Captain Feathersword: Oh. Ahoy there, me hearties! And welcome to Network Wiggles. (Looks at the green door) In just three seconds time, The Wiggles will be coming through this green door right here. One, two, three!
(The Wiggles enter through the blue door, Captain Feathersword falls over and the Wiggles introduce themselves as they run)
Jeff: I'm Jeff!
Murray: I'm Murray!
Greg: I'm Greg!
Anthony: I'm Anthony!
Captain Feathersword: Hey! Wait for me! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! (He chases after them)
(Shot transition to the Song: Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?))
Greg: Alright, everybody, let's all get ready to point our fingers and we'll do the twist. Here we go.
(singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: Everybody's twisting, Greg.
Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: We're all doing the twist.
Wiggles: (singing) Well, we're gonna go up, then go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: What's next, Greg? what's next?
Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Murray: Oh boy, that's hard.
Greg: (singing) Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Murray: Shaky, shaky.
Wiggles: (singing) Well, we're gonna go up, then go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you stand on one foot and shake your hands?
Anthony: What's next, Greg? What's next?
Greg: (singing) Well, can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Jeff: Pointy, pointy, pointy.
Greg: (singing) Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
Anthony: I'm doing the twist really fast, Greg
Wiggles: (singing) Now we're gonna go up, then go down
Get back up and turn around
Can you point your fingers and do the twist?
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Greg while the News Theme plays in the background then it fades to Greg talking about Dorothy teaching some tap dancing class)
Greg: Hello, and welcome to Network Wiggles News. Today, Dorothy the Dinosaur visited a tap dancing class. Let's see what she got up to. Dorothy? Dorothy.
(Shot transition to Dorothy holding a microphone to interview about our tap dancing class while the Song: Watching The Waves is playing in the background)
Dorothy: (holding a news microphone) Thank you, Greg, and hello, everyone. I'm having a tap dancing lesson. Just watch.
Greg: (singing) At Wiggle Bay
Watching the green seaweed float
Watch it all day, floating away
All of the children laugh
Dorothy: I think the others have been learning a bit longer than me. I have to step and clap and tap my heels and my toes.
Greg: (singing) Watching the waves roll in
Watch them all day at Wiggle Bay
(Instrumental break where Wags' playing with a conker shell & it sounds so beautiful)
Dorothy: I hope I get it right. Now we're doing something different. I'd better watch the teacher. I've learned a whole dance. I like tap dancing. But now it's back to you, Greg. (giggles as they're waving to each other)
(Shot transition to Greg using some faucets to do some tap dancing while singing his favourite song)
Greg: (singing) Toot toot, chugga chugga Big Red Car... Just doing some tap dancing. Well, now it's time for the weather with Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: (He's holding his weathersword.) Thanks, Greg. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Ahoy there, me hearties. Well, after some wonderfully, warm weather. My magic weathersword tells me we're in for a lullaby of leaves. A lullaby of leaves? What's a lullaby of leaves?
(Song: Weather, Weather, Weather. Then, a lullaby of leaves falling through the sky & landed down to the ground.)
All: (singing) Weather, weather, weather
Weather, weather, weather
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Wow. A lullaby of leaves. Ho-ho! Back to you, Greg.
Greg: Oh. Well done, Captain. (He laughs) Let me take a leaf out of your book. (Then he uses a leaf) Well, now it's time for the sports report. Let's cross to the high jump. (He looks up. And he looks down)
(Shot transition to The Wiggly Friends are doing the high jump.)
Dorothy: So, we got to go over. OK.
Henry: High jump. Who's first?
Wags: Oh.
Dorothy: Whoa.
Henry: Who's first?
Wags: (He barks)
Dorothy: Jump.
Henry: I am. (Then he goes to the stick and misses) Uh. Uh-oh.
(Then Wags goes over the stick)
Wags: Ruff.
(Then he jumps over the stick)
Henry: Good try.
Dorothy: Nearly, Wags.
Captain Feathersword: Oh!
Henry: And now, it's Dorothy's turn.
Dorothy: Here I go. Whee.
(Then she skips to the stick)
Henry: Skipping up to the. Skipping. Uh.
