This is the transcript for Dorothy the Dinosaur's Rockin' Christmas.
(The video starts with some snow covered all over The Wiggles Logo on it. Until, closing the curtain, then, open it transition to their names appears on the screen during the opening sequence. After that, the video title comes up. While, Jingle Bells instrumental track is playing in the background. Until, closing the curtain, then, open it transition to the song: I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur! A scene where Dorothy introduced herself, as she opens the door & they get to say hello.)
Dorothy: (singing) Hey there, it's time for singing
And lovely dancing with the orchestra.
Join me for tea and crumpets,
Violins and trumpets. Come take my hand.
I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Walk right through my rosy door.
You can smell perfume just inside my room.
Sit down and have some rosy tea. Some tea with me.
Look here. The elves are dancing and pirate prancing
And there's Wags the Dog.
We're here with all my good friends
It's fairy fun time. So come along.
I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur.
Walk right through my rosy door.
You can smell perfume just inside my room.
Sit down and have some rosy tea...
Some tea with me!
(She giggles at the end. Until, the audience are cheering & clapping after the song finished.)
Dorothy: Hello, everyone! Hello over there. Hello there. Hi, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties. Hoo-hoo! And ahoy there, Dorothy. Oh, Dorothy, I bring you news from a faraway land. Look, Dorothy! While I was sailing in my 'S.S. Feathersword', (He picks up a bottle.) I found this bottle floating on the ocean blue. And look, inside the bottle there's a message. And do you know who the message is from? It's from Santa Claus!
(Audience saying, "OOH!")
Captain Feathersword: How exciting. Oh, that's right. Now, would you like me to read it for you, Dorothy? Oh, great. Okay. Here we go. It says... (He is reading a message.) "Dear Dorothy..." (He clearing his throat. But except, he is telling the audience how to do the actions like that.) Um... It says, um... "Put your hands in the air." Oh, we better do it, then! Put our hands in the air. That's right, everybody. Yes, And then it says, um... (He is looking at the message to the audience.) It says, "Shake them while you've got them there." Shake, shake, shake, shake. Oh, that's right. Shaking. Shaking, reading, reading, reading, reading. Oh, and it says, "Stand up!" Well, let's all stand up. That's right. And while you're standing up, let's sit down. Hoo-hoo-hoo! Sit down! Oh, that's right, Dorothy. And while you're there, move your arms around and around.
Dorothy: Captain, are you sure that's what the message from Santa says?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, well, yes and no, Dorothy. Yes and no.
Dorothy: (She giggles.) What do you mean, Captain, yes and no?
Captain Feathersword: Well, Dorothy, I'm actually not sure what the note says because look, it got wet in my boat. Oh, no!
(Audience saying, "AWW!")
Captain Feathersword: It says, "Dear Dorothy," and then it says, "Love, Santa." But I've read it before, but I forgot what Santa wanted.
Dorothy: Oh! I see, Captain. So, Santa sent us a message in a bottle.
Captain Feathersword: Bottle, yeah.
Dorothy: You read it in your boat.
Captain Feathersword: (He pretend to read.)
Dorothy: The message got wet. You forgot what it said.
Captain Feathersword: Bing!
Dorothy: And now we don't know what Santa wanted.
Captain Feathersword: (He is using lip-sync.)
Dorothy: Oh, Captain, what are we to do? What are we to do?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I don't know, Dorothy. (He is using a helium voice, before he laughs.) Oh, I really am a silly little sailor, aren't I? Oh, but, Dorothy, you know, in moments like these, I must admit that it's always good to sing a song!
(Audience are clapping cuase they want to hear a song.)
(Song: One, Two, Three, Four, Five. A scene where Dorothy & Captain Feathersword are going to sing a song about our little fishies.)
Captain Feathersword: Can you all count to five with me? Come on, here we go. (with audience counting.) One, two, three, four, five. (himself.) And let's keep counting to ten. (with audience counting.) Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (himself.) Wonderful work! Come on, Dorothy. Let's sing a song about fishies! One, two, three, four, five, once I caught a...
(Audience shouting, "FISH ALIVE!")
Captain Feathersword: Fish alive!
(singing) One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let him go again
Dorothy: (singing) Why did you let him go?
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Because he bit my finger so
Dorothy: (singing) Which finger did he bite?
Captain Feathersword: (singing) This little finger on my right...
(Instrumental break to Dorothy & Captain Feathersword are doing their actions, until they're gonna ask the audience to sing their beautiful voices.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Dorothy, beautiful singing and dancing. Oh, I know! Everybody, why don't you join in and sing with Dorothy and I? Are you ready? Here we go!
(with Dorothy & the audience singing) One, two, three, four, five
Once I caught a fish alive
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten
Then I let him go again
Dorothy: (singing) Why did you let him go?
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Because he bit my finger so
Dorothy: (singing) Which finger did he bite?
Captain Feathersword: (singing) This little finger on my right
(Until, the audience are cheering & clapping after the song finished about our fishies.)
Dorothy: Do you remember what the note was about, Captain?
