This is the transcript for Dance Dance!.
(The video starts when a 4 colour transition to The Wiggles appear with white circles in it, while Dance, Dance instrumental track is playing in the background. When they introduced themselves.)
Anthony: Hi, (with others.) we're The Wiggles. (himself.) I'm Anthony.
Emma: I'm Emma.
Simon: I'm Simon.
Lachy: And I'm Lachy.
Anthony: And everybody it's time to... (with others.) Dance, Dance. (himself.) And you know the thing about dancing, we need lots of music.
Emma: Yes, the great thing about music is you can dance to it.
Simon: Well, the other great thing about music is that you can sing to it. (He is singing about music.) La, la, la, la, la, la, la. Ha, ha.
Lachy: Well, the other great thing about music is that you can dance to it, you can sing to it and you can listen to it. Ahhh. (He puts the headphones on and listen to the music, while singing.) Dance, Dance. Do, do, do, do, do. Ba, da, ba.... (But then, he falls asleep.)
Simon: Oh, no. Lachy's fallen asleep, everyone. We need to wake him up. So, let's say, "Wake up, Lachy," after we count to three. Here we go. Ready? (with Emma & Anthony.) 1, 2, 3. Wake up, Lachy!
Emma: Oh, no, it didn't work. Lachy's still asleep. Okay, let's say, "Wake up, Lachy," a little bit louder. After the count to three. Here we go. (with Simon & Anthony.) 1, 2, 3. Wake up, Lachy!
Anthony: Oh, gee, it didn't work again. You know, let's say it a little bit louder, but this time, Simon, would you mind removing the headphones from Lachy's ears so he can hear better?
Simon: (He is using his mimicking accent.) Removing the headphones. (He's taking the headphones off since he could hear it.)
Anthony: Beauty, mate! Come on, let's say it together, even louder. (with Simon & Emma.) 1, 2, 3, Wake up, Lachy!
Lachy: (He blubbers, while he is waking up.) Thanks for waking me up, everybody. Let's.... (with others.) Dance, Dance.
(Transition to the blue background with some circles & stars on it, while Dance, Dance is playing in the background in the opening sequence. It shows their names, then the video title comes on.)
Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance
Lachy: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Doobey-doo-wah
Dance, dance
Dah, dah, dah, dah, bah, dah, dah
Bah dah dah dah dah
W-I-G-G-L-E Town
Dance, dance!
(A camera opening transition to the song: Wiggly Party. A scene where The Wiggly Group are getting ready for our party.)
Captain Feathersword: (in high pitched) Ahhhh! Wiggly Party
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp
Clap, clap, clap
Wiggle your hips just like that
Simon: (singing) Pin the tail on the donkey
Lachy: (singing) Now we're playing hide and seek
Simon: (singing) And in the kitchen we're making
Lachy: (singing) All the fruit salad that you can eat
At the Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp
Clap, clap, clap
Wiggle your hips just like that
Simon: (singing) Put on your party hats
Lachy: (singing) And you dress up costumes too
Simon: (singing) Pass the parcel and then
Lachy: (singing) There's a present for me and you
At the Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
Anthony: Stamp, stamp, stamp
Clap, clap, clap
Wiggle your hips just like that
Stamp, stamp, stamp
Clap, clap, clap
Wiggle your hips just like that
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
Lachy: (singing) Wiggly Party
(Anthony: Stamp, stamp stamp)
(Clap, clap, clap)
Emma: (singing) Everybody's grooving
(Anthony: Wiggle your hips just like that)
(A scene fades out and then it fades in to red & white stars, sparkles & pink circles on it while Banjo Breakdown is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Lachy & The Wiggles' Coloured Dancers.)
Lachy: Everybody, it's tapdancing time. This is Ryan.
Ryan Yeates: Hello!
Lachy: Now, Ryan, what's your favourite tap step?
Ryan Yeates: Shuffle ball change.
Lachy: Shuffle ball change. Well, can we see one? (Ryan Yeates dances to shuffle ball change tap dance.) Ah, everybody give Ryan a big clap. (They're all clapping.) Thank you, Ryan. Everybody, this is Julia. Now, Julia, what makes the sound on a tap shoe?
Julia Lanzetti: The sound comes from the tap plate.
