

This is the transcript for Do the Hawk!.


(The episode starts with an opening sequence when Anthony, Emma & Lachy are opening the Wigglehouse door, while greetings to the viewers.)

Anthony: Hello there. Welcome to the Wigglehouse. Today is upside-down Lachy day.

Emma: (Anthony strums his guitar, Simon & Captain Feathersword are holding Lachy to make it upside down, while singing.) Welcome to the Wigglehouse

(with the Male Wiggles & Captain Feathersword singing.) To the Wigglehouse

Welcome to the Wigglehouse today.

Welcome to the Wigglehouse

To the Wigglehouse

It's Ready, Steady, Wiggle all day.

Captain Feathersword: Wow-how! (Emma wiggles her fingers.)

(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!

(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)

(Shot transition to the part where Emma introducing Lee Hawkins A.K.A. the Hawk.)

Emma: Everyone, we'd like you to meet a friend of ours, Lee Hawkins. And we call him the Hawk. G'day, Hawk.

Lee: Hello, Emma. And hello, everyone. I'm happy to be here all the way from North America.

Emma: And speaking of North America, Lee Hawkins is our honorary North American orange-wearing Wiggle.

Lee: And it's an honour to be an honorary Wiggle.

Emma: (She chuckles as she gives thumbs up with Lee Hawkins.)

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the song: Do the Hawk. A scene where Lee Hawkins dressed up as a hawk or a bird.)

Wiggles(singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K!

Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk!

Simon: (singing) Is that a bird or a plane flying in the sky? (hi hi hi hi hi)

People look up in awe as he passes by (hi hi hi hi hi)

Lee: (singing) When you hear the squawk, you know you've seen the Hawk! (yeah, yeah!)

Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K!

Lee: (singing) Lift your wings and do the Hawk!

Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk!

Lee: (singing) I want to see you, I want to see you, yeah!

Fly! Fly! Come on now!

Simon: (singing) Hawk flapped his wings and came down from the sky (hi hi hi hi hi)

Taught everyone in town how to dance the fly (hi hi hi hi hi)

Lee: (singing) So while your ready to squawk, let's all do the Hawk!

Wiggles: (singing) Step out! Lift your wings and do the Hawk! H-A-W-K

(They repeated 6 times, while Lee Hawkins could repeat it too. But then, after the song finishes, 4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to the segment called "Dorothy the Dinosaur Interviews", while D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur) is playing in the background.)

Wiggles & Kids: (singing) D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. she's my favourite dinosaur.

Dorothy: (She giggles.)

(Opening camera transition to Dorothy & the kids are talking about painting their pictures.)

Dorothy: I really like painting, except the trouble is, I can never decide which colour to use first.

Chloe: Pink.

Dorothy: Pink! Is that your favourite colour?

Chloe: And blue.

Dorothy: What about you, Cooper, what's your favourite colour?

Cooper: Orange.

Dorothy: Wow! That's a good colour too. Now, if you were to do a painting, what do you think you would paint?

Chloe: A horse.

Dorothy: A horse? Wow! What sound does a horse make?

Chloe: Neigh!

Dorothy: (She giggles.) Well done. Cooper, what would you paint?

Cooper: A house.

Dorothy: A house? Wow! What would it look like?

Cooper: With a chimney.

Dorothy: A chimney! That sounds great. Now that was fun. Let's go do some arts and crafts.

(Opening circle transition to the kids are painting their pictures with their paintbrushes, while Miss Lucy Had a Ducky instrumental track is playing in the background. Until, a picture of four things & colors transition to the song: Sur le Pont d'Avignon. A scene where Emma is singing a song about Mimi who dances on the bridge of Avignon.)

Emma: (singing) Sur le pont d'avignon

L'on y danse, l'on y danse

Sur le pont d'avignon

L'on y danse tous end rond

(She's speaking in French.) Ah, danse, danse! Bienvenue, tout le monde.

Wiggles: (singing) On the bridge of avignon

They are dancing

They are dancing

On the bridge of avignon

They are dancing all around

Emma: (She's speaking in French.) Danse, danse! Bonjour.

(singing) Sur le pont d'avignon

L'on y danse, l'on y danse

Sur le pont d'avignon

L'on y danse tous end rond.

