This is the transcript for Dance With Emma.
(The episode starts with a song: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle. A scene where The Wiggles and their friends are on a ferris wheel showing their names.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you
(The title is shown. Until, shot transition to Simon, Anthony & Lachy are making breakfast in the Wiggly kitchen.)
Lachy: Mmm! Mm-mm-mm-mm! My avocado smash is smashing, tasty and healthy, too.
Anthony: Oh, good to see you're enjoying your breakfast, young fella. I was so hungry, and now I'm enjoying my breakfast too. These vegetables are delectable, washed down with a beautiful hot cup of black coffee. (He chuckles.) Of course!
Simon: Well, my omelette is fluffy and yummy too. This is a breakfast grand, I tell you.
Emma: (She arrived in the Wiggly kitchen, while holding yellow things.) Oh, Wiggles! So good that you're enjoying your breakfast. They say it's the most important meal of the day. I've already eaten mine. I was up early, gathering some yellow items for you to see.
Lachy: Well, what have you got there, Emma?
Emma: Some of my favourite yelllow items. Have a look. (She's showing some yellow items.) A lemon, cut and squeezed. Flavours all my food, if you please.
Simon: What other yellow items of interest, Emma?
Emma: Well, there's a corn on the cob I'll cook later for tea. And a rubber ducky for the bath, do you see? And a yellow balloon, just for fun. And this is a painting I did of the yellow sun.
Anthony: (He chuckles.) Emma, your favourite colour, yellow, is a fun colour!
Emma: Come on, Wiggles. Have a a yellow time with me! (The Male Wiggles are wearing in their yellow outfits.)
Simon: I am a yellow fellow!
Lachy: Call me "Mellow Yellow". (He falls asleep.)
Anthony: Yellow? What fun! But look! Lachy's asleep. Come on. Let's wake him up. Are you ready? 1, 2, 3. (with Emma & Simon.) WAKE UP, LACHY! (Lachy blubbers, while waking up.)
Emma: (She chuckles.) Come on, Wiggles. Have a a yellow dance with me.
(Shot transition to Emma's dance studio. Then, shot transition to the song: Dance With Emma. A scene where Emma is getting ready to have a dance with the dancers.)
Lachy: (singing) Emma, oh, dance with Emma
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Twirl around to the beat
Let the music move your feet
Lachy: (singing) Emma, oh, dance with Emma
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Dancing brings us so much joy
Like a veggie stir fry with some soy
Emma: (singing) Put your hands up in the air
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) In the air
Emma: (singing) Make a bow in your hair
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) In your air
Emma: (singing) Stand up high up on your toes
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) On your toes
Twirl around like the girl with a yellow bow
Emma: That's me!
Lachy: (singing) Emma, oh, dance with Emma
The Male Wiggles: (singing) Clap along if you feel
Slide across a banana peel
Lachy: (singing) Emma, oh, dance with Emma
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) She makes us smile from cheek to cheek
She keeps us dancing through the week
(Instrumental break; continued dancing)
Emma: (singing) Put your hands up in the air
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) In the air
Emma: (singing) Make a bow in your hair
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) In your air
Emma: (singing) Stand up high up on your toes
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) On your toes
Twirl around like the girl with a yellow bow
Emma: That's me!
(Shot transition to the Music Room. Until, it translates to Captain Feathersword is gonna make music to beatbox with Tiana.)
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Ahoy there, me hearties. I love to make music. Music is so much fun. Today, I'm gonna try and make some music just with my mouth. It's called beatboxing. Whoo-hoo-hoo! I just need to do a little bit of warming up first. Let's see. (He pushes a button to make sounds of a beatbox.) Whoo-hoo! It seems to be working! Oh, we've got our wonderful friend here, too, Tiana! And she's gonna do some hip-hop dancing. Yeah, hip-hop. Hip-hop. A-hippity-hop, hop, a hippity-hop. Whoo-hoo-hoo! So, here we go. Let's give it a try. (He presses a magic button to beatboxing music, while Tiana is doing some hip-hop moves.) Hoo-hoo! That was fantastic, me hearties! Well done, Tiana. Great dancing. You can try doing some hip-hop, hippity-hop-hop-hop dancing at home, or you can try doing some... (He beatboxes with his mouth.) ..beatboxing! It's great fun, either way! See you soon, me hearties. Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!