Captain Feathersword: Oh! The note. Oh, oh, oh! Yes, Dorothy. (He picks up a bottle again.) Oh, vague flashbacks, vague flashbacks. Now, there was something about a jolly fellow in a red suit, um, oh, something about a green dinosaur with yellow spots, and something else about Christmas. (He gasps.) I think I got it, Dorothy! Oh, I think Santa is coming to throw a Christmas party in your honour, Dorothy. Oh, yes. That's it! Santa and his elves are on their way! Whoo-hoo!
Dorothy: Okay, Captain! That sounds really exciting. When is he coming?
Captain Feathersword: Oh! Oh... er... oh. That is something I don't remember. Oh, I... oh... Hoo-hoo! Is it today or is it next week or is it next month or is it next year? Who knows? Well, look, Dorothy, I think it best that you go inside and freshen up. I will wait here for Santa day, night, night, day, and I will be on guard to welcome Santa and his elves.
Dorothy: Okay, Captain. Don't forget to tell me if you see elves. I'll be inside, okay? Bye, everyone! Goodbye!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, bye, Dorothy. We'll see you soon. (The audience are waving goodbye to Dorothy. He sings.) Bye! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Bye. Oh, wow. Now, everybody, the good Captain is on Santa watch. Oh, it's very important that I'm here to welcome Santa and his elves. But... but... (He yawns because he's very tired.) I'm just a little bit tired and I think I might have a little bit of a pirate nap. Oh, yeah. Over there. (He laughs.) Oh! Oh, but I need your help, okay? Now, look, if you see Santa or his elves, can you make sure you call out really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really loud, and I'll wake up and I'll welcome Santa and his elves to Dorothy's house. Can you do that for me?
(Audience shouting, "YES!")
Captain Feathersword: Oh, that's wonderful. Okay. I'm just gonna have a nap. Oh, it's my sleeping hat. Oh, wow. (He took his pirate hat off & put his night cap on.) Oh, you know what usually happens? When I put my sleeping hat on, I usually fall straight to sleep.
(Captain Feathersword is lying on the floor & he fells asleep. Until, Fernie & Poppie arrives the stage, while singing "Jingle Bells".)
Poppie: Hello there, friends! My name is Poppie the elf, and I am from the North Pole. And this is my elf friend Fernie.
Fernie: Hello there, friends.
(Captain Feathersword snores, while he's sleeping.)
Poppie: (They both gasps with Fernie.) Hey, look! It's Captain Feathersword. Sleeping on the job, I see. Come on. Let's wake him up. On the count to three, let's say, "Wake up, Captain." Ready? (wih Fernie.) 1, 2, 3! (with audience shouting.) Wake up, Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (He wakes up.) Oh! Oh, my goodness. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Batten down the hatches! Set sail for the briny sea! Ho! Oh, wow! I'm awake now, aren't I? Ho-ho. Blow me down. (Poppie & Fernie Captain down.) Aah! Whoa! (He laughs.) Oh! That was very funny. I'm definitely awake now! (He laughs, until he gets up.) Oh, hi, elves. We've got some elves. How exciting! Welcome to Dorothy's house. Let me go and get her for you.
Fernie: (The elves grab Captain's arms by pulling him back.) Ooh, ooh, ooh! Not so fast, Captain. We want to throw a Christmas party for Dorothy.
Captain Feathersword: Oh!
Fernie: Santa himself is coming! And that's what the note said. Now, Captain, Dorothy doesn't know about a party, does she?
Captain Feathersword: Um... well... Not really.
Fernie: Does Dorothy know about a party, everyone?
(Audience shouting, "YES!")
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, she doesn't!
Poppie & Audience: Oh, yes, she does.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, she doesn't!
Poppie & Audience: Oh, yes, she does.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, she doesn't!
Poppie & Audience: Oh, yes, she does!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no, she doesn't!
Poppie & Audience: Oh, yes, she does!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, no... Oh, maybe she does.
Poppie: (She sighs.) Well, she doesn't know when the party will take place.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh, true.
Poppie: So while she's inside, let's get the party preparations going. And when she comes outside, it will be such a surprise for her. Okay? Oh, but first, we have a friend who is an elf...
Captain Feathersword: (He gasps.) An elf!
Poppie: ..but a rock'n'roll elf! And he is going to sing for us at the party. (She giggles.) Look, he's a little odd. He wants me to introduce him in a real showbiz kind of way.
(Audience saying, "OOH!")
Poppie: His name is Elfis. So, here goes, everyone.
(Song: Elfis is in the House! A scene where Captain & the elves introduced to the world famous elf.)
Poppie: Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, will you please welcome the Christmas elf with the coolest moves. Yes, they're so cool, they're almost... ..freezing!
Captain Feathersword: He's laughing with Fernie.) Oh-ho! Cool, freezing! I get it!
Poppie: He is all way from the home of Santa Claus. Give a big clap to Elfis the Elf! Here he is, Elfis!
(Until, the audience are cheering & clapping for Elfis the Elf arrives the stage.)
Manzillas: (singing in vocalizing.) Oooooooooooh
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley.) How are you doing there, folks?
Good to see you. Yeah.
Let's move it, guys.