Lachy: Sound comes from the tap plate. Well, can we have a look? (He is showing Julia a tap plate from her tap shoe.) Look, everyone, there's metal on the bottom of Julia's shoe. Thank you, Julia. Give Julia a big hand. (They're all clapping.) Everybody, this is Lucia. Now Lucia, what is the most exciting tap step you can do?
Lucia Field: Wings.
Lachy: Wings. Whoa! Do we need to give you some space for some wings?
Lucia Field: A little bit.
Lachy: Everybody step back a little bit. (Lucia dances to some wings tap dancing.) Everybody give Lucia a big clap. Well done. (They're all clapping.) Now everybody, this is Maria. Now Maria, can you tap-dance across us with some tap steps? (Maria tap dances spins around across the way.) Give Maria a big clap. (They're all clapping.) Well, I think I'm gonna learn how to tap-dance too. But I think I need some metal on the bottom of my shoe.
(Opening circle transition to the song: Do the Skeleton Scat! A scene where Lachy & The Wiggles' Coloured Dancers are doing their special tap dance.)
(Piano solo)
Lachy: (singing) When you hear the swingin' beat swingin' song to bat
You know it's time to get in line, and do the skeleton skat
Emma, can you tap your feet to the tapping beat
Emma: (singing) I'll tap tap tap with my feet, and tap tap to the beat
(Tap solo)
Lachy: (singing) Simon, can you use your voice to make that low tone?
Simon: (singing) I'll sing my notes so low that they just sound like a trombone
Woop-woop, woop-woop, woop-woop-woop-woop-woop, bop
Lachy: (singing) Anthony, play the banjo. Let's hear those banjo strings
(Banjo solo)
Lachy: (singing) Now's the time, don't be shy, just use your voice and skat
When I count 1, 2, 3, Let's do the skeleton skat
1, 2, 3
Emma, Simon & Anthony: (singing) Bop-ba-dop-a-dop, bop-bop-a-dop-a-dop, bop-ba-dop-a-dop-boo
Lachy: (singing) Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, bop-shoobie-doobie-do-do
1, 2, 3!
Emma, Simon & Anthony: (singing) Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, bop-shoobie-doobie-do-do.
(Piano solo.)
(Shot cuts to red stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Wiggletto is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Simon could show Lachy how to dance the shimmie shake in Uluru.)
Simon: It's time to do a dance now, everyone. And this is a dance called "The Shimmie Shake". So, I was wondering can you shimmie your shoulders like this?
Lachy: (He is shimming with his shoulders with Simon.) Oh, yeah. Can you try that?
Simon: Fantastic! Can you shake your hands like that?
Lachy: (He is shaking with his hands with Simon.) That's fun, Simo.
Simon: All right, let's do it together. "The Shimmie Shake". (with Lachy shaking their bodies.)
(Opening circle transition to the song: The Shimmie Shake! A scene where Lachy, Simon & the dancers are dancing to their shimmie shake.)
Anthony: It's time to dance, "The Shimmie Shake" dance. Come on. Join in. It's fun!
Lachy: (singing) Shimmie Shake.
Let's all do the Shimmie Shake.
Shake it on way down low.
All: (singing) Shake it on high.
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie.
Lachy: (singing) Hear the drumbeat, hear the guitar.
When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake
All: (singing) Doo, Doo,
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Twistin' break
Let's all take a twistin break.
Really take a twistin break.
All: (singing) We're twisting wide.
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie
Shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie, shimmie.
Lachy: (singing) Hear the drumbeat, hear the guitar.
When you dance this way, you do the Shimmie Shake!
All: (singing) Doo, Doo,
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, Doo, doo
Shimmie shake!
(Shot cuts to red balls, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while A Frog Went A Walking On A Summer's Day is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: A Frog Went A Walking On A Summer's Day. A scene where Lachy dressed as a frog & Emma dressed as Ms. Mousey who wants to get married.)
Lachy: (singing) A froggy went a walking on a summer's day
A froggy went a walking on a summer's day
A froggy went a walking on a summer's day
To meet Miss Mousey on the way
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
He walked right up to Miss Mousey's door
Can I come in?
(singing) He walked right up to Miss Mousey's door
Let me in
(singing) He walked right up to Miss Mousey's door
Where he had often been before
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
He said Miss Mousey, "Are you within?"
Emma: Why, yes I am
Lachy: (singing) He said Miss Mousey, "Are you within?"
Emma: Yes, I'm here
Lachy: (singing) He said Miss Mousey, "Are you within?"