Dorothy: Oh, no.
Henry: Let's try that again, Dorothy.
(Then she is limboing under a stick)
Dorothy: I'll go under instead.
Henry: (He laughs)
Dorothy: That's better. Yeah. See. Easy.
Henry: And Dorothy's limboing instead of jumping over the high jump. (Then the Captain jumps behind the stick) Here goes the Captain. Whoa.
(Then he does a somersault near the stick)
Captain Feathersword: Yay! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Henry: And the somersault as well.
(Then she runs near the stick)
Dorothy: Good one, Captain. Here I go.
Wags: Oh.
Henry: No.
Dorothy: I don't know. It's a bit high.
(Shot transition to Greg finished the high jump)
Greg: Excellent sports report there. Wonderful stuff. Well, that's Network Wiggles News for today. I'm Greg Wiggle. And remember. When you're wiggling, the whole world Wiggles, too.
(He is wiggling his fingers. Then he gets up. Then he does the limboing under the Captain. Shot transition to a cartoon picture of The Wiggles in it when Joseph Field & Dominic Field are making their announcement to solve the problem about The Wiggles are driving in the Big Red Car while putting on the lights)
Joseph Field: And now, a Wiggly Community Service Announcement.
Ryan Jago: Are you driving? Trees blocking out the sun? Hard to see? Getting dark? Put on the lights. This has been a Wiggle tip, brought to you by Network Wiggles.
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Anthony, while the song clip of Anthony's Workshop plays in the background. Then, it translates to Anthony & the kids are doing leaf rubbing)
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a workshop with Anthony.
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Hello, everyone. Welcome to Anthony's Workshop. Today is lots of fun. We're doing... leaf rubbing. All you need some leaves, and some crayons, and some paper. You put the, uh, leaf under the paper. And then you rub, with a crayon. As you can see. Hannah's working hard. She's already done of, uh, a few leaves. Different colors. And. Serena. What are you up to now? Have you already done a few leaf rubbings? Red.
Serena: Red one. Uh.
Anthony: Orange.
Serena: Orange.
Anthony: And.
Serena: Green.
Anthony: A green one. So, I wonder. Which color you'll do now. A pink one. (While she scribbles the crayon) That's wonderful. Well done. Rubbing. Rubbing. Rubbing. (Then a paper scribbles the leaf) Here we go. And when does the leaf. Is the leaf starting to show itself now, Matthew, on the paper? Yeah. There we go. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonderful. And Georgie. Now, tell us about what you've done.
Georgie: Um. I've done a tree with. Um. Tree leaves.
Matthew: I love it.
Anthony: Fantastic.
Georgie: Oh. Look at them.
Anthony: Everybody. Georgie has decided, not so much to leaf rub. But, to, uh, draw the leaf, and with flowers, and the sun and the sky. That's beautiful work. And all inspired by the leaf.
Serena: OK.
Anthony: Everybody, leaf rubbing's lots of fun. Try it at home some time. Until we see you again next time on Anthony's Workshop. Bye bye.
Greg: (singing) Anthony's Workshop.
(with Murray & Jeff singing.) It's a working bee.
(Shot transition to The Wiggles are walking in a circle. While the instrumental track for Wiggly Sports Theme is playing in the background. Shot transition to Anthony and Dorothy are dancing)
Anthony: Everybody, it's lots of fun dancing with Dorothy the Dinosaur. But, here's a chance right now to meet another friend of ours. It's time to dance with Wags the Dog.
(Shot transition to the Song: We're Dancing With Wags The Dog a scene where The Wiggles start dancing and Wags could do the actions.)
(Wags barking)
Greg: (singing) Let's shake our hips with Wags the Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dog
Put your hands up in the air
Point them down once you've got them there
Skip along like Wags would do it, dancing with Wags The dog
Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Greg: (singing) Now we're singing it too
Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Greg: (singing) Now Wags is digging, and we're all digging too...
Shake your hips with Wags The Dog
Turn your head and groove along
Shake your hands and move your knees, we're dancing with Wags The Dogp
Wags: Ruff Ruff Ruff...Ruff Ruff
Now we're singing it too
Wags: Ruff, Ruff, Ruff...Ruff, Ruff
Now Wags is digging...and we're all digging too...