Watch me now.
Yeah! Alright.
Come on over here.
Doing a bit moving for you now, folks. Here we go. Whoa!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
That's not all, folks.
Watch this one. I'll do my Guitar Man move.
You ready at home? Yeah!
I'm gonna do a bit of dancing now. Com on, let's dance a bit!
Fernie: Oh, okay!
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley.) No, no, no, no.
Not you, guys.
Baby, come dance with me.
Yeah! Come on.
That's right.
Well, thank you. Thank you very much. You're a beautiful audience.
(Until, the audience are cheering & clapping for Elfis the Elf thanked everyone for coming the stage.)
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley.) Folks, before I tell you about our special Christmas party for our friend Dorothy the Dinosaur, I wanna ask you all a question, and the question is this. Would you like to sing and dance with me?
(Audience shouting, "YEAH!")
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley, while singing.) Well, let me hear you say yeah!
Captain, Fernie & Poppie: Yeah!
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley, while singing.) Yeah!
Captain, Fernie & Poppie: Yeah!
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley, while laughs.) You know, this song really warms me up.
Captain, Fernie & Poppie: Whoo! (They both giggles.)
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley.) It's a long way from the North Pole, you know.
Captain, Fernie & Poppie: (They both laughs.)
(Song: Shaky Shaky. A scene where Elfis, Poppie, Fernie & Captain are gonna do some shaky music & the actions too.)
Elfis: (He's imitating yo Elvis Presley.) Folks, can you shake your hands like this? Oh, you can! Yeah. Come on. Let's start shakin'. Let me see you shake your hands together.
(singing) A-one, a-two, put it on your shoe.
Hey there, shaky shaky
Shaking is fun to do
Hey there, shaky shaky
I want to shake with you.
Well...then...shake a little faster.
Shake a little slower
(Instrumental break to do some more shaking.)
Elfis: Keep on shakin'
Shaky shaky!
(singing) Hey there, shaky shaky
Shaking is fun to do
Hey there, shaky shaky
I want to shake with you.
Well...then...shake a little faster.
Shake a little slower
(Instrumental break to had fun their shaking dance moves.)
Elfis: Keep on shakin'
Shaky shaky!
(Audience cheering & applause for their shaking music.)
Elfis: Thank you. Thank you very much. You're a beautiful audience. Hey, folks, a big buddy of mine is coming to wish Dorothy the Dinosaur a merry Christmas before he goes off to deliver presents to everyone in Australia. Yeah! It's gonna be a big surprise to Dorothy the Dinosaur. (He chuckles with Fernie & Poppie.) I wonder if you know who I mean? Well, let me ask you, who has a suit that's red and white? (Audience shouting, "SANTA!") Santa? I think you might be right. Who flies around on Christmas night? (Audience shouting, "SANTA!") Santa? I think you're right! And who hss a reindeer pulling his sleigh? (Audience shouting, "SANTA!") Santa? I think you're right there too! That's it, folks, it must be Santa! (singing) A-one, a-two, put it on your shoe!
(Song: Must Be Santa. A scene where Elfis is gonna tell Fernie & Poppie about our very good friend of mine at Christmas time.)
Elfis: (singing) Who's got a beard that's long and white
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Santa's got a beard that's long and white
Elfis: (singing) Who comes around on a special night
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Santa comes around on a special night
(with Elfis singing.) Special Night, beard that's white
It Must be Santa
Must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Clause
Poppie: (singing) Who wears boots and a suit of red
Fernie & Elfis: (singing) Santa wears boots and a suit of red
Poppie: (singing) Who wears a long cap on his head
Fernie & Elfis: (singing) Santa wears a long cap on his head
(with Poppie singing.) Cap on head, suit that's red
Special night, beard that's white
Must be Santa
Must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Clause
Fernie: (singing) Who's got a big red cherry nose
Elfis & Poppie: (singing) Santa's got a big red cherry nose
Fernie: (singing) Who laughs this way Ho ho ho
Elfis & Poppie: (singing) Santa laughs this way Ho ho ho
(with Fernie singing.) Ho ho ho, cherry nose
Cap on head, suit that's red
Special night, beard that's white
Must be Santa
Must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Clause
Elvis: (singing) Who very soon will come our way
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Santa very soon will come our way
Elvis: (singing) Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Santa's little reindeer pull his sleigh
(with Elfis singing.) Reindeer sleigh, come our way
Ho ho ho, cherry nose
Cap on head, suit that's red
Special night, beard that's white
Must be Santa
Must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Clause
Elfis: Here we go now!
(with Fernie & Poppie singing.) Must be Santa
Must be Santa
Must be Santa, Santa Clause
(Audience cheering over for that jolly red fellow, after the song.)
Elfis: Well, thank you! Thank you very much! Elves...
Fernie & Poppie: Mm-hmm?
Elfis: Hey there, my psls, my friends, mi amigos... (He laughs.) ..you've come a long way down that long, lonesome road. That's right. (singing, like an Elvis Presley.) You're shakin' up with the old hound dog. And don't leave me stranded at the Heartbreak Hotel. You got me on the edge of reality. And I think I've got... suspicious minds.