Emma: Why, yes
Lachy: (singing) She said
Emma: Where have you been?
Lachy: (singing) Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
He said Ms. Mousey, "Will you marry me?"
Emma: I don't know about that, Mr. Frog.
Lachy: (singing) He said Ms. Mousey, "Will you marry me?"
Emma: Mmm, let me think about it
Lachy: (singing) He said Miss Mousey, "Will you marry me?"
And together we can live in an apple tree
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Now the first to the wedding was Mr. Pig
Anthony: (Oink, Oink)
Lachy: (singing) The first to the wedding was Mr. Pig
Anthony: (Oink)
Lachy: (singing) The first to the wedding was Mr. Pig
He played bagpipes while they danced a jig
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Take it away, Mr. Pig
Anthony: (He's playing bagpipes.)
Lachy: (singing) Well, the second to the wedding was Mr. Fox
The second to the wedding was Mr. Fox
The second to the wedding was Mr. Fox
He bought them a lovely pair of socks
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Well, the next to the wedding was Mr. Fly
Simon: (Buzz, buzz)
Lachy: (singing) The next to the wedding was Mr. Fly
Simon: (Buzz)
Lachy: (singing) The next to the wedding was Mr. Fly
He got stuck in an apple pie
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Well, what do you think they had for supper?
What do you think they had for supper?
What do you think they had for supper?
Fried mosquitoes and lemon gutter
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
The last to the wedding was Mr. Lion
Captain Feathersword: (Roar)
Lachy: (singing) The last to the wedding was Mr. Lion
Captain Feathersword: (Roar)
Lachy: (singing) The last to the wedding was Mr. Lion
He ran away with the wedding cake
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Froggy and Mousey lived happily
Emma: Yeeha!
Lachy: (singing) Froggy and Mousey lived happily
Emma: Yeeha!
Lachy: (singing) Froggy and Mousey lived happily
Together in an apple tree
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh
Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.
(Shot cuts to red stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Wiggly Party is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Rubber Boots. A scene where The Wiggles are wearing rain boots, except Anthony has bare feet.)
Emma: It's raining. Time to put on my yellow rubber boots.
Simon: My black rubber boots.
Lachy: My stripy rubber boots.
Anthony: I don't like boots.
The Replacement Wiggles: Anthony!
Emma: (singing) I've got yellow rubber boots on my feet
I've got yellow rubber boots splashing down the street
Simon: (singing) I've got black rubber boots on my feet
I've got black rubber boots splashing down the street
Lachy: (singing) I've got stripy rubber boots on my feet
I've got stripy rubber boots splashing down the street
Anthony: (singing) I'm not wearing rubber boots on my feet
I'm not wearing rubber boots
The Replacement Wiggles: (singing) He likes bare feet
Emma: I like yellow rubber boots.
Simon: I like black rubber boots.
Lachy: I like stripy rubber boots.
Anthony: And I like bare feet.
The Replacement Wiggles: Anthony!
(Shot cuts to red stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Hula, Hula Baby A scene where Emma, Simon & Lachy in Uluru are doing the hula with their hula hoops.)
Anthony: (He's holding a megaphone to announce.) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's time to hula, hula, around the clock.
Lachy: (singing) Here we go now
Hula, hula, hula
Round the clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Never stop now
Hula, hula, hula, baby
Simon: (singing) One o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Two o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Three o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula baby
Anthony: (He's holding a megaphone to announce.) Everybody keep on hula, hula-ring.
Emma: (singing) Four o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Five o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Six o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula baby
Simon: (singing) Seven o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Eight o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Nine o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula baby
Anthony: (He's holding a megaphone to announce.) Everybody keep hula, hula-ring. Only three to go.
Lachy: (singing) Ten o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Eleven o'clock now
Hula, hula, hula
Twelve o'clock now
So tired, I want to go to sleep.
Anthony: (He's holding a megaphone to announce.) Wake up, Lachy! More hula, hula!
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background.)
Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance!
(Then, a scene translates to The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword lying on the sand pretending like dingoes in Uluru.)
Emma: The Dingo is an Australian native dog. And they mainly like to sleep during the day. Their ears stand up all the time. They have golden yellow fur and a big bushy tail. But unlike most dogs, they howl instead of barking. (with Simon, Lachy, Anthony & Captain Feathersword howling like dingoes.)
