This is the transcript for Dancing Is So Much Fun.
(The episode starts with a song: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle. A scene where The Wiggles and their friends are on a ferris wheel showing their names.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you
(The title is shown. Until, shot transition to the song: Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car. A scene where The Wiggles are riding in the Big Red Car outside while waving to each other.)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
Emma: (singing) Simon's in the back seat
Simon: (singing) la la la. Laaaaaaaaaaaa!
Emma: (singing) Simon's in the back seat
(with The Professional Wiggles singing) Of the Big Red Car
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
Simon: (singing) Lachy's fast asleep
Though the road is rocky
We better wake him up, so let's all
Call out "Wake Up Lachy!"
(with Emma & Anthony: Wake Up Lachy!)
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
Lachy: (singing) Anthony is eating
He's eating so much food
He's eating apples and oranges
(with The Awake Wiggles singing) And fruit salad too!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Emma is doing the driving
Emma: (singing) "Scooby doo ah"
The Professional Wiggles: (singing) Emma is doing the driving
(with Emma singing) Of the Big Red Car!
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long
Wiggles: (singing) Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big red car
We'll travel near and we'll travel far
Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car
We're gonna ride the whole day long.
(Shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Captain Feathersword, Oliver Brain, Lachy & Anthony are playing the music to do a Highland Fling with their instruments.)
Lachy: Come on, boys, let's all get this music together so Dougie and the Highland dancers are inspired to new heights of dancing.
Anthony: Great idea, Lach. I've got my small pipes which have a beautiful mellow sound and they're right in tune with the six stringed banjo that Oliver Hanjo is going to play. And of course you've got your piano there, Lachy.
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo! Oh me hearties, I'm going to play the old low-sounding bass guitar so it gives it a little more rhythm. Yeah.
Lachy: OK, boys. Well, let's run though "The Road To The Isles" for Dougie and the Highland dancers, ready? A one, a two, Anto wears blue.
(They all play the last part practice for The Road To The Isles (Do The Highland Fling) with instruments.)
(Lachy: (singing) Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
Bow to the king
You've danced the Highland Fling.
Oh great run-through guys. The dancers should be here any minute now. (The doorbell rings, until Emma, Dougie & the Highland dancers arrived at Wigglehouse.) Wow. That must be Dougie and the Highland dancers right now. Oh, guys, "Road To The Isles". A one, a two, a violets are blue.
(Song: The Road To The Isles (Do The Highland Fling). A scene where Emma is gonna show the others are doing their special Highland Fling dance.)
Emma: (singing) Bow to the king, begin the Highland Fling
There's a dance from Scotland
That is called the Highland Fling
Up on your toes, make sure a smile you bring
(Banjo solo.)
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
(Banjo solo.)
Up on your toes, make sure a smile you bring
(Banjo solo.)
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
With a spring in your step
Your hands form like a stag
This surely is a dance that has it all
(Banjo solo.)
Dance by yourself or at a Highland ball
(Banjo solo.)
This surely is a dance that has it all
(Banjo solo.)
Dance with your friends or at the Highland ball
(Instrumental break on bagpipes.)
Here we go.
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da-da
The Scottish dance they call the Highland Fling
Bow to the king
You've danced the Highland Fling.
Anthony: A big thank you to the wonderful Dougie and his Highland dancers. (Emma counts her fingers.) Emma, why are you counting?
Emma: Well, I can see you, Anthony, and Lachy and there's me, but there's one Wiggle missing from our Highland dance party. Who's missing?
Captain Feathersword, Anthony, Lachy, Dougie & Highland Dancers: Simon.
Emma: Oh, you're right. But where is Simon?
Lachy: Oh, sorry, we didn't mention earlier, Emma. Simon has gone to have fun with "Camille Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals". He said today is a big elephant and a tiny mouse are joining the fun.
Anthony: Come on, Emma and Dougie and the dancers. Let's have a look at the "Carnival of the Animals". (He's using a remote to turn the TV on.)
(It fades into a scene where the circus tent called, Camille Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals. Until, it translates to The Elephant, (Where Is That Mouse?).)
Lion: Roar.
Donkey: Hee-haw.
Tortoise: Yoo-hoo.
Rooster: Cock-a-doodle-doo.
Simon: Came across an elephant.
Elephant: (trumpeting)
Simon: Lumbering along, trunk swinging side to side.
Elephant: Up on my trunk. Who wants to go for a ride?
(singing) Look, there's a mouse!
Look, there's a mouse!
Look, there's a mouse!
Look, there's a mouse!
Mouse, mouse, mouse!
Where is that mouse?
Simon: Elephant, Lion, Rooster, Donkey, Tortoise on their way
to the carnival of the animals that very day.
(Shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Emma who loves to dance with Dougie & the Highland dancers.)
Emma: You know, dancing is so much fun. Why don't we dance on more Highland Fling together?