Fernie & Poppie: Huh?
Elfis: What I mean to say is, pardon me, Fernie, what brings you here?
Fernie: Oh, Elfis, we're here for Dorothy the Dinosaur's Christmas party. Captain has come to help to set the party up and we don't want her to know.
Elfis: (He is telling that Captain gets to do the actions.) Oh, yeah, well, guys, the Captain looks excited!
Fernie: Ooh!
Elfis: Yet slightly flustered. He looks happy... ..and yet sad. He looks strong!
Captain Feathersword: Whee! Whee! Whee! (He does some handstands.)
Elfis: Really strong, and yet weak. What's up with the Captain?
Poppie: The Captain hasn't had much sleep lately. He's just spent six months in a leaky boat.
(Song: Six Months In A Leaky Boat. A scene where Captain Feathersword & the elves are doing the actions to rowing their boats.)
Captain Feathersword: Ahoy there, me hearties! Hoo-hoo! Come for a trip with me, Captain Feathersword, on my friendly pirate ship. Oh, but it's leaking!
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) When the captain was a young boy
He wanted to sail around the world
Captain Feathersword: "That's the life for me! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Living on the sea!" Ha-ha-ha!
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) The spirit of a sailor, sailing all around the globe
Captain Feathersword: "Round and round. I'm a buccaneer! Hoo-hoo!
I'll acknowledge no frontier!"
(with Elfis, Fernie & Poppie singing) I remember you by, thunderclap in the sky
Lightning flash, tempers flare
'Round Cape Horn if you dare
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Lucky just to keep afloat
La-la-la, Nah-na-na, Na-no, No-no-no, Doh-doh-doh-doh.
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Aoteroa
(Captain Feathersword: "Oh, look, there's NewZealand!")
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Rugged individual
Glisten like a pearl
(Captain Feathersword: "Oh, it's so shiny!")
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) At the bottom of the world
(Captain Feathersword: "Oh, down there! Here!")
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) The tyranny of distance
(Captain Feathersword: "All the way for me!")
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Didn't stop the buccaneer
Captain Feathersword: "So why should it stop me?
Whoa-ho! I'm sailing to be free! Whoo-hoo-hoo!"
(with Elfis, Fernie & Poppie singing) Ah, c'mon, all you lads
Let's forget and forgive
There's a world to explore
Tales to tell back on shore
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Six months in a leaky boat
La-la-la, Nah-na-na, Na-no, No-no-no, Doh-doh-doh-doh.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, hey! Where did everybody go? Oh, I can see, they've gone to get my ship, the S.S. Feathersword. Whoa-ho-ho! Oh, wow! And you know what? I can see a friend of ours helping! Oh, he's big, he's got lots of fur, he barks... Yes, it's Wags the Dog!
(with Elfis, Fernie & Poppie singing) Ah, c'mon, all you lads
Let's forget and forgive
There's a world to explore
Tales to tell back on shore
I just spent six months in a leaky boat
Six months in a leaky boat
La-la-la, Nah-na-na, Na-no, No-no-no, Doh-doh-doh-doh.
Captain Feathersword: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoo-hoo! (He laughs, until he falls down. While, the audience are clapping for Wags arrived on the stage.) Oh, me hearties, let's say "Woof!" to our good friend Wags the Dog! Woof, Wags!
(Audience shouting, "WOOF, WAGS!")
Wags: Woof! Hi, everyone! I heard there's going to be a Christmas party for Dorothy. I'm here to help. Do you need a hold dug? Woof! Woof!
Elfis: (He's imitating to Elvis Presley.) Wagsy, you ain't nothing but a puppy dog, howling all the time! (They audience we're all laughing.)
Poppie: Elfis, let's go and clear some of the scrap in the bush away so that Santa has a safe landing strip for his sleigh. Till then, bye, everyone!
(Audience shouting, "BYE!")
Elfis: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Elfis is leaving the building. (with Fernie & Poppie leaving the stage.)
Captain Feathersword: Bye, old friends! See you soon! Whoo-hoo! Goodbye, me hearties!
Wags: Woof, woof! Well, Captain, let's get to work, and make this a party for Dorothy to remember!
Captain Feathersword: Okey-dokey, Wags! Great idea. Well, the first thing we need is a Christmas tree!
Wags: Woof!
Captain Feathersword: We usually get a Christmas tree from... (Wags is gonna get a Christmas tree.) Wags, where are you going? Where are you going? What's he doing, everybody? What...? Ohh! Oh, Wags! Look! Well done! He's got a Christmas tree! Oh, and you know what's good now? Let's decorate the tree! Have you got any ideas, Wags?
