

This is the transcript for Doctor Entertainment.


(The episode starts with an opening sequence when The Wiggles are opening the Wigglehouse door, while greetings to the viewers.)

Emma: Hi! (with others.) We're The Wiggles! (herself.) I'm Emma.

Simon: I'm Simon.

Lachy: I'm Lachy.

Anthony: I'm Anthony.

Simon: And welcome, welcome, welcome to Wigglehouse. It's great to see you, everyone. Now, I love to play a game called "Simon Says". So let's play it together. Here we go. Simon says let's... (with Emma, Lachy & Anthony.) Ready, Steady, Wiggle!

(Opening camera transition to the song: Ready, Steady, Wiggle! A scene where The Wiggles & their friends are getting ready to wiggle this song. At the end, Patrick Munoz rides his little Big Red Car toy.)

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Lachy: (singing) Emma, Lachy, Simon and Anthony too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Emma: (singing) You can jump like a kangaroo!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

Simon: (singing) Dorothy, Wags and Henry too!

Wiggles: (singing) Ready, steady, wiggle!

and Captain Feathersword, woo-hoo!

(Emma: (singing) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, woo!)

(Shot transition to The Wiggles are reading a story in the Wigglehouse.)

Emma: And that was the end of the story.

Simon: (with Lachy clapping.) It's a great story, Emma.

Emma: Thank you. (She sits down a couch, while giving a book to Lachy.) Your turn, Lachy.

Lachy: Thank you. (He gets up off the couch to tell everyone a story.) Here we go. (He opens a & reads a book.) "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there..." (He looked at Simom & Emma sleeping on the couch.) Guys, wake up!

Emma: (She woke up.) Oh!

Simon: (He woke up.) Oh! Oh, sorry, Lachy. Uh, it's just, when you're reading a story, maybe you could brighten it up a bit.

Emma: Bit brighter.

Emma: Bit brighter, OK. (He reads a book, while brighten up.) "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were thr..." (He looked at Simom & Emma sleeping on the couch.) Not reading the story very well, am I? I'm going to ring someone for help. (He puts a book & picks up a phone.) Dr. Entertainment.

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Who is Dr. Entertainment? Will he entertain us? Or he will just phone it in?

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the song: Do the Propeller! A scene where Anthony plays his little drum, while The Wiggles are holding their flags & wearing top hats for the song.)

Wiggles: (singing) Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around

Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around

(Instrumental break to the part where they're all clapping.)

Lachy: (singing) We're going up and up and up and up

Simon: (singing) We're going down and down and down and down

Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up

Emma: (singing) And then we stop

Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh!

Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around

Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around

(Instrumental break to the part where Anthony & Captain Feathersword are helping with their arms to make it propellers & the other scene where Jeff is looking at Anthony. He saw a little drum playing.)

Wiggles: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up

Simon: (singing) We're down da-da down down da down down down

Emma, Anthony & Lachy: (singing) We're going up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up

Emma: (singing) And then we stop


Wiggles: (singing) Ahhhhhhh, whoo!

Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around

Do the propeller

Do the propeller

Do the propeller around and around.

(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to Anthony & Dorothy talking about the letter of the day. It was the letter "M".)

Dorothy: "M", or "mm", is for "melon".

Anthony: "M" is for "melon". (He takes a bite of a melon.)

Dorothy: (She gasps.) Anthony ate the melon!

Anthony: And the melon was magnificent. Mmmm! (He laughs.)

Dorothy: (She giggles.) Oh, Anthony!

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the Wigglehouse. While they're singing "In the Wigglehouse." Then, shot cuts to Lachy calls Dr. Entertainment on the phone.)

Lachy: Time to call Dr. Entertainment to put some zing into my reading.

(He dials the phone, while singing.) Dr. Entertainment

Emma: (singing) We need your help now

Lachy: (singing) With my reading

Simon: (singing) We're falling asleep.

Lachy: (singing) Please come and help me

Emma: (singing) Come and help Lachy

Lachy: (singing) With my story

Simon: (singing) Or we'll be snoring.

Dr. Entertainment: (Lachy puts the phone away. Then, he arrives in his hat.) I said. "Hey there, murder." No more calls, I've got to help somebody tell a story. Ha-ha! Who's the person who needs the help with the entertainment on the story?

Simon: It's Lachy.

Dr. Entertainment: Hang on a second there, Hoss. (He takes the hat off.) Take my had before I give you the gold. What's the problem?

Paul Field: (offscreen, until the trivia appears on the screen.) Can you be a Doctor of Entertainment? Where did the doctor get his hat? Where did he get his phone?

(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to the song: Say the Dance, Do the Dance. A scene where Captain Feathersword, The Male Wiggles are on the ocean, while Emma is gonna dance after they say the type of dances.)

