
DorothySays It'sTimeToGoToSleep 2

This is the transcript for Dorothy Says "It's Time To Go To Sleep".


(It starts with a sink bowl on the bottom of Dorothy's shelf, then it cuts to Dorothy laying in bed.)

Dorothy: (She laughs.) I've had such a busy day. And I'm rather tired. So I'm going to sleep in my bed. I do love my bed. And I love going to sleep all warm and cosy. I'm wearing my sleeping cap, it keeps my head warm, and, my beautiful nightgown. 

(Then, it translates to Dorothy washing her face with a wet towel.)

Dorothy: I've washed my face and my hands.

(Then, it translates to Dorothy putting tooth paste on her tooth brush, then she brushes her teeth.)

Dorothy: And I've brushed and cleaned my teeth.

(Then, it translates back to Dorothy's room.)

Dorothy: (She giggles.) I've had so many visitors today. Captain Feathersword dropped by this morning, and so did Henry the Octopus. This afternoon, Wags came along, and he wanted me to play ball with him. And then after he'd gone, The Fairies came by, ClareLarissaLucia and little baby Maria(She giggles.) Lucia wanted me to push her on the swing.

(Then, it translates to Dorothy's Garden where she's wearing her tutu, and the fairies are pushing Lucia on the swing.)

Dorothy: I've had a cup of rosy tea, which will help me sleep. I like to read a story when I get into bed. It relaxes me and helps me fell ready for sleep. (She picks up the book on her lap.) Hmm. This one looks interesting. It's about my friend Captain Fethersword the friendly pirate and his adventures sailing around the world. It's got writing and pictures as well. It's perfect.

(Then, it translates to the top of Dorothy's shelf, where a golden statue & a Fairy Clare doll. Then, it translates back to sleepy Dorothy.)

Dorothy:(She yawns.) I'm nearly ready for sleep. I've put my nightgown on and my sleeping cap. I've cleaned my teeth and had a wash. I've had a warm drink, and I've got a story to read. (Then, she checks her book & looks to her right.) I'll have a glass of water near my bed in case I wake up in the middle of the night and feel thirsty. And there are some tissues near my bed.  Oh! (She laughs.) I nearly forgot. (She picks up the teddy bear off her lap.) I like a cuddly toy to take to bed with me. It's your turn tonight, Teddy. (She yawns.) Some soft, gentle music would be lovely.

(The music for Teddy Bear Lullaby begins to play.)

Dorothy: Oh, a lullaby. Just what I wanted. (Then, she starts singing as she rocks her teddy bear.)

Dorothy: (singing) You're in my arms, my baby

Safe and warm, my baby

You're born asleep, my baby

So close your eyes for me.

You dream of the world. Sweet dreams, little girl.

Of oceans and rainbows and flowers then.

You sleep through the night. I'll still hold you tight.

You're safe in my arms. Go to sleep.

(The music stops and Dorothy places her teddy bear back on her lap.)

Dorothy: I'll just read a page or two. (She opens the book & begins to read, but lets out a long yawn & she laughs.) I really am tired tonight. (She puts her book down & yawns again.) I think I'll finish the story another day. It really is sleeping time. Goodnight, everyone. I'll see you next time. (Then, she falls asleep as the light turn off. Then, it translates to her Fairy dolls, then some teddy bears and her lamp.)
