

This is the transcript for Dance Dance!.


(The episode starts with a Wiggle Town location of a cartoon version. Until, the song: Come on Down to Wiggle Town the short version. It appears their names in the opening sequence.)

Lachy: (singing) There's a town called Wiggle Town

What a place to be

Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town

Wiggles: (singing) A great place to be

(After the song is finished, it shows the title card. Then, opening camera transition to the song: Welcome to Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves, until Captain Feathersword prances.)

Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Hello and welcome to our Wiggle Town

Simon: Greetings, friends.

Emma: It's nice to see you.

(with Anthony, Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword singing.) Take a look around

Captain loves to prance

Captain Feathersword: In my pirate pants

Hoo-hoo-hoo! I'm prancing, too! Hoo-hoo!

(with The Wiggles singing.) Here in Wiggle Town.

Dorothy: (offscreen) The Dance Hall.

(It translates to the Dance Hall sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Dance, Dance. A scene where The Wiggles are singing a dance mix tune called "Come on Down to Wiggle Town" at the Dance Hall. While, Emma & Andy the Mayor are dancing to some special dance moves.)

Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance


Lachy: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo

(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Doobey-doo-wah


Dance, dance

Dah, dah, dah, dah, bah, dah, dah

Bah dah dah dah dah




W-I-G-G-L-E Town

Dance, dance.

Dorothy: (offscreen) Two Fine Gentlemen.

(It translates to the Two Fine Gentlemen sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Two Violin Players. A scene where Emma holding a book to tells about some 2 people who can play with their tambourines with Anthony & Lachy.)

Emma: (singing) Two violin players met one day

Bowed most politely, bowed once again

(Instrumental to Emma & Anthony are playing violins, while saying "How do you do?".)

Dorothy: (offscreen) Wiggle Lane.

(It translates to the Wiggle Lane sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Captain Feathersword (He Loves to Dance). A scene where The Wiggles could teach Captain Feathersword how to do a pirate dance.)

Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: (singing) I will show you now

Fold your arms in front of you, me hearties

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Start to hop, it's fun to do, whoo-hoo

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Climb the ropes, come on let's try it

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now you're dancing like a pirate

(He laughs.)

Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: (singing) I will show you now

Fold your arms in front of you, me hearties

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Start to hop, it's fun to do

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Climb the ropes, come on let's try it

Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now you're dancing like a pirate

(He laughs.)

Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

He will show you how

Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance

Captain Feathersword: (singing) Everybody bow

And give yourselves a big pirate clap, me hearties.

(He laughs, while they're clapping.)

(Opening camera transition to the song: Goodbye from Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles & Queen Kathryn in the town hall are saying goodbye to our favourite place called Wiggle Town at the end of the show, while the end credits are rolling.)

Wiggles: (singing) It's goodbye from Wiggle Town

It's goodbye from Wiggle Town.

(Shot cuts to the endboard is shown.)
