This is the transcript for D-I-N-G-O.
(The episode starts with a Wiggle Town location of a cartoon version. Until, the song: Come on Down to Wiggle Town the short version. It appears their names in the opening sequence.)
Lachy: (singing) There's a town called Wiggle Town
What a place to be
Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Wiggles: (singing) A great place to be
(After the song is finished, it shows the title card. Then, opening camera transition to the song: Welcome to Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves, until Mayor is jazz dancing.)
Wiggles: (singing) Hello and welcome to our Wiggle Town
Simon: G'day there!
Emma: It's nice to see you
(with Lachy, Simon & Anthony singing.) Take a look around
The mayor is jazz dancing
(Andy the Mayor is doing some jazz dance moves.)
Here in Wiggle Town.
Dorothy: (offscreen) Two Fine Gentlemen.
(It translates to the Two Fine Gentlemen sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Two Conductors. A scene where Simon holding a book to tells about some 2 people who can do their conducting to the music with Andy the Mayor & Emma.)
Simon: (singing) Two conductors met in a lane
Bowed most politely, bowed once again
Emma: (singing) One a-a, two a-a
Andy the Mayor: (singing) One a-a, two a-a
Wiggles: (singing) One a-a, two again.
Dorothy: (offscreen) Dingoes.
(It translates to the Dingoes sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: D-I-N-G-O. A scene where The Wiggles are holding pom-poms to shout the word by spelling. But, without saying the word by clapping our hands together.)
Emma: (singing) In Australia lives a dog
And Dingo is his name-o
Wiggles: (singing) D-I-N-G-O
Emma: (singing) And Dingo is his name-o
Now, when we spell the word Dingo, this time, we're going to clap instead of saying the letter 'D'. Are you ready? Here we go.
(singing) He does not bark but he can howl
And Dingo is his name O
Wiggles: (singing) (clap) I-N-G-O
(clap) I-N-G-O
(clap) I-N-G-O
Emma: (singing) And Dingo is his name-o
This time when we spell the word Dingo, we're going to clap instead of saying the letters 'D' and 'I'. You ready? Here we go.
(singing) His ears stand up all the time
And Dingo is his name O
Wiggles: (singing) (clap 2x) N-G-O
(clap 2x) N-G-O
(clap 2x) N-G-O
Emma: (singing) And Dingo is his name-o
Now we're going to clap for the letters 'D', 'I' and 'N'. Are you ready? Here we go.
(singing) This dog has a bushy tail
And Dingo is his name-o
Wiggles: (singing) (clap 3x) G-O
(clap 3x) G-O
(clap 3x) G-O
Emma: (singing) And Dingo is his name-o
Now we're going to clap for the letters 'D', 'I', 'N' and 'G'. Are you ready? Here we go.
(singing) His fur is gold and yellow
And Dingo is his name-o
Wiggles: (singing) (clap 4x) O
(clap 4x) O
(clap 4x) O
Emma: (singing) And Dingo Is his name-o
Now we're going to clap for the letters 'D', 'I', 'N', 'G' and 'O'. Are you ready? Here we go.
(singing) He hides food in the ground
And Dingo is his name-o
Wiggles: (singing) (clap 5x)
(clap 5x)
(clap 5x)
Emma: (singing) And Dingo is his name-o
Wiggles: (singing) Dingo!
(Opening camera transition to the song: Goodbye from Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles & Dorothy in her ballet tutu are saying goodbye to our favourite place called Wiggle Town at the end of the show, while the end credits are rolling.)
Wiggles: (singing) It's goodbye from Wiggle Town
It's goodbye from Wiggle Town.
(Shot cuts to the endboard is shown.)