(4 colored rectangles sliding transition to Simon playing the trombone since when he was a little Wiggle.)
Simon: You can play lots of different types of musical instruments. You can play a guitar, the piano, the drums. But my favourite is the trombone. And I've been playing the trombone since when I was just a little Wiggle.
(singing) Woop-woop, woop-woop, woop-woop-woop-woop-woop, bop
(Shot transition to the song: Little Wiggles Theme. A scene where Lachy sings offscreen, while going back in time to see what they're younger.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen) Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses while she sang a song
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Bo, bo, bo, bo
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Lachy Irish danced, too-roo-loo-ra-lay
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Lachy Irish danced, Anthony played guitar and the bagpipes, too
(Bagpipes playing Scotland the Brave. Until, the title show up. Then, it translates to the song: Do the Skeleton Scat! A scene where Little Lachy is doing their special tap dance.)
(Piano solo)
Little Lachy: (singing) When you hear the swingin' beat swingin' song to bat
You know it's time to get in line, and do the skeleton skat
Emma, can you tap your feet to the tapping beat
Little Emma: (singing) I'll tap tap tap with my feet, and tap tap to the beat
(Tap solo)
Little Lachy: (singing) Simon, can you use your voice to make that low tone?
Little Simon: (singing) I'll sing my notes so low that they just sound like a trombone
Woop-woop, woop-woop, woop-woop-woop-woop-woop, bop
Little Lachy: (singing) Anthony, play the banjo. Let's hear those banjo strings
(Banjo solo)
Little Lachy: (singing) Now's the time, don't be shy, just use your voice and skat
When I count 1, 2, 3, Let's do the skeleton skat
1, 2, 3
Little Emma, Little Simon & Little Anthony: (singing) Bop-ba-dop-a-dop, bop-bop-a-dop-a-dop, bop-ba-dop-a-dop-boo
Little Lachy: (singing) Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, bop-shoobie-doobie-do-do
1, 2, 3!
Little Emma, Little Simon & Little Anthony: (singing) Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, Bop-shoobie-doobie-do, bop-shoobie-doobie-do-do.
(Piano solo.)
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the song: King of the Castle. A scene where Lachy dressed as a king & got a parcel.)
Lachy: (singing) I'm the king of the castle
And I've got a parcel
(in lisps voice) I'm the king of the castle
And I've got a parcel
(in high voice) I'm the king of the castle
And I've got a parcel
(in normal voice) I'm the king of the castle
And I've got a parcel
Baked beans!
(Shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Anthony who borrowed a book from the library.)
Anthony: I love reading. I borrowed this book from the library. It's a book about all about guitar playing. And, oh, it's an interesting book. I learned a new chord. (He strums a chord.) It's the D7 chord. I'll strum it and see what happens.
(A multi-coloured electric guitar transition to the song: I Went To The Library. A scene where The Wiggles jst picked their favourite books at the library.)
Wiggles: (singing) Book, book, book, book, book, huh
Simon: (singing) I went to the library got me a book
I went to the library got me a book
Well, the author is McMartin it's all about tartan
Wiggles: (singing) Tartan, tartan, tartan, tartan, tartan
Lachy: (singing) Ooh, I went to the library. I got me a book
I went to the library. I got me a book
Well, it's not about stilts, it's all about kilts
Wiggles: (singing) Kilts, kilts, kilts, kilts, kilts
Emma: (singing) I went to the library I got me a book
I went to the library I got me a book
Well, it's shaped in an arch and it taught me to march
Wiggles: (singing) March, march, march, march, march, huh!
Emma: Wiggles, reading this book by Madame LeStarch has inspired me to march. And she's left a little note here saying, "I am available for lessons. Just call this number." Gents? It's marching time. Lachlan, phone, please.
Lachy: Oh.