Anthony: Oh, great idea, Emma. Come on, guys, let's rock "Louden's Bonnie Woods and Braes". (with Captain Feathersword, Emma, Lachy, Dougie & Highland Dancers.) Hooray!
(Anthony plays on a bagpipes for the song: Louden's Bonnie Woods and Braes. A scene where Emma, Dougie & the Highland dancers could have one more dance, while Captain Feathersword, Anthony, Oliver Brain & Lachy are playing their instruments.)
Emma: I bet Henry, Dorothy, and Wags would love to have a dance with us, too. Has anyone seen our friends lately? Oh, you have. That's right, they're having fun in Wiggle Town. Let's see if we can spot them.
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the song: Everybody's Here. A scene where The Wiggly Friends arrive, while The Wiggles are inviting their friends to Wiggle Town.)
Lachy: (singing) Everybody, I just saw
Dorothy the Dinosaur
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Hi, everyone.
Lachy: (singing) Eating roses, dancing round.
That's what I saw.
Everybody, I can see
Henry in the deep blue sea
Henry: Whoa! Hello, everyone!
Lachy: (singing) With his underwater band.
That's what I see.
Simon: (singing) So come with me.
We'll see the Wiggles' friends
Doing what they love to do.
Don't you?
Emma: (singing) Captain's going to the sale
To buy his ship a brand new sail.
Hope that brand new sail won't fail
Bought from a sale.
(Instrumental break to Emma & Captain Feathersword are dancing to an Irish jig.)
Simon: (singing) So come with me.
We'll see the Wiggles' friends
Doing what they love to do.
Don't you?
Lachy: (singing) Everybody, stop and stare.
Wagsy, he's got scruffy hair
Wags: Woof, woof, woof!
Lachy: (singing) Having dreams of eating bones.
He's got scruffy hair.
Emma: (singing) Everybody, come with me.
We'll see our friends so full of glee
Doing what they love to do
So happily.
(Shot transition to the Wigglehouse. Until, it translates to Emma is having a teddy bear tea party in the Wiggly Kitchen.)
Emma: Oh, hello there. I'm having a little high tea party with my beautiful furry teddy named Eddy. I love chamomile tea. Mm-mmm. (She sips some chamomile tea.) Delicious. Eddy the teddy prefers English Breakfast. Don't you Teddy? (Eddy sips some chamomile tea.) We both love our nut free macarons. Look at this one, Teddy. (She takes a bite of a nut free macaron.) Mmm. (Eddy takes a bite of a nut free macaron & she sighs.) High tea finished, Teddy. That was absolutely delightful. Thank you so much. Well, it's now time to clean up and stack the plates for washing up a little bit later. We'll leave the macarons here for Lachy, Simon, and Anthony to enjoy a little bit later. Right, Teddy. It's a good time to groom your lovely fur. It's looking a little bit wild and woolly.
(She uses a hairbrush to brush Eddy's fur, while singing.) You gotta get a brush and brush your ted's hair.
Ooh. Eddy, this fur is a bit hard to brush. I don't want it to force it. Eddy, I just had an idea. How about we take a trip to the Singing Barbers of Wiggle Town and they can style your fur any way you like and sing a song at the same time. (She puts a hairbrush down.) Would you like to visit them for a furcut? Oh. How wonderful.
(Shot transition to The Singing Barbers of Wiggle Town. Until, it translates to Emma & Eddy enters, while The Singing Barbers quartet are singing acapella.)
Simon: (He's singing acapella.) Hello.
Paul: (He's singing acapella.) Hello.
Lachy: (He's singing acapella.) Hello.
Jackie: (He's singing acapella.) Hello. (with others singing acapella.) Young lady and your teddy bear.
Paul: (He's singing acapella.) Take away the T and it's... (with others singing acapella.) Eddy bear!
Emma: Indeed it is. Eddy the teddy bear.
Simon: (He's singing acapella.) So who is having a haircut? You or the teddy bear?
Emma: Eddy the teddy bear is having the haircut today, please.
Jackie: (He's singing acapella.) What style would you young Eddy like?
Emma: Oh, let me check. (Eddy asked her.) Good idea, Eddy. Eddy the teddy bear says he'd like to have a Julius Caesar haircut today.
Lachy: (He's singing acapella.) One Julius Caesar coming up right now, but first a song.
(Lachy blows a single note in A during the song: Rock-A-Bye Your Bear. A scene where the Singing Barbers are gonna have Eddy a haircut.)
Lachy: (singing, while Paul, Simon & Jackie gets to do the actions for the backing vocals.) Everybody clap
Everybody sing
(la, la, la, la, la)
Bow to your partner
And then you turn around
Hands in the air
Rock-a-bye your bear
Bear's now asleep
Bear's now asleep
Everybody clap
Everybody sing
(la, la, la, la, la)
Bow to your partner
And then you turn around
Hands in the air
Rock-a-bye your bear
Bear's now asleep
Bear's now asleep
Emma: (Eddy looks through the mirror.) Wow. Eddy, it looks beautiful. Are you happy? Well, I'm happy too. Thank you, barbers.
