

This is the transcript for Dorothy's Birthday Party.


Greg: We've got a videotape of Dorothy the Dinosaur's 5th birthday party. Let's all watch it now. Sofia, would you start the tape please?

(Sofia presses the play button to start the video up.)

Greg: Oh. Hi, everybody. We're the Wiggles. I'm Greg.

Murray: I'm Murray.

Anthony: I'm Anthony.

Greg: And this is Jeff. (He is spotting Jeff falling asleep.) Oh, no! Jeff's falling asleep and it's such a special day today. We've got a lot of things to do. We should wake Jeff up. So when I count to three, let's all say, "Wake up, Jeff". (with Anthony & Murray.) 1, 2, 3. Wake up, Jeff!

(Jeff wakes up, while blubbering & stands up.)

Anthony: Jeff, are you awake now?

Jeff: I'm awake now, Anthony.

Anthony: Great! We want you to be awake, Jeff. It's such a special day today. It's Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday. She's turning 5. Let's have 5 claps for Dorothy. (They're all claps five times with the other Wiggles.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. That's great.

Greg: Now we're having a surprise birthday party for Dorothy. So we must be very careful not to tell her about the party or we might ruin the surprise. Now we're just getting everything ready for the party. (He points to the presents.) We've got the presents here.

Anthony: OH, NO!

Greg, Murray & Jeff: OH, WHAT?!?

Anthony: I forgot to get Dorothy a present!

Greg, Murray & Jeff: Oh no!

Anthony: Oh, what will I do? Oh, I know! I'll get her a hat and I'll decorate it. (He leaves.)

Greg: Great idea. So we've got the presents here and our friend Lucy Fixit is helping us decorate. Hi, Lucy.

Lucy Fixit: Hi, everyone.

Greg: So we've got the presents and we've got the decorations. The only thing we haven't thought about is a birthday cake.

Jeff: Greg, I made a cake for Dorothy.

Greg: You've made a cake? Wow!

Jeff: I'll go and get it now, Greg. (He leaves to get the birthday cake.)

Greg: Okay.

Murray: (He is holding invitations.) I got the invitations. (He gives an invitation to Greg.) There's one for Greg.

Greg: Thank you, Murray.

Murray: (He gives an invitation to Lucy.) There's one for Lucy.

Lucy Fixit: Thanks, Murray.

Murray: (He shows other invitations.) There's one for Captain Feathersword, one for Jeff and one for Anthony. And you're all invited too.

Jeff: (He arrives, while holding the birthday cake.) Wiggles, here's the cake I've made for Dorothy. I'll just put it over here.

Greg: (He's spotting Dorothy coming.) Oh look! Here comes Dorothy the Dinosaur! (He places invitation is his pocket.)

Jeff: I better hide the cake!

Murray: I'll hide the presents! (He places a green sheet over present stack.)

Greg: Okay, hide everything. Now remember, let's not tell Dorothy about the surprise party, okay?

(Dorothy the Dinosaur arrives.)

Wiggles & Lucy Fixit: Hi, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Hi, everyone. Do you know what special day it is today?

Murray: Oh yes.

Jeff: It's your birthday today.

Wiggles & Dorothy: Happy birthday, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Are you going to give me a... birthday party?

Greg: A birthday party? Oh no, no, no, Dorothy. (The others making their shushing motions.) We didn't even think about a party. Sorry.

Dorothy: (She's feeling very sad.) Oh, how sad. I think I better go to the garden and water the roses then.

Greg: Aw, there, there, Dorothy. (He's patting her back.) It'll be alright. (He's making a sneaky grin to the viewers.)

Dorothy: Greg, do you have a handkerchief I could borrow?

Greg: A hankie? Yes I do, Dorothy. (He takes out handkerchief from his pocket.) There it is, Dorothy. There you go.

Dorothy: Thanks, Greg.

(But more handkerchiefs come out from Greg's pocket revealing that they were leading to a pair of underwear. Murray, Jeff, and Lucy gasp.)

Murray: UNDIES?!