(Opening circle transition to the song: Little Dingo. A scene where The Wiggles are dancing the tango as they're singing about dingoes.)
Simon: (singing) Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Walking in the morning light
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) With your furry paws of white
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Walking in the desert sun
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Your day has just begun
Lachy: (singing) The little dingo
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) Is like a dog
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) But it does not
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) have a bark
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) The little dingo
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) It goes out hunting
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) Under the stars
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) when it is dark
The little dingo
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) He likes to howl
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) When the moon
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) Is in the sky
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) The little dingo
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) His ears are pointy
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Little dingo)
Lachy: (singing) So it can hear
((Anthony, Emma & Simon singing) Dingo)
Lachy: (singing) What passes by
Simon: (singing) Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Walking in the morning light
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) With your furry paws of white
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Walking in the desert sun
Little dingo
Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Lachy: (singing) Little dingo
Anthony & Emma: (singing) Little dingo
Simon: (singing) Your day has just begun
(The Wiggles singing.) Dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo, little one
(The Wiggles singing.) Dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo
Little dingo, little one.
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while "Dah Dah De Dee" on the High Road to Linton! is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: The Road To The Isles (Do The Highland Fling). A scene where Lachy is gonna show the others are doing their special Highland Fling dance.)
Lachy: (singing) Bow to the king, begin the Highland Fling
There's a dance from Scotland
That is called the Highland Fling
Up on your toes, make sure a smile you bring
(Banjo solo.)
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
(Banjo solo.)
Up on your toes, make sure a smile you bring
(Banjo solo.)
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
With a spring in your step
Your hands form like a stag
This surely is a dance that has it all
(Banjo solo.)
Dance by yourself or at a Highland ball
(Banjo solo.)
This surely is a dance that has it all
(Banjo solo.)
Dance with your friends or at the Highland ball
(Instrumental break on bagpipes.)
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
Bow to the king
You've danced the Highland Fling.
(Shot cuts to white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Do the Skeleton Scat! is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Anthony introducing a song about how to sing about Scottish dancing with a bagpipes chanter.)
Anthony: Everybody, exciting times. I've got my bagpipes chanter here. And I'm gonna play a tune called "The High Road to Linton". Guys, it's one of my old favourites. Yeah, it comes from Scotland. And I wonder if Lachy, Simon, the good Captain Feathersword and Emma Wiggle can imitate what I play. Here we go. (He's playing "The High Road to Linton" on his bagpipes chanter to play its tune.)
Simon, Lachy, Emma & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Anthony: I love it. Let's hear it again.
Simon, Lachy, Emma & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Anthony: Great singing, guys. I've got an idea. Because today is ideas day. Emma, if you could do some Highland dancing to that tune...
Emma: Oh, yes, I'd love to. (She leaves.)
Anthony: Fantastic. Now, Captain Feathersword, the wonderful master of merriment and mirth, if you could combine with Simon and Lachy, would you be able to go off and sing and dance while get the bagpipes ready?
Simon: Sounds great, Anthony.
Captain Feathersword: Great idea.
Simon: See you on "The Highroad to Linton".
Anthony: Great.
(Opening circle transition to the song: "Dah Dah De Dee" on the High Road to Linton! A scene where Emma & the Highland dancers are dancing to a Scottish music, while Anthony plays the bagpipes & Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword are singing a special Scottish tune.)
Simon: (singing) Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Lachy: (singing) Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Dah dum dah dee dee, dah dee dum dah dum do
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dee dum dah dee dah dee dum dee dah dee dum dee dah dee dum
Dee dum dah dee dah dee dum dee dah dee dah dee dum do
Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dum do
Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dum do
Simon: (singing) Dee dah dee dah dee dum
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dah dee dum
Lachy: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dah dee dum
Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dah dee dah dee dah dum do
Dee dee dah dee dum do
Simon: (singing) Dee dah dee dah dee dum
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dah dee dum
Lachy: (singing) Dee dee dah dee dah dee dum
Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dah dee dah dee dah dum do
(Instrumental outro)
Simon, Lachy & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Dah dee dah dee dah dum do
(Shot cuts to white stars, red roses, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Banjo Breakdown is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Simon in Uluru while asking a question that they'll like to introduce their friends.)