Wags: Ruff!
(Shot transition to a picture of cartoon Captain Feathersword, while the song clip of Captain's Magic Buttons. Then, it fades to Murray & Captain Feathersword about pressing their buttons about the movies.)
Wiggles: (singing) Captain's magic buttons.
He's got half a dozen.
Let's him sing in different ways.
Captain Feathersword: Whoo ho! Here we go!
Murray: Hey, everyone. It's Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate. Let's all say, "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. Whoa-ho!
Murray: Hey, Captain. Guess what?
Captain Feathersword: What's that?
Murray: I've just been to the movies.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh.
Murray: It's great fun.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Murray: And it's given me an idea. I thought. With the help of your magic buttons.
Captain Feathersword: Oh.
Murray: You could become. Characters from movies.
Captain Feathersword: Wow! What a great idea, Murray. Yeah.
Murray: But. We need our friend's help. Uh. Can you think of a character from a movie you're from?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah. A character from a movie. Yes.
Murray: Oh. Oh. Ah, yeah. That's a good idea.
Captain Feathersword: Yeah.
Murray: Captain. How about a talking donkey?
Captain Feathersword: A talking. (Murray pushes the donkey button) Oh! (He kneels down on the ground. Then he makes a donkey sound)Ooh! Hello. Look at that. Look at that.
Murray: (He laughs. Then he presses the donkey button to stop) I like that, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Murray: Captain. Uh. Huh. We need another idea.
Captain Feathersword: Um. Um.
Murray: Oh, oh. Oh, that's a good one. Yes. So. Uh. Why not, a cowboy from a Western movie?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, a cowboy from a movie.
(Then Murray presses the cowboy button)
Murray: Here we go.
Captain Feathersword: (Then he uses his Western accent) Well, howdy partner. Mighty fine to see you out here in this neck of the woods. (Then he presses the cowboy button to stop) Ha-ha.
Murray: I like that, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh.
Murray: We need another idea, though.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Murray.
Murray: Oh, oh. Yes. There's some out, idea out here. Great idea. A space alien.
Captain Feathersword: Space alien.
Murray: Yeah.
(Then he presses the space alien button)
Captain Feathersword: (He uses his high voice for the space alien)
(Then Murray presses the space alien button to stop)
Murray: Ha-ha. That's great. Oh, Captain. Oh, that's a really good one. How about, uh, a villainous king.
Captain Feathersword: Oh. A villainous king. OK. (Then Murray presses the villainous king button) Oh. (He laughs) Hoo. Thank you. Thank you very much.
(Then he laughs. Murray presses the villainous king button to stop)
Murray: I love the movies.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
(Shot transition to the kids are waving. While the instrumental track for Wiggly Sports Theme is playing in the background. Shot transition to the Song: Dance A Cachuca a scene where Captain Feathersword is dancing in the water while The Wiggles & Wiggly Mascots are gonna dance & sing together)
Dorothy: (singing) Dance a cachuca
Fandango, bolero
Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero
Wiggles: (singing) Tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances
Dorothy: (singing) The reckless delight of the wildest of dances
(Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) The clittler, clitter, clitter, clatter
(Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter
(Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter
(Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) And the clitter, clitter, clitter, clatter
Wiggles: (singing) Pitter, pitter, pitter
Patter, patter, patter, patter
Dorothy: (singing) Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero
(Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance)
Dorothy: (singing) The reckless delight of the wildest of dances
The wildest of dances, the reckless delight
Dance a cachuca
Fandango, bolero
Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero
(Wiggles: (singing) For tea, when it runs in abundance, enhances
The reckless delight of the wildest of dances)
Romp bomp a stomp, Manzanilla, Montero
(For tea, when it runs in abundance
Enhances the reckless delight of the wildest of dances
The reckless delight of the wildest of dances)
(Captain Feathersword: Wah hoo hoo! Oh, I love this dancing, Dorothy! Woo hoo hoo! Oh, dance a cachuca! Wah hoo!)
(Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) And the clitter, clitter, clitter, clatter
(Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter
(Wiggles: (singing) Clitter, clitter, clatter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Pitter, pitter, patter
(Wiggles: (singing) To the pretty, pitter, pitter, patter)
Captain Feathersword: (singing) And the clitter, clitter, clitter, clatter
Wah hoo ho!
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Murray while the Music With Murray theme it translates to Murray, Alfonso and the kids are making their sound effects)
Anthony, Jeff & Greg: (singing.) Mu-mu-music with Murray
Greg: (singing.) Yes, everyone
(They were making a bird sound)
Murray: (He laughs) Hi everyone. Welcome to Music with Murray. We've got our oscilloscope here. It's showing us the sound waves. And we've got a special friend today. This is Alfonso.
Alfonso: Ciao.
Murray: Now, Alfonso is going to help us with the story. (While he is whistling) You know. Sometimes. You can use music and sounds, to make the story more interesting. This story, is about a bird. (While they were making a bird sound) We'll be birds. That's the way. This story is about a bird, who was a long, long, long way from home. And he was missing his family. And so he decided to go back, and try to find his family. He went flying over the mountain. (While he makes bird sounds) Very high. He went flying down low. He went flying across a big lake. (While he was making bird sounds) Then he got really, really tired. He was tired of flying. Uh. (Then he tweets while he is sad) The poor bird. And then he heard. A train coming. (Then he makes a train sound with a harmonica) So, he decided to catch the train. He got on the train. Here comes the train. What's all these trains? The train went up a big hill. (He pretends to make the train go slowly) It went very slowly up the hill. Then over the top of the hill. And down the other side. (He pretends to make the train go fast) Finally. The little bird, looked out the window of the train. And he could see his family. The bird saw his family. And he went flying to his family. Let's all fly around like birds. (They were making bird sounds)That's the way. Lots of great birds. (He laughs) And that's the end of the story. Thanks, everyone. I hope you had fun. Music with Murray. Bye bye.
Anthony, Jeff & Greg: (singing.) Mu-mu-music with Murray
Greg: (singing.) Yes, everyone
(Shot transition to the Song: Testing, One, Two, Three.)
Greg: (singing) Testing,
(with The Other Wiggles singing) testing
Greg: (singing) One, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Greg: (singing) Testing,
(with The Other Wiggles singing) testing
Greg: (singing) One, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Greg: (singing) Sing, sing, sing a song
To the rock 'n' roll microphone
Oh yeah
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
To the swinging saxophone
Sing, sing, sing along
To your favorite opera tune
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there.
(with The Other Wiggles singing) Testing,
Captain Feathersword: one, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Captain Feathersword: Woo hoo hoo
(with The Other Wiggles singing) Testing,
Captain Feathersword: one, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Sing, sing, sing along
To the rock 'n' roll microphone
Captain Feathersword: Oh yeah yeah
(with The Other Wiggles singing) Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet
To the swinging saxophone
Sing, sing, sing along
To your favourite opera tune
(The Wiggles are dressed up as opera singers since they sing an opera voice.)
Greg: (singing) Testing, one, two, three
Testing, one, two, three
Greg: (singing) Testing, one, two, three
Testing, one, two, three
Greg: (He is speaking through microphone but very hard.) Testing, one, two, three, test, one, one, two, who, who, huh, huh, yeah, yeah, hey, hey, huh-huh!
Greg: (singing) Testing,
(with The Other Wiggles singing) testing
Greg: (singing) One, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Greg: (singing) Testing,
(with The Other Wiggles singing) testing
Greg: (singing) One, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
(Captain Feathersword is trying to talking through the microphone but it doesn't work.)
Anthony: Captain, your microphone doesn't seem to be working.
Captain Feathersword: Oh no, Anthony, I don't know what's wrong.
Anthony: Well Captain, you have to turn your microphonic equipment on. Turn the switch on.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there! Woo-hoo-hoo, it's working!
(with The Other Wiggles singing) Testing,
Captain Feathersword: one, two, three
(with The Other Wiggles singing) One, two, three
Wiggles: (singing) One, two, three
One, two, three
One, two, three
One, two, three
Captain Feathersword: (He's speaking through the microphone.) Whoa-ho-ho! This is the best microphonic device I've ever used.