(Song: "Needing Help with Marching". A scene where The Wiggles told Madame LeStarch could come over & help with their marching.)
Emma: (singing) Hello, Madame
Madame LeStarch
Anthony: (singing) Marching specialist
Simon: (singing) We heard you're the best
Lachy: (singing) We need some help with marching
Emma: (singing) Just one little lesson
See you soon
(with Anthony, Simon & Lachy singing.) See you soon.
(The doorbell rings, until Madame LeStarch enters the Wigglehouse. herself) Oh, that was quick!
Madame LeStarch: (She marches.) Right, Wiggles! Arms up to the shoulders, point the thumb straight over the knuckle, chest out, tummy in, lesson over, and farewell. (She's marching leaving the Wigglehouse.)
Emma: Wow! Thanks, Madame LeStarch! We are now ready to march, and march we will. Come on, Wiggles. The Lion Rampant Pipes and Drums will be playing "The Glendaruel Highlanders".
Simon: Oh, you beauty! That's my favourite march.
Lachy: Don't forget, Wiggles. Arms up to the shoulder, point the thumb straight over the knuckles, chest out, tummy in, lesson over, thank you and farewell.
Anthony: Wiggles, left turn! (with Lachy, Simon & Emma turned left.) Wiggles, quick march! (with Lachy, Simon & Emma march.)
(Shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Then, the camera translates to Wiggle Park. Until, it translates to the song: I Love It When It Rains. A scene where The Wiggles, Madame LeStarch & the dancers were marching to the music to show their steps. After that, shot transition to the Wiggly Arena. Then, it translates to Fairy Chef Ryan who dressed as a chef who is serving The Wiggles some pumpkin pie before going the the Wiggly show.)
Fairy Chef Ryan: Well, Wiggles, I hope you enjoy the pumpkin pie. It's a fairy favourite. Guaranteed to give you the energy required for your Wiggly concert.
Anthony: Well, thanks, Fairy Chef Ryan! Don't mind if I do! (He laughs, until he's eating some pumpkin pie slices.) Mmm! You can never have too much energy. That's what I always say.
Lachy: Take it easy there, Hoss. You eat too much of anything, mate, and it can make you feel a little queasy.
Anthony: (He exhales.) Good advice, Lach. And in all seriousness, there were 1, 2, 3, 4 slices for 1, 2, 3, 4 Wiggles! But when I ate two, there's only two slices for four Wiggles. Well, uh, don't worry, guys. Uh... I won't have any more.
Simon: Actually, Chef Ryan and Wiggles, I'm not enamoured with the wonders of the pumpkinous pie. As beautifully prepared as it is, I will happily pass on the two slices to Emma and Lachy, the other two Wiggles.
Emma: (with Lachy.) Don't mind if we do! (herself.) Thank you, Chef Ryan.
Lachy: Oh, thank you, Chef Ryan.
Fairy Chef Ryan: Well, Wiggles, so glad you enjoyed the pumpkin pie. Simon, next time it's pecan for you.
Simon: You little beauty!
Anthony: (He looks at his wrist watch.) Oh, no!
Simon, Lachy & Emma: Oh, what?
Anthony: Oh, n-n-no!
Simon, Lachy & Emma: Oh, w-w-what?
Anthony: Ooh, no!
Simon, Lachy & Emma: Ooh, what?
Anthony: Well, we've been enjoying the culinary delights of the great Fairy Chef Ryan, not realising that the time has flown by and we'll be late for The Wiggles concert if we take the Big Red Car, which has an average speed of slow. We have to think of another way to get there.
Emma: (with Lachy & Simon.) Too right. (herself.) Well, my Bowmobile is not much faster. Guys, to save time, we could fly there. The only problem is, there's only two seats for four Wiggles in the plane.
Lachy: I know fairies!
Simon, Anthony, Fairy Chef Ryan & Emma: We all know fairies, Lachy!
Lachy: Oh, whoops. I forgot to put the pause in again. I know! Fairies to the rescue!
Simon: That is a great idea, Lachy. You know what? Maybe the fairies could take us the quickest way to the concert over the Wiggly sea.