Simon: This is a song about all of our friends. There's Captain Feathersword. You know, he's a friendly pirate. He's got a feather for a sword, a feather in his hat and he loves to say, "Ahoy, there!" There's Wags the Dog. Wags the Doggy with the dancing feet. And he's got a great big bark that you might have heard. (He barks & laughs.) There's Henry the Octopus. Henry's got a boater hat, a tartan suit, and he loves to dance in his eight-legged pants. And of course, there's Dorothy the Dinosaur, that ding-a-ling dinosaur, she's green, she's got yellow spots and she loves to eat roses. Now, the Wiggly friends. There's Anthony. Anthony's wear blue and he loves to eat fruit salad. Yummy, yummy. Emma wears a beautiful yellow bow on her hair and she's got wonderful ballet shoes. And Lachy, we all know Lachy. Well, he wears purple and he loves to fall asleep. So, everyone, let's meet all of our Wiggly friends. (He's wiggling his fingers.)
(Opening circle transition to the song: Wiggletto. A scene where Simon is singing an opera song about meeting all our Wiggly friends.)
(Lachy plays the piano intro.)
Simon: (singing) Let's wave to Anthony
He's wearing blue, you see
Eating fruit salad
So yummy yummy
Look, there is Emma, too
Dancing in ballet shoes
Wearing her yellow bow
Ready for the Wiggles show
Lachy he is sleeping
We need to wake him
We need to wake him
The Awake Wiggles: (singing) Wake up, Lachy
Wake up, wake up
Wake up, Lachy
1-2-3, 1-2-3
Simon: (singing) Wake uuuuuuuuuup, Lachy
Look, here comes Dorothy
Drinking her rosy tea
Dorothy: (She's giggling.)
Simon: (singing) Eight legs in tartan
That must be Henry
Henry: (He's gurgling.)
Simon: (singing) Captain sails the seven seas
Having tickling parties
Captain Feathersword: W-o-ow!
Simon: (singing) Let's all give a big nod
To our friend Wags the Dog
Wags: Ruff Ruff!
The Other Wiggles: (singing) Simon keeps on playing
Just keeps on playing
Simon: (singing) Simon says put your hands on your knees
Simon says put your hands on your hips
Put your hands on your head
Whoops, I didn't say Simon Says!
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while The Liberton Boys Polka is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Shake Your Hips with Wags the Dog. A scene where The Wiggles & Wags are dancing to shake their hips in Uluru.)
Wags: Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) Shake our hips with Wags the Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) Put your hands up in the air
Point them down once you've got them there
Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) A-roo, doogie, doo, doo, doo
Simon: (singing) Now we're singing it too
(with the other Wiggles singing.) You can sing it too
Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Wiggles: (singing) Now Wags is digging, watch Wags dig,
Wags: Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) We're all digging too...
Shake your hips with Wags the Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wags: Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) A-roo, doogie, doo, doo, doo
Simon: (singing) Now we're singing it too
(with the other Wiggles singing.) You can sing it too
Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Wiggles: (singing) Now Wags is digging, watch Wags dig, we're all digging too...
Wags: Woof! Woof! Woof!
Emma: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) It's Wags the Dog!
Wags: Woof!
(Shot cuts to red stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Wiggly Party is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Anthony in Uluru introducing Captain Feathersword that they could join a dance.)
Anthony: Everybody, Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance. He will show you how. Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance. He will show you now.
(Opening circle transition to the song: Captain Feathersword (He Loves to Dance). A scene where The Wiggles could teach Captain Feathersword how to do a pirate dance.)
Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
He will show you how
Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I will show you now
Fold your arms in front of you, me hearties
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Start to hop, it's fun to do, whoo-hoo
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Climb the ropes, come on let's try it
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now you're dancing like a pirate
(He laughs.)
Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
He will show you how
Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
Captain Feathersword: (singing) I will show you now
Fold your arms in front of you, me hearties
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Start to hop, it's fun to do
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Climb the ropes, come on let's try it
Wiggles: (singing) (Ba-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Now you're dancing like a pirate
(He laughs.)
Wiggles: (singing) Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
He will show you how
Captain Feathersword, he loves to dance
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Everybody bow
And give yourselves a big pirate clap, me hearties.
(He laughs, while they're clapping.)
(Shot cuts to red balls, white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Banjo Breakdown. A scene where Anthony is playing on the banjo, Captain Feathersword plays on a bass guitar& the musicians are playing music during instrumental break. While Emma, Simon, Lachy & the dancers are doing their special tap dancing. Then, Simon is vocalizing to this tune. After that, shot cuts to white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Poor Old Michael Finnegan. A scene where Simon is singing a song about Michael Finnegan, while Caterina, Dominic, Emma & Lachy are doing some Irish jig dancing.)
