

This is the transcript for Dorothy's Rosy Tea-Time.


(The episode starts with Anthony introduce himself, while Simon, Emma & Lachy are sitting on a couch doing the actions to the whirly bird.)

Emma: Welcome to the Wiggles' World. My name's Anthony. It's good to see you. (wiggles her fingers.)

(It transitions to the song: "The Wiggles' World Theme". A scene where The Wiggles & their friends appearing in the opening sequence.)

Lachy: (singing offscreen.) Wa wa wa

Wiggles World

Wa wa wa

Wiggles World

Wa wa wa

It's a world for everyone

Here in Wiggles World

Wa wa wa

Wiggles World

Wa wa wa

Wiggles World

Wa wa wa


(The Wiggles' World logo appears on the screen. Until, shot transition to the song: "Dorothy's Rosy Tea". A scene where The Wiggles are having some rosy tea with our good friend Dorothy.)

Emma: We are having a tea party with our dinosaur friend, Dorothy. Come on, let's all say, "Hi, Dorothy." (with Anthony, Simon & Lachy.) Hi, Dorothy.

Dorothy: Hi, everyone!

Simon: (singing) I'm picking a rose

A rose with pedals

To add to the kettle

The kettle that's special

The kettle we'll use

Let's not be forgetful

Of Dorothy's rosy tea

Lachy: (singing) I'm pouring the water into the kettle

The kettle with all of the rosy petals

To make them float and taste so zestful

For Dorothy's rosy tea

Anthony: (singing) I'm stirring the water in the kettle

The kettle that holds the rosy petals

The petals that bob around the utensil

For Dorothy's rosy tea

Emma: (singing) I'm serving the tea

The tea with the petals

The petals that float in the kettle

The kettle that's special and so essential

For Dorothy's rosy tea

Dorothy: (singing) I'm drinking the tea

The tea that's been stirred

It's stirred in the kettle which has the petals

The petals that float in the water

For Dorothy's rosy tea

And it's delishy! (giggles.) What are you all drinking?

Simon: Water and honey for me. (drinks.)

Lachy: Mm, well, lavender tea for me. (drinks.)

Anthony: My dear friend, spirulina smoothie for me. (drinks.)

Emma: Chamomile tea for me. We all like different drinks, but we come together and share. (drinks with Anthony, Lachy & Simon.)

(Shot transition to the Wiggly Arena. Until, it transitions the song: Super Anto. A scene where they filmed Wiggle Pop! Big Show in Canberra, on December 19th, 2018 at the Canberra Theatre Centre.)

Wiggles & Captain Feathersword': Super Anto!

Super Anto: I'm Super Anto, and I'm here to solve any problem with bagpipes.

Captain Feathersword: Oh, yeah!

All: (singing) Super Anto!

Super Anto!

The bravest of them all

Super Anto!

Super Anto!

Plays the bagpipes for you all

Lachy: (singing) When danger's near, have no fear

You can ring his super phone

With the wink of an eye, he's at your side

He's at your beck and call

Captain Feathersword: What was that?

Lachy: (singing) When he flies through the sky, don't blink your eye

He's the fastest man we know

Captain Feathersword: Really strange. I don't know what happened. Wow!

Lachy: (singing) He'll be there in a flash with bagpipes on his back

Even if it snows

Captain Feathersword: Oh, wow! That's not supposed to happen.

All: (singing) Super Anto!

Super Anto!

The bravest of them all

Captain Feathersword: He's OK now.

Super Anto!

Super Anto!

Plays his bagpipes for you all

Simon: Oh, Captain, let's bring it over here.

Captain Feathersword: Let's try it in the middle, Simon. There seems to be something wrong with the air over there. I don't get it. Never mind. Hoo-hoo!

Lachy: (singing) When you don't need him, fruit salad feeds him

Until you need a hand

Captain Feathersword: You got it. Ooh! Wow!

Then Super Anto, Super Anto

He takes a mighty stand

Lachy: (singing) He is no stranger to any danger

He pipes the loudest in the land

Captain Feathersword: Sorry about that, Anto. I don't know what's going on.

Super Anto, Super Anto

He's always in demand

Captain Feathersword: You got it, Lachy. Wow! I need to fix this thing.

All: (singing) Super Anto!

Super Anto!

The bravest of them all

Super Anto!

Super Anto!

Plays his bagpipes for you all

Captain Feathersword: I wonder what this do? (laughs, until the balloon falls down.)

All: (singing) Super Anto!

Super Anto!

The bravest of them all

Captain Feathersword: Oh, I see.

Super Anto!

Super Anto!

Plays his bagpipes for you all

Captain Feathersword: (laughs.)

Lachy: (singing) He's a friend

Simon: (singing) He's a friend

Emma: (singing) He's a friend

All: (singing) To one and all

Lachy: (singing) He's a friend

Simon: (singing) He's a friend

Emma: (singing) He's a friend

All: (singing) To one and all.