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)

Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance

The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?

Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the whirly bird?)

Emma: (singing) I can do the whirlybird

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the whirly, whirly bird?)

Emma: (singing) Watch me do the whirly bird

(with The Male Wiggles singing) The whirly bird

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you stand like a statue?)

Emma: (singing) I can stand like a statue

The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you stand as still, as still as a statue?)

Emma: (singing) Watch me stand like a statue,

(with The Male Wiggles singing) as still as a statue

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)

Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance

The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?

Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)

Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Can you do the belt, the belt buckle shine?)

Emma: (singing) I love the belt buckle shine

(with The Male Wiggles singing) The belt buckle shine

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) Say the dance, do the dance)

Emma: (singing) If you say the dance, I can do the dance

The Male Wiggles: (singing) If we say the dance, can you do the dance?

Emma: (singing) Come on let's give it a chance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The whirly bird)

Emma: (singing) The whirlybird

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)

Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The whirly bird)

Emma: (singing) The whirlybird

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) The belt buckle shine)

Emma: (singing) The belt buckle shine

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) We're saying the dance)

Emma: (singing) You're saying the dance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) You're doing the dance)

Emma: (singing) I'm doing the dance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) We're saying the dance)

Emma: (singing) We're saying the dance

(The Male Wiggles: (singing) You're doing the dance)

Emma: (singing) I'm doing the dance.

(4 coloured rectangles sliding transition to Anthony talking about going to a Wiggly concert.)

Anthony: Have you ever been to a concert? Lots of fun. Oh, yeah. There's lots of people in the audience. And they sit down and they watch the performers on stage singing and dancing, or maybe circus performers juggling. It's lots of fun. Well, we're about to go to a Wiggles show, so come with us and let's have some fun at The Wiggles concert. (He's wiggling his fingers.)

(4 coloured rectangles flipping transition to the song: Dr Knickerbocker (LIVE). A scene is filmed on March 14, 2013 at Revesby Workers Club.)

Simon: That's right, everyone. Let's all count to the number nine together. Ready? Here we go. (with others counting.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. (himself.) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine.

(singing) Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

All: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Simon: (singing) So let's get the rhythm of the feet

Anthony: Whoa!

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

Anthony: You ready?

All: (singing) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Simon: (singing) Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

All: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

All: (singing) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Anthony: Try this, everybody.

Simon: (singing) Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

All: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hands

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

All: (singing) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Simon: (singing) Doctor Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine

All: (singing) He likes to dance and he keep in time

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the head

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the head

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hands

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hands

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the hips

Anthony: Huh, huh!

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the feet

All: (singing) Now we've got the rhythm of the feet

Simon: (singing) Now let's get the rhythm of the number nine

All: (singing) One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.

Simon: Everyone, give yourselves a big clap. Great counting to the number nine. Well done, everyone!

Captain Feathersword: Yeah.

(4 colored rectangles flipping transition to Lachy asking Dr. Entertainment to put some zing into reading.)

Lachy: Dr. Entertainment, please help me with my reading.

Dr. Entertainment: Yeah, no problems, lovey. What you need you to do...

Lachy: It's Lachy.

Dr. Entertainment: OK, lippy. Here's what to do. I need you to help everybody to stay awake by putting some zing into that reading. You're gonna be a star, my friend, star. (He's holding a golden star.) Listen, lippy, come with me.

Lachy: It's Lachy. (He leaves with Dr. Entertainment to help the solution.)

Emma: (with Simon sits down on a couch.) Gee, I hope Dr. Entertainment can help Lachy.

Simon: Oh, me too, Emma, me too. (with Emma.) Wow!

Lachy: (He arrives, while wearing a top hat & a coloured samba outfit with a funny accent.) Pass me the book-oh, Emino!

Emma: It's Emma. (She gives a book to Lachy.)

Lachy: Thank, Emino. You ready, Steve-oh?

Simon: Uh, Simon.

Lachy: (He reads a book.) "Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were three..." (He looked at Simom & Emma sleeping on the couch.) Oh, well, Dr. Entertainment couldn't help me after all.

(9 rectangles covered the screen, until the logo pops up transition to Dorothy talked about what we learned today in the epilogue part.)

Dorothy: What did we do today? We sang songs and danced together and enjoyed "Anthony's Alphabet". Lachy had trouble reading his story with any excitement and so sought help from Dr. Entertainment. But things don't always go to plan and that's OK. Lachy's story had a novel approach. (She chuckles a bit.) I'll see you next time on Ready, Steady, Wiggle! Goodbye!

(Shot transition to the end credits are rolling, while Wags & The Wiggles are waving goodbye to the screen, during Ready, Steady, Wiggle! instrumental track is playing in the background. After that, the endboard is showing.)
