.

Charlie: 'Cause we didn't drink our hot milk.

Captain Feathersword: Well, that's because we didn't have any milk to make hot.

(They all dance the pirate dance while they give milk.)

Captain and the Pirates: When we don't have our milkies at night,

We look such a terrible sight.

We toss and as we turn, and we turn and as we toss.

We move out of our beds like a galloping horse

With our eyes wide open out there all mussed.

But we look such a terrible sight

When we don't have our milkies, when we don't have our milkies,

When we don't have our milkies at night!

(He yawns and they whine.)

Charlie: I don't see any milk anywhere, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: (He exclaims.) Crenellated crow's nests! Why can't I find any milk? I want to go to sleep! (He yawns quietly.)

Crew: Aye, Captain. So do we!

(Wags and Dorothy arrive behind Captain Feathersword and the crew.)

Captain Feathersword: (He yawns.) Oh! Ahoy there, me hearties!

Wags: Ruff!

Captain Feathersword: You wouldn't have any milk on you, would you?

Dorothy: Did you say milk?

Captain Feathersword: Aye, Dorothy. That I did! Might you be having any on you?

Dorothy: No, but we... we're looking for a cow.

Captain Feathersword: A cow?!

Crew: A cow?! Yay!

Captain Feathersword: Oh! Oh, yes! Cows are full of milk! Might you know where he be?

Dorothy: Well, we don't know where, exactly, but there is one about. We heard it moo!

Captain Feathersword and the Crew: Moo!

Wags: Moo!

Captain Feathersword: Oh, that'd be a cow alright! Cows always... (with the crew.) Moo! (himself.) Well, what are we waiting for?

Crew: Let's go find the cow!

Captain Feathersword: Har-har!

Dorothy: Off we go, then.

Captain Feathersword: Oh! Ahoy there! Cow! Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo!

(They all moo, until a pirate ship transition to the song: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog. The Wiggles start dancing with Wags could do the actions.)

(Wags barking.)

Greg: (singing) Let's shake our hips with Wags the Dog

Turn your head and groove along

Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog

Put your hands up in the air

Point them down once you've got them there

Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags The dog

Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff

Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too

Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff

Greg: (singing) Now Wags is digging, and we're all digging too...

Shake your hips with Wags The Dog

Turn your head and groove along

Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog

Wags: Ruff Ruff Ruff...Ruff Ruff

Now we're singing it too

Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff

Now Wags is digging...and we're all digging too...

Wags: Ruff!

(Bones transition to Officer Beaples does the dance on the street. Jeff arrives while he's being a cow and sleepwalking.)

Jeff: Moo! (He looks around Jeff.) Moo! Moo! Moo! Moo!

(The Wiggles arrive when they bump into him.)

Wiggles: Whoa!

Jeff: (He's sings while he's sleepwalking.) I eat grass and I moo all day. I'm a cow. Moo!

(Wags arrives while the cows are on the street.)

Wags: Ruff! (He whistles while they arrive.)

Captain Feathersword: A cow! A cow!

Jeff: (He yawns while he's sleeping.) What a good sleep, but I had a very strange dre... Whoa! Good morning.

Wiggles, Captain Feathersword and Dorothy: Good morning, Jeff.

Jeff: What are you doing in my bedroom?

Wiggles and Captain Feathersword: Bedroom?

Greg: We've been following you all over Wiggle Town.

Murray: We didn't want to wake you.

Jeff: Wha...

Anthony: Well, we're not in your bedroom, actually. We're outside on a street called... What's this street called? Uh... Oh! (Duck Street with a name on the sign appears.)

(The ducks appear on the street, some of which are laying giant eggs in nests.)

Wiggles: Duck Street!

Captain Feathersword: Oh. Do ducks give milk, 'cause my crew are still out looking for milk!

Dorothy: No, silly. Ducks lay eggs.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, well, I'll have an egg then! (They all laugh at the ducks.)

Anthony: There's only one thing to do when you're on Duck Street. Quack Quack!

Wiggles: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. Cock-a-doodle-doo. Quack, quack, quack, doodley-doo.

(It translates to the concert clip: Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack) is filmed on December 7, 1998 at Sydney Entertainment Centre.)

Greg: (singing) Captain Feathersword fell asleep on his pirate ship

Then he woke up on a farm

(Captain Feathersword: Oh my goodness me!)

Greg: (singing) With roosters and ducks singing this song

Captain Feathersword: Here we go now!

(The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo!

Greg: (singing) So now every day when he talks,

this is what he says

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

You can do it too

Captain Feathersword: Here we go again!

(The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Is that you?

Greg: (singing) Well, is he a rooster

Anthony: or a pirate?

Captain Feathersword: Well, I just don't know

Ahoy there, ahoy there

Ahoy cock-a-doodley there.

Greg: (singing) He also does the farmyard dance

And you can do it too.

Captain Feathersword: Farmyard!

(The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Watch how it goes.

(They were all singing around in a circle except Captain Feathersword) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Is that you?

(The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing) Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack


Quack, quack, quack doodley-doo

Captain Feathersword: Ooooooooooooh-hooooooooooo! Wow!

Captain Feathersword: Wow! That was great, me hearties! Give yourselves a big clap! That was wonderful!

Greg: Great quacking, everyone! Give yourselves a big clap! That was a lot of fun! Well done!

(A bee buzzing sound effect transition to Jeff is giving the hot milk, while everyone falls asleep.)

Jeff: Hot milk, everyone. Hot milk to help you ssss... Hey! No sleeping until you've had your hot milk. Wake up, everyone. I know. I'll drink some hot milk, and that'll help me sleep. (He drinks the hot milk, while he gets a sigh.)
