Dorothy in opening sequence
Captain in opening sequence
Henry in opening sequence
Fairy Clare in opening sequence
Fairy Larissa in opening sequence
Able Seaman-Sonny in opening sequence
John the Cook in opening sequence
John introducing "Incy Wincy Spider"
"Everyone Can Be a Fairy!"
John, Fairies Clare and Larissa
Dorothy and John the Cook
Dorothy and Fairy Larissa
Captain Feathersword and John
"I'm Dorothy the Dinosaur!"
Dorothy introducing "Dorothy, Pick Roses with Me"
"Dorothy, Pick Roses With Me"
"Wags Loves To Shake Shake"
"Oh, Wagsy, I can see that you’re very hungry. But this cake is for Dorothy The Dinosaur."
"Oh, well, John the Cook, now Wags is not the only hungry one around here. Me old pirate tummy is uh....."
"And that cake sure looks yummy."
"Now, how about I help you present the cake to Dorothy. Please!"
"Oh, Captain, that’s a very generous offer."
"But this cake, is a very rare cake."
"Did you see the rose on top. Well, it is a very rare rose it comes all the way from Japan."
"And it will take a miracle to replace it."
"Should something happened to it."
"No, John the Cook, well.
"But so is my hunger making me despair."
Captain Feathersword holding a cake
"Let me taste the cream."
"And tonight, I can dream."
"Of the beautiful taste."
Captain Feathersword & John the Cook are fighting over the cake
"Oh, Captain, let go of the cake."
John the Cook letting go of the cake
Captain Feathersword worried
"Oh, Captain, tsk tsk tsk! This cake is for Dorothy the Dinosaur.
"Oh, can’t you see how happy she’ll be when she taste the delights that I have baked."
"Oh, John the Cook, well, take a look in my eye. I’m almost ready to um.... to.... to cry!"
Captain Feathersword crying
"Oh, I am so hungry, I could uh... I could die."
"Captain, this is all very dramatic."
Captain Feathersword splat his face on the cake
Captain Feathersword got cake all over his face and then he gets very dizzy
Captain Feathersword falling down
Wags licking the cake icing all over Captain Feathersword
"Oh, I’m sorry John the Cook.
"Dorothy, and you wonderful fairies."
Captain Feathersword is thinking
"Wags the Dog seems to have ruined your cake."
"That’s right, it’s all Wags’ fault. Wagsy did it."
"Okay, Captain, please explain the cream covering your friendly pirate face."
"Oh, that cream oh, Dorothy, you’re right. You’re right. Hunger got the better of me. Oh, it was such a yummy cake."
"And now, I’ve ruined it for Dorothy. Oh, John the Cook, you can make another one, can’t you."
"Oh no! 3 months were on the cake itself. Not for getting the climb in Japan."
"Up from Jiyama. Down from Jiyama.
"And up Hakama. Back down Hakama."
"Until eventually, I find the right red rose blooming on top mountain. Tateyama."
"Oh! Oh, 3 Japanese mountains climbed for 1 red rose 1 long plane ride."
They were pretending to be airplanes
"Lots and lots of baking, yummy yummy baking."
"And all for nothing. All... for.... nothing!"
John the Cook splat his cake on his face
John the Cook got his cake icing all over John’s face.
Wags the Dog is howling and crying
"Okay, now everybody, relax."
"Thank you, John the Cook, for all your hard work I really do appreciate that you climbed mountains to find the right rose that you baked most beautiful cream cake ever baked."
"But unfortunately, the little accident of the Captain has ruined the cake. It is very sad. But, a little shaking might cheer us all up!"
Dorothy introducing "The Shimmie Shake!"
"Oh, Dorothy was right, shaking did cheer us up."
Captain Feathersword is looking at the cake is ruined but then....
Captain Feathersword crying
"Oh, the Captain is still sad. Fairy Larissa, is there something we can do to brighten this situation."
"Well, Fairy Clare, you know what they say if things still wrong sing another song."
Fairy Clare suggesting to have a tea party
"If you can’t have a tea party. With a beautiful tea cupboard cake. Let’s have the next best thing, a pretend cake and tea party."
"Yes! Come on Captain & John the Cook. You both can be the teapot short & stout."
"Tip down me over pour me out."
"Clap Your Hands With Dorothy"
Captain Feathersword introducing "Fly Through The Sky"
Captain Feathersword and Able Seaman Sonny
Dorothy talking about finding the rose in Japan
Captain Feathersword introducing "Haru Ga Kita"
Captain Feathersword with cream on his face
The fairies introducing "Brown Dog in the Ring"
Captain Feathersword holding pirate hat
Wags wearing a pirate hat
Captain Feathersword holding a feathersword
Captain Feathersword introducing "Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo"
Captain Feathersword introducing "Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack)"
Captain Feathersword and John
"Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack)"
John introducing "We're All Friends"
The Wiggly Friends and John the Cook
Captain Feathersword showing a bowl of hot potatoes
"The Fairy Dance (Instrumental)"
Captain Feathersword in end credits
Fairy Clare in end credits
Fairy Larissa in end credits
John the Cook in end credits