Simon: (singing) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan
Along came the wind and blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.
Anthony: Our Irish dancers Lachy, Emma, Derrick and Dervla. The intricacies of the forehand champions.
Simon: (singing) There was an old man named Michael Finnegan
He had whiskers on his chin-ne-gan
Along came the wind and blew them in again
Poor old Michael Finnegan, begin again.
(Instrumental break to Anthony is playing on the banjo.)
Simon: 1, 2, 3, 4!
(Instrumental break to Emma dances her special Irish jig.)
Wiggles: (singing) Shave and a haircut Mic Fin!
(Opening circle transition to Andy the Mayor is giving a trophy to Derrick and Dervla, while Gymkhana Yodel instrumental track is playing in the background & they give an applause. Then, shot cuts to white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Do the Skeleton Scat! is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Simon is gonna teach everyone how to play Simon Says in Uluru.)
Simon: It's time to play a game together. Now, this is a game called "Simon Says". Do you know how to play "Simon Says"? You do? Well, let's play it together. Here we go.
(Opening camera transition to the song: Simon Says]. A scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are gonna play a game together called Simon Says in Uluru.)
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your knees
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your hips
Put your hands on your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your cheeks
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your chin
Put your hands on your nose
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon Says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your shoulders
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Simon says
Simon: (singing) Put your hands on your ears
Put your hands above your head
I didn't say 'Simon Says'
The Other Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Whoops!
He didn't say 'Simon Says'
Simon: (singing) Whoops!
I didn't say 'Simon Says'.
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while The Liberton Boys Polka is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Do the Propeller! A scene where The Wiggles are doing the actions to do the propeller dance in Uluru, while Captain & Dorothy are flying a rosy plane.)
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all doing the airplane actions.)
Wiggles: (singing) Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're going down and down and down and down
Emma & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop, freeze
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all doing the airplane actions.)
Wiggles: (singing) Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're down da-da down down da down down down
Emma & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop, freeze
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Shot cuts to red stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Banjo Breakdown is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: St. Patrick's Day. A scene where Simon is singing a song about Emma, Lachy, Andy & Caterina are doing a special St. Patrick's Irish dancing jig.)
Simon: (singing) We're all together
It's time for a dance
Lachy: (singing) Hands by your side
Near your dress or your pants
Emma: (singing) And point to your toe
We practice daily
(with Caterina, Andy, Lachy & Simon singing.) Some Irish dancing
Let's have a Ceili
(Instrumental break to Caterina, Andy, Lachy, Emma & Simon Irish dancing, while Anthony plays on the banjo.)
Simon: (singing) With a jump shuffle, jump shuffle
This looks like fun
Irish dancing for everyone
With a step, hip, hop, down
We're on our way
Emma: (singing) Shuffle, hop, shuffle, hop, back
(with Caterina, Andy, Lachy & Simon singing.) St. Patrick's Day
(Instrumental break to Caterina, Andy, Lachy, Emma & Simon Irish dancing some more, while Anthony still plays on the banjo.)
Emma, Caterina, Andy, Lachy & Simon: (singing) St. Patrick's Day!
(Shot cuts to red stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Wiggly Party is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Emma in Uluru could show everyone to do some more Irish dancing.)
Emma: Dance through your day. That's what I like to say. How about some Irish dancing? This way. (She dancing to an Irish way out.)
(Opening camera transition to the song: The Liberton Boys Polka. A scene where The Wiggles, Caterina & Andy are gonna do some Irish dancing.)
Emma: Hands by your side
Near your dress or pants
Stand up straight
Let's Irish Dance
(singing) Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, dicki, dicki, di dum
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, dicki, dicki, di dum
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
(Instrumental break to the Irish dancers are still dancing together at The Wiggletown Dancing Police Force, Town Hall & The Music Room.)
The Professional Wiggles: (singing in vocalizing) Ahhhhhhh, ahhhhhhh
Ooooh, di dicki do dum
Ooooh, di dicki do dum
Emma: (singing) Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, dicki, dicki, di dum
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, dicki, dicki, di dum
Di dicki do dum, di dum do
Di dicki do dum, di dum do.
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background.)
Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance!
(Then, a scene translates to Anthony who likes types of dancing, his favourite one was way back a long time ago since 1980s.)