(Lachy's door closes. Then, Simon's door opens transition to Professor Simon & Captain Feathersword talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "J".)

Simon: Today's letter of the alphabet is the letter "J" or "j".

Captain Feathersword(He makes squelching noises of a jellyfish.)

Simon: That's right, Captain. "Jellyfish".

Captain Feathersword: Hoo-hoo-hoo! Juicy, jiggly jellyfish!

Simon: Oh, Captain! (He's making squelching noises of a jellyfish with Captain Feathersword.)

(Simon's door closes. Then, Anthony's door opens transition to the segment called: "Live at Wigglehouse". Opening camera transition to the song: Michaud. A scene where The Wiggles, Captain Feathersword & Kendall are singing a song about Michaud who climbed up on an apple tree.)

Emma: Bonjour.

Kendall: Bonjour, Emma.

Emma: Ca va, Kendall.

Kendall: Ca va tres bien, merci. Et vous?

Emma: Bien, merci.

Kendall: Moi, je voudrais bien chanter un chanson avec vous.

Emma: (She's singing in French.) Michaud est monte dans un grand pommier,

Kendall: (She's singing in French.) Michaud est monte dans un grand pommier.

Emma: (She's singing in French.) La branche a casse,

Kendall: (She's singing in French.) Michaud est tombe.

Emma: (She's singing in French.) Ou donc est Michaud?

Kendall: (She's singing in French.) Michaud est sur les dos.

(with Emma singing in French.) Ah, releve, releve, releve,

Ah, releve, releve Michaud.

(with Captain Feathersword, Anthony, Lachy & Simon singing in French.) Ah, releve, releve, releve,

Ah, releve, releve Michaud.

Simon: (singing) Michaud climbed up the apple tree

Emma & Kendall: (They're singing in French.) Michaud est monte dans un grand pommier.

Simon: (singing) The branch, it did break,

Emma & Kendall: (They're singing in French.) Michaud est tombe.

Simon: (singing) Oh, where is Michaud?

Emma & Kendall: (They're singing in French.) Michaud est sur le dos.

Simon: (singing) Ah, get up, get up, get up

Ah, get up, get up, Michaud

(with Captain Feathersword, Anthony, Lachy, Emma & Kendall singing in French.) Ah, releve, releve, releve,

Ah, releve, releve Michaud.

(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to Simon singing opera, while going to The Wiggles show.)

Simon: (He's singing opera.) We're on our way to The Wiggles show

It will be fun, don't you know?

At The Wiggles, Wiggles show!

(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to the song: Henry's Dance. A scene where The Wiggles are dancing with Henry the Octopus, while they're filming Australia Day in Sydney, Hyde Park in January 2014.)

Henry: Come and have a dance with me, Henry the Octopus.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Wiggles: Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah

Simon: (singing) Tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) above your head, (Wiggles: Come on, gee)

And you sway, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) from side to side. (Wiggles: Come on, gee)

Start to bob, (Wiggles: Business) up and down, (Wiggles: Up and down)

Now let's spin, around and round.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: I have a great dance, for you to see.

Wiggles: Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah

Simon: (singing) Tell us now, Henry,

what we all should do

Tell us now, Henry,

we want to dance like you.

Henry: Clap your hands, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) above your head, (Wiggles: Come on. gee)

And you sway, (Wiggles: Gee, come on) from side to side. (Wiggles: Come on. gee)

Start to bob, (Wiggles: Business) up and down, (Wiggles: Up and down)

Now let's spin, around and round.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

A very special friend, to me.

Wiggles: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.

Emma: (singing) Henry, The Octopus,

The Octopus, The Octopus (back voice)

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me

Wiggles: Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with me.

Wiggles: Dah-dah-dah-dah-dah

Henry: Thank you all for dancing, with ME!

Wiggles: Gee, come on!

Emma & Anthony: Henry!

Henry: Whoa! Come on, gee!

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)

Dorothy: What did we do today? We sang songs and danced together. We spoke about arts and crafts and sung "Michaud" in the French language. Oui, we did! And we heard about juicy, jiggly jellyfish in "Simon's Alphabet". We'll see you for more fun next time on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Bye!

(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Captain Feathersword & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)