Greg: OH! I better have those back. Thanks, Dorothy. (He takes hankies back from Dorothy & leaves while putting them behind a wall.)

Dorothy: (She's sadly.) Goodbye everyone. (She leaves.)

Murray, Jeff & Lucy: Bye, Dorothy.

(Greg arrives back.)

Jeff: I don't think Dorothy knows about the surprise party. It's still a secret.

Lucy Fixit: (She is seeing someone else coming.) Oh look! I can see someone coming.

(Captain Feathersword arrives. (Notice that Anthony came back dressing up as this pirate character.))

Murray: It's Captain Feathersword the Friendly Pirate.

Murray & Lucy: Hi, Captain Feathersword.

Captain Feathersword: Hello, me hearties. Hello, everybody. I'm Captain Feathersword, the Friendly Pirate. Argh!

Murray: (He is showing an invitation.) Captain Feathersword, I got an invitation for you for Dorothy's birthday party.

Captain Feathersword: (He holds invitation, after Murray gives it.) Oh, great!

Murray: Do you think you can come?

Captain Feathersword: Oh yes! I love parties. I love to dance and oh, I love the music. Oh boy.

Lucy Fixit: Captain Feathersword, have a look at all the colourful decorations that we've put up here.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, wow! The decorations! I love decorations!

Lucy Fixit: (She is grabbing Captain.) And look! Over here, we've got (She unfolds a green sheet.) Dorothy's presents.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, they're beautiful presents! I love presents.

Lucy Fixit: (She is grabbing Captain.) And over here, we've got a delicious birthday cake.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, I love birthday cake.

Greg: Yes, it's a great cake, isn't it, Captain Feathersword? Jeff baked it himself but don't you eat any because it's for Dorothy.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yes. I won't eat any.

Murray: Captain Feathersword, we're just going over here to write on Dorothy's birthday card. We'll see you at the party.

Captain Feathersword: See you at the party, me hearties.

(Greg, Jeff & Lucy unfold the green sheet & Greg takes out the birthday card.)

Murray: (to viewers.) Now we all know how much Captain Feathersword loves to eat birthday cake. Can you tell us if he tries to eat the birthday cake?

(Captain Feathersword starts eating the birthday cake.)

Greg: (to viewers.) He's what? He's eating the birthday cake? Okay! We'll have a look then!

(The Wiggles & Lucy looks at Captain Feathersword. But, he disappears.)

Lucy Fixit: Captain Feathersword's not eating the birthday cake. He's not even there.

(Captain Feathersword comes up waving with cake all over his face & continues eating the birthday cake.)

Greg: (to viewers.) Are you sure? All right, we'll have one more look then.

(The Wiggles & Lucy looks at Captain Feathersword again. Greg & Lucy gasp.)

Murray: Captain Feathersword, are you eating Dorothy's birthday cake?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no. I wasn't eating the cake.

Greg: Captain Feathersword, you got cake all over your face.

Captain Feathersword: All over my face? Well, I... (He is looking at his face covered with cake & laughing.) So I have! Well, I don't know how that got there. I won't eat any more cake. No.

Greg: All right, Captain Feathersword. We'll finish writing on the birthday card and we'll see you at the party.

Captain Feathersword: See you at the party, me hearties.

Jeff and Lucy Fixit: Bye.

(Captain Feathersword takes away the birthday cake, while leaving.)

Greg: (to viewers.) He's doing what? HE'S TAKING THE BIRTHDAY CAKE?!? We better have a look then!

(The Wiggles & Lucy notices that the birthday cake is gone while gasping in surprise.)

Lucy Fixit: (She groans.) Now, the cake's gone! Did Captain Feathersword really take the cake? Oh, dear!

Jeff: I know! I can bake another cake.

Greg: Jeff, it's too late to make another cake, Jeff. What can we do?

Lucy Fixit: I've got an idea! Well, we all know how Captain Feathersword really loves parties and he really loves music. So if we start the party, he'll hear the music and he'll bring the cake back to us.

Murray: Great idea!

Lucy Fixit: It's worth a try.

Murray: Let's call Dorothy the Dinosaur inside.

