The Wiggles in the Big Red Car
Captain, Lucy, Ben, and Caterina
Anthony on the Wiggly Phone
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
The Wiggles and Professor Singalottasonga
"Wiggle your hips just like that."
Jeff, Greg, Anthony, and Henry
"Wiggle your hips just like that."
"Wiggle your hips just like that."
Double Feathersword transition
"On the Goodship Feathersword"
"Oh, we're taking a trip"
"On the Goodship feathersword"
Captain watching the sunset
"Sailing Around the World"
Captain Feathersword and the pirate crew mopping
Professor Singalottasonga greeting the pirate crew
Professor, Lucy, and Captain
Professor, Ben, Lucy, and Captain
Professor, Caterina, Ben, Lucy, and Captain
Professor, Elefterious, Caterina, Ben, and Lucy
Professor, Elefterious, Caterina, and Ben
Professor Singalottasonga
Professor on the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Professor at the Sydney Harbour Bridge
Professor, Ben and Caterina
Professor at Sydney Harbour
Professor Singalottasonga singing
"Up here, you can see for miles"
Professor Singalottasonga in deleted scene
Captain Feathersword in deleted scene
Captain, his crew, and Professor confused that they're still inside.
"Oh, I mean inside. I forgot."
"We have to wave goodbye. See ya."
Captain, his crew, and Professor waving goodbye in a deleted scene
The Wiggles Logo transition
Greg introducing "Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles!"
The Wiggles Logo on curtain
Larissa, Murray, and Brett
"Lights, Camera, Action,"
Captain Feathersword and Brett
Captain Feathersword and Leeanne Ashley
Captain Feathersword dancing
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
The Wiggly Friends and Sam Moran
Captain, Anthony, and Wags
The Non-realistic Wiggly Group
Wags, Anthony, and Murray
The Wiggles Logo on curtain
"Bre-Bop! Let's all go to Wigglehouse! Yoop!"
Anthony tells Greg he's got a problem
Anthony says he can't remember the sound of the guitar
Greg says he can't remember the sound of the drum
Anthony suggests Jeff can help them
"Thanks for waking me up."
"I just can't remember what sound the guitar makes."
"I just can't remember what sound the drum makes."
Jeff playing air accordion
"I can't remember what the accordion makes."
"Where can we turn to? Who can we turn to?"
"Hey, guys. Having trouble remember the sounds of musical instruments?"
Murray suggesting to do a musical quiz
Anthony asking Murray about a musical quiz
"I'll just turn my clothes into something more spectacular."
"I now declare the musical quiz open."
Murray cutting the ribbon
Greg and Anthony playing trumpets
Murray leading a musical quiz
Murray giving the instructions
Anthony wiggling his hips
Murray showing the 3 instruments
Murray gives the final instructions
Murray playing Maton acoustic guitar
Murray playing piano accordion
Jeff says its a piano accordion
Greg says he has a question
Greg tells about his idea
Greg singing "Rock-a-Bye Your Bear" in a-capella
Murray says it's Greg's voice
Greg congratulates Murray
"This is the best royal quiz I've ever had."
Greg introducing "Bow Wow Wow"
The Wiggles and Captain Feathersword
Franko, Larissa, Ryan, and Lucy
Brooke, Dean, Manuella and Pepe
Murray playing his red Maton electric guitar
Franko, Larissa, and Ryan
Simon, Dean, John Paul and Seamus
Jeff playing his red Starry Keyboard
Brooke, Carla, and Manuella
Larissa, Ryan, Lucy, and Skally
Anthony introducing "Dorothy's Dance Class"
Dorothy introducing Brett and Larissa
Dorothy's Dance Class: Ballet
Brett and Larissa ballet dancing
Jeff introducing "Hot Potato"
The Opposite Wiggly Group