Simon: (He's singing acapella.) No problem.
Paul: (He's singing acapella.) No problem.
Lachy: (He's singing acapella.) No problem.
Jackie: (He's singing acapella.) No problem.
Paul: (He's singing acapella.) Take away the N and it's... (with others singing acapella.) O problem.
Emma: Indeed it is. (with Eddy & the Singing Barbers laughing.)
(Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to Anthony gets to be in a part of this old man since when he was a little Wiggle.)
Anthony: Do you like nursery rhymes? I love nursery rhymes. You know my favourite nursery rhyme in the whole world is "This Old Man". "This old man, he played one he played knick knack on my drum with a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone, this old man came rolling home." And whenever The Wiggles sing "This Old Man", for some reason, I play the part of "This Old Man". Even when we were really young I was still "This Old Man". Lots of fun dressing up.
(Shot transition to the song: Little Wiggles Theme. A scene where Lachy sings offscreen, while going back in time to see what they're younger.)
Lachy: (singing offscreen) Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses while she sang a song
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Bo, bo, bo, bo
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Lachy Irish danced, too-roo-loo-ra-lay
Let's go back in time when The Wiggles they were younger
Emma wore her glasses, Simon played trombone
Lachy Irish danced, Anthony played guitar and the bagpipes, too
(Bagpipes playing Scotland the Brave. Until, the title show up. Then, it translates to the song: This Old Man. A scene where Little Anthony dressed as an old man & he gives a bone to a puppy.)
Little Lachy: (singing) This old man, he played one
He played knick knack on my thumb
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Simon: (singing) This old man, he played two
He played knick knack on my shoe
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Emma: (singing) This old man, he played three
He played knick knack on my knee
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Lachy: (singing) This old man, he played four
He played knick knack on my door
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Simon: (singing) This old man, he played five
He played knick knack on my hive
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Emma: (singing) This old man, he played six
He played knick knack eating chips
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Lachy: (singing) This old man, he played seven
He played knick knack up to heaven
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Simon: (singing) This old man, he played eight
He played knick knack on my gate
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Emma: (singing) This old man, he played nine
He played knick knack on my spine
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home
Little Lachy: (singing) This old man, he played ten
He played knick knack once again
With a knick-knack-paddy-whack give a dog a bone
(with The Other Little Wiggles singing.) This old man came rolling home.
(4 colored rectangles with music notes sliding transition horizontally transition to the song: Dorothy Pas De Deux. A scene where filming at Qudos Banks Arena, in Sydney on December 19, 2015 to perform The Wiggles BIG SHOW! & CinderEmma.)
Dorothy: Hi, everyone. Hello, over there. Hi, Wiggles.
Wiggles & Captain Feathersword: Hi, Dorothy.
Anthony: Dorothy, welcome to beautiful Sydney. Now Dorothy, if I asked you what you like best in the whole world, what would you say?
Dorothy: I love roses.
Anthony: Well, lots of people have brought you roses. Everybody, thank you if you brought roses for Dorothy.
Dorothy: Thank you.
Anthony: Can you do us a big favour? Hold those... Stay where you're sitting but hold the roses up and show Dorothy the beautiful roses. Let;s see all the beautiful roses.
Dorothy: Aren't they beautiful roses?
Anthony: And there are so many of them. And if you've got the dog bones, hold those up, too, everybody. If you've got bows for Emma, hold those up. And if you've got hair care products for Lachy, hold those up too.
Dorothy: (She giggles.)
Anthony: Now everybody, I'll tell you what we're going to do. We're going to go collect and collect. In the meantime it's time to dance with Dorothy.
Emma: Dorothy dances the prehistoric ballet. Her favourite dance, the Pas de Deux. Try it.
(singing) Dorothy pas de deux
Dance with me.
Dorothy dances the arabesque, sedately.
(singing) Dorothy pas de deux
Dance with me.
Chasse, battu, Dorothy! Tree bien, tres bien!
Wiggles: (singing) La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Thank you Dorothy
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Thank you Dorothy
Emma: (singing) Dorothy pas de deux
Dance with me.
Chassé, arabesque, Dorothy D Dinosaur.
(singing) Dorothy pas de deux
Round you go.
Demi-pliés, Dorothy, and beautiful spring points.
Wiggles: (singing) La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Thank you Dorothy
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Emma: Ah. Merci.
Wiggles: (singing) Dorothy pas de deux
Dance with me.
(The audience applauses. Until, Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle! logo transition to the end credits are rolling.)
All: (singing) Wiggle!
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Doo doo-doo doo-doo
(backing vocals: Ahhh)
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
Wiggle, Wiggle with you