Fairy Chef Ryan: Well, if it's over the seas you're going, the best way to bring fairies prepared for the seas is to play a sailor's hornpipe and dance one. They will hear it and turn up ready to take you over the seas to the Wiggly concert.
Simon: Anto, mate, do you know a sailor's hornpipe you can play on the bagpipes to get us all in the nautical mood?
Anthony: (He puts a plate down & stands up.) Sure do. The bagpipes are ready. Wiggles, Fairy Chef Ryan, off you go. I'll play some great tune and lovely hornpipe called the "Irish Washerwoman". Off you go, guys. Don't forget the table, Lachy. Ooh, can't be too prepared. (Simon, Lachy, Emma Fairy Chef Ryan are putting the table away.) Great idea for Simon, and from Chef Ryan. I really do know a great old hornpipe. (He picks up a bagpipes.) It's called the "Irish Washer". (Dominic & Oliver arrives.) Hey, look who's turned up! It's wonderful! His banjo's here. Fairy Ollie! And, of course, the dancing sailor fairy, Dominic. Guys, come on, Ollie. Let's play for The Wiggles to dance to, and, of course, Dominic. Let's do the old hornpipe they call the "Irish Washer".
(Song: Irish Washerwoman. A scene where Dominic is doing a sailor's hornpipe dance with Emma, Fairy Chef Ryan, Lachy & Simon are doing their sailor's hornpipe dance with the dancers come out, while Olvier Brain plays on a banjo. After that, they give a round of applause.)
Emma: Oh, thank you so much, fairies. We need a trip over the Wiggly sea to get us to the concert in time. How about another sailor's hornpipe to get us over the Wiggly sea musically?
Fairy Chef Ryan, Lachy, Simon & Wiggly Sailor: Too right, Emma!
(Song: Crossing the Minch. A scene where Anthony plays the bagpipes, while, the sailor dancers, Simon & Fairy Chef Ryan are dancing to the Sailor's Hornpipe. Then, Simon singing vocalizing to his tune in a normal tone. Emma, Lachy & the sailor dancers are dancing to the instrumental music of the Sailor's Hornpipe. Next, Simon singing vocalizing to his tune in a high tone. Emma, Lachy & the sailor dancers are dancing to the instrumental music of the Sailor's Hornpipe for the big finish. Finally, Simon singing vocalizing to his tune in a normal tone & they leading to the Wiggly concert. After that, Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the song: Henry's Dance. A scene where filming at the Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne on December 3, 2016 to perform DANCE DANCE! The Wiggles BIG SHOW!)
Emma: But right now, come on, everyone, let's all say, "Hi, Henry!"
Simon: Hi, Henry!
Henry: Oh, hi, everyone! Come and have a dance with me, Henry the Octopus!
Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
A very special friend, to me.
Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.
Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
Henry: I have a special dance, for you to see.
Wiggles: Bah-bah-bah-bah-dah
Simon: (singing) Tell us now, Henry,
what we all should do
Tell us now, Henry,
we want to dance like you.
Henry: Clap your hands, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) above your head, (Wiggles: Come on, gee)
And you sway, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) from side to side. (Wiggles: Come on, gee)
Start to bob, (Wiggles: Business) up and down, (Wiggles: Up and down)
Now let's spin, around and round.
Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
A very special friend, to me.
Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.
Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
Henry: I have a special dance, for you to see.
Wiggles: Bah-bah-bah-bah-dah
Simon: (singing) Tell us now, Henry,
what we all should do
Tell us now, Henry,
we want to dance like you.
Henry: Clap your hands, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) above your head, (Wiggles: Come on, gee)
And you sway, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) from side to side. (Wiggles: Come on, gee)
Start to bob, (Wiggles: Business) up and down, (Wiggles: Up and down)
Now let's spin, around and round.
Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
A very special friend, to me.
Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.
Simon: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,
The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)
Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me
Wiggles: Bah-bah-bah-bah-dah
Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me.
Wiggles: Bah-bah-bah-bah-dah
Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with ME!
Wiggles: Gee, come on!
Emma: Henry!
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the end credits are rolling.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you