Wags: Woof! I kept this tinsel from last Christmas! (He is holding some tinsel, while giving it to Captain.) It should do the trick. Woof!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, that's so clever. Oh, so many colours! Okay, well, let's decorate the tree. (He is gonna decorate the Christmas tree, while We Wish You a Merry Christmas instrumental track is playing in the background.) I'll give you this silver one. You've got a gold one. Okay, I'll start with a silver one. I'll start down the bottom. You start up the top, okay? Ooh, they're all tangled! Here we go. (He is singing excitedly, while decorating their tree.) Oh, look at that! It's so pretty. How exciting, decorating the Christmas tree! And finish with a green one. Ooh, here I come, Wags. Here I come! Whoo-whee-whoo-whoo! Yay! Oh, how exciting. Oh, Wags! I have a brilliant idea! Okay. Let's pretend that we're Christmas trees, because any second Dorothy will come out, okay? So we'll be Christmas trees, okay, Wags?
Wags: Woof! Sure thing, Captain!
Captain Feathersword: Okay. How exciting! Now, me hearties, don't tell Dorothy it's us, okay, if she comes out, because we don't want to spoil the surprise! Okay!
Dorothy: (singing, while she's coming out.) It's a Christmas party...
Captain Feathersword: She's coming, she's coming! Quick! Okay, get in your Christmas pose. Oh, don't tell her we're statues, people. (He is holding their Christmas trees statues with Wags.)
Dorothy: Hmm, what do we have here? Now, on first look, these two look like Christmas trees. But Christmas trees don't move! And Christmas trees don't...
Captain Feathersword: (He's sneezing.) Ah-ah-ah-ah... ..ah-choo!
Dorothy: ..sneeze! Who are these trees? (Audience shouting, "CAPTAIN & WAGS!") Oh, it's Captain and Wags is it? Come on, Captain. You have been felled, so to speak. (She is gonna tickle Captain & Wags.) What are you doing?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Dorothy, me hearty, we were just getting everyone in the Christmas mood and decorating your Christmas tree with some tinsel!
Dorothy: Well, Captain, maybe you need some help to decorate.
Captain Feathersword: Ooh!
Dorothy: I saw Henry the Octopus down the way. Maybe he can help us. Wags, why don't you run over and send him our way, okay?
Wags: Woof! Right away! (He leaves the stage.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, great. We'll see you soon, Wags. And hopefully with Henry the Octopus! Oh, now, Dorothy, some other friends from the North Pole might help us decorate the tree. And, look, here they come, it's Elfis, Poppie and Fernie!
(Audience are clapping & cheering for the elves arrived back on the stage. Until, it gets the the Song: Decorate The Tree. A scene where Dorothy, Captain & the elves are gonna decorate Dorothy's Christmas tree. While, Henry arrives on the stage to decorate it.)
Dorothy: Okay, Captain, let's get everyone decorating the tree!
(singing) See the Captain wrapping all the toys
Christmas gifts for all the girls and boys
Bringing lots of joy to everyone
helping make this Christmas so much fun...
Captain Feathersword: Let's have some fun!
(singing) Decorate the Tree,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate with me!
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Let's all decorate the Christmas tree!
Oh, look, with Henry the Octopus!
Henry: Hello, everyone!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate the Tree,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate with me,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Let's all decorate the Christmas tree!
Dorothy: (singing) We've got tinsel to throw,
Flashing lights, as you know
There's a present and an angel
We can hang Christmas balls,
They can be big or small
From the branches they can dangle
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Put that star right up there, whoo!
Throw the tinsel everywhere!
Now the tree's nearly done
and it's time for some Christmas fun!
Elfis: (He's imitating to Elvis Presley.) How about some presents, Captain?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, presents? Yay!
Dorothy: (singing) Now we'll wait for Santa, won't be long
Everybody's singing Christmas songs
Not long now until it's Christmas Day
Once again you'll hear the Captain say
Captain Feathersword: Oh, I'm gonna say it!
(singing) Decorate the Tree,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate with me,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Let's all decorate the Christmas tree!
Clapping, yay!
(singing) Decorate the Tree,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate with me and my friends,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Let's all decorate the Christmas tree!
Decorate the Tree
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Decorate with me,
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Henry & Dorothy: Captain!
Captain Feathersword: (singing) Let's all decorate the Christmas tree!
(Audience are clapping & cheering for finished decorating our Christmas tree & Henry the Octopus for done decorating it.)
Captain Feathersword: Let's give a big clap for Henry the Octopus! Hi, Henry! Oh, and, Dorothy, look how good your Christmas tree looks, me dinosaur hearty! Now I am going to dash off and meet a friend of mine who wants to meet you! He has a big red outfit and has a big white beard! Ooh, I wonder who it is? Come on, Henry! Let's go and find him. Bye, everybody!
Henry: Hooroo, everybody!
(Audience shouting, "BYE!")
Dorothy: Hooroo, Captain and Henry. Hmm. Big white beard... big red coat... I wonder who that could be? (Audience shouting, "SANTA! SANTA!") Santa?! Wow! Coming here? I wonder why he's coming here? Elves, any ideas?
Elfis, Fernie & Poppie: No idea, Dorothy. No idea.
Dorothy: Elfis, you're not planning a party, are you?
Elfis: (He's imitating to Elvis Presley.) Dorothy, I think what we need right now is, er... ..a little less conversation, a little more action.
Dorothy: Okay. Well, it doesn't matter why he's coming. I am so happy Santa is paying us a visit!
