Captain Feathersword doing the Owl
Greg playing the yellow Maton electic guitar
Yellow Maton electric guitar
Captain Feathersword and Ryan
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
Murray playing the red Maton electic guitar
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
The Awake Wiggles and the Wiggly Dancers
The Other Wiggly Humans and the Wiggly Dancers
The Wiggly Dancers' roller skates
Jeff and Captain Feathersword
2003 live (Wiggly Safari Tour)
Jeff sleeping in the Big Red Boat
Ryan, Greg, Anthony, Lucy and Brett
The Wiggles in the Big Red Boat
Anthony, Greg, Lucy and Brett
Ryan, Anthony, Murray and Lucy
The Wiggles in the Big Red Boat
Ryan, Greg, Anthony, Jeff, Lucy and Brett
Anthony, Murray, and Greg
The Wiggles, Ryan, Lucy and Brett
Anthony, Greg, Lucy and Brett
Ryan, Anthony, Lucy, Brett and Murray
Henry introducing "Do The Owl"