Anthony: Everybody, it's lots of fun to dance. All sorts of styles. Ballet, Highland dancing, Irish dancing, all sorts of dancing. Rock and roll dancing. But you know what? My favourite type of dance is the dance that I used to do way back in 1980s. (He chuckles.) Oh, it was a great dance. It used to be called the robot dance. I used to impress everybody with this dance. But hang on. You can't do the robot dance without robot dancing clothes, 1980s-style. (He translates into their 1980s outfit.) See? Nice threads. (He laughs.) Well, I gotta get the other Wiggles, get them dressed up in 1980s gear, and get my 1980s bagpipes to play some robot music. (He dances like a robot.)
(Sliding transition to the song: Glasgow City Police Pipers. A scene where The Wiggles & Captain Feathersword are doing the robot dance in their 1980s outfit.)
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum bum bum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum bum bum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum bum bum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Ba da da dum bum bum
Ba da da dum, ba da da dum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum
Bum, bum, bum, bum.
(Shot cuts to red & white stars, pop-up pink & blue circles, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while A Frog Went A Walking On A Summer's Day is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates Emma in Uluru doing some ballet exercises.)
Emma: Come on, let's do some ballet with the Wiggle Town Dancing Police. This next tune is a wonderful composer and pianist named Scott Joplin, who live in North America many years ago. His music still lives on, and we like to call this "A Taste Of Joplin".
(Opening circle transition to the song: A Taste Of Joplin. A scene where Emma & two ballerina are dancing to their beginning part to dance some ballet. Then, Samuel McFadden is playing on a piano, while The Wiggles & their polices are dancing ballet with their feather dusters. Finally, they're singing in vocalizing at the end of the song. After that, shot cuts to red stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Dance, Dance is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to the song: Come on Down to Wiggle Town (LIVE). A scene where The Wiggles, their friends & their dancers arriving on stage. While it was filmed at Qudos Banks Arena, Sydney, on the 22nd of December 2015 to perform The Wiggles BIG SHOW! & CinderEmma.)
Lachy: Welcome to Wiggle Town. Come on. Clap your hands. That's it.
(singing) There's a town called Wiggle Town
What a place to be
Come on down to Wiggle Town
Come along with me
We've got Emma Wiggle in the Big Red Car...
Emma: Hi.
Lachy: (singing) With her bow-tiful smile.
Emma: Hi.
(singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town.
Hi, everybody. Hi.
Lachy: (singing) Simon's playing Simon Says...
Simon: Hi, everyone.
Lachy: (singing) Singing in an opera way
Simon: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town.
Hi, everyone. G'day.
(singing) Anthony is eating
Fruit salad all day
(with Anthony, Lachy & Emma singing.) Come on down to Wiggle Town.
Anthony: My hair's turning gray.
Wiggles: (singing) Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
W-I-G-G-L-E Town.
Anthony: There's Captain Feathersword!
Lachy: (singing) Captain Feathersword's in his boat...
Captain Feathersword: Wow!
Lachy: (singing) He sails the seven seas...
Captain Feathersword: (He laughs.)
Wiggles: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! (He chuckles.)
Anthony: Here comes Henry the Octopus!
Simon: (singing) Henry the Octopus spins around
In his eight-legged pants...
Anthony: Officer Beaples!
Wiggles: (singing) Officer Beaples on a motor bike
She loves to dance.
Anthony: Here comes Wags the Dog!
Lachy: (singing) Here he comes, it's Wags the Dog...
Wags: Ruff!
Lachy: (singing) He's dancing down the street
Wiggles: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Lachy: (singing) He's the doggy with the dancing feet.
Anthony: Here comes Dorothy the Dinosaur!
Simon: (singing) There's a friend who's a dinosaur
Her name is Dorothy
Wiggles: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town.
Dorothy: Pick roses with me. (She giggles.)
Anthony: Come on, let's dance, everybody!
Wiggles: (singing) Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
W-I-G-G-L-E Town.
Anthony: Everybody, please clap your hands now! And now, everybody wave to Captain Feathersword! Hi, Captain!
Wiggles: (singing) Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Anthony: Let's go to Wiggle Town!
Wiggles: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Let's all go town Wiggle Town
Come on down to Wiggle Town
A great place to be.