Wiggles and Lucy Fixit: Dorothy, come inside!

(Dorothy arrives back.)

Dorothy: Well, here I am. What did you want?

Murray, Greg & Jeff: Surprise! (with Lucy Fixit.): It's your birthday party!

(Murray arrives back playing his guitar when the song starts playing.)

Murray: It's Dorothy the Dinosaur's birthday party. She's 5.

Greg: (singing) Well, you know about Dorothy the Dinosaur

But that's not the end of the tale.

When I tell you what happened on her birthday

I know it'll make you turn pale.

It happened on a very special day

When Dorothy was turning 5

There's 100 ding-a-ling dinosaurs

In the garden doing the jive.

Well, it's Dorothy's Birthday Party

Everybody's playing party games

Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp through the roses we stomp

The garden will never be the same.

Well, Dorothy's friends The Wiggles

Were giving her a big surprise.

And Lucy was hanging her streamers

On her ladder way up high.

(Captain Feathersword arrives back with the birthday cake under his hat.)

There was Captain Feathersword the pirate

Taking Dorothy's cake.

I hope that he doesn't eat it all up

Or he'll get a belly ache.

Well, it's Dorothy's Birthday Party

Everybody's playing party games

Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp through the roses we stomp

The garden will never be the same.

Yes, it's Dorothy's Birthday Party

Everybody's playing party games

Romp-Bomp-a-Chomp through the roses we stomp

The garden will never be the same. Cha-cha-cha!

Captain Feathersword: Oh, what a great party! What great music!

Greg: It worked! Yes, it's great music, isn't it, Captain Feathersword? But do you know where Dorothy's birthday cake is?

Captain Feathersword: Oh, no. I don't know where the cake is.

Wiggles, Lucy Fixit & Dorothy: Oh yes, you do.

Captain Feathersword: Oh no, I don't.

Wiggles, Lucy Fixit & Dorothy: Oh yes, you do.

Captain Feathersword: Oh no, I don't.

Lucy Fixit: (She is very crossly.) Captain Feathersword, the cake is underneath your hat.

Captain Feathersword: Under my hat? Oh, I'll have a... (He is feeling cake under his head.) Ooh! Well, there is something there. (He takes a birthday cake off his head.) Oh, it is the birthday cake! Oh! Well, I'll put it back here for you, Dorothy. There you go, me heartie. (He puts a birthday cake back on the table & puts his hat back on.) Oh, boy. Look, I'd love to stay at the party, but I gotta go back to my pirate ship and mop the deck, hoist the main sails and all that pirate stuff. Bye-bye, Dorothy. Happy birthday. Bye-bye, everyone. (He leaves.)

Wiggles, Lucy Fixit & Dorothy: Bye, Captain Feathersword.

Greg: Well, I think it's about time we all gave Dorothy her birthday presents, don't you?

Jeff: (He pulls out a present from the box.) Okay, Dorothy. I hope you like my present. (He gives picture-book dictionary to Dorothy.)

Dorothy: (She's holding picture-book dictionary.) A picture-book! Jeff, and it's got dinosaurs on it too. Thanks, Jeff.

Murray: Dorothy, here's my present. (He pulls out a present from another box.) It's a necklace. (He puts necklace around Dorothy's neck.)

Dorothy: It's lovely, Murray. My favourite colours too.

(Anthony arrives back holding a hat, that he decorated.)

Anthony: Dorothy, here's my present. I decorated it myself.

Dorothy: And it's got lovely roses on it too. Thanks, Anthony.

Greg: (to viewers.) Well, it's been a great party and thanks very much for coming along. We'll see you next time. (He is waving goodbye.) Bye-bye.

Murray, Dorothy, Anthony, Jeff & Lucy Fixit: (They're waving goodbye.) Bye-bye.

(A scene fades in to everyone's sleeping, except Jeff that he is awake.)

Jeff: Hey that was great! That was really good... (He's confused.) What? They're asleep? Oh no, wake up, Wiggles, wake up! They always do this... (He is crossing his arms & shrugs.)