(Shot transition to a cartoon picture of Jeff sleeping in his bed, while the song clip of Where's Jeff? plays in the background. Then, it translates to Anthony and Captain Feathersword are gonna play a game in this quiz show when Jeff falls asleep while watching a sporting event.)
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
Murray: (offscreen) And here's your host, Anthony Wiggle.
Anthony: G'day. G'day, everybody. Hello. Welcome to Where's Jeff? The quiz show where we ask the question. Where is Jeff? And to help us with the quiz show. We have our wonderful friend. The good Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: (He is humming)
Anthony: Let's all say "Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword." Ahoy there, Captain Feathersword.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. Hoo-hoo.
Anthony: Captain, it's great to see you.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Anthony: Are you ready to play Where's Jeff?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, absolutely, Anthony. Love it.
Anthony: Well. Well, Captain At the speed of a startled gazelle. Make your way to the quizmatron.
Captain Feathersword: Whoosh.
(Then he jumps to the X)
Anthony: Fantastic. Captain. Let's play Where's Jeff?
Captain Feathersword: OK, Anthony. Now, let's see. Um. Is he on the land or on the sea?
Anthony: He's on the land, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, on the land. Um. Is he by himself, Anthony?
Anthony: (He laughs) No. He's with lots of people.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh. He's with lots of people. Uh. Are those people enjoying themselves, Anthony?
Anthony: Oh, they seem to be cheering. So they're having a great time, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I see.
Anthony: You're doing well.
Captain Feathersword: Cheering. Um. Well, people like to cheer at sporting events, Anthony.
Anthony: Captain, you're getting warm.
Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo. I think that Jeff's fallen asleep in a crowd of people watching a sporting event.
Anthony: Captain, that's exactly right. You did it.
Captain Feathersword: Whoa-ho.
Anthony: (He laughs)
Captain Feathersword: Excellent!
Anthony: Hey, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah.
Anthony: He's still asleep. We better wake him up. Are you ready, everybody? 1, 2, 3. (with Captain Feathersword and the crowd) Wake up, Jeff!
(He wake up while wiggling)
Anthony: Hey. (Then Jeff goes to the sporting event and leaves. Then he laughs) Well, it looks like Jeff's ready to play some sport himself. Well, everybody. Until we see you again. It's time to say goodbye from Where's Jeff? (with Captain Feathersword) Bye bye.
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
Anthony: (singing) Is he sleeping outside?
Greg, Murray & Anthony: (singing) Where's Jeff?
(Shot transition to the song: Anthony's Workshop A scene where Joseph is gonna see happened at his workshop in the arts and crafts room while Anthony puts on an apron when The Wiggly Friends are painting or making something)
Joseph: Let's see what's happening in Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Hi, everyone, welcome to Anthony's workshop
Make yourself at home and don't forget you might need and apron
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Come on, everybody, let's make something
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) Where everybody is ha-a-ppy
Anthony: I hope so
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a working bee
Greg: (singing) You can make anything that you want to
A collage or a montage, too
You can try a painting
Anthony: You'll need an apron too
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a working bee
Anthony: Now what would you like to do today?
Oh, okay, yep, we can do that
We can do that too
Ha ha, we can do anything in Anthony's workshop
Come on, everyone.
Greg: (singing) You can do things with water
With feathers
With sand an clay as well
You can try a mosaic
Anthony: You might need an apron too
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a workshop with Anthony
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
Anthony: Hi, everyone, let's make something
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) Where everybody is ha-a-ppy
Anthony: Whoo-whee!
Greg: (singing) Anthony's workshop
(with Murray & Jeff singing) It's a working bee
(Shot transition to Murray, Anthony & Greg are waving to the left side except Jeff is waving to the right side then it translates to Dorothy & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to each other during the Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! instrumental track is playing in the background.)
Dorothy: I've had such a Wiggly time here today. Hope you had, too.
Anthony: Oh, yeah, it was...
Wiggles: Fun-tastic!
Anthony: Ci vediamo!
Murray: Oh, see you later!
(Closing camera transition to the endboard of a purple background)