Jeff asking Dorothy to show her dance moves
Dorothy showing Jeff her dance moves
Dorothy showing Jeff more of her moves
Dorothy's feet dancing again
Jeff inviting Dorothy to dance with the rest of the wiggly group
Jeff and Dorothy going to dance
Murray and Red Starry Keyboard
Epiphone Sheraton II electric guitar
The Other Wiggles playing music
Anthony playing the drums
"Would You like to dance with me?"
Anthony, Murray and Dorothy
Murray and Jeff playing music
Wags, Anthony, Captain, Dorothy, and Murray
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Greg and the Early Wiggly Friends
Murray, Captain and Dorothy
Murray and the Land Wiggly Friends
Greg, Murray and the Early Wiggly Friends
Captain, Dorothy, Murray, and Jeff
Anthony, Captain, Henry, Murray, and Jeff
The Non-realistic Wiggly Humans
Greg and the Wiggly Mascots
Anthony, Wags and Captain
Dorothy, Greg, Wags and Anthony
Anthony, Wags, Dorothy, Captain, Murray, and Jeff
The Non-realistic Wiggles Wiggly Humans and Dorothy
Wags, Captain, Greg and Anthony
Greg, Murray and the Wiggly Mascots
Dorothy, Murray, and Jeff
Good Morning Australia (1996)
Anthony asking Dorothy to do a dance
"Guys, would you like to have a.."
"Would you like to have a dance with Dorothy?"
Anthony S. and Emma R. cheering
"Let's all dance with Dorothy!"
Murray playing Red Starry Guitar
"Come on, everybody, let's dance."
"Dorothy, (Would You Like To Dance?)"
Murray playing Red Starry guitar and Greg and Dorothy dancing
Jeff, Anthony and Dorothy
Clare and Cassie putting their hands on their hips
Greg putting his hands on his hips
Everybody putting their hands on their hips
"Would you like to dance with me?"
Jeff playing Red Starry Keyboard
Anthony and Dorothy turning their heads
Dorothy shaking her hands
Everybody shaking their hands
"How about a big clap for Dorothy."
"Hello, everybody, it's great to see you."
Jeff asks Dorothy to show us a dance
"Dorothy, would you like to have a dance with me and everybody?"
"Come on, everybody, let's dance."
Murray, Jeff, Dorothy and Greg
Latin American Live version
2005 Little Rock live prologue
Greg, Dorothy, Anthony, and Zoe
Jeff playing the keyboard
Anthony, Dorothy, and Jeff
Connecticut live prologue