Elfis: (He's imitating to Elvis Presley.) Oh, you're right, Dorothy. Come on, Santa! Let's go, go, go!
(Song: Go Santa Go. A scene where Fernie, Poppie, Elfis & Dorothy are going to do the actions, while Santa is gonna come on the stage played by Simon Pryce.)
Santa: ("Ho, ho, ho, here I go! Ho, ho, ho ho!")
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) Go Santa go,
you've got such a long way to go
Go Santa go,
go, go, go, go
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) Call the reindeer
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) get ready
(backing vocals singing.) Go, go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) And away you go,
go Santa go,
go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Ho, ho, ho! Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!"
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) Go Santa go,
all the way from the North Pole
Go Santa go,
go, go, go, go
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) through the jungles
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) through the desert
(backing vocals singing.) Go, go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) through the winter snow
Go Santa go,
go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Here I go! Ho, ho, ho! Ho, ho, ho!"
(Audience are clapping & cheering for Santa arrives on the stage with Captain & Wags as reindeers arrived too.)
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie & Dorothy: (singing) A long white beard with a face so happy and cheerful!
Santa: "C'mon, Rudolph, fast as you can!
We've got presents here for everyone in the land! Ho, ho!"
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing) Go Santa go,
you've got such a long way to go
Go Santa go,
go, go, go, go
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing) Call the reindeer
(backing vocals singing.) Go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing) get ready
(backing vocals singing.) Go, go
Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing) And away you go,
go Santa go,
go, go, go
Go Santa, go
Santa: "Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!
Here I go! Ho, ho, ho!"
Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas! Ho, ho, ho!
Dorothy: Hello, Santa! And hello there, reindeer.
Captain Feathersword: (He gasps.) Oh, shh! Dorothy doesn't know it's us, Wags! She thinks that we're Santa's reindeer! Shh, don't tell her!
Dorothy: Well, reindeer, after all that traveling, you must be hungry. Would you like some food?
Captain Feathersword: Oh, Dorothy, we reindeer would love some food. And you know what in particular reindeer love? (He giggles.) Chocolate!
Dorothy: (She's holding a full of hay.) Well, I am sure you do. But according to the experts, reindeer thrive on hay. So here you go. Eat up!
Captain Feathersword: Oh! Oh, thanks, Dorothy! (He is giving Dorothy some hay.) Oh, wags, you want some hay? It looks lovely. (He laughs.) Oh, hey, here we go. Ready? (Audience laughing, while shouting, "EWW!" Until, he's disgusted.) Oh, yuck! Oh, it's no use! Oh, Dorothy! (He spits.) We ain't reindeer. Look! It's me, Captain Feathersword! Hoo-hoo! And that furry fella is, um... ..that furry fella's name... Oh! His name is...? (Audience shouting, "WAGS!") That's right, it's Wags the Dog!
Santa: Ho, ho, ho! Yes, Dorothy. The Captain and Wags pretend to be reindeer. Ho, ho, ho! Because my reindeer are having a rest before their big Christmas present run. Now, my friends, let's have a Christmas party! Elves, if you can get the presents for Dorothy and the Captain, and, of course, Elfis the rockin' elf is getting ready to sing a song for Dorothy too! Okay, what have we got, Poppie?
Fernie: (They're pulling a sack of presents.) Whoo! Whoo!
Poppie: (She squeals. Until, they're opening to show their presents.) Oh! Captain, this one's for you!
Captain Feathersword: (He arrives back on the stage.) Did you call my name? (He gasps.) Is that for me? Oh, wow! Oh, thanks very much. Oh, I love presents! Oh, I wonder what it could be? It could be a new feathersword, or it could be a Christmas pudding! Who knows? Let's have a look. Okay. (He opens a present to look inside.) Er, it's a...
Fernie, Poppie, Dorothy & Santa: Yes?
Captain Feathersword: It's a...
Fernie, Poppie, Dorothy & Santa: Yes, yes?
Captain Feathersword: (He gasps. While, holding a Christmas tutu for Dorothy.) It's a Christmas tutu! Oh, look at the Christmas tutu! Oh, oh, oh! Look at me in my Christmas tutu!
Fernie: Uh-oh. Wrong present.
Poppie: Wrong present. That's Dorothy's, Captain.
Captain Feathersword: Oh! (He laughs.) I knew that. (He is giving her tutu back to Dorothy.) Well, there you go, Dorothy. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Dorothy: (She holding a Christmas tutu.) Thank you, Captain. Thank you, Santa. Thanks, elves. Thanks, everyone! I will just go inside and put on my Christmas tutu and come out and do a dance. Elves, come with me and we can have a cup of rosy tea! (She's leaving to put her tutu on.)
Captain Feathersword: Bye, Dorothy. Bye, elves! We'll see you soon. Whoo-hoo! Bye! Oh, so Santa, is there anything in there for the old Captain?
Santa: (He is clearing his throat, while getting a present for him.) Ah, well, ha! Oh, yes! Ah, hmm, ha, whoop! Yes, oh, yes. Ooh! (He laughs to look inside his sack.) Yeah, oh. No. Forgot about that! (He laughs to take a peek.) Whee! (He laughs & mumbles at the same time to grab Captain's present.) Here is your present, Captain!
