

This is the transcript for Dogs, Cats, Bunnies and Fish.


(The episode starts with a Wiggle Town location of a cartoon version. Until, the song: Come on Down to Wiggle Town the short version. It appears their names in the opening sequence.)

Lachy: (singing) There's a town called Wiggle Town

What a place to be

Emma: (singing) Come on down to Wiggle Town

Wiggles: (singing) A great place to be

(After the song is finished, it shows the title card. Then, opening camera transition to the song: Welcome to Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles introducing themselves, until Wags who can scratch some fleas.)

Wiggles: (singing) Hello and welcome to our Wiggle Town

Simon: You look great!

Anthony: You sure do.

(with Lachy, Simon & Emma singing.) Take a look around

Wags is scratching fleas

Scritchy, scratchy, scratch.

(Wags scratches some fleas with The Wiggles.)

Here in Wiggle Town.

Dorothy: (offscreen) Two Fine Gentlemen.

(It translates to the Two Fine Gentlemen sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Two Cuddly Cats. A scene where Emma holding a book to tells about some 2 people who can meow like a cat.)

Emma: (singing) Two cuddly cats met in a lane

Bowed most politely, bowed once again



Wiggles: (singing) Meow, meow, meow again.

Dorothy: (offscreen) The Music Room.

(It translates to the Music Room sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Brush Your Pet's Hair. A scene where Lachy & Emma are singing a song about brushing our pet's hair, while Simon gives a brush his toy bunny.)

Emma: Hair disaster. We need to brush the pet's hair!

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Brush (Brush)

Brush (brush)

Gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

If you've got a pet it's looking kind of scruffy

Maybe it's in disguise and go on being really fluffy

Say no (No) Say whoa (Whoa)

You gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

Lachy & Emma: (singing) It's not fair, fair, fair, fair

Take some care, care, care, care

Brush with flare, flare, flare, flare

You gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

You've walked your pet in the sun in the park

Now you're home and you've noticed in the dark

You pet is sitting down and looking kind of scruffy

And you definetly know that it's not being fluffy

It's not fair, fair, fair, fair

Take some care, care, care, care

Brush with flare, flare, flare, flare

You gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

You gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

You gotta get a brush and brush your pet's hair

No fleas.

Dorothy: (offscreen) Two Fine Gentlemen.

(It translates to the Two Fine Gentlemen sign transition. Then, shot cuts to the song: Two Swimming Fish. A scene where Emma holding a book to tells about some 2 people who can swim like a fish.)

Emma: (singing) Two swimming fish met in a lane

Bowed most politely, bowed once again

(She blubbers.)

Simon: (He blubbers.)

Wiggles: (They're blubber like a fish.)

(Opening camera transition to the song: Goodbye from Wiggle Town. A scene where The Wiggles & Wags are saying goodbye to our favourite place called Wiggle Town at the end of the show, while the end credits are rolling.)

Wiggles: (singing) It's goodbye from Wiggle Town

It's goodbye from Wiggle Town.

(Shot cuts to the endboard is shown.)