(Shot cuts to red balls, white stars, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while Wiggly Party is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to Lachy in Uluru talking about The Wiggletown Dancing Police are be able to keep everyone safe.)
Lachy: The police force do a wonderful job looking after everybody and making sure that everybody stays safe. Well, in Wiggle Town, we have a police force, too. The Wiggle Town Dancing Police Force. They look after everybody, make sure that you are stay safe, but they also love to dance. And they wear special sparkly uniforms.
(Opening camera transition to the song: Tapping On The Sidewalks Of New York. A scene where The Wiggles, Officer Beaples & the other Beaples are doing their special tap dancing at the Wiggle Town Dancing Police Force.)
Wiggles: (They're whistling.)
(singing) East Side, West Side, all around the town
The tots sang "ring-a-rosie," "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
Tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York.
(They're whistling, while tapping.)
(They're singing slower.) East Side, West Side, all around the town
The tots sang "ring-a-rosie," "London Bridge is falling down"
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
Tripped the light fantastic on the sidewalks of New York.
(Shot cuts to white stars, red roses, sparkles, pink, red & blue circles on it while A Frog Went A Walking On A Summer's Day is playing in the background. Then, a scene translates to The Wiggles are in their dancing costumes in the epilogue part.)
Anthony: Well, everybody, at Dance, Dance time, I had so much fun playing the music.
Emma: Well, at Dance, Dance time, I had so much fun dancing to the music.
Simon: Well, you know what, at Dance, Dance time, I had so much fun singing to the music. (He's playing a trombone part during a piece of "Do the Skeleton Scat!") Woop-woop, woop-woop, woop-woop-woop-woop-woop, bop
Lachy: Well, everybody, at Dance, Dance time, I had so much fun listening to the music. So much fun that I think I'm going to listen to some more. (He puts the headphones on and listen to the music, while singing.) Dance, Dance. Do, do, do, do, do. Ba, da, ba....
Anthony: Lachy, it's time to say goodbye to everybody.
Lachy: Sorry?
Anthony: It's time to say goodbye to everybody.
Lachy: Bye, everybody.
Anthony: Bye, everyone.
Simon: Bye, everybody.
Emma: Bye.
Simon: Bye, bye.
Lachy: Bye.
(4 colour sliding out transition to the song: Dance, Dance. A scene where The Wiggles are singing a dance mix tune called "Come on Down to Wiggle Town" at the Wiggle Town Dancing Police Force. While, the officers are dancing to some special dance moves.)
Wiggles: (singing) Dance, dance
Lachy: (singing) Doo-doo-doo-doo
(with Emma, Anthony & Simon singing.) Doobey-doo-wah
Dance, dance
Dah, dah, dah, dah, bah, dah, dah
Bah dah dah dah dah
W-I-G-G-L-E Town
Dance, dance
(A blue circle closes out transition to the end credits are rolling. While the second part of Dance, Dance, Do the Propeller! & Shake Your Hips with Wags the Dog is playing in the background.)
Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Come on down to Wiggle Town
Wiggles: (singing) Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
W-I-G-G-L-E Town
Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Doo, doo, doo
Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Lachy & Simon: (singing) Let's all go town Wiggle Town
Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town
Wiggles: (singing) A great place to be.
Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all doing the airplane actions.)
Wiggles: (singing) Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're going down and down and down and down
Emma & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop, freeze
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
(Instrumental break to the part where they were all doing the airplane actions.)
Wiggles: (singing) Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Oh, yeah
Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up
Simon: (singing) We're down da-da down down da down down down
Emma & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up
Emma: (singing) And then we stop, freeze
Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Do the propeller
Do the propeller
Do the propeller around and around
Wags: Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) Shake our hips with Wags the Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) Put your hands up in the air
Point them down once you've got them there
Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) A-roo, doogie, doo, doo, doo
Simon: (singing) Now we're singing it too
(with the other Wiggles singing.) You can sing it too
Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Wiggles: (singing) Now Wags is digging, watch Wags dig,
Wags: Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) We're all digging too...
Shake your hips with Wags the Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags the Dog
Emma: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wags: Woof!
Wiggles: (singing) A-roo, doogie, doo, doo, doo
Simon: (singing) Now we're singing it too
(with the other Wiggles singing.) You can sing it too
Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Wiggles: (singing) Now Wags is digging, watch Wags dig, we're all digging too...
Wags: Woof! Woof! Woof!
Emma: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Wiggles: (singing) It's Wags the Dog!
Wags: Woof!