Captain Feathersword: Oh, wow! Santa, thank you. It's tiny! Oh! (He laughs that he was holding a small present.) Oh, but it's the thought that counts. Right, Santa? Oh, thanks! Hmm! I wonder what it is? (He is opening a small gift. Until, he is holding some keys, before singing that he is excited.) Ohh! It's keys. Oh! It's keys! Oh, yippee! It's keys! Oh, I've got keys. Keys for me! Me for keys! I've got keys! Keys for me! I've got keys. Keys, keys, keys, keys. Keys! Oh, but what are they for, Santa? I mean, I love them very, very much but what are they for?
Santa: (He is grabbing Captain's keys in their hands to jingle & jangle.) They are to make the sound of jingle bells.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, wow! Oh, Santa, me hearty! What a great idea. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Thank you for the great present. You can stop that now, Santa. Oh, thanks very much. What a great present! Oh, I've got a great idea. Why don't we sing "Jingle Bells"? Oh, but before we do, we might ask all the grown-ups to pull out their keys and start jingling them in the air like this. Can everybody do that? Oh, that's so fantastic! You see, the keys will be like jingling bells on Santa's sleigh. Oh. That's it, me hearty. Oh, thanks, Santa. Let's all sing "Jingle Bells"!
(Song: Jingle Bells. A scene where Captain Feathersword & Santa are holding things to jingle with their bells & keys to play with.)
Santa & Captain Feathersword: (singing) Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Santa: (singing) Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Ho, ho ho!
Bells on a bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
(with Captain singing.) Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Santa: (singing) Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Ho, ho ho!
Bells on a bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight!
(with Captain singing.) Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh, hey
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(with Captain singing.) Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
(Audience clapping & cheering for jingling with their bells & keys.)
Captain Feathersword: Oh, yay, Santa! Whoo-hoo! Oh, it was great singing "Jingle Bells". Well... (He gasps.) ..everybody, look who's coming. It's Dorothy with her Christmas ballet in her lovely tutu with her friends Poppie and Fernie. So let's all sing with Dorothy!
(Song: Sing With Me. A scene where Dorothy is gonna sing with Fernie, Poppie, Captain & Santa in her Christmas ballet tutu.)
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Hee hee hee. Sing along with me, everybody!
(singing) Sing with me; sing with me to the pretty little melody.
Sing with me, sing with me. Sing along with Dorothy.
Sing with me; sing with me to the pretty little melody.
Sing with me, sing with me. Sing along with Dorothy
Fernie: (singing) We will sing every note every note that you wrote.
We will sing along with our friend Dorothy.
We will sing along with Dorothy this dinosaur melody
Dorothy: (singing) Dance with me, dance with me to the pretty little melody.
Dance with me, dance with me. Dance along with Dorothy.
Dance with me, dance with me to the pretty little melody.
Dance with me, dance with me. Dance along with Dorothy.
Fernie: (singing) We will dance along with you because we like what you do.
We will shake and wiggle jiggle, jump and hop.
We will dance along 'till Dorothy the Dinosaur says to stoooooop...
Come on everyone. Let's sing and dance with Dorothy! Dorothy, are you ready?
Dorothy: Okay! Let's go!
(with Fernie, Poppie, Captain & Santa singing.) La la la. La la la. La la la-la la la la La la la.
La la la. La la la-la la la la.
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Hee hee hee! This is fun!
(with Fernie, Poppie, Captain & Santa singing.) La la la. La la la. La la la-la la la la La la la. La la la.
La la la-la la la la La la la. La la la. La la la-la la la la.
La la la. La la la. La la la-la la la la.
(Audience give a big round of applause Fodor Dorothy sings in her Christmas tutu.)
Dorothy: (She giggles.) Oh, thank you, Fernie. Thank you, everyone. That was beautiful singing and dancing. And it was so much fun!
Poppie: (She gasps, jumps & giggles at the same time.) Well, now form ore fun at Dorothy's Christmas party. Here comes Elfis to sing "Rockin' Santa!"
(Song: Rockin' Santa! A scene where Elfis is gonna Dance & Song with Fernie, Captain & Poppie.)
Elfis: (He's imitating to Elvis Presley.) Here I come, baby! Uh-huh!
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Here comes the man doing a ding-dong dance
Elfis (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Elfis (singing) You can dance too, do a tinsel town tune
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Santa: I'm Rockin' Santa!)
Elfis (singing) His sleigh has speakers and their booming out tunes
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Let's all dance now
Elfis (singing) He's a twisting and a turning with a "Here we go!"
(Santa: Ho, ho! Here we go!)
Elfis (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho!)
Elfis (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
Elfis (singing) Well, it's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
(Santa: Oh yes, I love rocking!)
Elfis: (singing) Who's the coolest cat in Christmas clothes?
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Santa: Yes, and the elves are dancing too.)
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) He can dance too to a tinsel town tune
Elfis: (singing) Rockin' Santa
(Santa: Ho, ho!)
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) He knows how to dance with his ho ho ho!