Captain Feathersword: Oh! Oh, dear!

Simon: How about a big clap for Super Anto?

(An opening circle transition to the segment called Le James Café, while it plays the song called Le James Café Theme.)

James: (singing) James is my name I love music and food

I'm the Wiggles' Town cool restaurant dude

It's fun to eat and dance and sang

At Le James Café, we groove that thang

Best food in town they say,

(with the others singing.) eat on down at Le James Café

James: (singing) Come for a snack, and for dinner you'll stay,

(with the others singing.) eat on down at Le James Café

James: (singing) Pull up a chair we welcome you,

(with the others singing.) eat on down at Le James Café

James: (singing) The daily special that's the thing we do.

(Until, it transitions to James Harkness introduced himself about our famous restaurant place.)

James: Hello. Top of the day to you, my friends. Oh, look at you! You look wonderful today. Let's share a meal at Le James Café.

(Le James Café menu folds transition to the song: Paul the Dancing Waiter (Irish Stew). A scene where Paul the waiter wears a Saint Patrick's clothing to do an Irish dancing.)

James: (singing) Do you know the special dish

We've prepared for you?

Paul, the dancing waiter

Is giving you a clue

He's wearing the colour green

A shamrock on his chest

From here comes our grand cuisine

Now, can you guess the rest?

(Shot transition to Anthony guess what James' secret dish for the day.)

Anthony: Guessing our secret dish is never easy, but we have some very good clues today. Think about it. Paul is wearing green. That is the colour of one of my favoruite countries. Do you know which one, Wags?

Wags: Rowr!

Anthony: Really? Well, I'll tell you. It's Ireland. You know, every time I think of that great country, I wish I could have a bowl of my favourite meal, Irish stew. Hey, that's it. I bet Le James Café is serving Irish stew today.

Wags: Rowr, rowr, rowr!

James: Anthony, great work. Rich and hearty Irish stew is our secret dish today.

(Song: Entrez S'il Vous Plait. A scene where Paul the Waiter has giving some Irish stew for Wags & Emma.)

James: Entrez, s'il vous plaît.

Paul the Waiter: (singing) Meat and potatoes

Warm the heart and soul

The Irish way

Is a joy to behold.

Anthony: Paul, the dancing waiter, this is one of my favourite things to eat. Can I please have a big bowl of Irish stew?

Paul the Waiter: (singing) Eat in good company

Eat with young and old

It's even yummy

When you eat it cold.

Anthony: Mm-mm! Delicious. Did you enjoy your little taste of the Emerald Isle, Wags?

Wags: Ah-rowr! Rowr, rowr, rowr, rowr!

Anthony: (laughs.) I guess you did! Nothing left. Hey, an Irish meal tastes even better when there's music. Let's Have A Ceili.

(Le James Café logo transition to the song: Irish Stew. A scene where Anthony plays the bagpipes, while the chefs & Irish dancers are having an Irish dance together.)

All: (singing) Irish stew for me and you

There's meat and potatoes and carrots too

Irish stew

Irish stew for me and you

There's meat and potatoes and carrots too

Irish stew

James: (singing) Let's join hands and do the dance

From Ireland

(with the others singing.) Irish stew

Let's join hands and do the dance

From Ireland

Irish stew

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew party

Irish stew party

Irish stew

Irish stew party

Irish stew party

Irish stew

All: (singing) So let's dance the dance of the green

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) The best you've seen

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) The dance of the green

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) So let's all dance the dance of the green

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) The best you've seen

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) The dance of the green

Lachy & Emma: (singing) Irish stew

All: (singing) Irish stew.

(Le James Café logo transition to the song: James' Dessert Song (Mud Pie). A scene where James is gonna have some dessert, after Irish stew. While Oliver Brian plays on the bass guitar.)

James: (singing) Well, guest of friends

So glad you came and enjoy our special treat

There's one more dish a tasty dish

For everyone to eat.

A cool dessert, gooey mud cake

Topped off the cream

Deliver by Paul the dancing feet

Let the dirt supreme.

(Le James Café menu folds transition to Paul the Waiter holding a tray of mud pie, while he's gonna play a trick on Wags.)

Paul the Waiter: I got the gooey mud pie with the dollop of cream ready! I'm gonna take it nice and steady. (tiptoes up to Wags.) Wags.

Wags: Ruff!

Paul the Waiter: Whatever you do, don't say, "rrr-uff!" Because if you do, you might cause me great surprise, and the gooey mud pie with cream could end up in my eyes!

Wags: Rrr-uff! (Paul the Waiter got all over the mud pie in his face, while him, Anthony, Emma, & the dancers laughing at Paul.)

(The Wiggles' World logo appears on the screen. Until, the end credits are rolling.)

Lachy: (singing offscreen.) Wiggles!
