"Dance a Cachucha!" is the sixteenth episode of Series 3.
Dorothy tries out some tap dancing classes. Anthony has a working bee in his workshop!
Network Wiggles News[]
Dorothy is in a dance studio. The kids are learning to tap dance. Dorothy dances with the kids to "Watching The Waves" as they learn new dance steps. When Dorothy takes it back to Greg, Greg has some sink faucets in his hands tap dancing to "Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car" on his reporter's desk.
- Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (theme song)
- Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?)
- Watching The Waves (heard in the Network Wiggles News segment)
- We're Dancing With Wags The Dog
- Dance A Cachuca
- Testing, One, Two, Three
- Anthony's Workshop
- The Wiggle Bay CD track of "Watching The Waves" is heard during the Network Wiggles News segment.
- Four of the songs in this episode were also used in the episode "Everybody's Dancing", but in a different order. The instrumental reprise of "Swim Like A Fish" also appeared in that episode, instead of "Dance A Cachuca".
- This episode aired on Playhouse Disney after the Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas DVD was released in America.
Alternate titles[]
- Tap Dancing Class, Leaf Rubbing, High Jump (Playhouse Disney title)