Elfis: (singing) He can dance fast and he can dance slow
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Let's rock and roll to the groovy North Pole
(Santa: Oh, let's rock and roll!)
Elfis: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
(Santa: Ho, ho, ho, ho!)
Elfis: (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
Elfis: (singing) Ooh, it's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppies: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
(Santa: Oh yes indeed. Here we go! No, ho! Yes, I'm really rocking. Oh, and the elves are dancing too. Ho, ho, ho! Ooh! Even the reindeer have joined in. Ho, ho!)
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Here comes the man doing a ding-dong dance
Elfis (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Santa: Oh, I'm rocking! Ho, ho, ho!)
Elfis (singing) You can dance too, do a tinsel town tune
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
Santa: Ho, ho, ho!
Elfis: (singing) His sleigh has speakers and their booming out tunes
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Let's all dance now, go, go, go
Elfis (singing) Oh, he's a twisting and a turning with a "Here we go!"
(Santa: Whoa! Ho, ho! Here we go!)
Elfis (singing) It's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
Elfis: (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa
(Santa: I'm Rockin' Santa!)
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
Elfis (singing) Yeah, it's Rockin' Santa
(Fernie & Poppie: (singing) It's Rockin' Santa)
(Santa: Ho ho! And the rocking elves! And the rocking reindeer! Ho, ho, ho! We're all rocking! You can rock, too! Ho, ho, ho, ho!)
(After the song finishes, when the audience are cheering & clapping over finished the rock'n'roll Christmas music.)
Santa: Well, my friends, Dorothy, Captain, Wags and co, it's time for this old Santa Claus to head back to the old North Pole and make final preparations for good old Christmas time.
Captain Feathersword: Oh, thanks, Santa, and your gracious elves. Oh, and thanks to Wags. Oh, and Dorothy, of course! And all the kids and parents. Yay! Oh, hey, just before Santa goes and the party ends, let's sing a medley of great Christmas songs. And we might ask everybody to stand up and sing them with us.
Fernie: Mmm. That's right. Mum, dads, children, aunties, uncles. Everyone, stand up and dance with us.
Elfis: You got it. In fact, let's get this party started! Uh-huh!
All: Uh-huh!
Elfis: Yeah!
(Song: Dorothy's Rockin' Christmas Medley. A scene where Elfis, Fernie, Poppie, their friends & Santa are having one more big final song & dance to go.)
Fernie & Poppie: (singing) Have a very merry Christmas
Have a very merry Christmas
Have a very merry Christmas day, oooh
Christmas time and bells are ringing
Christmas time and we're all singing
Have a very merry Christmas day!
Merry Christmas, everybody!
(with Dorothy & Captain singing.) In a manger, in a stable
Unto us this holy night
A little baby's born.
Captain Feathersword: Look, it's Wags!
Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing) Following the drummer boy
Guided by the eastern star
Following the drummer boy
(to a bridge.) To the east.
Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain & Dorothy: (singing, while Elfis saying, "Uh-huh!") Dashing through the snow in a one-horse opened sleigh
O'er the fields we go laughing all the way
(Elfis laughs.)
Bells on bobtail ring making bright
What fun it is to ride and sing a sleighing song tonight, oh!
(with Elfis singing.) Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, hey!
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open...
(with Henry singing.) Let's clap hands for Santa Claus
Santa Claus, Santa Claus
Come on, let's clap hands for Santa Claus
Santa: (singing in baritone voice.) Let's Clap Hands for Santa Claus
Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain, Elfis, Henry & Dorothy: (singing) Go Santa Go
You've got such a long way to go
Go Santa Go
Go, go, go, go
Call a reindeer
Get ready,
Go, go!
And away you go
Go Santa Go
Go, go, go...
Elfis: Go, Santa.
Fernie, Poppie, Wags, Captain, Elfis, Henry & Dorothy: (singing) Go Santa Go
Wiggly Christmas!
(After the song finished, when the the audience cheering & clapping, until they done singing one more song. While, Jeff's Christmas Tune plays in the background to a scene where everyone gets to wave & say goodbye to each other.)
Santa: Well, my friends, remember, be kind to each other. Listen to Mum and Dad and have fun. And I will see you on Christmas Eve, if all goes to plan. Bye, bye, bye. And merry Christmas!
Fernie: Bye-bye, everyone. Merry Christmas!
Poppie: Goodbye. Merry Christmas!
Elfis: Merry Christmas, baby! Elfis is leaving the building.
Captain Feathersword: Whoo-hoo-hoo! Farewell, me hearties! See you next time. Merry Christmas!
Wags: Woof! Merry Christmas!
Henry: Bye, everyone. Yeeup!
Dorothy: Thank you, everyone. It was a lovely surprise party! See you soon. Merry Christmas! (Until, she giggles, until, she gets her cartwheels, while waving goodbye.)
(Audience are cheering & clapping cause the show has come to an end. Until, a curtain closes & opens transition to Dorothy & Santa are waving to the screen as they're in his sleigh, while the end credits are rolling. When, Rockin' Santa! & Decorate The Tree instrumental tracks are playing in the background.)